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Messages - sharpshot

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So any new sites that could be worth a try?

Shame that wasn't the first reply, would of saved me some time :)

Canva / Re: Canva - did I miss something?
« on: July 16, 2019, 08:35 »
Annoying but not unexpected.  Unless contributors own a majority share in one of these sites, this will keep happening.

Canva / Re: Canva - did I miss something?
« on: July 03, 2019, 02:59 »
My Canva sales tanked for the first time this month.  Funny how every site seems to follow the same pattern.  Just when you think they're a reliable source of income, earnings fall off a cliff.  I've given up deleting my portfolio from sites.  I keep thinking I should start selling prints but haven't had the motivation, hopefully this will help.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Twenty20 tax update
« on: May 03, 2019, 01:30 »
At least they make it easy to delete an account :)

Cutcaster / Re: Sales on Cutcaster
« on: January 29, 2019, 09:41 »
I used to sell there buy nothing since November 2017.  I had forgotten about the site, so thanks for the reminder, as I had just over the $50 payout there.  I wonder how they keep going?

My mobile is better than some of the cameras I've used for microstock.  I prefer using a camera most of the time though, I'll only use my mobile if its the only camera I have on me.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Alamy "good news"!
« on: December 05, 2018, 05:29 »
James West looked like a different person in that video.  This ends my love of Alamy.  I wont upload more there, I'll look at other options.

General - Stock Video / Re: 360 VR videos experience
« on: July 20, 2018, 08:28 »
Have you tried asking this in the Pond5 forum?  You might get more response there.

Off Topic / Re: Trump in Putin's pocket
« on: July 20, 2018, 08:16 »
According to his doctor, he is taking statins. That crap messes you up. The brain uses 25% of the cholesterol your liver produces. Statins stop your liver from making cholesterol. Guess what happens to your brain...alzheimers. Guess what happens to your muscles and nerves. Pretty soon you cant walk.

This is not true.  There is a small but significant chance of very serious side effects - e.g., neuropathy of various kinds and liver damage - but the incidence is very low and those mainly appear in people who are not like Trump (female, small body size, drinking too much).  Statins actually may protect against Alzheimer's, although the data are not clear on that.  Trump's problems are very unlikely to be due to taking statins - to me it looks much more like the early symptoms of dementia.  Here is a list of early symptoms (https://www.healthline.com/health/dementia/early-warning-signs) - Trump exhibits all of them at various times, most people his age show none of them.  Trump's father had Alzheimer's and his poor diet and lack of exercise increases his risk.  Reagan clearly had symptoms of Alzheimer's by the beginning of his second term and possibly earlier, Trump is showing the same already.
I don't think that's true either.  My stepfather didn't have many problems until he started taking statins.  They were really bad for him.  He went from playing golf regularly, to struggling to walk short distances.  The doctor insisted it wasn't statins doing it but in the end, he stopped taking them and was much better after about a month.  He never did go back to golf and his mind went a few years later but that might be coincidence.  I've heard that lots of men have had similar problems with statins.  A change of diet is much better for you than experimenting with a drug that can do harm.

Off Topic / Re: Trump in Putin's pocket
« on: July 17, 2018, 13:25 »
Trump comes across as a complete idiot.  I'm sure there's several things mentally wrong with him but the fact that he couldn't walk up and down a few steps, without clinging on to Theresa May, makes me think he has a physical problem as well.  He also talks like he's on drugs, not the ones that make you happy.  I'm surprised he hasn't been impeached yet, surely can't be long now?

I can't hate them as much as istock because they still pay me much more than istock ever did.  What I hate more is the people that constantly complained about istock, while doing nothing about it.  Some people were probably complaining here while they were uploading.  Many of us stopped uploading, deleted images and eventually closed our accounts.  That was the only way to hurt istock and at least make the other sites give us a bit more respect.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Wemark hows it going
« on: July 01, 2018, 15:04 »
It still feels like the early days of the internet.  Lots of smart people working on something new but it might take a long time before the dream becomes reality.  There's also the risk that as they have the investment before making the platform, there might not be a huge incentive to get on with the work.  Steemit and NoLimitCoin work but they've been around much longer.  There aren't many new cryptocurrency projects that have something that's usable at the moment.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Wemark hows it going
« on: June 14, 2018, 01:55 »
I'm not buying the tokens.  If it's a success, we can make money selling our images there.  If it fails, I wont lose anything.  I'd be more interested if they had a good answer to the EU VAT problem, if the cryptocurrency market had bottomed out and if ICO's were more trustworthy.

I don't understand why there can't be a smart contract, so that funds are only released to ICO's when they achieve certain goals.  At the moment, it's too easy for them to promise a lot and deliver very little.

General Photography Discussion / Re: Wemark
« on: June 07, 2018, 15:08 »
I think this is more interesting.

General Photography Discussion / Re: Wemark
« on: June 06, 2018, 16:48 »
Photochain has a better name.  The whitepaper is interesting but we will end up paying for hosting and probably not getting as much marketing as the current sites.  I'm still not convinced that enough buyers are going to use this yet, maybe in a few years.  Here's the whitepaper  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C4UPA9-9o2cOLJOEYMIVwN_Fi3Ebtn2YcRua58hQ7_0/edit#

General Photography Discussion / Re: Wemark
« on: June 06, 2018, 16:16 »
Saw this interview, doesn't help much for me but thought I would share it.

I don't understand why.

if you have a 25mp photo, it is going to have a certain lifespan before people will no longer buy it due to poor resolution. a photo with 50mp should last longer in the market. although I do make a lot of money with 9mp photos.

in regards to the sensor, I notice an improvement from 1" to APS-C. surely a camera that is full frame or medium format must have an improved dynamic range that produces higher quality photos, which should mean less rejections on stock sites. in addition, I think Alamy is rejecting APS-C photos now.

I have tried contacting stock agencies to determine if they believe a better sensor is worth being and they never give me any information.
I still make money from my 4mp camera that I bought back in the early 2000's.  12mp is more than enough.  Alamy only reject if there's something technically wrong with the photo.  I doubt they will ever reject just because the sensor was APS-C.

In addition to everything everyone has already said, try to put money in a IRA, which also off-sets taxes...

I just googled IRA and the first page was 100% Irish Republican Army.
It confused me at first, the IRA isn't something most of us would want to give money to in the UK.  Another example of two nations divided by a common language :)

I say every contributor should combine and put this agency out of its misery otherwise a day will come when every agency will follow suit and none of us will make anything.
That's fallen on deaf ears for a decade now.  I'd like to know how bad they can get before enough contributors ditch them to put them out of their misery.  It's years since my camels back was broken :)

iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStockphoto has once again failed
« on: May 10, 2018, 15:24 »
There's such a simple solution.  Close your account with istock.  I've never regretted it.  If more of us did that, they would either have to get their act together or they would become about as popular with buyers as YayMicro is.  I struggle to have sympathy for people that have tolerated them for all these years.

I'm still enjoying using steemit.  It helps that I powered up, using money I made from other cryptocurrencies.  Looking at my latest post, here's what I made
Pending Payout    $ 3.450   ( ~ 0.335 SP, 1.311 SBD | 5.42 USD )
Transfer Amount    1.329 SBD

I spent 1.329 SBD on bots, to upvote my post.  That's currently worth $4.27.  I should get back $5.42, making a profit of $1.15.  It's not much but it only took about 2 minutes to post this https://steemit.com/photography/@sharpshot/big-ben-elizabeth-tower-westminster-palace-london-england-shallow-focus-photo-using-tilted-lens

Anyone else using steemit?

The answer to the VAT question https://t.me/wemark/5556

Q.  I'm a stock photographer, I was wondering how Wemark will deal with the EU VAT rules for selling digital goods? https://theaccountancycloud.co.uk/news/vat-rules-on-digital-service-businesses

A.  (Roy - Wemark) Hi Steve, thanks for your question. These rules have been around for a few years now and we are currently working with Delloite in order to understand and set up the appropriate infrastructure.

I wondering how all the blockchain sites will handle the EU-VAT. If there is no middleman i have to write an invoice and have to pay VAT for every single sale in the EU buyers country.

The administration cost will explode...
I've asked that question in the Wemark telegram group.  They're looking into it.  Will let you know what they say.

A lot of the banks are using this https://ripple.com/xrp/

It doesn't say which banks exactly and how much they use it. Do you have any link to press release from actual bank? Or it mentioned on any bank website?

BTW. This page is actually wordpress blog. This doesn't look very serious to me.

Certainly owners and creators of these sites and tokes can raise money on ICO's. But will they invest in marketing and development of good website? I higly doubt so.

It is all about speculation on coin and token prices.

Blockchain technology exits 9 years already. Show me at least one real successfull project using it.
A lot of the banks are using this https://ripple.com/xrp/

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