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Messages - sgcallaway1994

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51 / Re: Can't get out of DT quick enough
« on: June 06, 2009, 10:30 »
Or you could view this from the flip side, if your images are still on DT for six months at least you will be getting sales at DT, which isn't a total loss! ??

Achilles ~ Thanks for that information.  The "well covered subject" rejection can be confusing, especially for someone who takes many photos of the same subject.  For example, my portfolio is FULL of animals (esp dogs).  I can get a rejection one day for "well covered subject" and turn around the next day and have another photo of the same subject approved.  I pretty much decided on my own the "well covered subject" rejection just meant my picture wasn't good enough to compete against the numerous others already uploaded on DT. Which is totally fine to me, because I'd rather have a small portfolio with lots of sales than millions of images on-line and very few sales.  

Now, if you could just get the "Poor lighting" rejection to have just a bit more clarity to give some direction to member (ie: underexposed, overexposed, blown highlights, too dark, too light, direct flash etc.) it sure would help me improve my approval ratio....  ;D

53 / Re: I hate the DT new search engine !
« on: April 02, 2009, 22:52 »
Ok, its been nearly a month, no sale at DT, thinks are looking mighty bleak.  My current uploads are not being viewed much either, very sad days! :(  Just when I thought I was getting the hang of things!

54 / Re: Bigstock questions
« on: April 01, 2009, 10:02 »
Being someone who has only sold one file on BS, I've been extremeley frustrated with not being able to see, in an easily accessable place, my photo views!  Yes, I realize views don't = $$$  but still one is able to ascertain some useful information about keywording, type of shots which are popular, the way the search engine handles new images etc. 

I know I'm much more motivated when I can see if my images are being looked at or not.  Anyone else have the same feelings? ???

55 / Re: Bigstock questions
« on: March 31, 2009, 17:22 »

1. Click on the "Commissions" tab, then "Download/view stats".

Doesn't this process only work for those images you actually have Downloads for?  I haven't been able to get just "view stats" on all my images in this fashion.  Am I doing something incorrectly? ???

Never had one before, today my first one shows up!  ;D

57 / Re: New to Istock ~ Not having Much Success
« on: March 31, 2009, 09:11 »

to the OP - I hate to be too critical, so let me begin by saying the airdale shot with the red scarf is adorable.....but otherwise, generally really need to read about shooting stock and upload much betetr quality images than those in your initial portfolio if you expect to be successful on iStock. good luck.

I don't mind the constructive criticism at all.  I would rather have someone be honest with me, than not.  I'm confused though, with "much better quality images".  Do you mean the pictures have bad technique or the subject is not right for microstock?  Please expound on your meaning of "quality" so I can try and improve. 

Thanks! :)

58 / Re: I hate the DT new search engine !
« on: March 30, 2009, 21:33 »
Something very weird is happening at DT.  I'm new, my portfolio just hit above 125 images and I was beginning to see a some consistent downloads.  I WAS getting about 1 or 2 every few days, but now ~ NOTHING.  I haven't had a sale since March 9th! 

I'm not sure what it is, but its sure got me down  :(!

Vonkara ~ Thanks a bunch for taking the time to recommend a couple of photos to submit.  I don't recall how many they asked for, but I guess I'll know on or after April 4th.  Thanks for the inormation regarding the property releases houses.  I'll see what I can do about diversifiying, though I don't have a lot of options: 1.) I don't live in a really fancy home, 2.) my children are all grown up 3.) I don't have any grandchildren, yet.  and 4.) I don't have high class dishes or dishware to show off food images on. 

Hi Everyone,

I see this topic has been brought up before, but its been awhile.  I was just going to respond to an old post, but the post itself suggested starting a new topic.

Anyways.... I've been accepted to both SS and IS which I consider two of the more difficult agencies to get on with.  In addition, I have images up on BS, FT and DT(my largest portfolio).  One can find the links below.

I'd very much appreciate  ;D if someone could browse through my stuff and recommend some images I should upload for my second try at StockXpert.  I get to resubmit after April 4th.  I know this is probably a pain in the butt, but I really don't want to get rejected again and I'm just now sure what the heck they are looking for.


61 / Re: "Feed the Beast"
« on: March 30, 2009, 11:12 »
Wow!  Thanks so much everyone for all your insight and thoughtful responses.  I'm learning lots! ;D  I need to figure out how to add my portfolio info to my signature.  I'll see what I can find out. 

WarrenPrice  SS has been amazing to me, I started with DT where I've only built up to 123 images and then tried FT, BS and some other small sites.  I'd read how great SS was, but not to submit your original 10 images without first getting the "hang" of things with other agencies fist.  So, I waited an just recently started uploading there.  Currently, I think I only have 58 images uploaded, but shockingly (to me) I've had 86 downloads!   I usually get at least 1/day.  This out paces any of my other agencies so far!  I'd have to say, I don't think it honestly matters how many photos you start out with here.  I think if SS accepts them, most likely they are going to sell!

Best of luck to you!!!

62 / New to Istock ~ Not having Much Success
« on: March 30, 2009, 00:33 »
I've read that IStock is one of the top sites for sales in Microstock.  I've had great success as a newbie with Shutterstock.  I've just been uploading for 1.5 months and I have over 88 sales.  For me, this is a big deal.  I've been uploading to DT since Aug. and I've only seen 26 sales there.  I was really hoping Istock would be similiar to SS for me.  I've uploaded about 15 images so far and have only had 1 sale.  Do people think my portfolio is just too small to see sales, yet. 

I guess I was really spoiled by SS, I only had a 2 photos on-line there and already had 7 sales.  I was shocked.  I was sorta thinking IS would go that way too, but so far, not happening for me....

63 / Re: Deepmeta
« on: March 30, 2009, 00:29 »
I think it makes the entire upload process quicker and easier for me.  In addition, since I submit to other sites, its a nice way to keep track of what images you've had accepted or rejected there

64 / Re: Why DT is not working for me?
« on: March 30, 2009, 00:08 »
My sales are stagnant there too, last one was at the beginning of March, I'm depressed! :-[

65 / "Feed the Beast"
« on: March 29, 2009, 23:44 »
I have seen this phrase, "Feed the Beast" a lot in reference to Shutterstock.  What exactly does this mean?  I just was accepted to submit photographs to SS in the middle of last month.  I upload to many other microstock agencies, but have never had more sales than with SS.

In order for my sales to continue, does "Feed the Beast" mean I must continue to provide new images on a daily basis?  If uploads stop, do the sales continue or dry up?  In the short time I've been uploading, I've noticed whenever I upload my sales seem to creep up, but if I stop, then go right back down, somethimes even to ZERO...

I'd love if a vetran could shine a little light on this subject.  In addition, are there microstock sites which people feel do not need fresh images added on a regular basis to have sales?


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