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Messages - Oldhand

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Cutcaster / Re: Cutcaster FTP upload issue
« on: November 18, 2013, 18:30 »
Much appreciated!

Cutcaster / Re: Cutcaster FTP upload issue
« on: November 14, 2013, 14:37 »
Moot point. Worry no. Easy upload (normally) and friendly site - yes.

One of those site for me where the personal contribution of the owner in forums is something I remember. Won't pay for my holiday to see England get roundly beaten in Brazil in 2014, but might earn enough so I can drown my sorrows when we get beaten by the U.S.A on penalties.

Yaymicro / Re: Payout
« on: November 14, 2013, 14:33 »
They used to take a couple of days, but changed fairly recently. They went from one of the quickest payers to one of the slowest in my opinion.

Cutcaster / Re: Cutcaster FTP upload issue
« on: November 13, 2013, 16:48 »
Odd - I'll give it a couple of days to see if it resolves before contacting support...

Cutcaster / Cutcaster FTP upload issue
« on: November 12, 2013, 18:51 »
Hi there

I've been getting a "Disk full please upload later" message when trying to upload pics to Cutcaster via FTP (Ipswitch) for the last 2 days. Any one else get the same? Other sites are fine - just this one. If I recall, someone verified from Cutcaster tends to drop in here to answer any Cutcaster questions - John if my memory serves me well....

Cheers - Oldhand

Shutterstock.com / Re: Cant upload JPEGs
« on: October 30, 2013, 17:10 »

I got the same error message - some in a batch were fine - some weren't. I simply re-uploaded them and it was fine. They ranged from 3.5-4.5mb. I put it down to a glitch?

Only just happened about an hour ago...

I don't see why he should be allowed to soften the blow of turning exclusive at IS with keeping his portfolio up where is should not be. Live and let live, by I do find it very irritating....

General Stock Discussion / The Good, the Medium and Bad
« on: September 03, 2013, 16:16 »
Hiya - quick rant about the time it takes some sites to pay up when you've submitted for payment. I divide them into the following:

Good - Dreamstime - 2-4 days on the nail - brilliant!

Medium - Those with regular payment schedules - IS, SS, Veer, 123. I'll add in Canstock here, they are pretty quick off the mark. A nod to Most and Cutcaster as well - they seem to care about their turnaround.

Bad - BS and Fotolia - maybe it's just me - they are pretty slow and random IMO

Terrible - Yay - shame this one, they used to be on the ball. This changed a couple of months ago for the old fraud chestnut. Now they are starting to push way out.

Do other people have similar thoughts?

Oldhand - who really does like Yay for many reasons and wouldn't like them to slip too far down his list of reliable payers!!!

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock windfall?!!
« on: August 28, 2013, 17:39 »
I average $20 per day for the whole month - weekends very few $s - made up over the week. It is fairly consistent and very steadily growing. I'm on about $630 for the month so far, so by my very approximate target it has been a good month. By December I'd like to be $25 per day, or $750 a month.

I know there are monthly fluctuations etc, but as long as there is an upward trend that is fine. End of next year I'd like to be at $35 per month - i.e through the 1k barrier. We'll see - that depends on more factors than there are MSG members!

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock windfall?!!
« on: August 28, 2013, 17:07 »
Ditto - windfall might be a tad excessive, but four times what I'd usually see as well.

General Stock Discussion / Re: My images at masterfile.com
« on: August 13, 2013, 13:21 »
They have been going for a long time - used to be one the most well know agents in Canada - hard to get in to, no idea about sales. Now that's going back nearly 20 years! Here's some more up to date info..


"It also offers a collection of more than 1 million budget-priced images at www.crestock.com."

I'd take your camera in store and photograph the canvas for reference. Best to keep some evidence in case...

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Another BAD Deal from Getty / Istock
« on: July 29, 2013, 14:25 »
Mouse over the image tools and galleries tab: http://business.hibu.com/products/websites/basic/


Many bad deals!

Don't think Yuri qualifies - he is now an agency with staff photographers. Neither is he the top selling agency - hugely off the mark. The best probably keep a nice, low profile. That's why they are successful over a long period of time.

Good luck to anyone in business nowadays. What strikes me odd is someone with a portfolio of so few images having so much perceived influence.  Few? Yes relative to a lot of agencies and collections out there; hardly enough to exert the amount of leverage he does.

Something irritates about his manner at the moment, which is a shame because he can still be successful and treat fellow photographers and agencies who have helped him over recent years with respect.

Hi there - I don't know about retouching, but there's a couple of options for your keywords - Dreamstime do it and so do Picworkflow.

The company I work for has designers off-shore - on the whole they are very good, but it does make me laugh when a website for a nice cozy pub comes back with lots of youths drunk in an Ibiza nightclub-  there is always going to be a culture issue...

General Stock Discussion / Re: The Queen is coming, Advice?
« on: July 21, 2013, 17:51 »
Maybe a baby theme with the impending Royal Birth?



Couple more here - same idea...Getty and iStock  - build your own sites....

123RF / Re: Sighs of relief at 123 HQ
« on: July 20, 2013, 13:05 »
$186 May
$86 - June
$47 - so far in July

Swings and roundabouts - minimal effort to contribute so I let them get on with it.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: PP Sales Anxiety
« on: July 14, 2013, 04:32 »
It's feckin banjaxed as they say in the auld sod.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Question about image licenses
« on: July 04, 2013, 17:56 »
Thanks - virtually impossible to police then and open to abuse

General Stock Discussion / Question about image licenses
« on: July 04, 2013, 17:02 »
Hi all - I'm after a bit of informed feedback with this one.

Say an advertising agency makes a deal with a Microstock agency. The advertising agency creates an account and downloads let's say 1000 images. For this they pay a fee per image of say $20 each. That's $20 to the agency - who will pay the contributor the going commission rate.

The 1000 images are download by a design team and stored in an internal database. The team of designers now has unrestricted access to the images to use as many times as they want in any type of print ad or website.  Let's say they are a large advertising agency and have 10's of 1000's of clients. You get the drift - for the $20 fee they use the image 100's of times. There is no internal log by the advertising agency on usage.

Question: is there a license with any Micro agency you know which would allow this? I'd have though they would have to buy the rights per image outright - but maybe I'm wrong?


Long text is not a great plan. You dilute the content by having too much - when Goggle indexes the images / page, it will have a fit trying to determine what the page is about. Concise, accurate captions - good file names, promotion through social media, good web architecture, relevant links. I'm away to bed so can't get into too much of a discussion.

Good luck with it anyway - checkup on best practice for content.... Might save you some time captioning!

Shutterstock.com / Re: Some questions...
« on: June 24, 2013, 16:24 »
Maybe it is the tiling at the bottom. Some hotel pools have their names written with the tiles under the water.

In this case they just look random. If you cropped them out of the image I have a feeling it might get accepted. That's what I would do assuming there are no identifying marks on the ball.

45% non photography related day job (full time)
50% micro (full time hours worked on it)
5% macro (fit in what I can, when I can)

Used to be 100% macro 5 years ago. Should I give up the day job??? In this volatile world / market / business I'll hedge my bets for now....

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