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Messages - CrackerClips

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While we're on the topic of removing something, can someone point me to where I can find and change or remove these links that show up automatically on the image detail page?

Yeah, mines showing one less image than there actually is too.  I don't think that was the case until I upgraded to the latest version of the symbiostock image sitemap.

Been playing around with the new custom license function.  Pretty cool but I can't quite make it work for me yet. I'd like to be able to click on a radial button to make a selection then click on it again to unselect it rather than have to choose something else.  I don't think that's how radial buttons work in the programming world, however.  Maybe check boxes would be better? Check then uncheck if need be.

Also, I attached a custom license to a single image but now can't get rid of it except by creating another custom license to replace it.  I've deleted the original custom license entirely and used the batch editor to re-edit that one image but that doesn't get rid of it either.  So it seems once a custom license of any sort is attached to an image you can never make it go away?

As others have mentioned it would be cool to be able to edit a custom license once created.  It would also be great to be able to change the ordering of the custom licenses as the order their created in is the order they appear in on the image page.

I found there both, minipics and small previews (385x590 pixels).

I would need to retrieve some of the real images (in the actual uploaded size). Where are they stored?


The originals are  in a folder called "symbiostock_rf".

Sounds great, how long until the Mac version?

by the way, there already is a mac version (1.5.1)

what i am developing is version 2.0 for mac.. :) just in case it was not clear.

Okay, thanks! I'll check it out.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Backing up
« on: August 30, 2013, 13:33 »
Christine, I'm really sorry to hear that happened to you.

Since our discussion about best practices the other day I've looked for services to provide the proper backup for my site. 

I ended up choosing a company called Backup Machine (affiliate link, remove everything after .com if you'd rather). They offer three different price points: Free, $4.99 & $9.99 a month. Because of some additional databases and storage I have on my server I needed the additional space so I went for the $9.99 plan. I just had to provide a couple of pieces of info to access my server and that was it. So now I'm having my site backed up completely and automatically every night at a time of my choosing. The site should be able to be restored easily with just a button push. I just had my 1st full backup last night and today I definitely feel better about the all the work I'm putting into this security wise.

Works great as far as I can tell.  No problems in general or issues of slowing our site.

Congratulations!  Just think, this could have sold on getty as a premium access license at $1.25 to you.

LOL... too funny. At first reading I thought you were saying a bad move by not putting it on GI, of course until I got to the $1.25 part!!!

You know what's funny is that I was being overly generous.  I've had premium access licenses for far less than $1.25 :(
Great shot and congrats again!

YAHOOOOOO.... FIRST SYMBIO SALE!!!! Came on the same day I hit SS .33 level!!!
Purchased medium size for $24.99.
Funniest thing was I tried to get this to upload with a model release on GI, photographers choice where I have a couple of free slots. Never got it uploaded because I could not get the model release linked!!! Finally pulled it and put it up on my Symbio site 7/29. Feels better than almost ANY (thousands of dollars sales excluded of course!!) stock sale I've ever made through an agency as I keep 100%!!! Thanks LEO!!!!

Congratulations!  Just think, this could have sold on getty as a premium access license at $1.25 to you.

I think I'm falling in love with the new "Collections". It's a little additional work but I'm trusting it to become a very powerful sales feature.

Proudly presenting my very first collection:

Nice collection!  It would be great to be able to turn off the "similar images" function on the collections page.  Way too many of the same pictures on one page.

What about using a service like Back Up Machine (  Are there better services?

Good information but I'm a little confused about backups.  I've always done a database backup using the plugin WordPress Database Backup but I honestly don't know how to backup my entire site.  My host (godaddy) has always told me that they do a backup of the entire site every day but I know that may not be entirely reliable.  So how do I go about backing up the entire site?

Can anyone tell me where the symbiostock thumbnails and image previews are stored on my server?  I've found the folder "symbiostock_rf" which looks like it contains the original full size images.  Where are the thumbs and previews stored?

Ok, I woke up this morning to my first sale as well. I assume it came in from the global search because I created and uploaded it a week ago. I haven't done any site maps yet and as far as I know no one has linked to my site. Pretty amazing actually. Thank you Leo and everyone else. I am pretty sure this is a sale I wouldn't have gotten without the networking aspect of Symbio.

That's awesome!

Congratulations, nice shot!

I think an app would be a great way to increase the reach of the network and help get the word out about symbiostock!
I voted Yes.

I am just starting to put a site together. Would I be better off building a site and uploading images using the free package and then installing this upgrade, or would it be easy/easier/less duplication of effort to install this package and then start uploading my images?

The bulk edits and better search sound like big wins and as I haven't started uploading yet, my options are completely open :)

Either way would work just fine.  If it was me, I'd be inclined to upgrade to the premium version so everything could be set-up the best way for me the first time.  Might save a little work in the long run.  You may find you want to setup your site a bit differently once you have access to the additional features of the premium version at your disposal but you won't be causing yourself any real problems either way you decide to go.  Welcome aboard!

Sounds great, how long until the Mac version?

Symbiostock - SEO & Marketing / Re: Offering Free Images
« on: August 26, 2013, 16:57 »
Yeah, Paypal of course wants their piece.  After initial setup I did a few test downloads from our site on images that I had set to .10 each. Because the purchase price was less than paypals threshold they kept all of the money. No big deal for what I was doing but it made me laugh.

As far as offering a few free images, it gives you a way to advertise and rank for "free images".  I'm not sure if anyone doing a search for free images can be turned into a customer or not?  As you say, however, it might give potential paying customers a way to check out a couple of your images and increase their confidence in purchasing either now or at a later date.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Video Plugin
« on: August 25, 2013, 15:40 »
I don't know if this has been asked already. Is there a video plugin available for Symbiostock?

No, not yet, but I'm sure that someone will develop one at some point.

I'm looking forward to it :)

Symbiostock - Suggestions / Re: Paid Plugin Requests Here
« on: August 25, 2013, 12:59 »
Probably has been said before but...

Need more rights models, specifically RM.
Need to be able to change the default number of thumbnails visible to go along with the ability of the client to change the number of thumbnails visible.

+1 to the RM rights model

That's great, congrats!


Does anybody know a way to allow loggers-in to pick which account is being used? This seems like a problem that's going to affect us all if there's no way to change that.

Hi Martha....Just saw this.  It uses whichever FB account (if user has multiple accounts) that the user trying to log-in is signed into at the time.  If a user wants to log-in using a different account they first need to go to FB and log into the account they want then come back to log in to your site.



Resubmitting Sitemaps

When you make changes to your Sitemap, you can resubmit it using your Google Webmaster Tools account or an HTTP request.

Resubmit a Sitemap using Webmaster Tools

On the Webmaster Tools Home page, click the site you want.
Under Optimization, click Sitemaps.
Select the Sitemap(s) you want to resubmit, and then click the Resubmit Sitemap button.

Thanks for the link Ron! What I got out of reading the info was that you can/should resubmit the image sitemap after adding new images. Leo's image sitemap updates itself on your server only once every 24hrs so you'll have to wait after adding images for it to auto update itself. Then you can go into webmaster tools and resubmit the sitemap.  If you have Leo's plugin you can see your sitemap at  That way you can tell if your latest images are showing on the sitemap.

I noticed the yoast sitemap seems to resubmit itself to google without my doing anything but I have to manually resubmit  Leo's image sitemap.

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