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Messages - Perry

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501 / Re: Revised targets
« on: December 22, 2011, 17:53 »
LOL they moved my next target from 40,000 to 35,000 (-12,5%) but in the meantime my sales are down -50% from previous year.

502 / Re: Seriously?
« on: December 20, 2011, 10:51 »

General Photography Discussion / Re: Stand Your Ground
« on: December 19, 2011, 12:24 »
The most funny, absurd and sad thing is that the security guards and police seem to harass mostly photographers shooting with big cameras and tripods. If I was going to make some mischievous terror plans I'm sure I would not use big bulky cameras that attract attention: I would use point and shoots and pretend I'm shooting people.

504 / Re: Stockphotomedia closed ?
« on: December 18, 2011, 09:31 »

You said they were back online... no there is just a place holder page.  

I'm not lying, they WERE online when I checked, I even managed to log in. But now they are gone again...

505 / Re: Stockphotomedia closed ?
« on: December 15, 2011, 12:40 »
They are back online...

I don't really produce much in the way of similars, so it doesn't affect me.

When I do, I find that they'll take 'similars' if they're a portrait version; landscape version; plus a couple of very different angles.

Not really. They sometime don't take 'similars' at all, even if they are landscape/portrait, different angles or even different color backgrounds.

This DT behavior is very annoying. They should somehow understand the difference between excessive flooding of 'similars' and submittng a few different takes on a subject.
I'm almost 100% sure that if DT would accept all my similars, my (and their) sales would be up about 20-30%.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Is December usually a slow month?
« on: December 12, 2011, 07:46 »
Many are designed in december. If you really push it + have experienced graphic artist and a good, longtime partnership with the print shop you can get the whole thing done in 48 hours, from idea to delivering the printed product.

Yes. But for example if you are going to advertise something for christmas, it's not very wise to have the thing ready 23rd december, most of people have done their christmas shopping already. Of course things are a bit different (faster!) in the web world, but I still think I would have my christmas designs ready in november.

What baffles me is why stock sites advertise christmas images on the front page in december, they should have done that already in october/november. Halloween images should be on front page in september etc. etc.
Now would be the right time to sell winter images.

508 / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: December 08, 2011, 08:01 »
This slider gives the impression of a quality slider, the higher the price, the better quality, right. Well thousands of buyers didnt swallow that garbage and why?  simply because they couldnt see any differance in quality, thats why,  so they refused to get fooled. tisk, tisk.

That's just silly.  It's basically a "collection" slider. 

So you are admitting the price and quality are only weakly connected? Isn't that just annoying and silly from the buyer's perspective?

509 / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: December 08, 2011, 03:23 »
You don't sell luxury brands at a one-dollar-store, because it just doesn't work. You would feel poor and unwanted when you would be at the shelves that contain cheap products. It's much nicer to go to a one-dollar-store where you can afford anything you see.

Buyers don't like the slider and they don't like a site that rubs into their faces that they are too poor to buy the "good stuff". I'm using apostrophes here, because some of the expensive stuff is inferior to the cheap stuff, also that doesn't make any sense.

510 / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: December 07, 2011, 18:47 »
What happens at any other site if a buyer doesn't like or WANT to use a slider, drop down, filter or any other search feature?

Well, most of other sites doesn't have a price slider because it is not necessary because all the files cost the same. But it they encounter a site that is difficult to use, they go to the next one. But they won't be coming back to iStock.

Canon / Re: Canon 5D Mark III 3 - Rumor Page :)
« on: December 06, 2011, 10:28 »
^^^ I think it is highly unlikely that the MkIII, whenever it does arrive, will have extra MP. If Canon had developed such a sensor they would surely have offered it in a new 1Ds version first.

Not if the priority was "fast". Shooting/processing 30mp images would compromize the fps.

Off Topic / Re: The media can manipulate your perception
« on: December 04, 2011, 13:54 »

"Thomas, who says he prefers to be called black rather than African-American, adds that he believes the Confederate flag is a sign of Southern pride, and not racism. When I look at this flag, I don't see racism. I see respect, Southern pride,"

Hmm... what's next? German jews waving swastika flags because it's sign of "German pride"? :o

Off Topic / Re: The media can manipulate your perception
« on: December 03, 2011, 06:29 »
Yup, Reuters got caught doctoring the news in just such a fashion:

I wouldn't call cropping manipulation, even if it can change people's perception of the image.
Every single photograph is "cropped", whether in camera or in postproduction, there is always stuff outside the image borders that is left out and could possibly change the perception of the image.

Would the "knife" images in the link be more acceptable if the photographer had "cropped" them in the shooting stage?

Yes, we do get bones. When do we get meat?

Adobe Stock / Re: Just can't figure it out.Ya, the rejections.
« on: December 01, 2011, 07:36 »
<tough love>
The file has multiple problems, for example:

-It's not sharp. The focus may have been on the animal's eye, but it's still not sharp. Maybe it's a kit lens with largest aperture and/or too much noise filtering.
-White balance, the top of the head / forehead is yellow, the rest of the animal looks "cool". Was there a halogen spot or something?
-Flat lighting.
-Over exposure, there are patches of hair that are completely white.
-Cropping is just too tight, why is the jaw of the animal cropped?
-Property issues: If this is a zoo animal, the rules of the zoo may prohibit selling images of their animals as stock.

My advice: Don't try to fix this image, just shoot/submit something else.
</tough love>

1. IS - keeps falling. Depending on the partner earnings, this might be the first month when IS will be left behind SS, it all depends on the partner earnings. (SS beat IS in my first month in 2006, when I got the "new conributor boost", but I left that out of consideration)

2. SS - A Good month. BME for subscriptions. Total figure not quite BME because I didn't sell enough ELs.

3. DT - Best month of the year. Last time I earned this much was june 2009. I'm glad that DT seems to be climbing up.

4. Veer - Veer was my fourth best microstock earner, left FT behind for the first time.

5. FT - Ridiculous! I earned only about 30% of my BME (september 2010).

6. The rest. Good earners: Photodune, 123rf, Zoonar, Photocase.

A very good month at Alamy, a few nice ones (hundreds of dollars) sales.

I'm really happy that greedy crappy sites gets punished and the more fairer and nicer ones rise up.

517 / Re: Shutterstock Exclusivity
« on: November 30, 2011, 13:18 »
No, I don't want to put "all my eggs in one basket".

Exclusive images would be another thing to consider...

1. Throw a big party
2. Buy a new Mercedes
3. Have a vacation

(alternatively: 1. Throw away the whole redeemed credit thingy and set a new base royalty percentage at 21% (or more).  2. Make sure the bugs are fixed  3. Write a sincere letter to contributors.)

The sale happened 5 years ago, it is completely irrelevant today.

Sorry, but no it isn't.

We are aware that there is an issue with RC levels appearing to be reset.

We are aware that acceptance rates have been reset to zero.

We are aware that royalties are incorrectly using the base rate for everyone.

We are aware that last downloads keeps jumping back to a previous date.[/i][/b]

We should give them some sort of an awareness prize for their efforts.

Envato / Re: PhotoDune Non-ex Rate Increase from 25% to 33%
« on: November 23, 2011, 05:22 »

thats the max

I don't want to comment the pricing, but the sizes: I think the XXL size should be smaller. I see that it's the exact resolution of a Canon EOS 5D mk II camera. But the thing gets funny when the new top-of-the-line Canon 1D X arrives, it will be only 5 184 x 3 456. The most expensive Canon won't be enough for Photodune's XXL size...

522 / Re: iStock fails to recover ground
« on: November 22, 2011, 16:23 »
This is getting off-topic, but I just had to do the maths too...

SS earnings October 2011 (the last whole month):
Subscriptions 51%
On-Demand 29%
Extended licences 19%
Single & Other downloads 1%

From the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1974)

« on: November 19, 2011, 16:38 »
Remember: money isn't going to be what makes you all happy

525 / Re: iStock fails to recover ground
« on: November 18, 2011, 11:22 »
Oh, I should propably consider myself lucky, I'm down only 50% from my best month.  ::)

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