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Messages - sharpshot

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Adobe Stock / Re: Should I raise my EL prices?
« on: March 07, 2007, 08:20 »
Id there a way to change the EL price for all photos at fotolia?  It would take me a long time to do them all individualy.

I don't have a problem with StockXpert's rejections.  They have accepted more of my photos than IS and DT.  I have found DT to be the worst for rejecting images they have too many of.

Fotolia rejected my best selling photo from all other sites and also rejected a photo of a rare bird because they have too many of that subject.  I did a search and they have zero of that subject :)

Off Topic / Re: MUSIC!
« on: March 06, 2007, 08:42 »
Manic Street Preachers
Foo Fighters
Kaiser Chiefs
Amy Winehouse

General Stock Discussion / Re: Full Time or Part Time?
« on: March 04, 2007, 10:26 »
I think it is possible to have 3,000 dowloads a month with a portfolio of 500 with shutterstock. 

The best I manged was over 2,000 with 1,000 photos but I have no people photos and a lot of my photos are not ideal for stock.

You also need to factor in the EL's.  10 of those a month reduces those 3,000 downloads by 800.

6530 / Re: Istock troubled waters my opinion
« on: March 03, 2007, 03:48 »
istock is one of my favourite sites.  It took a while to work out what they want and to realise my illustrations were not up to standard. 

The first few months were slow but now they are my second biggest earner and I have some photos doing quite well there that don't sell as many on other sites.

The upload procedure doesn't bother me.  I would rather spend more time uploading files that sell than spend less time uploading files that don't sell.

The upload limit is a bit restrictive and I am not looking forward to losing uploads when I go on holidays.

I like being able to make lightboxes for collections of photos.  Not many sites have anything like that.

6531 / Re: Payments at StockXpert
« on: March 02, 2007, 05:15 »
I think they do the payments in batches.  My last payment was in less than 24 hours but some have taken a few days.

6532 / Re: BigStock Sales
« on: March 01, 2007, 02:52 »
When I first started uploading 7 months ago, I just uploaded about 20 photos to BigStock and left them.  They sold more of those than other sites I had tried, so I am now uploading the rest of my portfolio.  Hope to get a few payouts a month soon.

6533 / Re: Is StockXpert Down?
« on: March 01, 2007, 02:45 »
No problems from here, Cornwall, UK.

I uploaded yesterday and had an average level of sales.

6534 / Re: Shutterstock problems
« on: February 27, 2007, 03:06 »
My sales are down and last week was my worst for a while, despite lots of new uploads.  My sales are going up on the other sites.  I am sure I have lost sales, as sometimes I have sold a record number in the morning but hardly any in the afternoon.  It used to be fairly even throughout the day.

Can't complain too much, as they are still making more for me than any other sites.

6535 / Re: How is StockXpert doing for you?
« on: February 26, 2007, 12:44 »
I have 1,597 photos with them, so they are not that fussy :)

6536 / Re: DT Performance
« on: February 23, 2007, 11:06 »
So if you are good, does that mean that you are blowing wind?

That means something quite different in the UK ;D

6537 / Re: DT Performance
« on: February 23, 2007, 09:38 »
I agree with CJ, if you join and upload 1,000 great photos, it will take a while to get a good DPI.  That doesn't mean the photos are poor.

Those that have been there a long time could have inferior photos and a higher DPI.

It must me a lot harder to get a good DPI for those starting now, as there is a lot more competition.

They should get rid of the number or add a time factor.

6538 / Re: How is StockXpert doing for you?
« on: February 23, 2007, 06:56 »
I have more photos at stockxpert than fotolia or bigstock but that is only because it takes a lot less time to submit them.

I don't bother much with categories and I don't have to order keywords or think up 7 words for titles.  My sales with stockxpert are ahead of bigstock and fotolia and it will take a long time to upload the rest of my files to those sites.

6539 / Re: DT Performance
« on: February 23, 2007, 02:50 »
After 7 months, I have 135 photos with them.  I now sell about 1 a day and still haven't reached my first payout.  How bad is that ;D

I didn't upload to them for a while and had very few sales, as I was concentrating on other sites but my sales are starting to pick up.  I think it takes longer to get going with them than some other sites.  They reject more of my photos than any other site but that isn't a bad thing.

My portfolio doesn't have any people photos, so that might be one reason why my sales are low.

6540 / Re: Internal Server Errors
« on: February 22, 2007, 06:30 »
The site is getting slower and slower for me.  I just searched for one of my photos and it is not there.  I should have several photos with that search but none of them show.

My sales are down a lot the last two days.  I am sure there is something wrong and it is a shame we are not being told what is happening.

6541 / Re: What about Lucky Oliver?
« on: February 22, 2007, 03:50 »
I am not wasting time uploading until I see some signs of life.  At the moment, I am concerned that they will either run out of money or sell the site.  I don't think they should have taken so much time before trying to attract customers.  Their rivals now have a big advantage.  They also pay a very low percentage compared to other sites.  Why should I take a lower percentage from a site that spends less money on advertising?  It just doesn't make sense to me.

My sales fell at first but have bounced back now.

There is a thread here that started Feb 7, so they must have done this before then.

General Macrostock / Re: Getty and Jupiter Merging?
« on: February 21, 2007, 17:13 »
Why?  Are you suggesting that StockXpert actually SELL any images at the moment?

They sell mine.  Not as many as SS and IS but better than the other small sites.

General Macrostock / Re: Getty and Jupiter Merging?
« on: February 21, 2007, 13:24 »
I wonder if they would want two microstock sites if that happens?  Probably better for photographers if it doesn't go through.

6545 / Re: New rejection reasons
« on: February 18, 2007, 10:00 »
They are not rejecting any of my photos at the moment but my downloads have slowed down, perhaps because of this

6547 / Re: Corbis Entering Microstock
« on: February 15, 2007, 15:00 »
They mention a fresh microstock site, so I presume it wont be a takeover.  Will be good to have another big microstock site.  Hope they will have lots of reviewers :)

6548 / Re: Very, very sloooow
« on: February 15, 2007, 09:36 »
Are you uploading new photos to them?  My sales are good this month but I have been sending them new photos all the time.  My sales did slow down once when I took a break from uploading.

6549 / Re: How is StockXpert doing for you?
« on: February 12, 2007, 04:10 »
I have never had a problem with payments from them.  They sell lots of photos compared to some sites that are still going, so I don't think they will have financial problems for a long time.  They are now owned by Jupiter Images and I don't think they would have been interested if they were having financial problems.

Is there anything more to this than a few people complaining about slow payments?

Just checked and my last batch of 9 were all accepted.  The reviewers are great ;D

6550 / Re: How is StockXpert doing for you?
« on: February 11, 2007, 04:21 »
Stockxpert is still doing well for me.  A long way behind shutterstock and istock but one of the best of the other sites.

I like their high rejection rate.  It makes them stand out from some sites that are filling up with low quality images.  I am amazed what some of the sites will accept.  Must be a pain for the buyers going through all that junk to find something worth buying.

Stockxpert is the easiest site to upload to, apart from the sites that have no sales and they have fast and high quality reviews.  Several times, they have spotted errors that have not been noticed by other sites.

My sales did fall when I stopped uploading for a while.  I think they are like shutterstock, if you keep uploading, the downloads are good.

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