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Messages - Rage

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iStockPhoto.com / Re: PP Sales for Feb 2014 have started
« on: March 18, 2014, 05:49 »
Is it just me or has istock gone from a good month in feb to a disaster in march. Guess people are waiting fir the new subs model to kick in

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Yup, thats what I've started to feel too. Btw what software are you using for noise reduction?

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Yaymicro / Re: Yaymicro - worth getting on to?
« on: March 09, 2014, 12:18 »
And that is why i love this group. Thanks evenryone, i had almost registered thinking that i missed a good agency

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Well I got the invite code and joined in. Typical 500px layout, full of images and very neatly put. Couldn't find the contributor section of the prime site though. I guess it's only for the buyers and the contributions still happen at the 500px store?

Can someone help me out

As a relatively new contributor to microstock in general I'm confused

I've been reading threads of people abandoning fotolia due to multiple reasons

the lovely people at fotolia have rejected every single image I sent and listed everything and the kitchen sink as the reason

But the poll results show that fotolia is a top tier earner so should be worth getting into

should I even be trying to get into fotolia?

Yaymicro / Yaymicro - worth getting on to?
« on: March 07, 2014, 03:33 »
Hey everyone,

Was just looking at the MS poll results and it seems that YayMicro is the highest earner in the middle tier (even higher than 123RF which has just started giving me some money). So I headed over to the site and the first thing that greets me is unlimited downloads for a fixed price. That got me worried

So is this site worth getting on to?

Guess this is another i phone exclusive club for the moment. But it'll be fun to do once it comes for android

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Dreamstime.com / Re: How to improve sales at Dreamstime?
« on: February 24, 2014, 06:33 »
I think dreamstime takes quite a lot of time to get sales started. I joined in mid last year and have been uploading since then. I started to get sales only in jan 14.

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Loved the post, as a new submitter (started in the mid of 2014)  i can relate a lot to your post.

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Seems a little dicey though. What is a good ballpark price for an image? Can this be changed at a later date?

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When you join the MS world with hopes of fame and fortune and the vetrans there talk like they're all living like hobos, eating stale food and warming themselves by burning their dreams and aspirations. :P

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I guess the question is, what can be done about it now.

1. Are there any macro stock agencies that I can submit my work to. Getty picks from flickr, that's all I know

2. Would it make more sense for the elite micro stockers to move to macro stock and all (considering that even though they get a pittance per sale but there are a huge number of sales that give them a good value per image)

3. Should micro be served only by newbies, sort of like how you can get handicrafts made by the apprentices/students at prices that are way cheaper than what the masters sell them for. So it's a sort of proving ground, you work here selling dirt cheap till you learn the ropes and then move up

4. We'll need to remember that pricing will hit the demand too. Right now many bloggers, small website
owners etc easily buy images since it's barely a couple of bucks a pop. But do you think they'd do the same if the image cost $100? They'd probably resort to using the free alternatives from Google or worse pirating the images

And once more, if I feel that my images have a much higher value than what MS gives, where do I turn to? Getty (can I submit there?), FAA ( I need to pay them right?) or are there any that I am missing

Flickr / Re: Getty remitted my payment??
« on: January 18, 2014, 08:38 »

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Flickr / Re: Getty remitted my payment??
« on: December 23, 2013, 22:08 »
The amount is 75 bucks....  Not sure what their payment threshold is

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Flickr / Getty remitted my payment??
« on: December 23, 2013, 21:38 »
Hey everyone, just got a mail from getty. It says remittance advice and " Getty Images has sent you this notification.
> The following payment has been remitted:"

Does this mean they are sending me money or have they cancelled it? My paypal acc is still dry as a bone

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General Stock Discussion / Re: Do you use http://500px.com/
« on: December 09, 2013, 02:59 »
I can see that 500px is very actively pushing its hosted pics. But its mainly on bing and via some apps. But is there any data on what their sales have been like? Or what contributors are making there

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General Stock Discussion / Re: Do you use http://500px.com/
« on: December 08, 2013, 01:21 »
Would like to know this too... Since people have some amazing portfolios there and most are enabled in the store.

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Thanks everyone, will look forward to your advise in the race.

I agree on the earnings increase, people here discuss how they earned more in an El License sale than what my entire portfolio earned till date :)). Hope to get there soon

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Joined: January 2013
Download count: 9

Stuff that has worked for me
1. using deepmeta
2. filling in keywords in lightroom (no need to type out in all the sites)
3. Stockuploader ; still figuring it out, but looks promising
4. critiques at the shutter stock forums; ripped my pics apart, but gave some really brilliant advise

Newbie Discussion / Newbie challenge - race to 250 downloads
« on: December 03, 2013, 11:14 »
Hey everyone,

I'm a recent joinee to the crazy world of stock photography and am calling out to all other newbies out here (people who've been in the microstock world for less than a year) to take part in a race.

Just answer in this thread with when you joined (rough estimate) and how many downloads you have till date. Let's see who can add 250 downloads to their present number in the fastest time.

The race should give us all a boost of motivation and we can all share stuff we've learned. What's worked for us, what hasn't and how to proceed if you are not one of those already sitting on a 1000+ portfolio

Cheers to us all, let the race begin :)

Software - General / Re: Ftp uploading tool
« on: November 28, 2013, 21:42 »
Thanks everyone, I'll give both stockuplaoder and the ftp programs a shot. Will let you know how it goes

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Software - General / Ftp uploading tool
« on: November 28, 2013, 06:00 »
Hello everyone, just wanted your opinion on what FTP tool to use for uploading. I tend to upload the same set to all sites, so is there a software that will automatically and it to all the sites? i m currently on iStock, dreamstime, 123rf and canstock.

Since I'm mostly doing this as a hobby a freeware would be nice

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Site Related / Re: Is anyone else having issues with the forum?
« on: November 22, 2013, 12:49 »
Tapatalk is acting up. Haven't been able to check this forum dice yesterday

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Newbie Discussion / Re: Tracking sales on stock sites
« on: November 13, 2013, 21:16 »
I used microstock analytics, found it overall better and cheaper than stock performer

Thanks for suggesting this. Its free if your port is less than 500 images and its pretty detailed.

I also got a mobile app called stock sales that is free, wont give sales from a lot of stock sites but at least the big 4 are covered

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Newbie Discussion / Re: Tracking sales on stock sites
« on: November 12, 2013, 21:33 »
Nice list, i guess i'll plan on purchasing them once my first sales money starts rolling in :))

Are there no free alternatives to any of these?

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