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Messages - Injustice for all

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General Stock Discussion / Re: This month's sales
« on: Yesterday at 09:11 »
RPD Adobe:

2019: 0.64
2020: 0.71
2021: 0.95
2022: 0.87
2023: 1.00
2024: 0.99

the RPD is good,what I lack is the quantity,the number of sales is too low,the increase between one year and another is practically insignificant,only between 2022 and 2023 was there a significant increase.

even in these first 6 days of February I sold the same number as February 2024,two less sales to be exact.

real photos or AI makes no difference,it depends on what it is and how it is made.

one of the biggest problem in my opinion are the free sites,for example I read news every day and every day I see content downloaded for free from free sites,all lost customers.

and I'll also add something important in my opinion:

the content I made in 2024 sells.

my seventh bestseller is a content made at the beginning of December 2024,and among the first 100 bestsellers 20 are new contents.

therefore the new contents that I have created sell,only that these sales are not added to the old contents,and the number of sales always remains more or less the same.

This in my opinion is an important thing to highlight.

General Stock Discussion / Re: This month's sales
« on: Yesterday at 06:57 »
RPD Adobe:

2019: 0.64
2020: 0.71
2021: 0.95
2022: 0.87
2023: 1.00
2024: 0.99

the RPD is good,what I lack is the quantity,the number of sales is too low,the increase between one year and another is practically insignificant,only between 2022 and 2023 was there a significant increase.

even in these first 6 days of February I sold the same number as February 2024,two less sales to be exact.

real photos or AI makes no difference,it depends on what it is and how it is made.

one of the biggest problem in my opinion are the free sites,for example I read news every day and every day I see content downloaded for free from free sites,all lost customers.

General Stock Discussion / Re: This month's sales
« on: February 02, 2025, 07:17 »
@Cobalt congratulations on your results,50% more is very good for you.  :)

my 50% more is certainly not your 50% this is why even my 150% in November is a barely acceptable result,but still acceptable.

as far as I'm concerned,to hope to start having an acceptable income in 4 years from now I would have to make at least 100-150% every month this year,then next year at least 50-100% every month,then in 3 years from now even 20-50% more every month can start to be good and in 4 years from now even 10-20% more would be good.

as regards SS in January I earned only 12% of what I earned in January 2024,but I haven't uploaded anything since September 2023,but still 12% is still too low even without new uploads.

I agree with you,the microstock is not dead,but it has become much more difficult to have an acceptable income,and above all it is very difficult to have a good constant income,it may be fine for a few months,but then at least half year is barely acceptable or not even acceptable.

of course,it's easier for those who have started at least 10 years ago,then of course it also depends on what you do,the quantity and the quality,but speaking in general today microstock has certainly become much more difficult than 10 years ago or more.

many complain about Adobe,but the truth is that without Adobe then microstock would really have already ended.

... Adobe is a serious and reliable agency.

 ;D ;D ;D !!!  ;D ;D ;D !!!  ;D ;D ;D
Recording of this statement for later, when you will complain. For sure, it will come.

I confirm what I said,even if things aren't going very well for me lately.

for sure Adobe is the best agency of all,certainly better than IS or SS.

unfortunately today we live in a complex moment,full of uncertainties,it is certainly not 2015!

between sites that give away content,AI,increased competition and everything else,with Adobe you can still earn good money,as well as having many advantages such as contributor bonus and many other bonuses all year round.

the problem is not Adobe but the situation in microstock today.

so yes,I confirm what I said,in my opinion it is like this,and it will probably always be like this for me,even if I abandon the microstock in the future,I will certainly not change my opinion on Adobe because of this.

General Stock Discussion / Re: This month's sales
« on: February 01, 2025, 06:23 »
January 2025 compared to January 2024 was very bad.

since January 2024 a year has passed in which my portfolio has grown by around 40%,more than 2000 contents added,and in January 2025 I made one less sale and earned $1.41 more!

so January 2025 was perfectly the same as January 2024,a terrible result!

it is also fair to say that in November I earned 153% more and in December 52% more,compared to 2023.

For the moment I haven't returned to work yet,however I already have 112 contents approved this year,contents that I sent before January 20th,and I will probably try to have at least 500 contents approved this year,even for the contributor bonus,you never know what the minimum requirements will be next year.

since November things haven't recovered for me,and so I expect to go higher again in February,the point will be to see how high.

and "Bullet in the head" of RATM comes to my mind:"they say jump,you say how high?"  :D

so nothing,I'll go back to working very slowly and calmly,I'll upload these last 500 contents,but then if things don't improve that's enough,I certainly can't continue with these results!

Adobe Stock / Re: participating in missions
« on: February 01, 2025, 05:48 »
Do you have to caption your own work?
.... and they ask me to caption it. Those are the ones I make stuff up for - I think one I said was a clandestine drug deal.

it's not for training, as there's no way to verify the info entered .. i just randomly hit the keyboard to create, eg, " uhhio ouiuin ijin mi mmip "  and it's always accepted. obviously no one's going to read it

hahaha!  :D

Adobe Stock / Re: What's your weekly ranking and how many images?
« on: February 01, 2025, 05:46 »
:D no,I just checked my sales on Adobe after 10 days,I will publish the results shortly,I do it because I think it is interesting for Adobe to read how it is going for all of us,and obviously I think it is also interesting for all those who follow us.

and yes,I am obsessed with my sales on Adobe,because for me can make an important difference,for some/many this is just a hobby,for me it is not,the results on Adobe are of fundamental importance to me.
Don't know if Adobe cares about your numbers but let me wish you good luck with the numbers you found and that they are what you hoped for  ;)

thank you! good luck to you too!  :)


 :D no,I just checked my sales on Adobe after 10 days,I will publish the results shortly,I do it because I think it is interesting for Adobe to read how it is going for all of us,and obviously I think it is also interesting for all those who follow us.

I understand that what I was doing might seem like a complaint,but that's not the case,mine is simply a statement of the facts,which I think could be interesting for everyone to know.

my flaw,a flaw I've always had,and as a dear friend of mine once said,is that I tell always the truth,maybe too much!

according to my friend I should have lied to a girl I met who is much younger than me,I could have done it easily because I don't look my age,but I didn't do it,while my friend,smarter than me,lied all the time! hahaha!  :D
anyway it ended well for me anyway,this girl much younger than me,appreciated my sincerity.

this has always been my problem,I have always told the truth too much.

and yes,I am obsessed with my sales on Adobe,because for me can make an important difference,for some/many this is just a hobby,for me it is not,the results on Adobe are of fundamental importance to me.

You need to check every day and post your current weekly rank here, every day. If nothing changes just post the same meaningless nonsense over again with the time and day.
or I'll report you,if you don't like what I write don't read it!
Really? You would report someone who makes only a cynical remark on this 'look how my position is' topic?
You probably ran crying to the teacher when you were young and tell on children who were not overly nice to you.

I never reported anyone,even though I probably should have,because some people like you are really ignorant.

You are the last person who should talk,after what you told me,after I had done absolutely nothing,and despite what you told me,I didn't report you.

Unfortunately in this forum there are ignorant and presumptuous people like you,fortunately not all,there are also many intelligent and educated people,who write interesting things.

and this is the reason why I have stayed until now,because here there are also people with whom I can joke and have a civil conversation,about microstock or otherwise.

and now we're done?

what else do you want?a lollipop?  :D

my position on January 26th is....I don't know!I'll check again on January 31st!  :D
You need to check every day and post your current weekly rank here, every day. If nothing changes just post the same meaningless nonsense over again with the time and day.

I do as I want,and I act accordingly if I deem it appropriate in complete freedom,I can do whatever I want as long as I act in my free space,without insulting anyone.

then it remains to be seen which of us says more nonsense!

and that's enough,kindly don't bother me anymore with this nonsense or I'll report you,if you don't like what I write don't read it!

thanks,good luck to you too!  :)

Judging by how it's going for you,I'd say things are picking up a little.

I still don't know how the month ended,on January 21st the last time I checked it was terrible.

I think that in any case I will end the month with a similar result to last year in January,perhaps if all goes well a 10-30% increase in the number of sales,I don't know but this is what I expect.

for sure,if the result is negative compared to last January,I will be out of action for another week.

I'll know in 2 days!  :)

Adobe Stock / Re: participating in missions
« on: January 29, 2025, 06:31 »
ok, a few months have now passed and my first mission has been approved. But nothing else has happened yet. No open missions - how does that work? Aren't there always open missions or do you have to request them?

missions are assigned by Adobe,I believe also based on your location and portfolio,and are not always available.

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 27, 2025, 07:56 »
Trump also denies citizenship to children born in the US to immigrants,which goes against the US Constitution,I think he forgot that the USA exists because of immigrants.
Not from all immigrants, but only from illegal immigrants.

a child born in USA is American,according to the USA constitution.

it is illegal,and in my opinion Trump risks impeachment and subsequent removal from the presidency if he continues to rewrite the constitution as he pleases.

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 27, 2025, 07:47 »
I could say something...i will not say something...

As for Ukraine I cannot understand why someone from Ukraine would support Putins bootlicker.

I do hope it forces Europe to stick together more, Ukraine needs a lot more help and support.

it is already doing it,but the problem is that in Europe we have many different points of view.

However,Italians,Germans,French,Dutch and many other countries are on the same wavelength,and we know how important it is to make Russia and the world understand that war against a sovereign nation is an act that we are not willing to tolerate.

Trump is right about one thing in my opinion,we must invest more in the defense system,more in the military industry.

EU is still very controversial,there are many countries that do not use the euro even if they are in the EU,this in my opinion is wrong to begin with.

then there is Kosovo which has adopted the euro even though it is not yet an official part of the EU,and Spain which condemns the existence of Kosovo,while the majority of Europe approves.

The EU is still full of divergences and contradictions,but we can say that at least the beating heart of the EU is there.

I question why there isn't more support from Europe for supply of weapons. Maybe it's a geopolitical position where other European countries don't want to be seen as directly at war with Russia or they just don't have the finances and weapons to provide more support for Ukraine.

the answer is simple:"because they eat all the money!"   :D

the truth,in my opinion,is that many EU members do not have all this money available.

I'll give Poland as an example,who most of all needs Ukraine to push back the Russians,due to its geographical position,and the direct border with the Russian ally Belarus.

Poland,therefore,which should be among the nations most interested in helping Ukraine,has long since withdrawn economic aid and sent weapons,they simply cannot afford it.

not long ago Poland declared:"we gave everything we could to Ukraine"

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 27, 2025, 07:25 »

Trump is right about one thing in my opinion,we must invest more in the defense system,more in the military industry.

but trump wants to have the US ABANDON NATO and other treaties we have while appointing incompetent cabinet positions &getting rid of generals who disagree with him

true,Trump's policy is destructive for international relations that have been built with effort in the last century.

his policy focusing on the United States as if it were the master of the world is wrong,The United States is the most militarily powerful country in the world,but it cannot fight the world alone,he would do well to remember this.

Trump also denies citizenship to children born in the US to immigrants,which goes against the US Constitution,I think he forgot that the USA exists because of immigrants.

he is simply a criminal who pardoned himself and is surrounding himself with other criminals,and together they are carrying out criminal acts in broad daylight.

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 27, 2025, 06:57 »
I see that Trump's strategy of using international fears works,just to take a territory full of resources such as oil,gas,diamonds,uranium...

Trump is only interested in the resources that can be extracted in Greenland,if he really wanted,he could establish military bases in Greenland in agreement with Denmark since it has been a member of NATO for over 50 years,but no,he really wants control of the island,control of the resources,and also a strategic military base clearly.

Greenland and Canada are not for sale.
What is NATO? It is a cowardly military bloc, which includes countries such as Hungary, Slovakia (Orban, Fico). The Baltic countries are very afraid, because they know that if they are occupied by the Russians, NATO will not even have time to get together.
Only the US controls the security of democracy.
Greenland is an autonomy.
In short, if the US says that it needs Greenland and Canada, then it knows what it is talking about. A military geopolitical foothold is not a cheap pleasure.

Greenland is still part of Denmark,there will soon be a referendum to become an autonomous government,but it is still in transition,at the moment it doesn't even mint its own currency.

after the referendum the Greenland government will most likely become autonomous,and the Greenland minister has already supported what the Danish minister said,contrary to what Trump says that Greenland wants to be with the United States.

Who knows,maybe the new government will allow the construction of more strategic US military bases,at the moment there is only one for which the United States pays hundreds of millions of dollars a year to maintain.

if the Greenland government wins the referendum,which should take place by the end of this year,will most likely be interested in strengthening ties with the USA,but will not cede its independence,as Trump would like.

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 27, 2025, 06:42 »
furthermore,he accused Zelensky of having wanted this war,and that it should not have resisted against a militarily stronger country like Russia,and that he instead would have made this war end easily.
You've got something mixed up. I don't remember Trump saying that.
But even if he said something like that before the elections, there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is that he speaks as the President of the United States.

the news is from Fox News on January 23rd.

Trump met with Zelensky in Paris in December,and criticized Zelensky for resisting Russia at the start of the invasion instead of making a deal.

he said clearly: "not even Zelensky should have allowed this to happen.He is no angel."

and Trump then continued:"Zelensky decided to fight but he was going against a much larger entity and he shouldn't have done it."

then Trump recognized Ukraine's courage anyway and then said: "Zelensky has now had enough and is ready for peace".

Trump's only real interest is that the United States no longer spends money on this war,and he is willing to end this war even if it means reaching agreements that are unfavorable for Ukraine.

in my opinion Trump is not suitable to be president of the United States,because he is mainly a businessman and thinks too much like a businessman.

the desire to leave the WHO and the Paris climate pact are a further demonstration of this.

Trump is willing to turn the world into gruyere cheese if necessary,that is,full of holes,it is willing to drill even into the center of the earth if necessary to boost the economy,regardless of the environmental consequences.

I think Harris would have been a better choice.
This is purely your personal interpretation of what Trump actually said and what he thought. Trump uses general phrases, without specifics. They can be interpreted in any way.
I don't care at all what Trump says, I will judge him only by his real actions and real policies.

maybe we should create the Trump vocabulary!  :D  (of course I'm joking stoker2014)

you have your ideas,you agree with Trump's policies,I respect you the same,I don't agree,but you are free to have all the ideas you want,and support whoever you think is best.

my position on January 26th is....I don't know!I'll check again on January 31st!  :D

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 26, 2025, 08:01 »
I could say something...i will not say something...

As for Ukraine I cannot understand why someone from Ukraine would support Putins bootlicker.

I do hope it forces Europe to stick together more, Ukraine needs a lot more help and support.

it is already doing it,but the problem is that in Europe we have many different points of view.

However,Italians,Germans,French,Dutch and many other countries are on the same wavelength,and we know how important it is to make Russia and the world understand that war against a sovereign nation is an act that we are not willing to tolerate.

Trump is right about one thing in my opinion,we must invest more in the defense system,more in the military industry.

EU is still very controversial,there are many countries that do not use the euro even if they are in the EU,this in my opinion is wrong to begin with.

then there is Kosovo which has adopted the euro even though it is not yet an official part of the EU,and Spain which condemns the existence of Kosovo,while the majority of Europe approves.

The EU is still full of divergences and contradictions,but we can say that at least the beating heart of the EU is there.

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 26, 2025, 07:44 »
starting from Greenland,which belongs to Denmark and Trump has no right to make these statements and almost threaten Danish Prime Minister Frederiksen.

The Danish Prime Minister has reiterated several times that Greenland is not for sale but Trump perhaps believes he is the leader of the world and has insisted and even continues to threaten to take it by force.

Trump's actions are 100% correct. You just don't know that World War III has been going on for 10 years. They didn't tell you that on your local TV.
Russian orcs, together with the Chinese, will soon occupy the Arctic and Greenland too. This will create a serious threat to all of North America.
Maybe Trump's words are just a scare for the Russians now, but I think that Greenland should be annexed to the United States and a large number of military bases should be placed there.

The same goes for Canada. Canada doesn't have a proper army, Canada can't defend itself in case of war. That's why Canada should become the 51st state of the USA.

I see that Trump's strategy of using international fears works,just to take a territory full of resources such as oil,gas,diamonds,uranium...

Trump is only interested in the resources that can be extracted in Greenland,if he really wanted,he could establish military bases in Greenland in agreement with Denmark since it has been a member of NATO for over 50 years,but no,he really wants control of the island,control of the resources,and also a strategic military base clearly.

Greenland and Canada are not for sale.

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 26, 2025, 06:45 »
furthermore,he accused Zelensky of having wanted this war,and that it should not have resisted against a militarily stronger country like Russia,and that he instead would have made this war end easily.
You've got something mixed up. I don't remember Trump saying that.
But even if he said something like that before the elections, there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is that he speaks as the President of the United States.

the news is from Fox News on January 23rd.

Trump met with Zelensky in Paris in December,and criticized Zelensky for resisting Russia at the start of the invasion instead of making a deal.

he said clearly: "not even Zelensky should have allowed this to happen.He is no angel."

and Trump then continued:"Zelensky decided to fight but he was going against a much larger entity and he shouldn't have done it."

then Trump recognized Ukraine's courage anyway and then said: "Zelensky has now had enough and is ready for peace".

Trump's only real interest is that the United States no longer spends money on this war,and he is willing to end this war even if it means reaching agreements that are unfavorable for Ukraine.

in my opinion Trump is not suitable to be president of the United States,because he is mainly a businessman and thinks too much like a businessman.

the desire to leave the WHO and the Paris climate pact are a further demonstration of this.

Trump is willing to turn the world into gruyere cheese if necessary,that is,full of holes,it is willing to drill even into the center of the earth if necessary to boost the economy,regardless of the environmental consequences.

I think Harris would have been a better choice.

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 25, 2025, 06:10 »
in my opinion,Trump's attitude is dangerous,and in a certain sense it favors Putin's game,because he is rapidly disintegrating international political and diplomatic relations.

starting from Greenland,which belongs to Denmark and Trump has no right to make these statements and almost threaten Danish Prime Minister Frederiksen.

The Danish Prime Minister has reiterated several times that Greenland is not for sale but Trump perhaps believes he is the leader of the world and has insisted and even continues to threaten to take it by force.

furthermore,he accused Zelensky of having wanted this war,and that it should not have resisted against a militarily stronger country like Russia,and that he instead would have made this war end easily.

Trump is also creating tensions with Panama,Canada,Mexico....

the attitude of "master of the world" of Trump,is rapidly eroding diplomatic relations,which are fundamental in such an important historical moment,and is doing nothing but facilitating Putin's desire to see the Western world collapse.

Trump in my opinion,and I apologize for the frankness and simplicity,but in my opinion he is just another "hopeless inflated balloon" there are many in the world,but Trump is certainly the most dangerous at the moment!

I think he is totally stressed out trying to do stock as a full time income.

But this is not the right business for everyone. For many it is best to keep stock as a part time side hustle while the main business is something else.

Then grow stock slowly over 10 years.
One small tip about making it in this dying business. AI is not the way as a Western person. AI can be made by anyone wherever they're from. It's just prompting and curating. The people that can do that are in the millions and they have the resources and the time. Worse is that any income that is generated by it will exceed much more then we in the western world will value it. Your dollar is way less then a dollar for someone like say in India.
What they can't do however (generally speaking) is travel and make actual photos of those places they make with AI. Even though that actual photography is overly satuarated as well, it's still less competitive then the AI market.
The AI market is just a no go if you want to get ahead. You can't seriously think you will do a better job then the other millions of people that have time and resources on their hands. And when some in these countries have a little success with AI, it will ignite a whole bunch of newbies trying as well. Lost cause, stick with real photography.

not necessarily,this is a common mistake,thinking that everyone makes AI and therefore it is better to dedicate ourselves to real content.

depends on what.

I have AI content that has sold more in a month than old best-seller content in years,and AI content that I have never sold and will probably never sell.

those with production skills developed over time can seize the opportunity to create AI content that the mass of AI producers cannot do.

It depends on what kind of AI content you produce and what kind of real content you produce.

Producing quality,original,sellable AI content is more difficult than it might seem.

my best-selling AI content is content that required a week of work and a lot of patience.

in my opinion the best is Adobe because it's the best in the long run.

while with IS and SS the gains may seem more immediate,on Adobe it takes more time but is progressive.

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