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Messages - Jo Ann Snover

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Adobe Stock / Re: adobe submissions
« on: May 28, 2024, 18:54 »
I uploaded an image just now and had to do the pick images of cats and then describe an image. I last uploaded the day before yesterday and up till now the "verify" stuff only appeared after a long absence.

I was sorely tempted to write complete rubbish to describe the image, but don't want my account blocked for being a pain in the tush. This is absolutely trying to get some free labor out of contributors for AI training and it's disgraceful. Pay someone to do the work if you want it done; don't B-S contributors about it being necessary to establish their humanity.

If that shows up every time I upload I may just pause uploads for a bit until Adobe comes to its senses

Adobe Stock / Re: adobe submissions
« on: May 27, 2024, 16:05 »
There are a bunch of things it would be nice to have improved in the contributor interface to Adobe Stock - decent statistics, searching one's portfolio by keyword, etc. - but submissions work pretty smoothly for me.

I don't submit to Alamy any more, but they, like Adobe Stock, treated the first set of keywords as the most important. So for years now when I keyword (which I do in Photoshop, not on the Adobe site) I put them in order of importance. Thus it's no extra work at all.

As a contributor, keywords are a very close second behind the quality of your work in importance - rubbish keywords will leave you with rubbish sales most of the time. Think about what a buyer will likely find important in the image and write your keywords with that in mind.

Even with Deep Meta's assistance, iStock is a train wreck for submissions. Not to mention that they don't keep the controlled vocabulary up to date, so even if it was a good idea once, it's now too antique to matter.

Adobe's biggest keyword problem is that there is no policing of what contributors submit, so there's lots of spam

Some press on this topic:

"If that sounds like an extreme response to what arguably amounts to sloppy word choice, consider the context: Creatives of all stripes have been feeling threats that AI may pose to their livelihoodand have noticed that tech giants and startups alike seem all too eager to prioritize their own business motives. "

Adobe's stock is down today, in spite of their recent announcements about Adobe Express for Enterprise, probably because of Canva's announcement about enterprise offerings:

Of course reddit has comments all over the map

Seems to be no way to do this from the site without downloading the software. Will try later from the laptop

You don't need to download anything - Deep Meta 4 is all online. The blog posts about it might help

... BTW have been a fan of todayis20 to analyse my file data. But they've been having issues with showing the actual photo. What have you all been using?

Deep Meta 4's preview mode which has some very nice displays. You need to download the text file from Getty and upload that to Deep Meta's site.

6 / Re: Data Licensing
« on: May 13, 2024, 13:38 »
Shutterstock includes your content in it's data catalog but states it doesn't make it available. The theory is that if you changed your mind later and opted in, they could just turn it on. The problem is that if you don't want a file submitted for creative licensing but rejected to be retained by Shutterstock - perhaps you want to revise it an resubmit - you're stuck.

You can read more about the opt in/out here:

And read the paragraph titled "Data Catalog" here:

"For those opted out of data licensing, the Data Catalog will not be visible, however any content that is not acceptable for the creative Marketplace but is acceptable for data licensing will be marked as such in the Review tab. Shutterstock will retain these review results and this content can be published for data licensing in the event that the contributor elects to opt in to future data deals."

... one even being a photo sale of $26.40! Don't know if I've ever had a photo sale that high on Adobe before.

That's an extended license royalty - congrats. They don't happen often any more and are often discounted - your customer paid at full price :) $79.99 * 0.33 = $26.3967

Adobe Stock / Re: Custom License as low as $0.29 now?
« on: May 10, 2024, 07:56 »
I'd imagine prices will also fluctuate based on exchange rates clients/customers are paying. When I see a shift in those exchanges rates the $ I receive also changes. I don't think the changes are always discounts, although that does happen as well. The customers sub is set once a year @ what ever $ or whatever currency they pay in so as the exchange rate changes, it may mean the $ per image also shifts as the strength of the $ also shifts. Also, it could be to do with the volume. If a client doesn't make use of their full allocation 400 images instead of 500 then the split may vary. It's probably quite a complex but has a base to stop it dropping below minimum payment.

I only occasionally see one drop below $0.38 and see a lot of $1.03. Sometimes they drop to $0.99... ebb and flow, they change like the (economic) tide!

Based on what Mat Hayward has posted here about how these royalties are calculated, it has nothing to do with exchange rate fluctuations:

From the above:

"... every day, we generate an overall earnings pool equal to 33% of our total Adobe Stock CCE Pro revenue for the day. We then allocate these earnings to contributors based on the number of downloads."

When the unlimited subscriptions were first introduced, I explicitly asked about a floor - some minimum royalty - and Mat effectively acknowledged there wasn't one (outside of royalties in the "subscription" category; all these sales are in the "custom" category)

Copying someone else's work closely has always been a problem for stock images, and drawing the line on exactly how close is not OK is hard. Which doesn't mean that the agencies get to throw up their hands and allow anything.

Regardless of whether someone copied you - not pixel-for-pixel stealing but close - with genAI or other means is really beside the point. Inspiration is OK; virtual duplication isn't. Eons ago iStock took down some work where they found it was a unique studio shot almost perfectly duplicating someone else's work.

Looking at Adobe Stock's rules for genAI submissions: The section on artist's names - "May not contain artists' names whose work is still in copyright". Someone using one of your images to generate a prompt to replicate it isn't mentioning your name, just using your work as a template. What they were targeting was using "in the style of Andy Warhol" and the like.

In section 5, they say:

"Dont: Use an image, vector or video you dont have the rights to as a parameter for your generative AI prompts."

They don't say how someone who believes their work was used this way is supposed to get this dealt with, especially if it's not someone famous (a Banksy mural) but another hard-working stock contributor. It seems you were just told to shut up and cope. There needs to be some sort of enforcement mechanism or the rule is worthless.

On the other hand they're still letting through so much stuff that's mangled nonsense, perhaps they're just concerned about getting the collection size up and not paying attention to what's actually in it :(

Adobe Stock / Re: Custom License as low as $0.29 now?
« on: May 08, 2024, 12:29 »
Today I saw the first $0.30 custom royalty (the higher tier is $1.03 today) - I figured the parade of $0.40 royalties might get interrupted at some point :)

Yesterday there was one $3.30 subscription royalty, an increasingly rare bird. $0.38 subscriptions are still around, but that's the last remnant of a system where you earned higher royalties the more licenses you sold. It was also part of a system where the discounts for buyers came out of the agency's share alone. At the time the $0.38 royalty was set up, Shutterstock was the competition and that was their subscription royalty for the top tier earners.

The unlimited stock asset subscriptions have no minimum royalty for us - just 33% of whatever calculated price Adobe comes up with. Looking at the trend in the sub-$0.38 subscription royalties this year, my average was $0.368 in February, $0.353 in March, $0.333 in April and so far in May, $0.307

For the $1-$2 custom royalty tier, Feb $1.032, Mar $1.044, Apr $1.040 and May so far $1.021

Adobe Stock / Re: Custom License as low as $0.29 now?
« on: May 06, 2024, 17:51 »
Ive been watching todays sales and have seen a bunch of $0.40 custom royalties (plus the higher tier at $1.02).

Probably shouldnt complain - is anyone else seeing $0.40 custom royalties as well as $0.30?

Happy 6th anniversary.

I'll second the advice you heard earlier about scaling back on the love for Adobe Stock (or any of the agencies). In September I'll celebrate my 20th anniversary of contributing to microstock. I've been in love and had my (virtual) heart broken multiple times with multiple agencies.

None of the agencies, least of all Adobe Stock, have contributor's interests at heart. We are just a small part of their software subscription universe. At the moment, they're trying to convince investors that Adobe is an AI "winner"; investors were worried that subscription income will nosedive as a result of the rise of AI tools. It's been a rocky path for them (and the stock price is way down from the $638.25 peak earlier in the year).

This article from Friday seems to be on point - but perhaps read it tomorrow so you don't cloud your anniversary with not-very-positive views:

Envato / Re: Envato acquired by Shutterstock
« on: May 04, 2024, 14:49 »
"At this point they have no more contributor royalties to loot and had better hope one of these other bets pays off"
I wouldn't be so sure of that, royalties can always go lower and the minimum payout can go down to 5 cent or even 1 cent.

I should have phrased that better: Looting contributor royalties more won't give them enough money to fill in the drop in income from operations - the royalties are already so low.

I compared both FY 2023 to 2022 and also Q1 2024 to Q1 2023.

In the FY comparison, income from operations declined 27% over the prior year, to $68.4m. With 153m paid downloads, if they took another $0.05 from contributor royalties from each that would net them $7.65m which would result in $76.05m income from operations and a 19% decline from the previous year.

For Q1 2024 vs Q1 2023, income from operations declined 51% to $16.121m and with 35m paid downloads, taking another $0.05 gets them $1.75m to boost income from operations to $17.871 and only a 46% decline

If SS took $0.08 more from royalties they can improve that to declines of 14% and 42% - better but still not an increase in income.

Doesn't mean they wouldn't try additional royalty cuts if desperate, but there's no easy path to pleasing investors left given how low royalties are already and how much paid downloads have decreased.

Envato / Re: Envato acquired by Shutterstock
« on: May 04, 2024, 11:44 »
While I'm not disputing that their growth is definitely slowing, there's not really anything in this chart that gives the impression they are ''going bust''.

If you compare their Q1 2019 revenue from licensing content to Q1 2024 - i.e. 5 years ago, where you'd expect to see a lot of growth, especially considering all the companies they've acquired since then - they're essentially flat. $163.3m in 2019 versus $173.8m in 2024

Paid downloads 2019 were 47.2 million versus 35m in 2024. The size of the collection has grown (832m versus 275m). For number of subscribers I have a Q1 2020 number of 209m versus 499m in 2024

They've been trying to plug the growth hole with acquisitions and still end up flat. I noted all the frothy exuberance about the new DDS business in the earnings call; that and Envato are their latest efforts to get back to growth.

At this point they have no more contributor royalties to loot and had better hope one of these other bets pays off

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe has blocked my account
« on: May 03, 2024, 14:53 »
On the Discord server we have a rule that blocked accounts are not to be discussed. One of the reasons for this is because it instills too much fear in contributors who have nothing to fear. Another reason is that no-one can help you other than contacting Support using the link they have provided.

But apparently support cannot or doesn't help either. This contributor still has no idea why the account was blocked, and this is the first report here of not getting an answer.

As a long time contributor, what I find deeply distressing is the complete lack of responsiveness. Not talking about all the people who are "disappeared" smacks of scary dictatorships, not a place I'd like to be.

But I'm happy that milo22 has been let out of detention.

Envato / Re: Envato acquired by Shutterstock
« on: May 03, 2024, 14:39 »
I would guess DepositPhotos, as Dreamstime and 123rf are taking AI images and they don't want that.

DepositPhotos was acquired in 2021 by VistaPrint (a subsidiary of Cimpress). Even though their latest quarterly report wasn't great, the Vista section is the biggest part of the company and I can't imagine a sale would be cheap at this point.

In Shutterstock's earnings call yesterday they talked up the continued growth of their data licensing business. That was growing (big percentage but small actual cash) whereas the "Content" revenue was down 10%. To put that in context, the $20m growth in DDS (data licensing) was just about equal to the $20m decline in content revenue - but a 90% increase sounds so much more impressive when talking the business up to investors.

What Shutterstock needs is a huge amount of new (well keyworded) content to grow their data licensing business. I'd take a guess that Deposit Photos is largely an overlap with SS's existing collection and so of no real value to them.

I think they're way off base with their projections for growing the DDS business, largely because big as their library is, it is way too small for many/most of the training uses. From the earnings call:

"On the supply side, to match the demand we are seeing for data, we are focused on growing our base of contributors and the depth and breadth and size of our library. Our contributor base has increased by over 40% to 3.4 million in the past year alone, and our library growth is accelerating, growing 34% to almost 900 million assets in the last 12 months. We have never seen contributors in data grow this fast and we believe that the flywheel is spinning faster. "

Again from the earnings call, they see Envato as a feed into their DDS business as well as revenue from the $16.50 a month unlimited subscriptions:

"The acquisition adds an extremely talented contributor community who have brought a diverse library of 6 million videos, 1 million audio clips, 500,000 design templates, 300,000 3D models, 200,000 graphics and fonts, and 10 million images, all of which have tremendous potential value for both our creative content customers and our data customers."

One of the analyst questions was about a possible deal with Apple (who is still in the starting blocks with regard to AI) and whether that would increase the expected revenue from DDS: "And then on the DDS business, is $60 million still the right number to think about for Computer Vision? There were some rumors that an Apple deal was signed early in the quarter. ". SS wouldn't say anything specific about a deal with Apple.

Paul Hennessy replying to a question talks about Envato and the DDS business:

"On the Envato question, more content. I talked about the growth in content in our core business; more content, diversified content, specific content that we may not have is all great opportunities to grow our data business, and theres interest from data partners in wide varieties of content and as much as we can give them. So were seeing real change in that market where we are wondering if people would be demanding all product types and were actually seeing a level of insatiable desire for a diversity of content types with all sorts of levels of specificity increasing. So were bullish."

Another analyst asked about growth in the contributor base and library (separately from the Envato acquisition) and Hennessy produced this totally content free buzzword salad:

"And regarding the contributors, our content growth, the scale, organic and otherwise, what I can tell you is as our business evolves from purely serving the needs of advertisers and folks that would have more traditional use for our content, as we opened up the aperture to include accepting content for data, the market follows that trend. And so now were seeing demand and supply pouring in, relating to giving us content across content types and across content use cases. So we think that that flywheel spins very, very nicely for in our favor and is actually spinning faster because as we have more content, that theoretically helps our conversion rate because weve got more to offer our customers that are have more traditional use, that creates a broader opportunity for our data buyers."

So now you know! :)

Edited after the US stock market close to add that SSTK (Shutterstock) closed down over 6% at $39.22, pretty close to their 52-week low. I'm guessing the investment community isn't as excited as Mr. Hennessy.

The heady days of a stock price at $121 in October 2021 - courtesy of that "margin optimization" (aka pilfering contributor's royalties) seem to have been unsustainable. Couldn't happen to a more deserving company.

Envato / Re: Envato acquired by Shutterstock
« on: May 02, 2024, 10:33 »
I may have missed some (I did a google search for "shutterstock acquires") but here are Shutterstock's purchases over the years. They haven't acquired Envato yet (Q3 this year according to the press release). SS sold WebDAM Feb 16, 2018

Feb 1, 2024 - Shutterstock Acquires Backgrid Celebrity News Network

May 24, 2023 - Shutterstock acquires Giphy

May 11, 2022 Shutterstock Acquires Pond5 for $210 Million


Sep 10, 2021 Shutterstock Acquires PicMonkey

Jul 27, 2021  - Shutterstock acquires Pattern89, Datasine, and Shotzr

Jan 26, 2021 - Shutterstock acquires the 3D model company TurboSquid

Nov 11, 2020 - Shutterstock acquires AI-driven music platform Amper Music.

Jun 28, 2017 - Shutterstock acquires Flashstock Technology

Sep 6, 2016 - Shutterstock Acquires Iconic Imagery from The Kobal Collection and The Art Archive

Jan 15, 2015 - Shutterstock Acquires Rex Features And PremiumBeat,

Mar 3, 2014 - Shutterstock Acquires Digital Asset Management Service WebDAM

Sep 23, 2009 - Shutterstock Announces Acquisition of BigStockPhoto

Envato / Re: Envato acquired by Shutterstock
« on: May 02, 2024, 07:49 »
When you can't grow your core business, acquire another company :) SS announced their Q1 2024 earnings this morning and most of the numbers were lower than Q1 2023. The stock was higher (market hasn't oopened yet) I think because they beat analyst estimates, not so much because anything was really good.

Look at their presentation on why acquiring Envato is good for SS

If you look at the chart where they brag it will more than double subscriber numbers, they show it's currently 499k (end of Q1 2024). At the end of 2022 it was 586k. It's more like plugging the hole and trying to avoid further drops...

Look at the paid download numbers - down to 35m from 42.7m in Q1 2023, and subscriber revenue down from $90.6m to $83.9m

Somewhat gloomy headline on a Wall Street Journal (paywall) story today:

"The Last Stock Photographers Await Their Fate Under Generative AI
Digital photography ravaged the business of taking and licensing commercial photos. Some fear AI will kill it off entirely."

I think the real situation is more complex than the story suggests. But some quotes:

"The companies that broker stock imagery say doom-mongering is unfounded. Consumers are still proving hostile toward AI-generated images, and so are marketers looking to convey an air of authenticity, according to executives. Real photos of real things are still in demand, said Paul Hennessy, CEO of stock photography provider Shutterstock, on an earnings call in February. We are not seeing our customers at any level of scale with a desire to buy, purchase and utilize AI-generated images, Hennessy said."

"The biggest companies in stock photography take the same line. AI imagery sometimes looks uncanny or fake, and most consumers and customers want the real thing, they say. Stock companies AI models will also require a stream of fresh photos to remain up-to-date, especially when it comes to images of new technologies and current events, said Rebecca Swift, Getty Images global head of creative."

Ms Swift says "...AI is unlikely to diminish stock photographers pay any further because companies including Getty have to keep prices high enough to maintain their own operations"

What I think she meant to say is that when you pay $0.01 and $0.02 royalties as Getty/iStock currently does, you can't reduce it much more because it's already so close to zero!!

Adobe Stock / Re: Custom License as low as $0.29 now?
« on: May 01, 2024, 16:21 »
Today's custom royalty levels are both up and down - $1.01 (versus $1.03 yesterday), $0.31 and $0.39.

 It's hard to match these tiers up with past royalties, but I think what is now $0.39 was $0.42 back in Dec 2023

Adobe Stock / Re: Custom License as low as $0.29 now?
« on: April 30, 2024, 11:33 »
I thought it'd be interesting to see how much the Adobe Stock collection has grown over the last couple of years and although I don't have exact matches, I do have stats I kept for the collection from 26 Apr 2022, 24 Apr 2023 and 30 Apr 2024.

In general, if your port doesn't grow as fast as the collection does (all other things being equal with your port, which in practice it never is) your income will fall. The day isn't over yet, but for me, April 2024 looks roughly 4-5% down on 2023.

I first looked at the overall (all asset types) growth, but then decided to exclude video because removing the Pond5 collection during that time shrank Adobe Stock's video (it's now about 19.5 million compared to 24.5 million in April 2022)

The everything-but-video collection grew 14.7% 2022-3 and 31.5% 2023-24

In light of that - and the fact that my portfolio grew only slightly in the last year - earnings being 4-5% lower this April doesn't seem as bad as it did :)

I still think the unlimited stock assets subscriptions are a blight on contributors,  but Adobe apparently likes them as there are more different "custom" royalty groups each month

Adobe Stock / Re: Custom License as low as $0.29 now?
« on: April 29, 2024, 06:40 »
Today I see custom licenses at $0.31 and $1.03 - versus Fridays $0.32 and $1.06

As there is no minimum royalty, the more images are used in these packages, the less we receive

Adobe Stock / Re: Custom License as low as $0.29 now?
« on: April 26, 2024, 07:53 »
It keeps going down, $0.28 now...

That's not good; I am puzzled that I've seen lots more of the $0.32 custom royalties, but nothing lower. I did note that today's royalty rate on the higher end custom royalties was up to $1.06 (from $1.05 for the last few days). Not back to the $1.37 from January, but still nice to see something going up instead of down :)

Do you see any of the $1.06 custom royalties?

Mat Hayward had written that the royalty rates for the unlimited subscriptions were calculated daily based on total purchase volume - which I would have expected to be the same worldwide, but perhaps that's not the case. I'm in the US; are. you? (I know people had said this isn't a tax withholding issue).

Adobe Stock / Re: Custom License as low as $0.29 now?
« on: April 22, 2024, 10:23 »
I've been tracking royalty changes at Adobe Stock for a while - started because of the "unlimited" packages where there is no floor on our royalties; we get 33% of the customers' calculated price-equivalent.

This month I saw a $0.32 royalty for the first time - previous low was $0.33 and those had been rare (March 2024 there were just 3)

April has seen custom royalties all over the place (although I haven't seen any $0.29 cent ones yet) but some of that has been good news as the higher end of custom royalties has gone up from the $0.90-0.99 range to $1.00-1.05.

In March there were zero royalties in the $1-$2 range and 35% of my month's total was from the $0.90-$0.99 range (average $0.97)

In April so far, 28% of my total has been from the $1-$2 range (average $1.04) and there's still 20% of the month's total in the $0.90-0.99 (average $0.99)

Overall RPD for April is $0.74 versus $0.65 for March

I don't see any reason for long-term optimism about income from Adobe Stock - they will discount "assets" to keep their creative product subscriptions competitive and Canva is clearly gunning for that business too (purchasing Affinity's software is exhibit A). Contributors have no meaningful protection from aggressive discounting and we don't benefit from increased usage by unlimited customers.

However, at the moment there are still enough higher end custom royalties to make April decent.

I had missed this last month:

Freepik's AI collection is already much bigger than Adobe's (84.27m versus 60.8m this morning). I don't know how well it works in practice, but the idea is really appealing "... to allow users to upload a picture and instantly receive a unique and exclusive prompt. With this prompt, users can easily interact with the image and make changes." You find something that's close and use AI to get what you need - no need to figure out the basics of a good prompt as that's done for you.

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