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Messages - nazlisart
« on: March 04, 2022, 07:56 »
Check out this video, it'll explain everything:
Well, a balanced video published in Feb 18 2022 - before an autocratic superpower attack a sovereign nation, killing its children, destroying its infrastructure, forcing 1,000,000+ (and counting) citizens to become refugees, in an attempt to topple a democratic elected government to impose their will. Eventually, through the Democratic Process and the prosperity it brings, these extremist elements would fade away into a tiny picturesque minority amidst a wide range of political views as it's the case in every other Democracy. With Putin's invasion, this won't happen in Ukraine. Extremism, Nationalism and the resort to violence to resolve differences will loom over Europe and the World for years to come... we need to act NOW! A bully understands only one language - it is unfortunate, but this is the human nature - we need to crush him in any way possible before he drags us down to a dystopian future (and we are long overdue at that). This is not the time to stay impartial.
« on: March 03, 2022, 09:21 »
After a long time in this industry, I have concluded that individual words works much better than any kind of phrases.
This realization was made more by instinct and less by data - and let's admit it, NOBODY really knows how the different search engines work and, even if he did, NOBODY can optimize their keywording process to satisfy them all.
Personally, I rarely have phrases and my process follows the AS guidelines. I have the 3-5 most important keywords on top and I try to also include them in the Title and the Description.
Also, I'd like to add that something similar is going on with illustrations (I can't see how this applies to photography). Sales are much better when you upload a theme that has several variations as individual items instead of packing all the variations in one, even if there are very small differences* (like different colors or a simple rearrangement).
*Exception to that is Envato's Graphic River.
« on: February 22, 2022, 09:14 »
Thanks for your information and thoughts, nazlisart.
I do not only offer at AS. I am also at shutterstock, 123rf, istock, dreamstime, canstock and depositphotos.
But I still have one question: You write that your RPD is higher than with shutterstock. To which shutterstock level is this referring? Or, in other words: What is your RPD with Vectorstock? [/quote]
I'm at Level 4 at the moment and I expect to be at level 5 late at spring. I'm talking overall after SS restructure. Also note that the VS RPD is calculated from the beginning when I was at Level 1 (25%) - now I'm at Level 3 (35%) (FOR LIFE not for 6 months as it is in SS) My VS RPD=$0.56
IMO VS is a profitable addition to vector illustrators.
« on: February 21, 2022, 18:28 »
I'm an illustrator and I contribute predominantly vectors. I have ~1500 vectors in all agencies listed below. I make $25-50 every month in 123RF; it used to be $50-100 three years back, but after the "restructure" it dropped. It is also fair to say that due to other activities I haven't uploaded for about a year and a half, so I can't say what the numbers could be if I was consistent. I've started again this year, so I'll be able to be more accurate if you ask me in 2023. For 2021 here are the agencies I contributed in order of income: 1. SS 2. AS (looks like it will soon become #1) 3. iS 4. VectorStock 5. 123RF 6. DP 7. Alami (!) 8. Canstock 9. ENVATO (Graphic River) 10. DT, Big, Pond5 (I check them out every Christmas for a small end-of-the-year bonus)
Special mention needs to be made for ENVATO's Graphic River. They can be a major stream of income if you're good on what you are doing, BUT... Uploading the same set-up as the rest of the agencies won't cut it. It has different philosophy and different audience, and it needs a more labor-intensive approach in preparing and presenting your artwork. You have to give this special attention if you don't want to have 2/3 of your submission rejected as well as to have some success over there.
Recently I started uploading my portfolio in Vecteesy. I'm still in the process and I don't have any sales yet, but - It has more traffic than VectorStock and this is something that makes me optimistic for future gains.
I hope that was helpful. Cheers
May I ask what percentage of your total revenue you make at VectorStock?
I have never dealt with VectorStock before. But if it was worth it, I would take a closer look at the agency.
VectorStock is slow It starts with 25% per DL but in time it gets better I get 10% of my income from them. I recomend it - as long as you have patience
Thank you for your honest answer! 10% should be worth it. I will give them a try.
I have now taken a closer look at VectorStock and have decided not to upload there. I don't like the pricing structure for contributors. For subscription sales you only get $0.20. From that I have to deduct 3% for paypal. The result is 0.17, not even 45% of what I get at AS. For an extended license at VectorStock $7.50 to a maximum of $10.50. This does not meet my expectations.
I don't mean to slander, but I think you have very high expectations from the Microstock business... Circa 2012 such expectations started spiraling to a slow and painful death I'm afraid. ADOBE Stock is a beacon of decency and hope for contributors, but if you contribute only to them, you do not take full advantage of your stock portfolio.
« on: February 21, 2022, 18:23 »
« on: February 21, 2022, 17:52 »
@nazlisart, you are clearly a talented illustrator.
Why would you devalue your work by selling somewhere like Vecteezy? As someone who has been approached repeatedly by them, and even offered cash incentives to upload I dont understand why anyone who values their work would take the bait.
They are as bad, if not worse, than Freepik was at their worst point. Giving away loads of work for free for $5 per 1000 dls or sell your work to subscribers paying $9 per month for UNLIMITED downloads. Its madness. I cant really imagine a worse deal.
Also full of stolen stuff like this:
The owners are running a stock image site without even understanding how licensing works. They think they are covered as long as they sell this stuff as editorial, even though the uploader clearly doesnt have copyright of the images.
There couldnt be a worse deal/ site out there so very curious as to how they get anyone legit to sign up.
@Justanotherphotographer Dear friend you are right! I reread the pricing structure and I realized that someone could download my whole portfolio for just $14... They approached me sometime last year when I was not active. As part of my decision to came back I included them in my effort to renew and expand my activity. Thank you for bringing how bad they are in my attention! I just applied to withdraw the files I have uploaded so far... P.S. The 130 or so files that have already been uploaded will be deleted from their library IN ONE YEAR as per "contributor's agreement"... very sloppy job on my behalf I have to admit... @Wilm I disagree about VectorStock. Subscription are relatively low in relation to Credit purchases. My RPD in VS is greater than that of SS after commissions restructuring. They are not the best, but they are not the worst either. I have consistent sales there and would still recommend it.
« on: February 20, 2022, 14:47 »
I'm an illustrator and I contribute predominantly vectors. I have ~1500 vectors in all agencies listed below. I make $25-50 every month in 123RF; it used to be $50-100 three years back, but after the "restructure" it dropped. It is also fair to say that due to other activities I haven't uploaded for about a year and a half, so I can't say what the numbers could be if I was consistent. I've started again this year, so I'll be able to be more accurate if you ask me in 2023. For 2021 here are the agencies I contributed in order of income: 1. SS 2. AS (looks like it will soon become #1) 3. iS 4. VectorStock 5. 123RF 6. DP 7. Alami (!) 8. Canstock 9. ENVATO (Graphic River) 10. DT, Big, Pond5 (I check them out every Christmas for a small end-of-the-year bonus)
Special mention needs to be made for ENVATO's Graphic River. They can be a major stream of income if you're good on what you are doing, BUT... Uploading the same set-up as the rest of the agencies won't cut it. It has different philosophy and different audience, and it needs a more labor-intensive approach in preparing and presenting your artwork. You have to give this special attention if you don't want to have 2/3 of your submission rejected as well as to have some success over there.
Recently I started uploading my portfolio in Vecteesy. I'm still in the process and I don't have any sales yet, but - It has more traffic than VectorStock and this is something that makes me optimistic for future gains.
I hope that was helpful. Cheers
May I ask what percentage of your total revenue you make at VectorStock?
I have never dealt with VectorStock before. But if it was worth it, I would take a closer look at the agency.
VectorStock is slow It starts with 25% per DL but in time it gets better I get 10% of my income from them. I recomend it - as long as you have patience
« on: February 20, 2022, 13:13 »
I'm an illustrator and I contribute predominantly vectors. I have ~1500 vectors in all agencies listed below. I make $25-50 every month in 123RF; it used to be $50-100 three years back, but after the "restructure" it dropped. It is also fair to say that due to other activities I haven't uploaded for about a year and a half, so I can't say what the numbers could be if I was consistent. I've started again this year, so I'll be able to be more accurate if you ask me in 2023. For 2021 here are the agencies I contributed in order of income: 1. SS 2. AS (looks like it will soon become #1) 3. iS 4. VectorStock 5. 123RF 6. DP 7. Alami (!) 8. Canstock 9. ENVATO (Graphic River) 10. DT, Big, Pond5 (I check them out every Christmas for a small end-of-the-year bonus)
Special mention needs to be made for ENVATO's Graphic River. They can be a major stream of income if you're good on what you are doing, BUT... Uploading the same set-up as the rest of the agencies won't cut it. It has different philosophy and different audience, and it needs a more labor-intensive approach in preparing and presenting your artwork. You have to give this special attention if you don't want to have 2/3 of your submission rejected as well as to have some success over there.
Recently I started uploading my portfolio in Vecteesy. I'm still in the process and I don't have any sales yet, but - It has more traffic than VectorStock and this is something that makes me optimistic for future gains.
I hope that was helpful. Cheers
« on: November 25, 2020, 06:16 »
Most probably they are some kind of a legal/accountant agency of sorts trying to unload an asset of someone who has died or wants to liquidate. What I'm trying to say is that they don't know sh*t about how the industry works and use this legal/financial lingo, tactics and approaches.
Well... Good luck with that...
« on: November 25, 2020, 06:03 »
Back to the person with the auction here. Past performance will not indicate future sales and income, times have changed. Hopefully if they are working for an estate or someone getting out of the business or whatever and legitimate, one of the agencies should be the likely buyer, not one of us. Agencies can invest and look forward to 100% of the returns, for themselves, as there's no commission. Agencies have the financial depth to buy something like this. I'd say that the majority of people on the forum, can't afford what this will be sold for, if it's legitimate.
Plus Agencies can confirm the revenue and already have the source files.
« on: September 09, 2018, 06:23 »
Over 2 weeks now... I guess with the flood of new vectors it will take another 2 weeks for approval ... We've already lost the Halloween period - soon the Christmas will be wasted too...
« on: August 30, 2018, 03:12 »
Does anybody know when it will be up again???
« on: August 29, 2018, 10:13 »
It works!!! Thanks
« on: August 29, 2018, 09:58 »
I can log-in I just can't access the Contributors Dushboard
« on: August 29, 2018, 09:49 »
... since this morning. Is it me only???
« on: July 20, 2018, 14:38 »
Im on the bridge. they do it for me. BS , back in the day was a really cool Little site with Very good sales and the commission was 50 Cents a DL. then , My good friends The owners Tim and Dawn were the best of the best people out there. and the day after SS bought them Out. downhill from that day forward to nothingness. why they did that. I don't know. Tim and Dawn ran all the way to the bank,LOL. Good for them. It's a $100 a Month site Now. But since I do nothing. It's worth it.
$100 per month on BS!!! I want to be friends with Tim and Dawn too
« on: July 20, 2018, 13:48 »
BS is BS so don't waste your time there...
« on: July 08, 2018, 19:20 »
Good Luck...
« on: July 01, 2018, 15:59 »
To me iStock is almost as good as SS. I'd add Vectorstock - slow but steady, Canstock - has some hefty surprises, Alamy - rarer but heftier and of course Graphic River that depending on your work can surpass everything else...
« on: June 29, 2018, 00:53 »
You just gotta try those that you see on the Microstock Poll tab to the right, see what works for you. Nothing is particularly different from photos. As for "shadiness", again, there isn't a site which haven't been complained about. Trial and error is the best way to go, thanks to massive uploads that can be done easily through all sorts of 3rd party software.
I agree in the most part. Definitely upload in Top and Mid Tiers. All but Pond 5 generate stead income (it could be $5/month but it is fairly steady and potentially increasing if you upload regularly). From Low Earners choose Canstock, Vectorstock and Envato's Graphic River. You may try the rest but I consider them a waste o time... I also suggest you support GL since they are the only fair-trade agency out there but don't expect any sales any time soon...
« on: June 29, 2018, 00:42 »
I have fair sales of vectors on Deposit Photos. The problem I think with Canstock, is that, no matter how nice a jpg preview you include, they generate their own preview, and do it wrong. So the vectors don't look good. I only offer the jpgs on Canstock now.
This was a great problem when Vectorstock updated their previews to a higher resolution. Now I have a bunch of vectors that look like crap... If you want the preview to be without any surprises in sites that just take EPSs, or potentially regenerate their preview (which could be anyone) I have 2 tips for you: 1) Work your vectors in sRGB (you wont have any hustle from any site about the color mode) 2) Always have a white filled Background layer (no outline) in your Artboard dimensions EPS to JPEG prices on Canstock have a huge difference so I suggest you convert all your EPSs in RGB and reupload.
« on: August 17, 2017, 13:05 »
I had one sale recently after almost half a year...
With that said I will continue to support GL (I upload to GL equal amount and with the same frequency as to SS and other "Big" agencies) because of their philosophy and ethics.
I know many share my feelings and I wish for the new administration to take advantage of this and include in their development, tools for contributors to co-promote the site and share our portfolio there (affiliates, API, social media optimization etc.)
« on: August 15, 2017, 15:30 »
They start with images (photos & vectors) at September as they e-mailed me. I applied to get in to GS but I got rejected "for the time being"... Tough Luck
« on: August 14, 2017, 14:05 »
It is a big - 1 to 2 weeks off - holiday in Greece also but who gives a f***... US is the thing, right?
« on: August 13, 2017, 13:08 »
I am not saying that this is the case but I would bet not trust that until you have the money in your bank.
...In your pocket, not in the bank!!! here we don't even trust the banks holding our money!!!
Microstock Poll Results