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Messages - Uncle Pete

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Adobe Stock / Re: Adobestock Review Time
« on: September 09, 2024, 11:21 »
Deletion of uploaded files is treated same as file rejection and effects on your stats and sales.

If that is the case with deleting stuck files, then the effect would be negated when re-uploading them back into the queue?

Of course NOT.
if you upload 1000 images your upload counter will state that you have 1000 uploads.
And if you delete 100 and  then upload those 100 again, your counter will state that you have 1100 uploads and 100 deleted / rejected images.
It is a basic math.

I don't necessarily want to say that your statement is not true. But I find it somehow illogical.
Do you have a link where I can read your information?
I'm not even sure whether rejected images affect the ranking. My personal experience in this regard is different.

I'm having difficulty finding my acceptance ratio. Is that listed for my account? If the idea that uploads vs accepted, totally ignored uploads that were deleted, maybe?

As far as what Adobe has told us in the two webinars and other places, images are ranked by their activity during the images first 30 days. No where does anything tell us that accounts or artists are ranked.

Position is flexible and always changing, relative to everyone else's position. It's not rank or fixed. It's a floating position. If I get a sudden burst of DLs, I'll move up. If I have a dead period, I'll go down, as long as others had more DLs during the same week. There's nothing to say that uploads and accepted or total numbers have anything to do with position.

Why would using a card reader be better than connecting directly to the pc? The reader in the pc is exactly the same as an external card reader?

I think they meant connecting the camera to the PC to transfer files.

 :D ok that makes sense. But i really hardly know anyone who still does this!
I transfer images from the card to the PC & the cloud such as one drive & google drive but when my SD card was full & had to reformat it, it turned out that some of my photos were not backed up that I needed so I was able to DL some for free from my Depositphotos port. I DL'd some photos I have on 500px & even Gurushots by sharing them on pinterest & downloading them that way with no watermarks. although they didn't always save to the original 16MP photo size

Some free tools will recovery your images. Some are free to scan and don't recover until you pay, which is a waste of time. Recova is old and free. I have iTop recovery tools on my desktop. Even after format if you haven't used the card, many time, most of your files will still be there. Full size as original. Sandisk cards used to come with free recovery software. Just buy a card and the code for a year of use, is included.

But do it now and don't use the card. I mean, even a formatted card, will still have many images, unless you did deep level formatting instead of the fast.

Thank you, I used Recova & was able to recover lost photos including of my cat who sadly died a few months back

Wow, good news. It's such an outside and distant possibility, because there are so many ways, the images could have been gone forever. NICE!  :)

I just had a TF card go bad. Nothing on it that I know of, but I never had that happen before. It was something wrong when I put two cards in the reader, by accident, a TF and a SD. I didn't notice the TF was stuck in there. It doesn't read or open on anything. I tried different readers and, just dead, nothing. Finally I decided I had wasted enough time, and flipped it into the waste basket.

Adobe Stock / Re: What's your weekly ranking and how many images?
« on: September 08, 2024, 15:01 »
agree,more words are not more sales.

I hardly reach 49 words,but rather I do in-depth research on the topicI'm dealing with and try to find the most suitable words,usually it takes me about 2-3 hours to index 20 contents,I don't like automating these processes,
sometimes maybe I can even index 20 contents in 1 hour,of course it depends on what I'm doing.

this is certainly in my opinion one of the advantages of working with a single agency,have more time to do this and many other things.

Another good point you are making. I'm guilty and lazy, so I go to SS, upload the file, copy the keywords I added first and the suggestions. Which means, I'm just a parrot using the same keywords and the words I typed into the search and the same words as everyone else, who probably copied from the same SS search. If I'm being realistic, how would I expect to stand out, when all I have is more of the same?

Then those words are in the metadata and the same words go to anyplace else.

But I still won't say that more words that people are unlikely to use, add anything. The Adobe version of that is the best answer. What words would you use to describe this image? and then, if you were searching for this image, what words would you use to find it? That simple.

We're also in agreement, that more isn't better, just because there are more. Quality keywords that are related and suitable, is the best way.

One more time, to explain myself, Cobalt is correct, new images do get a boost, pretty much everywhere. And there are buyers who search for recent. I also agree that most popular is not a good search choice, for a buyer who thinks, or wants the best image for their needs. Popular isn't relevant.

I can't describe images that aren't new as being invisible, or that if you don't upload new, week after week, that you are invisible. Just possible, a little less likely for your older images to be seen, by someone searching for newest. If someone uses a good search to search for the best matching images, that's the most important connection for a buyer or seller. The image rank is established in the first 30 days.

The new boost, making for page one or two, only lasts until a newer number of images, have been uploaded, to move ours to page three or lower. For a popular subject, that's days, for a niche, that could be months.

Position or "rank" as some call it, is meaningless, as only we can see that and Adobe ranks images, not artists, from what we have been told. Recent Best Sellers, shouldn't help or harm anyone. Both of these are meaningless, except for bragging rights.

"Recent top sellers are determined each week using the following process:

    For each asset type we generate a list of 200 contributors who made the most sales in the previous week, only considering their uploads from the past six months. Then, we order the list based on each contributors uploads/sales ratio, and the top 10 contributors on this list are featured as Recent top sellers.

    Contributors are eligible to be featured at most once every five weeks. This selection process is subject to change in the future."

Most sales in the last week, of the images from the past 182 days, upload to sale ratio. You won't see me there, and I won't either, because I don't look.

My sales are up on Adobe, because of the kind of images and what I add. I don't know if time matters or adding new images, or what I add. I only see that income is up, for mostly the same images with under 100 new each year.

4 / Re: Shutterstock is an embarassment
« on: September 08, 2024, 13:29 »
My SS earnings used to be 15x higher than now, and they just keep nosediving from month to month. Once a good earner, now abomination. Seems like it will join mid-tier agencies soon. Inexcusable.

During this same time, my Adobe Stock earnings has been growing, and Istock has been consistent.

I'm considering to start treating SS like the other mid-tier agencies and completely stop uploading there.

After 15 pages, I just wanted to agree with the OP "Shutterstock is an embarassment"

Adobe Stock / Re: What's your weekly ranking and how many images?
« on: September 08, 2024, 13:23 »
Just to hopefully debunk some of the theories I see here  :D: I never offered free images and since 2020 I upload around 20 files per year and I'm still regularly below rank 4000 with less than 1k files.

Proof of the theory that if someone produces good content that buyers need, (and I mean you) they will get more sales, than people who just upload, because they think new is giving them some extra advantage, beyond the buyers who search for fresh content. The number of images may offer some advantage, but that's not an answer, it's just a minor plus.

I do agree that fresh content might get more views, just because it's new, but after that, the images must also be useful and what the buyer needs.

My position (because there is NO RANK), is fairly steady. I do offer free images, I do upload new, but I'd say, I don't add anything outstanding or in demand for current demands. No AI either. I do upload unusual subjects and I consider Plop and Shoot the best way to grab new material. Many of my better earning new photos, are just being in the right place and seeing something, and having a good camera.

Now someone needs to add that if you have 49 keywords, you'll get more sales, than people with only 24 keywords? Why? Oh yes, maybe, just maybe, someone might use one of those distant, or archaic terms, to find an image. But that's unlikely, because of logic. What words best describe an image or what someone is looking for? The best and most related words, not obscure words. Yet people keep believing some old theory or better named mythology, that more words = more sales.

Adobe Stock / Re: What's your weekly ranking and how many images?
« on: September 07, 2024, 11:23 »

Or did you perhaps not upload for a long time? Not uploading regularly makes your port invisible to customers.

If you want regular sales, you must upload regularly, ideally every week, minimum every month.

Really? It's that easy and all I have to do is upload more often and I'll get better placement. If I don't, I'll be "invisible"? How does that work, when the images get their rank in the first 30 days and don't change much after that. Is there some secret system that you know about that's different than what Adobe tells us.

Does being a featured artist help or hurt? That seems to be a controversy now.

Maybe having free images, gives me an unfair advantage over people who don't allow free images?  8) Or maybe that's just my imagination and I'm making things up.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobestock Review Time
« on: September 07, 2024, 11:09 »
Small jubilee - 50 days of not reviewing.  :o

I am sitting at 40.  Could I please ask you to report here once it goes over 56 days (8 weeks) if it still hasn't been reviewed?

over 2 months here now .. so that is longer than their "8 weeks"

I'm trying to be champion and the record holder. Now: "Submitted 6 months ago" for my oldest. The rest are only 24 days.


in previous shitsstorms agencies lost a serious percentage of content, often very very good content. it is not about losing a few sunsets and hotdogs.
which agencies lost such large amounts?  SS is doing fine despite feeble attempts to 'take them down' by a few dozen artists

SS, FT, IS, any of them are not moved or swayed by big or small or highly popular content providers, leaving. Yuri went exclusive with IS for some time. Other than that, Agencies do not have back door deals, in normal operations, to keep or pay big producers. They don't get anything different from the rest of us. Africa Studio deactivated their account on SS, nothing changed. They came back. So much for protests.

Was it really that many? A few dozen? Maybe people clicked on a petition, but the actual group that was serious, wasn't many people.

 ;D They didn't lose cheeseburger king. I can't speak for hot dogs?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Uploading to wire stock?
« on: September 06, 2024, 14:15 »
Hi. Im thinking to upload my images to wirestock. Is it worth the time ? Also do you tick the box where they will distribute to other agencies as well ? Thanks
But, do you have to pay in order to upload content to Wirestock? Some time ago i tried to upload some images, however i couldn't becuase i have to upgrade! :-[

They have a free offer (which I don't use) to upload to the Marketplace, which is their own kind of online agency. Maybe someone will have a sale or income from that? It looks like a dead end. Subscription as far as I can see.

"  Access to 5M+ unique images and videos
    Download up to 1000 images and videos monthly
    No attribution required for all content
    24/7 Support"
$7.79 a Mo or $93 a year.

Yes, to upload to the agencies you have to pay for the right. $179 a year, you get AI, 200 uploads, free keywording and contests. There's more, but the point is, Marketplace is free and then the images are sold via subscription. . I find nothing attractive in paying to upload to a distribution site, and I don't need AI, especially a pay version when there are still free sites around.

If anyone has any return or has ever got a cent from Marketplace, I hope they will post something here.
Thank you very much! :)

You're welcome, I hope I got it all right. They have such a mash of programs, and offerings.

I love the part, where I can pay them $179, they will attach vague and non-specific keywords, without knowing the locations or details, and then, I'm also allowed to have them sell my images, on Marketplace, by subscription, at a rate of 1,000 downloads for people who buy the subscription, and I get $ ???

That's why I wonder if anyone has anything detailed on how much Marketplace pays for a download. Can't be much, because it's a Sub. and the fee is so low for 1,000 a month.

I do like the regular program, when it was free, and they read my included metadata, but they are selling the easy upload and distribution, shoot/edit and upload part. I will say, the regular distribution, does work, and the automatic payments are always prompt. I have very similar images that sell from WS and are on the same agency, some by accident, and the WS versions sell, while mine don't. I'm convinced they have better search placement. Plus, everything WS is the highest level on any agency because of rewards for annual sales Etc.

But I'm not paying $179 a year to make $90 a year.  ::) But part of that is also, No SS, IS, AS or AL to speak of.

Can I report an account to Shutterstock that contains stolen videos, but none of them are mine? If so, what email address is best to use? If I give them about 10 links to the original content on various sites would they remove the whole portfolio or just those clips?
I used this one recently
[email protected]

For example I have reported this portfolio of stolen images recently

SS should ban the thief. But they don't.

Still there and like most others, it's amusing to see the stolen images are from far reaching and exotic locations, around the world. This person has a good eye for things to steal, but is obviously not doing these on their own. Easter Island, the Arctic, Africa, South America and a assortment of stunning wildlife, plus mountain aerial. I didn't go past page 3. 

Yes, SS should ban the thief. But they don't.

11 / Re: Folio images?
« on: September 06, 2024, 13:24 »
Any experience on Folio Images? They're a premium site under Mostphotos. Lots of people and landscapes, RF only, high prices. Applying seems easy but I wonder if it's worth it.

For me mostphotos suck so submitting to a company that belongs to mostphotos is not appealing to me  :-\

"Welcome to Mostphotos, the leading image agency in the Nordics. We have an exceptional collection of royalty-free Nordic images, perfect for your projects. "
Might have something to do with things?  ;D

I thought they went out of business years ago. I must have confused them with someplace else.

New Sites - General / Re: The end of Microstock Group is near
« on: September 06, 2024, 13:13 »
hi   happy? ;)

Yes, Thank You

lol, I didn't even know they had forums, cool! :)

taking a quick look though - in a way a bit funny - the questions (at least for the contributor aspect) seem to be repetitive, along the lines of "when will my stuff get reviewed? how come this wasn't accepted?', etc, etc... anyways!

Maybe on a snow day, I'll go read again. I found the experience the same as yours. Same questions, over and over:

Just checked on Firefox, Chrome and Edge, they all work. Desktop, Windows 10. No way to figure why the others here can't get access. It requires the same account as my Adobe login.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Uploading to wire stock?
« on: September 06, 2024, 12:52 »
Hi. Im thinking to upload my images to wirestock. Is it worth the time ? Also do you tick the box where they will distribute to other agencies as well ? Thanks
But, do you have to pay in order to upload content to Wirestock? Some time ago i tried to upload some images, however i couldn't becuase i have to upgrade! :-[

They have a free offer (which I don't use) to upload to the Marketplace, which is their own kind of online agency. Maybe someone will have a sale or income from that? It looks like a dead end. Subscription as far as I can see.

"  Access to 5M+ unique images and videos
    Download up to 1000 images and videos monthly
    No attribution required for all content
    24/7 Support"
$7.79 a Mo or $93 a year.

Yes, to upload to the agencies you have to pay for the right. $179 a year, you get AI, 200 uploads, free keywording and contests. There's more, but the point is, Marketplace is free and then the images are sold via subscription. . I find nothing attractive in paying to upload to a distribution site, and I don't need AI, especially a pay version when there are still free sites around.

If anyone has any return or has ever got a cent from Marketplace, I hope they will post something here.

Why would using a card reader be better than connecting directly to the pc? The reader in the pc is exactly the same as an external card reader?

I think they meant connecting the camera to the PC to transfer files.

 :D ok that makes sense. But i really hardly know anyone who still does this!
I transfer images from the card to the PC & the cloud such as one drive & google drive but when my SD card was full & had to reformat it, it turned out that some of my photos were not backed up that I needed so I was able to DL some for free from my Depositphotos port. I DL'd some photos I have on 500px & even Gurushots by sharing them on pinterest & downloading them that way with no watermarks. although they didn't always save to the original 16MP photo size

Some free tools will recovery your images. Some are free to scan and don't recover until you pay, which is a waste of time. Recova is old and free. I have iTop recovery tools on my desktop. Even after format if you haven't used the card, many time, most of your files will still be there. Full size as original. Sandisk cards used to come with free recovery software. Just buy a card and the code for a year of use, is included.

But do it now and don't use the card. I mean, even a formatted card, will still have many images, unless you did deep level formatting instead of the fast.

Image Sleuth / Re: Etsy is the absolute worst
« on: September 06, 2024, 12:32 »
It's annoying getting dozens of spam/scam messages everytime I upload a new Etsy asset.

WTH, where do these lead you? Offsite or to some website that has a Trojan? and yes, you sure are popular.

Here's an example

Fake warning phishing? I know someone else who was doing well on Etsy and same thing. Her comment was, she had requests and questions that just never ended, most of them just spam and phishing.

There are some very good sellers, who are honest and reliable. I have bought custom coasters, that were perfect, more than once. I also buy my garden seeds from Etsy in the Spring.

My success as a seller of high resolution images and illustrations, was a total failure. People doing right click collections, making sets of hundreds or thousands, got the business. Buyers didn't need quality, just quantity. If I wanted to make some sales, I'd have to lower my standards and ethics, I'm not that desperate.

Dear Colleagues,

Even though my earnings are nothing to brag about this month I'm happy to share with you a story about how a colleague managed to recover some monies from a stolen account at Adobe Stock. Also some news about PhotoCase shutting down after some 20+ years in business.


From your report: "Agencies should make it easy to report, Dmitry said. But instead, they make the process tedious and cumbersome. On Adobe and iStock, its difficult to even find the form. Shutterstock makes it hard to find an email address for copyright infringements, and they constantly reject your claims over minor DMCA technicalities."

Some day, SS which is hiding behind the protection they have, against charges, because users are responsible, will get hammered. The law that protects them, also says, they need to be proactive in policing and removing.

Someone, some day, will get a class action lawyer who will go after SS on behalf of 1 million contributors, and then some crap will hit the fan!  ;D

As for Adobe, it took one search "file dmca claim adobestock" and the link was right there: Intellectual Property Removal Policy

I don't see that as difficult or hidden.

The case that people seem to be talking about, the most. Note: in California a very left, liberal environment. When this is over, dragging on and on, whatever the decision, there's always the US Supreme court for an appeal.

"Illustrators Sarah Andersen, Kelly McKernan and Karla Ortiz initially sued the companies last January in one of the first of several high-stakes lawsuits against tech companies over the use of copyrighted work in AI training. Orrick dismissed many of their allegations in October but allowed them to be refiled.

Andersen, McKernan, Ortiz and seven other artists brought an amended complaint in November. They argued that Stability's Stable Diffusion model, utilized by all of the companies, unlawfully contains "compressed copies" of their works used to train it.

Orrick said in a tentative ruling in May that he was inclined to let the copyright allegations continue. He elaborated on Monday that the companies could not dismiss the claims at an early stage of the case."

The case is Andersen v. Stability AI, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, No. 3:23-cv-00201.


Meanwhile, in the US there have been some positive developments for creators -

EU AI Act is in effect from August and we should be getting the first claims soon.

Bid to dismiss, hardly a victory for anyone trying to claim infringement. Now it will go to trial instead of being tossed out.

"In the EU, copyright law restricts training on copyright works for commercial purposes without a licence if rightsholders have simply opted out. Under the new EU AI Act, providers of so-called general purpose AI models on the EU market will not only have to abide by these rules but must also demonstrate their compliance by providing transparency on their training process, seemingly even if the training was conducted outside the EU. "

Please explain first claims from August EU act. I don't know the details. Or drop me a hint with a link or title?  :) When a new rule or law is created, the violations are not brought after the fact, only into the future. What the AI companies have used, is history.

Interesting... Perhaps write an article talking about how companies like midjourney are essentially based on MASSIVE copyright theft - and how producers can fight back to get some of the same RECURRING revenue every time their asset is referenced? (One of the big "problems" companies like midjourney had was how to get rid of pesky little things called "watermarks"... and they STILL generate it with watermarks from time to time)...

Payments CAN be made retroactively (contrary to what the 'ai' companies would like you to believe) - it is quite simple (programatically) to retroactively go through the massive data library - attribute any image generation to any dervived 'ai' model - then compensate authors in micropayments. It is also very easy to do that going forward as well.

If there are 10,000 photos of a cheeseburger used to train the model (which reminder are not referenced ever again, because there is already a model) how would the AI company know which images were used? Or are you suggesting that every time someone says, "cheeseburger with catsup, mustard, pickles, onions, lettuce, on a white bread bun." that every image of each of these, by the thousands, cheeseburger, lettuce, bun, catsup, mustard or an onion, would get paid?


Pay for initial use and for a license, sure thing! And at a fair rate would be good, for the expected future use. Tracking every use, is not possible, because in fact, the training is the one use and there are no more.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Uploading to wire stock?
« on: September 06, 2024, 11:32 »
Hi. Im thinking to upload my images to wirestock. Is it worth the time ? Also do you tick the box where they will distribute to other agencies as well ? Thanks

I think you are missing the point and why Wirestock exists. The only reason to use Wirestock is to upload to other agencies. They are a distribution resource and barely an agency. If you are considering using only their free marketplace, I think it's a waste of time. Maybe someone here has actually had a sale from WS marketplace, I see no future in that.

When they were free, it was fun. I checked boxes for all the agencies I don't work, and uploaded everything I had saved on the hard drive. I also uploaded any rejects from AS, IS, or SS to WS. One happens to sell over and over. So I'm lucky.

I don't mind the 15%, but I'm not going to pay them to do generic keywording and take 15% for the tiny agencies that don't pay much.

Yes, we have choices, I kept the best earning places that I still work, for myself, I only checked boxes for the starving bottom feeder agencies.

But read again, they are distributors. Their marketplace at this time is doing nothing. That could change.

It's confusing but here's what WS offers:

A) Pay to upload and get distribution to the major agencies. $179 a year (includes keywording and all metadata) They take 15% of any sales.

B) Free marketplace, where they sell your images as subscriptions on their own site only. (included in the pay plan as well, if anyone wants it)

Two completely different programs that are essentially unrelated.

In your personal opinion, of your own situation.

If you fall into, Hobby like I do now, pick a percentage that applies to your income. If you use Microstock to pay for travel, make an estimate. If you have some other use or way you use the money, like gear and not lifestyle, but I suppose gear is, hobby, lifestyle or entertainment? Make up your best answer, that applies to how you use your Stock Photo Income.

This poll you can change your answer, you don't have to vote to see the answers, and there is no deadline end date. Things can change.

@Pacesetter thank you for asking.

I have become partially reliant on microstock in recent years.

It has helped me to do some things in life I would not be able to do without it and I have a full time job - and I'm not talking about splurging on indulgences here. Rising costs and cost-of-living pressures has eroded my day-job discretionary income quite significantly.

Some people still make a living from microstock and I have to say you have my sincere respect. Clearly you have worked hard and smart to achieve this.

Others, like myself, have microstock as a supplementary albeit necessary side-income. Others have microstock simply as a hobby and making a bit of extra income, at whatever amounts, is like a small reward.       

Was side income, spare spending money for more photo toys and tools. Now it's a hobby with small rewards. But there are the residual aspects and income from years of work. NOT what I had hope for or expected when I started.

The whole market has changed from what it was in 2009.

I like your question. Enough to steal it in a way, for a poll.  8)

Image Sleuth / Re: Etsy is the absolute worst
« on: August 26, 2024, 12:42 »
It's annoying getting dozens of spam/scam messages everytime I upload a new Etsy asset.

WTH, where do these lead you? Offsite or to some website that has a Trojan? and yes, you sure are popular.

Only 25%? There could have been more options for this.

Big or small or in between, I'd guess that percentages when the market drops, are fairly similar. I still add new and now and then, something clicks, but easily 50% down, overall, except Adobe, which was higher 2023 than 2022. Every year has been higher since Adobe bought them.

SS down 60%. To be fair, I'm only photo or illustrations, and don't do AI except for entertainment. No video, which probably hurts a bunch.

So slow as to be practically useless.  Oh oh.

I'm not Dial-up or copper wire DSL, 45 seconds to load the thread. 30 seconds for loading preview. Nope I don't think it's fixed.  ;)

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