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Messages - Uncle Pete

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General Stock Discussion / Re: This month's sales
« on: Yesterday at 13:07 »

Microstock is Dead! Stock imaging is not...

Not a chance you can get the Canon 100L version for that low money. I just had a look, and the lowest I found was 450. Which  is still a lot.  I am shocked because this lens on Canon website is now 1300 when I paid for it 890 years ago. Means is still in demand.

I still plan to get a mirrorless camera hopefully soon. Aiming for R6 M2.

But have some gear around me, definitely won't sell any of lenses.

Canon 7D Mark II
Canon M50 M I
Insta360 x3
Canon EF 70-200mm f2.8 IS L II
Canon EF 24-70mm f2.8 L II
Canon EF 100mm macro USM f2.8 IS L
Canon EF 70-300mm f4-5.6L IS USM
Canon EF 50mm f1.8 STM
Canon EF-S 10-18mm f4.5-5.6 STM Wide Angle Zoom
Speedlite 600 EX II-RT
DJI Air 2s
DJI Mini 3 Pro
DJI Avata

Nice collection and I know how we all do that, more and more.

Yes a chance:

Sold this morning just so it's not some ancient news or stale.

I have a original M now as my car camera. That's a long way from an A1200 that used to ride next to the hand brake. Just in case...

But still the original point is, someone could get started without a huge investment. I think editing software is an investment, and then time, time, time.

General Stock Discussion / Re: This month's sales
« on: Yesterday at 11:57 »
I wont say using a camera is cheaper. I would probably say using Ai is cheaper. To get a decent camera, you need to invest couple of grands, you want awesome quality, you need top notch glass, that aint cheaper. But yes, it is quicker at some point to click the button and take the photo.
Not necessarily true, except probably for wildlife, sports and high-end portrait photography. I often sell files made with an entry level DSLR and glass I bought over 10 years ago. Current value of the whole system is probably below $100. If you are on budget, you can get a perfectly fine used camera and glass for maybe below $300-400.

I guess depends what you are shooting. A good glass still wont be cheap. Example
I have Canon EF macro 100mm L which cost me nearly 1k, and provideds
Me with amazing results compared to the 50mm lens which cost me 130.

Because of mirrorless, the value of the EF for a DSLR has taken a dive. The 100mm Macro is under $250 now. If someone wants to save some money, the supply won't last forever. Someone can get a nice 18MP DSLR used for around $250. Then a nice sharp 70-200 f/4 under $400 but there's a really good, high quality sharp zoom. In my version of what someone could get, that and the memory cards and batteries, for around $1,000 would be a very top quality system, that isn't using lesser quality lenses, which can be a constant cause of flaws and a need for editing.

I'm still not sold on AI, and as others have pointed out, it takes some work, to get a good image from prompts, that's what you want, and then a bit of time to edit and make it right.

I'd say, either can be about the same, in many ways. I can make a photo in minutes, but still the idea, the location, the setup, anything else, takes time. Just like AI, where getting the prompt right and getting a good starting image, takes time.

Editing, depending, could take about the same amount of time. Personally a photo takes less time than going over every inch of an AI image. Since I won't pay for AI, I don't know how the sizes are, straight from the generated output. If they are as small as what I see, then there's another problem, upsizing, cleaning and repairing.

Oh was this, this months sales?  ;) Adobe is still best for me. SS is nothing but dimes.

Microstock is Dead! Stock imaging is not...


We have also updated our monthly process and comms about when a contributor may have incurred an Exclusivity Admin fee, so that if an image has been incorrectly marked, they'll get fair warning to fix any incorrectly marked images whilst we pause the infringements process for their portfolio. Unfortunately, these fees cannot be avoided, but we hope that the improved comms will reduce the number of incorrectly marked images we find, and this will be a benefit for both Alamy and contributors.

Well I'm so happy for everyone else now that people got $50 and $150 fees and Orchidpoet the worst I've ever read $250!  ::)

True, Alamy is supposed to protect our Exclusive images and go after stolen and misused images. If someone is interested, that's fine. But no warning, and they've been slapping people with fines for months. Not only that, there are questions whether the images were actually marked Exclusive, when uploaded many years ago, or if something in the Alamy system, changed them. But we have no way to contest the fines or prove some image from 2013, wasn't altered. And I'll admit I could have made an error, or maybe it was exclusive then, and I added it to Adobe in 2015, after they bought Fotolia.

So yes, there is some help, for someone who does have true exclusive content on Alamy. And if someone does and they find an infringing use, and we report it to Alamy, then Alamy will go after that for us.


Cannot be marked as exclusive to Alamy if:

    Its available on another stock agency site
    Its an exact reproduction (in all or part) of a work of art (this does not include having additional unique or incidental features in the image, for example a person standing in front of a painting. The general rule of thumb is that to be exclusive an artwork cant take up any more than 1/3 of the image frame)
    Its not protected by copyright
    Its in the public domain
    Copyright ownership is unknown

General Stock Discussion / Re: This month's sales
« on: February 02, 2025, 11:47 »
Congratulations on completely crashing and burning SS!  I made $60 which is about 1/5 of what I made my first month in March of 2013.

Just because you did 2013, I went to Jan. 2013 for myself. And believe me, I have nothing like you or many other people here have. But 5549 images now, and probably under 2,000 back then. In a nice simple way, an average DAY on SS in January 2013 was double what I made for the entire MONTH on SS for 2025.

It's that bad.

Or as people used to say back in 2013, about how bad things were?

Who knew that the actual change would be so terrific.

Shutterstock.com / Re: SS 1099-MISC
« on: February 01, 2025, 15:09 »
You enter the word in the PDF. You then enter your password and hit verify. That checks that it's the right password and PDF word. It will display a green box that says verify successful.Then check the little box at the bottom and hit submit.

You should get a pop up box with the tax form highlighted in blue. Click on that and it will download it to your computer.

Just a thought ... do you have pop-ups disabled?

Interesting thought.

Just for clarity, the order is:

1) Open the PDF to confirm that you can download PDFs for the "secret word"
2)"Enter the word that appears in the PDF you just viewed:" [secretword]
3) Enter your contributor account password  [account password]  (Verify)
4) I consent to electronic delivery of my 2024 tax forms and understand that I will not receive a paper copy [ ]  <---- tick box

Download, which also opens the form, so you can save and/or print.

They did tell me the specific image ID and I'm pretty sure it was up on Adobe. I don't think it has ever sold anywhere. But that means, yes it was me and my image, not a stolen image that someone else was using. An underlying fact is, we don't get paid more for exclusive anymore, there's no reason for me to have anything exclusive. Now I don't.

It looks like AIM has tools where someone can find all the exclusive images and mark them to regular status. Alamy was kind enough to do that for me, after I wrote.

I'm glad you brought this up again, it might have been missed, within another thread or only on the Alamy forum. Anyone can go look, make the should go look, right now and check for Exclusive images that aren't or possibly Exclusive images, that don't need to be, because there's no benefit to uploading Exclusive to Alamy anymore, that I know of?

This is a fee that is charged where an image has been incorrectly marked as exclusive to Alamy, Alamy has searched for and found an infringement, and we've opened a legal case to make a claim but then had to close the case because it isnt in fact exclusive to Alamy.

As there is a considerable investment in looking for infringements, we are now passing on part of the cost already spent. This is part of the contributor contract:

2.10. Notwithstanding clause 16.7, by marking Content as Exclusive, you grant Alamy the right to chase third party infringements of the Content without Alamy having to consult you. Where pursuing such infringements if it is found that the Content is available on another licensing platform, Alamy has the right to recoup any fees (including reasonable administration fees where escalated to legal action), that Alamy has incurred in the pursuit of any action taken.
Please can you review the rest of the images you have on sale to ensure that only images exclusive to Alamy are marked as exclusive.

All the best,

An Image from long ago, before 2019 and maybe 2017, that wasn't marked exclusive, as far as I know, when I uploaded it. It was also somehow switched to Editorial. We aren't the first and someone else I know just got one of these, this week. Mine was in December, for $150 fee, deducted from my commissions.

When I questioned and support does reply, they gave me a whole long story about fees for checking and how they had a screen shot to prove, it was marked Exclusive. Well, fine, except they run the site and they could have changed the Exclusive check box, in one of those adjustments, like what boxes are used or not, whether the description is searched or not, what's visible, what's not. But I'd have to made a screen shoot from ten years ago, as proof, and what proof is that? I could have changed it after.

In other words, we're guilty and there's no appeal. Good luck trying to get any other answer than that.

General Stock Discussion / Re: DeepSeek
« on: January 31, 2025, 15:22 »

So Republicans led to the emergence of the 'Chinese monster', as they were in power in 1971. Excellent... sounds like you're finally starting to understand.

Just for humor and spin, my far left friend says "Nixon didn't do anything, he just happened to be President at the time." Now of course, Nixon and Kissinger were the devils that did this to the world.  :o

So it wasn't Taiwan leaving the UN?! Make your mind up!

History of Taiwan--- How fast we got side tracked on the actual post of the OP. Wonder if Deepseek would mention the history of Taiwan?


Yeah, we got to almost 20 replies before someone threw out the N-Word, attacking the other side.

... Adobe is a serious and reliable agency.

 ;D ;D ;D !!!  ;D ;D ;D !!!  ;D ;D ;D
Recording of this statement for later, when you will complain. For sure, it will come.

Good call, you can include me on the list of "Adobe is a serious and reliable agency." until something changes.  ;D That might not be as long as I'd like it to be with some of the crazy things going on now.

Slow reviews, odd vague rejections, AI getting priority over real photos, change the rules after the fact on free CC, but I'll stick my neck out on the "serious and reliable" for a little bit longer. The license commissions are best of any of the Microstock sites. (for me)

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobestock Review Time
« on: January 30, 2025, 12:49 »
Do you guys continue to upload while you have pics in review or do you wait until they clear? Someone said that if there is only a few waiting the faster they get reviewed but I now have 3 pics waiting for around 3 months and I'm not sure if I should continue uploading or wait.

People can say anything they imagine, there's no need to believe them, just because they repeat it over and over.  :) One person says, if you have more waiting, you get faster reviews, another says less. Someone else says, delete and upload again, another says if you delete and upload again your rank will go down.

Here's my version, true or not, they review according to the type of content and the backlog. Video gets reviewed by video reviewers, AI by AI, Illustrations, photos, Etc. I have had an Illustrative Editorial fly through, while a photo sits and sits, and a composite image, got rejected in days, for "quality Issues" when the rest of the files, didn't get looked at yet. I had a release for an illustration, rejected in one day. I got the release adjusted and approved, and it's 17 days now, nothing. So somehow the system, knew the release was a problem, but now, I'm in line, waiting.

In other words, it's a hybrid system. Some computer review or AI or both, check the intake of files. That way the human reviewers don't get buried with things that are unacceptable, for obvious reasons. After that, the files sit, waiting for the human reviews. The reviewers also have tools and help on the files, it's not just their eyes. The software can guide them on image quality, things like contrast, sharpness, and showing a histogram.

There's no trick to jumping the line by uploading more or less or one a day. First in First out, but there could be software that reads the caption and keywords also, and pushes current "popular" or designated files, through the system, faster. Could Be?

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 30, 2025, 12:17 »

70% of the immigrants came in through New York city. Most of the rest came in on the West coast. In 1892, the federal government opened a new immigration processing center on Ellis Island in New York harbor. All of my Grandparents came in through Ellis Island. ...

My answer, which I know is just too simple and ignores the politics, division, special interest groups, debate and all the potential conflicts, would be create a new amendment that says, The 14th amendments does not apply to anyone, giving birth to a child, if they are here illegally. Done, door closed, all the appropriate protections remain in place.

my grandparents came thru in 1900 also - but in the 1920's immigration from southern Europe (non-aryan!) was mostly stopped until the 60s

good luck in getting any amendment passed w a 2/3 senate vote in current climate! much less 3/4 states - the ERA amendment was active for over 20 yrs & couldn't get enough states to accept it - today it wouldn't even pass congress

Yes, right and correct. Compromise and negotiation are words that were used in the past to describe how the politics of the US functioned.

Speaking of that, bring back the ERA amendment and pass it properly. Even if it's not necessary because of the way the laws are now, I'd say the ERA needs to be on the books, for the future.

I have relatives in Argentina and Canada, because, they couldn't get into the US due to quotas and limits. Both sides of the family in Canada, a bunch of the Italians in Argentina. My Aunt in Windsor said they went there and worked, planning on moving to the US later, but found they liked Canada much better.  :) Right across the bridge to Detroit, who would have imagined that?  ::)

In Wisconsin Wurst First would mean, you have a Brat, before the rest of the meal. I'm sure that will confuse many people reading here, but I'm going to attempt to drop out of the political shouting match. It's just to senseless and futile. I'll make breakfast instead and enjoy my day. Many photos to edit...

General Stock Discussion / Re: 1099 and Paypal
« on: January 30, 2025, 11:50 »
Aren't you suppose to declare the money in the year that you are paid out, not the year in which the sale was made?

It depends, but normally yes, income is when we get paid the money. Adobe uses accrual accounting method, where income is reported when earned rather than received.

I'm not an accountant, I don't do my own taxes, I pay someone who went to school for that and she takes classes every year to stay current with the rules and laws. However, for anyone here who wants to read what someone involved in business and financial law says:  https://legalclarity.org/i-received-a-1099-misc-but-never-got-paid-what-are-my-options/

Good luck, there are many possible options.



There is a box in the 1099K form that can be used if the amount in box 1a is too high. I input the total values reported through all 1099-MISC and NEC.
The total amount reported by 1099-K is then reduced accordingly. The only remaining difference is a few hundred dollars, resulting from Adobe's unusual reporting of earnings instead of payments.

All is well now.

There you are, yet another good option.

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 29, 2025, 16:28 »
Trump also denies citizenship to children born in the US to immigrants,which goes against the US Constitution,I think he forgot that the USA exists because of immigrants.
Not from all immigrants, but only from illegal immigrants.
Laws change as the times change. The old rules about birth right citizens, needs to be revised to eliminate anyone illegal who comes here, just to give birth, which makes their child a citizen. The law was to protect new immigrants, here legally, who were not a citizen yet and welcome new citizen children to the country....

it's neither a rule or a law it's the 14th amendment to the constitution and no one can change or ignore it w/o another amendment - which  takes 2/3 vote in congress & 3/4 of states to approve.

at the time it passed, there was no such thing as an illegal immigrant; rather the 14th amendment was one of the 3 important amendments passed after the civil war - it was designed to grant citizenship to and protect the civil liberties of people recently freed from slavery

So true in so many ways, and a different time. There was no transcontinental RR. If someone walked in from Mexico, or Canada, they were in territories, in many cases. Colorado, North Dakota,South Dakota, Montana, Washington,Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona were not states. To get someplace else, it wasn't like things are today. Travel was difficult and fraught with perils.

People came in on a boat, and many through the Ports, legally, with papers and documentation or without, but they registered as they entered the country. There were quotas after that. But here's the big one... "there were no federal laws governing who could enter and who couldnt until the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882." So there's your point, that there was no illegal immigration, until then.  :)

70% of the immigrants came in through New York city. Most of the rest came in on the West coast. In 1892, the federal government opened a new immigration processing center on Ellis Island in New York harbor. All of my Grandparents came in through Ellis Island. People didn't migrate or walk in, and the railroads were something new, cars didn't exist. It wasn't at all anything like now.

My answer, which I know is just too simple and ignores the politics, division, special interest groups, debate and all the potential conflicts, would be create a new amendment that says, The 14th amendments does not apply to anyone, giving birth to a child, if they are here illegally. Done, door closed, all the appropriate protections remain in place.

General Stock Discussion / Re: 1099 Adobe Tax question
« on: January 25, 2025, 12:32 »
Adobe sent me a 1099 tax form for my 2024 earnings.  Problem is, I had no payouts in 2024.  I plan to not report these sales until after I'm paid.  Thoughts?

Adobe reports EARNINGS not payments. Just pick what to report for your own taxes. I use actual payments. Keep a record of both, in case the IRS or whoever you pay, asks.

Accrual tax accounting is a method of accounting that reports income and expenses in the year they are earned and incurred, regardless of when payment is received or made. The purpose of this method is to match income and expenses in the correct year. Apparently Adobe work on the accrual tax accounting system.

Mine arrived in the mail yesterday, just making a note, they have been mailed.

Pond5 / Re: My Pond5 Download Trend
« on: January 24, 2025, 12:27 »
From what I understand, the commercial stuff on Shutterstock CANNOT be used as editorial, so i'll go both ways on separate platforms.

Why not? Where does SS say that?

Yes, no disagreement. MY point was, YOUR results or MY results, can't be applied to any theories or decisions by others that site A has better search or algorithm results, than site B, based on our personal experiences or our different types, styles or images.

The whole, which is best, is totally personal and subjective.  8)
I disagree, there is certainly a difference between the algorithms between the agencies. It's not the same and just differentiated because of personal experiences. They are in fact different which might suit ones personal expectations or not. So it's just the other way around I would say.

Which is best in your opinion and why?

Alamy by far, because it's equal for everyone based on the diversity algorithm. We control which words are supertags and the description is very important, where we can control that as emphasis. We can decide which of our images, comes first, for a search.

I don't especially like the 30 days and you're locked at that rank, on Adobe, but I do like the ability to order words by importance. I don't understand how people see that the Adobe search changes, when Adobe has told us, more than once, that we are locked after 30 days.

SS moves up and down, based on sales, which is when there are sales. IS is the worst ever, no edit, CV limits words, how can anyone find us, when we can't label the images properly?

So is Adobe lying or are people seeing things?


As many of you know, search is critically important to the success of any artist portfolio at Adobe Stock. I have scheduled a webinar with the Senior Product Manager in charge of search for this Thursday, February 27 at 2:30PM PST. During the 45-60 minute conversation we'll discuss how search works and how you can use our tools to maximize visibility. I hope to see you there!


Which is a sobering realization for me:
-> 13,500 new files accepted in one year wasn't enough to boost my downloads
-> according to my calculations, I would have needed about 16,000 new files in 2024 just to keep my downloads, in 2025 it will probably have to be between 20,000 and 25,000 new files - that's really hard to do, you can't beat the flood of AI image farms

But luckily my Canon R8 + 24-105 F4.0 has just arrived - I can now take decent photos again :)

Holy Cow, 13,500 new images! You're a workaholic.  ;D "you can't beat the flood of AI image farms" that is a sad realization, especially coming from someone who works so diligently at trying to keep up.

Maybe once the tsunami of AI has passed, people who are working the AI farms, will find the profit for new images, isn't as strong as right now, and they will try to find something else. That could help the files and demands reach an equilibrium.


Not for me!  ;D 

Nice going on 6,000 images. I have 5549 and I'll bet you that 4,500 or more of mine, have no overlap with anything you do. (meaning yours are better) But also meaning, we're very different, and so are other people. Also of that 4,500 images, not one is in my Adobe collection of just over 1,000. Yet, Adobe outsells SS by far in downloads and income, and has for many years.

Maybe I didn't explain myself well.

My analysis is for MY images and for MY images compared to others.

Yes, no disagreement. MY point was, YOUR results or MY results, can't be applied to any theories or decisions by others that site A has better search or algorithm results, than site B, based on our personal experiences or our different types, styles or images.

The whole, which is best, is totally personal and subjective.  8)

as I already told you,in the first 20 days of January 2024 I made the exact same number of sales that I have now made in the first 20 days of January 2025,the exact same number of sales,It's definitely not a coincidence,it just can't be statistically.

Why not? Same sales, or same income? How about after 22 days?  ;D

Hopefully more money in any case.

I must say that Adobe has best sorting and search algorithm amongst other players.
You get even 1 sale, the system starts to work on sorting it by moving it upwards. This drives more sales and is working well.

On the other side, other websites don't know how to do sorting and are still working on the old school model.

So you're saying that Mat and all the webinars are lies? That's where they told us that the image rank is set, in the first 30 days, and unlikely to ever change after that?

I think it is comparable, but it is true Adobe doesn't promote new images - or at least promotes them for a very short time.  It's probably a good idea, but open for discussion.

Yes, no matter where, there's an evident new image boost, but nowhere can we tell how long or how much.

For anyone else comparing AS to SS, it depends on what are your images. Someone can say how much more they sell, in volume, on SS for 30% of a crappy base amount, or how few they sell on AS. I get  much more per download on AS and many more sales also. It depends on what our products are, photos, illustrations, vectors, or video and what are the subjects.

No one can tell me, SS is better for my images, because it's far worse. I get dimes and few sales. But for the same I can't tell someone else, how I get 3 times the sales and money on Adobe, because I'm not making the same things that they do.

My point is, search generalizations, comparing SS and AS, or income generalizations, do not apply to all of us equally. My old and new images, sell just fine on Adobe, and keep selling. Many of my old "best sellers" on SS have gone completely dead. That doesn't mean the same will happen for anyone or everyone else.

For me, no, Shutterstock's algorithm is much better for 3 reasons:

- New photos sell more
- Best sellers continue to sell even after 5 years

On Adobe Stock, new photos sell less and best sellers stop selling well after 4 or 5 years. And, comparing my sales with those of other contributors, I see that large portfolios are favored.

I have over 15 years of experience, I work full time and I have a small portfolio (just under 6,000 images on both agencies) of high quality images.

Not for me!  ;D 

Nice going on 6,000 images. I have 5549 and I'll bet you that 4,500 or more of mine, have no overlap with anything you do. (meaning yours are better) But also meaning, we're very different, and so are other people. Also of that 4,500 images, not one is in my Adobe collection of just over 1,000. Yet, Adobe outsells SS by far in downloads and income, and has for many years.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Is Shutterstock Manipulating the Numbers?
« on: January 20, 2025, 17:20 »
So what do I see? I see that the video review and acceptance on Shutterstock has become very long. I have been waiting for a video review for over a week. This has never happened before! It is obvious that the reviewer has been fired or transferred to work at Getty. This is the beginning of the end for Shutterstock.

I was actually wondering if iStock have begun using Shutterstock reviewers with a number of strange rejects on iStock just recently.
They haven't merged yet, how would that happen?

It amuses me people putting 2+2 together and getting 38.

They havent merged, the final details havent been decided, nothing has been signed and there hasnt been regulatory approval.  I reckon 2-3 years before anything happens, if ever.

I think the merger will be finalized faster than that, possibly before 2026, if everything goes smoothly. Large mergers and acquisitions must file premerger notification and wait for government review. That's the first step, and they haven't passed that yet.

But I'd agree, it's not going to be fast or easy to have SS combined or eventually absorbed into Getty.


Your Generative AI content prompts, titles or keywords:

    May not contain names of artists, real known people, fictional characters, or reference to creative works that are still in copyright. Please see HERE for additional information.

    May not contain names of people.

    May not imply the content is a depiction of an actual newsworthy event.

    May not contain names of government agencies.

    May not contain references to third party intellectual property.

If a contributor violates this policy, we will review and take appropriate action, which may include removing the content or terminating the contributor's account.

2. Label content as Generative AI prior to submission.

    Click the "Created using generative AI tools" [1] checkbox in the Adobe Stock contributor portal before submitting content created with generative AI software.
    Click the "People and Property are fictional" box [2] if your image or video features a fake person or fake property.

Here is the HERE:  https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/updated-artist-name-guidelines.html

    May not include or reference fictional characters

    Creative work names such as a movie, franchise, comic, art, design, or architecture

    May not include or reference other creative work, such as ...in the style of..., ...inspired by..., ...influenced by..., ...in the tradition of..., or ....drawing on...

Not just me, it's in the Adobe Guidelines.

If someone wants to upload a fake cityscape, they could use, fictional Metropolitan Italian city , or fictional Australian port city with a harbor.  ;D Buyers can find things, without using a proper name of a real place, for a fake and inaccurate image.

I just went to that group for the first time. I don't know how you can stand to read the stupid complaints there, when people get banned.

My original purpose was people kept posting stolen portfolios on there and via that i found a fair bit of my stuff stolen so i could find the account and report it.  Other than that, its useful to keep on eye on the scale of abuse by certain regions (id argue its now an industrial scale of fraud/copyright abuse).
If its any consolation, the SS ones are even worse...

The last 2 days though has been amusing - a lot of toys being thrown from the pram by all the people finding out they're newly banned or their 5th account is no more and want a 6th.

I read what you had posted in the past about people selling collections and stolen files. Just looking recently, I see people selling accounts. Things like, if you need a name, I have a neighbor. There seems to be a trade and market for multiple accounts, selling the same collection to different people, and stolen images. I do get a chuckle at the people calling for a boycott, because Adobe caught them and closed their accounts.

Maybe I didn't say that right, in the first message. You have a strong stomach to keep going there and trying to help honest people, while the FB page is filled with scammers. If there's a flood of new closings and bans, I'd like to say, good work Adobe. And if your messages to them are doing anything, keep up the good work. Less of the get rich quick, dishonest people, should mean more for the rest of us.

"...based on the number of video files and sales they made through Adobestock." I don't understand how the number of video sales made through WS, saying AdobeStock, have anything to do with Firefly training? They aren't the same thing.

Related note, AS seems to be having a rule breaking/account purge this week.
FB groups are full of the usual suspects, mainly Pakistan/Bangladesh complaining their accounts have been blocked, and in some cases, complaining the 5-7 new accounts they got after the first one was banned are also blocked.

I just went to that group for the first time. I don't know how you can stand to read the stupid complaints there, when people get banned. I love the one you quoted, and there are others who have been banned more than once. Then they say Boycott Adobe. PLEASE do!  ;D

Here's one of them arguing with a Chat Bot:

Yeah right, $2,000 I'd believe that.

The other group that says Adobe stock contributors has just spam, image after image, just spam, no conversation.

Good to see you and a few others, who answer with the truth. Cheaters and thieves will have their accounts closed. I'm also amused by the flow of the conversations, where every one of them, didn't do anything wrong, but they can't say why the account was closed. (or won't say) It's just Adobe being unfair and cheating them.  ::) ;D

Good to know that someone at Adobe is watching them.

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