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Messages - MotionDesign

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Absolutely NO .... personally my earnings are higher than 2023 ... i make only videos ... motion graphic videos ... and i dont like AI, the images and  videos are too artificial and similar to one another ... i have my own style and i will die with it not with the AI one...

No :)

Adobe Stock / Re: 2023 Adobe Stock contributor bonus plan details
« on: February 19, 2024, 10:03 »
Thanks Mat / Adobe!

Software / Re: After effects VS Davinci resolve - fusion
« on: December 17, 2023, 06:30 »
For animation and motion graphics i think AE is #1, easy to use, lot of plugins, lot of tutorials.
BMD Fusion is more a compositing tool (with some motion graphics capabilities)

Thanks for this answer. I think you're the only one here who answered the OP's question. Others may be confusing AE (for animation) with Premiere Pro for (standard video).

You are welcome :)
I've used fusion studio on and off for a couple of year, i've made some motion graphics that sell well on stock, but i prefer to use AE with plugins such as Element3d, Stardust and Plexus

Software / Re: After effects VS Davinci resolve - fusion
« on: December 15, 2023, 13:26 »
For animation and motion graphics i think AE is #1, easy to use, lot of plugins, lot of tutorials.
BMD Fusion is more a compositing tool (with some motion graphics capabilities)

I have no doubt that at the rate artificial intelligence is advancing, stock photography has a maximum of two years left to live. Right now the smart thing to do is to sell all the lenses, equipment and cameras on ebay before it is too late and they become worthless junk.

I haven't sent any AI images, and don't think I ever will.

I get help from AI for my post-production, but I'm not interested in generative AI.

It's boring, and the images are all the same, all with the same style.

I think eventually, people will get bored, and the majority of AI users will create their own images.

I hope in the future, there will always be a niche of customers who prefer real images captured with authentic landscapes, models, and objects. And I continue to work for that niche.

We'll see in a few years.

Agree 100%

After 13 years i'm still here, fulltime contributor, earnings are still growing, despite all the catastrophic news i've heard in these years.
The funny thing is that since the ai boom, my sales have had a solid boost...but i don't submit any ai generated content. Maybe there
are many customers that appreciate the 'old school' style :)

123RF / Re: 123RF sales stopped.
« on: August 21, 2023, 11:58 »
some sale here and there

2018 (before the glitch) $ 150/200 month
2023 $ 7/15 month

123RF / Re: 123RF sales stopped.
« on: August 21, 2023, 10:45 »
I mentioned in another thread I had a portfolio glitch a few years ago and sales have plummeted since (literally more than 10 fold). Their IT support absolutely sucks. Raise a ticket with them if you like, but be ready for them to lose it repeatedly and have to start from scratch every few weeks.

me too (it was in 2018). Never recovered the loss, despite the help of support. I think i'll close my account before the end of the year.
The support confirmed the glitch, most of my portfolio was (and is) 'invisible'.

level 4 illustrations (level 5 should be around october)
level 4 videos

one post was removed.  Please keep politics out of this thread.  You can start a new thread if you have a politcal question.  Things get so derailed so quickly otherwise.

Great! Thank you Adobe and Mat!

my goal is always the same, to do better than last year :)

General Stock Discussion / Re: This month's sales
« on: October 30, 2021, 14:17 »
Deb, you have thoroughly embarrassed me . But let me try to explain.

First of all, if we are modest its because we know you dont have to be talented to do well in microstock. You just have to know the ropes.

The other thing is that people like Mihai, myself, Doug Jensen, and remember Iain Campbell with the great model release video port? - are just a few people that come to mind. The common thing is that we all started about the same time - around 2012 to 2013. Why is this important? For one thing, it was a great time to start. There was still quite a bit of competition back in those days, which is important because you need that in order to keep upping your game.

On the other hand, the people who started before us were used to easy street. Back in the beginning when a good stock pic went to the top of the search - it stayed there (forever) depending solely on how many dls it had. So, when things got tough, a lot of them were not willing to change.

When we came along, was the time SS first changed their algorithm and boy did that hurt a lot of people. But the newcomers like us, learnt from it. Also, I remember having all these arguments with Lauren at the time about what sold and what didn't. I started getting 1,000+ DLs on SS a month, and he was trailing behind me, but we still had these arguments. Long story. The older group were not willing to change.

The other thing about the people I know who started then and did well, was we learnt from reviewers rejections. They were even tougher back then, and it was another thing that made or broke you.

And thirdly, we played to our strengths, and we got better and better at knowing how to use them for microstock. Mihai of course is an engineer and brilliant at technical stuff, I come from a business and graphic design background, Iain started off as a model and then learnt video from one of the top video contributors in the industry at the time. Doug had a strong background in video.

So, the question is, can it still be done again if you start today? I know its getting more and more difficult.  SS pulling the rug out of people's feet with their rates restructure has made it even worse. But there is still money to be made with new uploads, and ways to get around all the low subs I have found. And it all comes back to what you shoot, and how to be just that bit different to the rest of the crowd.

So in a nutshell: Play to your strengths, always check with what's already on the database, don't shoot what everyone's shooting, keep learning, keep improving your skills, keep upping your game, and do research. In fact there's heaps and heaps of subject matter that I find every day that is popular on social media and not well covered on the microstock databases.**

And dont listen to all the complaints. It will bring you down. Productivity and negativity don't go well together.

And finally, always remember you are not competing against a million other contributors. You are only competing with those who shoot the same subject matter as you - or rather, those who have the same keywords as you. Puts it all in perspective then.

ETA: ** This is important because advertisers know they have to follow social media trends to sell their products to them - and we (as the stock providers) are there to provide them with that content. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! lol

Dear Annie,
i agree with every single word you wrote!
this is exactly what i do and...it works!
In the meantime, October 2021 is my BME (since 2010)
(but i'm not a photographer, 2d/3d illustrations and animations)

October earnings for video files...not only $0.25  :)

Previous month are about the same, I know this mean nothing, but there is a reason if someone is still uploading to this agency

I'm still uploading to the 'dime royalty agencies' (IS and SS) simply because i can't afford to lose five figures earnings every year.
AS is growing and it's by far my best earner. P5...is 'stable' :)

General Stock Discussion / Re: Original Goal vs Current Goal
« on: September 14, 2021, 10:36 »
Can things get worse? Maybe I shouldn't ask. Yet for people who work hard, "new type of content i submit and a constant effort to upload
better content than my competitors." I still see a future and returns for the hard work.

Hi Uncle Pete,
i really, really hope so.
I have a 'Plan B', but not as enjoiable as the 'Plan A'.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Original Goal vs Current Goal
« on: September 13, 2021, 14:01 »
My goal was, and is, to live only with microstock income.
Goal achievied (i started this adventure on 2010, full time since 2012)
I've put all my energy and efforts on this business, spent a lot of time and money on software, courses, practise, follows the trends, and so on...
I've had a fall on earnings on 2016, but from 2017 earnings are growing, thanks to new type of content i submit and a constant effort to upload
better content than my competitors.
I love what i do and despite the 'exciting news', i'm still here :)
Good luck to everyone! Peace! :)

you are welcome!
Usually, if i need realism, i model and animate in cinema4d and render in Blender with Cycles.

Thanks for your kind words!

I really appreciate your offer, but i work full time on microstock plus some freelancing (i upload new content almost every day),
so i have little to no spare time for other projects.

But i read this forum, and if there are any questions i can answer i'll gladly do so. :)

Sorry, i prefer to not share my portfolio, but if you are searching for inspirations this is a good start point:

And yes, i often use element 3d, especially for conceptual animations where i don't need realism

If you want to start with 3d, you could try Blender
Its free, and you can find a lot of tutorials on youtube
Not easy to learn but very powerful.

Hi all

Im using a Dell mobile workstation with intel i9 and nvidia quadro card,
its about 4000 euros.
You can do almost the same with a less poweful computer, but the
render time will be longer.
The software i use: Adobe CC, Cinema 4D, and Blender.
And a lot of after effects plugins (element 3d, plexus, stardust and others)
But its not all about money. Because you have to learn the software.
Its about time, and mostly about passion and love for what you are doing.
Its not an easy path, im sorry :)

i don't know about photography, but for illustrators and motion designers i think that there is some room.
There is a high demand of 2d/3d images and animations...high quality 2d/3d images and animations.
Invest on expensive hardware and software, learn how to use them, develop your own style, follow the trends,
or better, try to anticipate them, and you'll be the king of microstock :)

A message for the newbies: Forget about following tutorials and upload the result...sorry, but it doesn't work.

Ok, thanks Matt!
Tomorrow i'll contact the customer service  :)

OK good luck. I asked around and it sounds like you may incur a penalty for early cancelation of your single app subscription. There is an FAQ at the bottom of the page I shared. This is a relevant statement for others with similar questions.

If your paid plan is different from the selected Creative Cloud bonus, it may make sense to delay the redemption until the paid plan is up for renewal, because otherwise both plans run in parallel and you may not get the benefit from the complimentary plan.


Thanks again Mat,
yes i have read about the penalty, but its not so bad compared to a full CC free for one year 😀

Ok, thanks Matt!
Tomorrow i'll contact the customer service  :)

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