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Messages - Pacesetter

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General Stock Discussion / Re: This month's sales
« on: February 01, 2025, 16:33 »
Overall I had a good month making over $1k combined in January for the first time. January is my slowest month of the year. But this is due solely to Adobe Stock representing 59% of total earnings for the month.

This means that the combined earnings of Shutterstock, Pond5 and iStock (December) made up just 41% of total earnings. 

Shutterstock came in at just under $178, noting still images account for less than $20 of that so I've pretty much given up on bothering to contribute images to Shutterstock.

I'm having a really good week on Adobe and... this is my 3rd best ever month overall on Adobe and... it's January - typically my slowest month of the year!

 I'm also over $1000 for the month overall combined which is my best ever January. Adobe Stock earnings for January 2025 represent almost 59% of overall earnings for the month. This means that combined earnings from Shutterstock, iStock and Pond5 couldn't even make up half of the overall income for January 2025.

See how the remaining hours play out and report back, but overall this has been an encouraging result that I needed for microstocks.         

While I haven't noticed this myself, not to say it hasn't happened.

In this instance it could of just been an oversight by the reviewer as they probably make mistakes on occasion.   

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 26, 2025, 15:48 »
I could say something...i will not say something...

As for Ukraine I cannot understand why someone from Ukraine would support Putins bootlicker.

I do hope it forces Europe to stick together more, Ukraine needs a lot more help and support.

it is already doing it,but the problem is that in Europe we have many different points of view.

However,Italians,Germans,French,Dutch and many other countries are on the same wavelength,and we know how important it is to make Russia and the world understand that war against a sovereign nation is an act that we are not willing to tolerate.

Trump is right about one thing in my opinion,we must invest more in the defense system,more in the military industry.

EU is still very controversial,there are many countries that do not use the euro even if they are in the EU,this in my opinion is wrong to begin with.

then there is Kosovo which has adopted the euro even though it is not yet an official part of the EU,and Spain which condemns the existence of Kosovo,while the majority of Europe approves.

The EU is still full of divergences and contradictions,but we can say that at least the beating heart of the EU is there.

I question why there isn't more support from Europe for supply of weapons. Maybe it's a geopolitical position where other European countries don't want to be seen as directly at war with Russia or they just don't have the finances and weapons to provide more support for Ukraine.   

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 26, 2025, 15:45 »
I could say something...i will not say something...

As for Ukraine I cannot understand why someone from Ukraine would support Putins bootlicker.

I do hope it forces Europe to stick together more, Ukraine needs a lot more help and support.

Yeh I'm wondering if that bromance is starting to falter though. Trump wants to be seen as peacemaker on the world stage but Pootin isn't accommodating Trump's wishes. The Ukraine / Russia war wasn't an issue during Trump's previous presidency so now this presents a whole new challenge for Trump.

Off Topic / Biden
« on: January 26, 2025, 03:45 »
Stocker2014 would agree with me that while Biden was getting a bit old for the job and a little incoherent with his speech, he was overall a good leader who served his people well during his tenure as 46th president of the United States.

On behalf of Stocker2014, myself and the Microstock Group forum, we would just like to thank you Joe Biden and the Democrats for your four years of exceptional service and leadership.   

Kind regards.

7 / Re: Batch in Istock submission
« on: January 26, 2025, 03:31 »
One reason I'd suggest you separate them, at least into a few batches, or maybe just submit a portion of the uploads that are in a single batch, is in case you get an awful reviewer who just rejects everything, or near everything, then you have to go re-upload / descriptions / tag again.     

Not a bad week. Sales numbers up a bit from 2 weeks ago though earnings a down a little. Both sales volume and earnings up from last week which was a slower week. The trend line is showing a good start on Adobe Stock in 2025...   

Pond5 / Re: My Pond5 Download Trend
« on: January 25, 2025, 16:55 »
Dear friends,

Let us offer Shutterstock a round of applause, congratulating them for their hard work and persistence.

It took a little while but Shutterstock's diligence and consistency finally paid off in the end - having successfully achieved their aim of destroying Pond5 after their successful ruin of Shutterstock.   

Very well done, a feat seldom accomplished by other microstock agencies.

Off Topic / Re: Worst First starts
« on: January 23, 2025, 17:57 »

I would like Trump to put Biden in the electric chair and his advisers, as well as his team. That would be fair.

You're an idiot... but what's even more disturbing is that there's likely a lot of Americans who think just like you. Yet when we recall the specter of Nazi Germany people like you throw a tantrum but clearly (as per your comment) you are no different than the N a z i s.

But actually Hitler was Germany's answer to the economic turmoil and political instability in post-WWI Germany. The image below has the caption:

Germans cheer Adolf Hitler as he leaves the Hotel Kaiserhof just after being sworn in as chancellor. Berlin, Germany, January 30, 1933.

Really not much different to political events today...


11 / Re: Is Shutterstock Manipulating the Numbers?
« on: January 19, 2025, 17:49 »
So what do I see? I see that the video review and acceptance on Shutterstock has become very long. I have been waiting for a video review for over a week. This has never happened before! It is obvious that the reviewer has been fired or transferred to work at Getty. This is the beginning of the end for Shutterstock.

I was actually wondering if iStock have begun using Shutterstock reviewers with a number of strange rejects on iStock just recently.

12 / Re: Shutterstock "Contributor Fund"
« on: January 19, 2025, 17:48 »
You really think writing to Shutterstock will help?

Contributors are an inconvenience and an unwanted financial drain.  They really, REALLY dont care what we think.


Also as I understand these payments were not ever an ongoing arrangement. Do these AI machines need more of our content to train? Even if they do, now it would only be the machines learning on new content uploaded and that would be almost negligible payment amount for most contributors.   

13 / Re: Is Shutterstock Manipulating the Numbers?
« on: January 18, 2025, 16:11 »

No and Adobe didn't create zombie AI accounts to steal our best sellers.

No conspiracy needed - half of Pakistan is doing that job.  Nothing to do with Adobe.

LOL hahahaha.... So true.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Contributor Bonus 2025
« on: January 18, 2025, 15:27 »
So, forget all the Behance videos from Adobe or advice that Mat Hayward gave us about only submitting your best work. There is a new sherrif in town in Adobe city and they want all your crappy shootings because otherwise you will not meet the upload target next year.
It's like this 15 year old Italian guy said, it might be 200 (or 300 next year, couldn't follow exactly what he was saying) but count on a thousand.
And maybe even more because review times are so slow that even if you put in 2000, maybe only a 100 or so will be reviewed and accepted this year.
So no matter your sales and how much you earn for Adobe, get your upload numbers in order and send in all your  crap, AI or not.
Maybe even make it 5000, just to be sure  ;)

A better strategy, no longer bother ourselves with reviewing non-AI content. Therefore upload as many as you like, won't meet the target next year. By then, contributors of non-AI "need not apply".

15 / Re: Is Shutterstock Manipulating the Numbers?
« on: January 18, 2025, 15:06 »

Its rare to see reviews as uniformly poor, even for stock sites.

Did a fact check in 10 seconds. Adobe the same negative picture.

No this can't be true. Adobe is the best company in the world that only spreads love and is only here to support creative people, be it a contributor or customer. They can never have a bad review. That can not exist. You must have visited a fraudelent website or it's just the evil competitors writing all this negative reviews. Must be. C'mon man, it's Adobe we are speaking hereof (I will praise Adobe at all times).

It's all a conspiracy so we can just relax and ignore it.   

16 / Re: Is Shutterstock Manipulating the Numbers?
« on: January 18, 2025, 02:46 »
I'm seeing more than a few reports of contributors reporting very poor earnings this month on Shutterstock. My earnings are 4.35x more on Adobe Stock than Shutterstock so far this month / year. Shutterstock has really gone downhill over the past year and seems it has dropped off another ledge since the start of 2025.

17 / Re: December stats are up
« on: January 17, 2025, 20:22 »
Looks like you beat me to the forum post - probably while I was fiddling with filtering my RPDs.

Anyway may as well join the conversation here...  ;D

December is the slowest month of the year for me. Still December 2024 was a bit better than December 2023 and December 2022.

A quick filter of the data shows video achieved a $3.30 RPD and photos achieved a little over $0.40 (40 cents) RPD.   

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Contributor Bonus 2025
« on: January 17, 2025, 15:16 »
What is the recommended time that we take advantage of the offer? Last year I waited till my current subscription was close to running out and I ran into a bunch of issues (which were resolved after a lot of back and forth with Adobe support....I don't want to go through that again).

So specifically, if we still have many months before our current subscription expires, is it okay if we take advantage of the offer immediately (assuming the new plan would begin when our current plan expires, not earlier), or should we wait till we near the expiration of our current plan?


I still have this question: My current plan extends until October 2025. If I redeem my code immediately, will it automatically extend until October 2026?...or is it better I wait till the October deadline approaches? (I waited last year and had all kinds of problems....specifically, instead of extending the plan, it started a second new plan subscription.)

the plan begins the moment you request the code,a different plan.

my old plan will expire in February and I will redeem the new code one day earlier,of course October is far away,it's possible that the blue bar is still there,probably yes,but I can't say for sure.

Are you sure? I don't think it used to (2+ years ago) work that way. The system was smart enough to tack on the new time at the end of your current plan.

I wait all the way up to November until claiming my code and it begins a new 12 month plan, no problems. Just be sure to keep an eye on the upcoming date, and I'd suggest claim the code at least a week earlier. For some reason last November I left it to the last minute and the banner disappeared before I could claim it. Fortunately when I contacted Adobe support they brought the banner back but it left me a little nervous so claimed it there and then. All worked out well though. This offer saves me over 300 AUD each year so I am pleased to have the opportunity to claim this.     

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Contributor Bonus 2025
« on: January 16, 2025, 21:10 »
I thought Superphoto was just using a dash of sarcasm in his post.  ;)

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Contributor Bonus 2025
« on: January 15, 2025, 20:20 »
Apologies, inadvertent double post.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Contributor Bonus 2025
« on: January 15, 2025, 20:19 »
Most of my 2190 downloads were video but probably just missed the 7000 download requirement.

Still I am very happy to receive the code for a single free app as it gives me one year of Premiere Pro to continue editing video.

However I do agree with comments here about the upload requirements as I currently have 100 contents sitting and waiting review with a couple over 2 to 3 months in queue.

Contributors of commercial photos / images and video do not have control over the lengthy review process times and we have expressed our concerns about this during the 2024 year, including (at least in my case) in response to the AS Contributor Survey in December.

Please consider the review process for contributors of non-AI content.

22 / Re: Is Shutterstock Manipulating the Numbers?
« on: January 15, 2025, 18:37 »
No, they didn't.
To be honest, I don't understand how people come up with such weird conspiracy theories in the first place. It's becoming a habit here.

Since Elan Musk hasn't completely shot up the Shutterstock headquarters with his lasers from space, downloads are completely normal, revenue in January is expectedly poor.

My sales are up and I found one of my images, first in a search, there's obviously some unfair manipulation going on there!  ;D

Yeah I've noticed Shutterstock sometimes sell very high numbers of one or two of my images and those images are almost always at the top of every search result. When I contact Shutterstock support to ask them why my port is always being favored by the algorithm they just keep replying with generic unhelpful information. I am going to sue them over this!   

I suppose if  they're no longer competing against each other on price then they can work together to stabilise prices. Continual lower selling prices is not good for the agency either. As long as our percentage of a sale doesn't decrease further then this merger might not be bad for contributors.

Here's another of Sydney from the top of the first page search results.

Since when did Circular Key vanish!  ;D ;D ;D

I've posted an actual photograph below where you can see the blatant embarrassing error of this IA image and the equally blatant embarrassing acceptance of this in Adobe Stock's library... 

25 / Re: Shuterstock about to get eaten by Getty
« on: January 13, 2025, 20:03 »

AS 170.26 USD - 55 DLS
SS 47.20 USD -  39 DLs
P5 63.68 USD - 1 DL

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