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Topics - PCDMedia

Pages: [1]
Alamy.com / Contributors forum?
« on: July 05, 2024, 11:06 »
Is Alamy's contributor's forums site broken? 

Haven't been able to sign-in to it in for several days.  Latest posts appear to be dated this past Monday.

Pond5 / Pond5 footage subscription
« on: June 07, 2022, 11:44 »
P5 announced new subscriptions including footage today.


An all-in-one solution for projects that demand an extensive variety of footage plus a mix of multimedia assets.

10 Downloads/Month. Choose from:
Selection of 4.2M HD & 4K videos
All 1.5M music tracks
All 1.7M sound effects
Selection of over 12M images, 3D models, AE templates

Only $199/month!"

No doubt this was inevitable given recent P5 purchase by SS and it didn't take long for the shoe to drop.

"Selection of 4.2M..." clips puts about 15% of P5 footage in the subscription pool.  For now...

Pages: [1]


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