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Messages - PCDMedia
« on: January 28, 2025, 09:36 »
Making it Editorial is done when Editing a new clip to add title, desc, tags, etc. and also checking the Editorial box. Yep, I certainly did check the Editorial box. I just assumed that it would remain editorial when it's transferred between accounts.
I'm guessing when your clip was moved to your other account the default was applied just like a newly uploaded clip. So it was not likely an intentional change or nefarious action by P5.
Ive just checked my other editorial videos that were moved from my non exclusive account to my exclusive account well over a year ago. They all remained editorial. So yea - none of those clips were changed to commercial.
If I recall correctly it was sometime during the last year that P5 added the Editorial check box for us to mark along with the Editorial caption requirement. I'd suspect that change in their s/w is a little buggy when it comes to dealing with a clip being moved into the account manually and may not be carrying over an Editorial marking.
« on: January 27, 2025, 21:54 »
I've noticed that in the past when I upload new clips to my P5 account the default is set to Commercial.
Making it Editorial is done when Editing a new clip to add title, desc, tags, etc. and also checking the Editorial box.
I'm guessing when your clip was moved to your other account the default was applied just like a newly uploaded clip. So it was not likely an intentional change or nefarious action by P5.
« on: January 10, 2025, 10:34 »
It's all about managing, automating and cost cutting for the business dealing with suppliers.
Job description very similar to those of Wal-Mart's buyers that squeeze their suppliers.
« on: January 03, 2025, 22:48 »
A Getty Shutterstock merger might get scrutiny from the US government's anti-trust watchdogs.
« on: January 01, 2025, 12:16 »
I would like to add that all those disappointed with losses at SS and p5, I would lay blame with the management that seem to have neglected their core business in favor of a hype driven ai adventure.
At some point they will have to get back into it, or their share price will keep dropping and somebody else might buy them. Or shortsellers destroy them.
Perhaps Getty will buy them at fire-sale price.
« on: January 01, 2025, 12:08 »
...perhaps Adobe will see an uptick in sales if more former p5 exclusive content comes their way.
I'll be trying to do my part... Technically there's that 180 day P5 lockout before previously Exclusive assets can be uploaded elsewhere. I've already started slowly adding some new video to Adobe - but their footage reviewing seems very slow. Adobe doesn't accept editorial which makes up a significant portion of my P5 Excl videos so unfortunately those won't get sent to Adobe. So any sales upticks at Adobe due to previous P5 Excl assets coming over may take many months and possibly not noticeable when spread out over time. Happy New Year!
« on: December 23, 2024, 09:53 »
The question is whether majority of potential buyers look for best quality, or most of them are OK with like 60Mb/s bitrate. Content is king. Buyer's #1 priority is does the footage's content meet what they need? If so - they likely would not reject clip due to low bitrate, or other relatively minor quality problems if the footage passed agencies review acceptance checks.
« on: December 21, 2024, 15:08 »
I am a participant from Turkey. And I open the purchase screen with a Turkish IP. Could it be that the purchase prices change automatically depending on the country?
Yes - the prices shown are based on country.
« on: December 20, 2024, 11:25 »
H.265/HEVC is a more efficient codec than H.264 and provides greater compression efficiency and better video quality. The downside is H.265 is more taxing on low-horsepower computers/devices and isn't as widely supported as H.264 but Davicvi Resolve supports it Some stock agencies will accept H.265 clips (Pond5 and ?) but others don't (Adobe and ?). https://techreviewadvisor.com/h-264-vs-h-265-hevc/
« on: December 19, 2024, 10:28 »
They must be using AI for approval curation to faster reduce the backlog. But it's making a lot of errors.
A large percentage of my last image submission was not approved due to "Intellectual Property Refusal". A house cat with small vaccination/ID tags hanging from its collar? Or boxes of whole pineapples or dragon fruit?
No brands, logos, people, property, etc in the images.
An experienced human curator's eye would never reject them but AI isn't smart enough.
« on: December 18, 2024, 10:17 »
Smaller numbers of submissions must be going thru faster.
I just had 1 video reviewed in a couple days and a small batch of images took about a week.
« on: December 16, 2024, 18:06 »
I have no idea why they need one. But if this is now so important, perhaps register and upload a few clips or images.
I had an IG account until a few years when I closed it. IG was/is a horrible time-suck. I'm hesitate to open another IG account just for BB Registration but may anyway just to see if my Registration and demo reel will get approved.
« on: December 16, 2024, 16:29 »
Does this literally mean that to be considered for Blackbox one must have an Instagram account??
Blackbox, as well as some other agencies, are very hard to get accepted into these days.
No doubt - but for what practical reason would they require an Instagram account - what purpose does that serve?
I closed my IG account some years ago - it became a terrible waste of time.
In trying to find out more about BlackBox's membership Registration and it's Instagram requirement I've emailed them twice. I specifically asked them if not having an Instagram account would prevent Registration approval to which they did not directly reply. Both times they replied only that an Instagram account "is required to cross check applicant's presence on social media". I find their lack of transparency why BB requires an Instagram social media presence somewhat concerning. Anyone who is a BB member able to enlighten us?
« on: December 12, 2024, 14:55 »
Well... Alamy makes a lot of sense to me since they already act as a P5 distributor in order to extend their video offering. Let's wait and see 
I've been on Alamy a long time - my early image submissions burned onto CDs had to be mailed to their offices in UK. Alamy currently does not accept video submissions from their own contributors. They've told us that they intended to open video submissions to their contributors more than once in last few years - but it's not happened. Their video content is all from distributors/partners.
« on: December 12, 2024, 10:56 »
I don't see this site being discussed on this forum. Maybe I'm not finding the topics. But as I understand it, wirestock is essentially the same as Blackbox. Maybe there are nuances regarding commissions, etc.
I've been looking at wirestock recently. It's essentially same as BB except it appears to have some limitations on number of monthly submissions before payment is required I believe. Their web site provides little/no info about their membership/submission requirements other than the usual unicorns and rainbows promotion of being a member.
« on: December 11, 2024, 19:17 »
Does this literally mean that to be considered for Blackbox one must have an Instagram account??
Blackbox, as well as some other agencies, are very hard to get accepted into these days.
No doubt - but for what practical reason would they require an Instagram account - what purpose does that serve? I closed my IG account some years ago - it became a terrible waste of time.
« on: December 11, 2024, 17:53 »
So this truly means contributors must not have to provide a minimum of 180 days written notice (by email to [email protected]) of such termination of (the Exclusive Period) like is stated in the current Contributor Agreement. At this point Exclusive Contributors in P5 can change to non-exclusive, exit or upload to other sites too without waiting 180 days.
The current contrib agreement says that - ... "you terminate your enrollment in the Program by providing us with at least 180 days written notice So IMO that means the 180 days is a minimum period - but can be earlier.
« on: December 11, 2024, 16:40 »
They curate for content.
They take editorial.
OK - thanks. I noticed in the Registration form posted above in the section asking for Social Media links the following: "Instagram is required" Does this literally mean that to be considered for Blackbox one must have an Instagram account??
« on: December 11, 2024, 14:38 »
Significant 60>40% change of royalty cut for P5 Exclusives is not good.
Perhaps time to drop P5 Exl and apply to BlackBox to try the "spray and pray" approach.
« on: December 11, 2024, 14:18 »
Questions for those submitting to BB as a member -
When submitting footage to BB what footage review/curation occurs if any?
Do they only check that the footage meets technical requirements or do they also curate for content?
Also do they accept editorial?
« on: December 04, 2024, 13:10 »
Personally, I don't have any interesting stock targets, because I am in the war zone.
Curious - are you prohibited from photographing stock image opportunities there?
« on: December 01, 2024, 16:43 »
1 gb/35mb is the fastest available in my neighborhood at present - so until a fiber ISP is available in my neighborhood it's the best available we got.
Fiber ISP offers higher speed than 1gbps?
Fiber internet service here is typically advertised as being "asymmetrical". Meaning 1 gb fiber service has 1 gb download and 1gb upload speeds. In other words - the upload speed is not fixed at a much lower speed than download like many non-fiber ISP services do here. There are fiber services here up to 5gb and maybe more in other areas. https://fiberfirst.com/residential-internet/
« on: December 01, 2024, 14:42 »
Is it US? I live in Europe... here we have with fiber 1g download and 400mb upload + 5g unlimited for smartphone. Still when i upload to P5 sometimes it takes a minute or two to upload 6 videos of 400-600mb.
Yes - in US. High-speed and fiber internet options are much more plentiful in the areas of the larger cities. In smaller cities/towns and lower-population density areas of US choices/options for high-speed or fiber internet service is not nearly as readily available as in the larger cities. The high-speed and fiber ISP builders want to provide service 1st to the more profitable high-population density areas and then the rest of us sometime later - maybe if ever.
« on: December 01, 2024, 13:42 »
As I understand it, stock agencies set upload speed limits for each author.
Thats a new one - never heard of that before. I wouldn't be surprised if the big image/video aggregators/agencies that submit to P5 such as PA Media, Reuters, Blackbox, etc. are provided higher ftp speed limits as part of their contracts/agreements with stock agencies.
« on: December 01, 2024, 13:37 »
My speed when ftp'ing clips to Pond5 is around 4.5 mb/sec.
This is not enough. And this is probably when you are loading only 1 file. If you are loading 10 files at the same time, the speed of loading one file will probably be much lower. I see, so 1Gb/sec internet doesn't solve the problem. It's strange that your upload speed is only 35. My upload speed on 100 Mb internet is about the same.
I rarely upload 1 clip at a time. Usually ftp upload in batches of 5-10 video files or more. Files sizes typically 200-600 mb for each file. The 4.5 mb/sec is the typical speed consistently shown by my FTP s/w when uploading batches of video clips. At least in the US throttled upload speeds are not uncommon depending on the ISP. My ISP is a cable TV provider that also provides internet services over their copper cable TV system. At present my area has no other choices that can provide any decent speed. The 4.5 mb/sec ftp upload works ok. 1 gb/35mb is the fastest available in my neighborhood at present - so until a fiber ISP is available in my neighborhood it's the best available we got.
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