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Topics - le_cyclope
Pages: [1]
« on: May 22, 2010, 20:56 »
Another thread started by Madelaide (here) led me to ask myself if I was right to keep all the photos I take, even the ones that I discard. On a typical session, I clic a lot and after I make a selection of what I want to keep or work on. But I just can't delete the others, ending with lots of photos. With the costs of external HD today, it is not a problem but what do you guys do? Do you delete the photos that do not go trough your selection or do you keep them all? Claude
« on: May 21, 2009, 17:01 »
« on: March 28, 2009, 22:31 »
I know I know, there are many threads about the (not so) new 5D MKII...
But when Canon released it, I decided to wait until spring to buy one. I thought that Canon would lower its price after a few months. Well I was wrong, in fact, there is a raise since few weeks here in Canada...
But for you guys who already have one, what are your thoughts about it? What are the new features that you like best? (high ISO, HD Video, what else?) Did you have any problems / bugs with it? What does Canon should have done better (if any)?
I'm on my way to buy one mid april so I'm asking!
« on: October 25, 2008, 20:18 »
For those of you (like me) who missed it, Canon Canada offers instant rebates on various lenses and accessories. Here's the link: http://www.canon.ca/pdf/2H08%20Lens%20&%20Acc%20IR_EN.pdfMy suggestion: print the form and leave it on the table so your wife (husband) can see it before Xmas... And you can even hi-light your choices!  Claude
« on: October 22, 2008, 17:48 »
Just received this mail few minutes ago:
Well it's been 2 months since Photos.com Plus launched and we just wanted to share a few highlights.
StockXpert contributor royalties have increased by 11% since the launch. StockXpert images now represent over half of all Photos.com Plus subscription downloads. StockXpert images now represent 31% of all single image purchases on Photos.com. We also wanted to let you know about another great opportunity that is now available. Photos.com now has pay-per-download on all photos and illustrations available on the site. This combination brings all the fresh, stylized, relevant community generated content to millions of image buyers with the choice, flexibility and price options that do not exist anywhere today.
What does this mean for you? Another opportunity to earn on Photos.com for your images uploaded on Stockxpert. You will receive a 30% commission for all pay-per-download transactions.
The new pricing options are: $5 - multimedia $10 - medium $25 - high
The following remain unchanged: $50 - super $50 - eps $70 - ultra $100 - extended license
The sales will show on your balance sheet just like the current pay-per-download sales for super/ultra/eps purchases. You'll notice these prices are higher than the pay-per-download price on Stockxpert which should equate to increased royalties and start setting new standards for community generated content so we can illustrate the increasing value of your work.
For those contributors opted-in to both Subscriptions and Extended License, your images are available on Photos.com and there is nothing more you need to do. Remember we do update Photos.com every week so if you haven't opted-in to both Subscriptions and Extended License you may do so at any time.
As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. Thank you for your continued support.
Sincerely, The Stockxpert Team
So I think I will now opt in...
« on: September 09, 2008, 17:12 »
I just sent my Canon 40D for service...Could take as long as 1 month!
The problem is with the mini USB socket, something seems broken inside so I can't use it. When I try to plug the cable, the socket goes loose inside the camera...
Have you ever had some problem with yours? What problem and what type of camera?
« on: May 27, 2008, 11:53 »
Thanks Leaf, great idea!
Puisqu'on peut se parler en franais, j'en profite pour lancer l'invitation tous (du moins tous ceux qui parlent franais!)
Je suis de Montral au Canada!
« on: May 16, 2008, 07:03 »
Something bizarre happened to my account at iStock last night... I had 3 sales yesterday and this morning, they're not there anymore... The 3 sales were 0.22, 0.75 and 0.75 $ and today my account is 1$ less than yesterday, and no sales show for yesterday  Maybe I should go back to bed and check later... Claude
« on: December 17, 2007, 11:20 »
There must be something that I don't understand... I just checked my earnings on DT this morning. I found that one of my photo sold last week was its 16th download (of that particular photo). Received .50$ for it. Since that photo is a level 2 (>10 dl) and since I'm not exclusive there, I should receive at least 1$ for it, right? In fact, there is no way I can receive 0.50$ for a level 2 photo... Is this a matter of old credits or old t.o.s. or something?  Claude
« on: September 26, 2007, 17:02 »
Just bought yesterday my new Canon 40D... WOW, I already love it!!!  And I wanted to tell everybody!  Claude
« on: June 30, 2007, 16:57 »
I just sold a printed copy of one of my photos on iStock. I did not realized that they were selling printed copies anymore... I wonder how it goes... They print the copy (by the way it's a 16x20 for a 8MP  ) and send it by mail? I guess so but it seems a littlebit archaic! Claude
« on: June 26, 2007, 18:23 »
Reading the forums on SS, I found them very "rough" lately... When I began on microstock sites last fall, that was the reason for which I did not submit to SS. Of course I changed my mind about submitting to SS, but I still find the forums ungainly (a new word from my Harrap's French-English dictionnary  ). Of course I don't want to start another thread of that nature here but I want to know if I'm the only one uncomfortable with that! Claude
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