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Messages - le_cyclope
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« on: May 22, 2012, 18:22 »
Must be a bug or something because my subs sales are 0,28$, down one cent. But every 0,29$ sale is now at 0,28$, even the ones many months ago...
« on: August 29, 2011, 20:06 »
I'll stay.
Lisa, you should add another option, Becoming exclusive to not have your photos in PP. Sounds weird but it is an option...
« on: April 07, 2011, 18:42 »
I do use the Cotton Carrier system when I go hiking and it is almost perfect. You have to get use to it because the weight of my 5D II with the 24-105 creates a pressure on my chest which is not comfortable when you start getting out of breath (which happens more and more often, don't know why  ). Of course you can loosen the straps to avoid this but then the camera start bouncing on your chest. But again when you get used to it, great system. Leaf, you might like to know that the Cotton Carrier comes with a second kit that attach to your belt so you can easily carry to camera on you. And you have access to both easily. Never tried the belt clip but it Looks good. Claude
« on: February 20, 2011, 20:55 »
If I remember you're from the Montreal region, have you tried Omer deSerre store in Montreal?
« on: February 17, 2011, 17:14 »
Accepted but with 2 model releases; one from her and one from her plastic surgeon for his artwork!
« on: January 02, 2011, 11:36 »
Ok, here I go: Montreal (Canada) Currency $CA. (=$US these days) Minimum wage 9.50$
Pint (568 ml) of beer - 6$ Cinema ticket - 11$ Rent for a two bedroom apartment per month - 800$. (+/-) Visit to the doctor - 0$ Cappuccino - 5$
And I'll add regular gas: 1.15$/liter
« on: December 04, 2010, 19:42 »
I gotta say something...FD has been in microstock for a good while. I personally don't think he stole anyone's .... (...). If I misunderstood this please explain.
No you did not misunderstand. FD never said he agree on such a situation. He said he has to deal with such situation. Describing a situation has nothing to do with opinion. And trying to ignore this kind of problems never solved them... Back to the topic, I'm pretty sure that with some explanations betwen FD and SS-BS everything will be back to normal... Claude
« on: September 26, 2010, 19:48 »
I wasn't suggesting that you were forgetting the higher prices, just that you couldn't use these stats to extrapolate your potential earnings as an exclusive.
The way the targets are set it would be relatively easier for exclusives to reach than independents precisely for the reason that they're accumulating credits faster on the same download numbers.
I get what you are saying Holgs, and that makes sense.
Also, my comment about not forgetting the difference was addressed more to Aeonf and LeCyclope - I should have quoted them:
lisafx: a few more factors you forgot and where not mentioned here:
1. As an exc your files are much more expensive. more expensive photos = less demand = less downloads.
I think you forgot that as an excusive, your photos are going to be sold at higher price, and this can go from 20 to 100% more. So this means more redeemed credits par sale and more $.
It's really hard to know which way the exclusivity factor will cut as far as credits go. I suspect it would be a huge advantage. That's why the comparison chart numbers only being slightly more than double for exclusivity surprised me.
One thing I know for sure - there's no way I could manage the 1.4 million to get 45% as a BD exclusive if folks at Sean's level aren't getting it. Those guys run rings around me both talent and saleswise.
Sorry Lisa, maybe the word forget was not the good one!  What I meant was that I never red anywhere the fact that an exclusive receive more RC than an independant for each sale. For me, it makes a huge difference, because on Jan 2011, my overall revenues as independant will low by +/- 5% or will raise 3 % if I choose to go exclusive. I do not have a big portfolio and have only 2450 sales so far, but because of that (!) I still keep records of my sales by size. So for those of you who might be interested, my numbers go like this: XS : 28.4% S : 24.6% M : 28.4% L : 18.3% XL : 0.34% I think that these proportion of sales by size must be standard (maybe with the exception of XL and larger); I mean that they rely on what the buyers buy. So based on these % and on the cost (in credits) of photos for independant VS exclusive, I estimate that my income will be 2.58 time what I do actually. That's why I was asking if I was missing something, like a change in the price (in credit) of photo sold by indy vs exclusive... Claude
« on: September 25, 2010, 21:10 »
As an independent diamond who makes 40% of my income from Istock, double that plus 11% still leaves me 9% short of my total income as an independent.
Am I doing this right? I was under the impression that under the current royalty scheme I would make significantly more as an exclusive. Is that a myth, or have I somehow miscalculated?
I think you forgot that as an excusive, your photos are going to be sold at higher price, and this can go from 20 to 100% more. So this means more redeemed credits par sale and more $. Or maybe it is me who is missing something??? Please correct me if i'm wrong because these higher prices are what makes exclusivity "still" interresting to me... Claude
« on: August 11, 2010, 19:38 »
At 50, i am in the 20+.
Are my math ok?
« on: July 23, 2010, 15:39 »
This is a backup unit for a computer. you can't backup directly from your camera, so you will need a notebook to do so. So as long as you have to carry a computer with you, take a USB HD, much more cheap and reliable.
« on: July 09, 2010, 12:49 »
one thing which doesn't convince me is that the photographer is perfectly in the centre of video, hiding the main subject
why doesn't the camera guy try to move a bit and shoot the couple instead of the photographer's back?
He tried putting the video cam between the couple and the photographer but photos looked bad...
« on: July 09, 2010, 09:06 »
I can only see one difference; look in the shadows, the one at right is darker.
Or could it be my screen calibration?
Glad to see that I don't need a vacation. Now back to work.
Great test, my boss is happy with my results.
« on: July 06, 2010, 16:42 »
This is from their TOS Agreement:
D. You may request the removal of Content from the Site at any time, however, Content may persist in a Users shopping cart up to sixty (60) days, and if purchased by a User, will remain available for download and sublicensing by such User for a sixty (60) day period. Further, Content may appear for a longer period on affiliate and partner sites, however Veer will use reasonable efforts to cause Content to be removed from the Sites of any affiliates and partners within sixty (60) days from the removal from the Site. You acknowledge and agree that Veer, its affiliates and partners may continue to license the Content in accordance with this Agreement until the Content is so removed. You also acknowledge that Content which has been sub-licensed to a User prior to removal from the Site will remain available to the User in accordance with the terms of the Customer Agreement
From this, to me it could be ok with iStock, I mean if on any site a costumer has one of your photo in his shopping cart, it is not like this photo is still on sale,isn't it? And as long as you make effort (and prove it to iStock), maybe they could consider giving you the exclusive status?
I wonder because I am planning exclusivity and I am ready (except for this one!). The only thing that slows me is the very low sales for me at IS since june... Claude
« on: July 06, 2010, 12:54 »
Heh Race....you just got 250 more GB... 
+1  Claude
« on: June 05, 2010, 16:12 »
Get a little closer...3...2...1...Smile!
- My dad
« on: June 04, 2010, 18:53 »
If you plan to do studio shots mainly, go for the lights.
I bought my 5D MKII a year ago and really enjoyed it (and still!)
Last week-end, I bought the Elinchrom D-Lite-It 4 kit and I have to say that I realize now what I can do with such lights... Amazing!
So, go for the lights!
« on: June 03, 2010, 18:06 »
Interresting results.
Thanks! Claude
« on: May 22, 2010, 20:56 »
Another thread started by Madelaide (here) led me to ask myself if I was right to keep all the photos I take, even the ones that I discard. On a typical session, I clic a lot and after I make a selection of what I want to keep or work on. But I just can't delete the others, ending with lots of photos. With the costs of external HD today, it is not a problem but what do you guys do? Do you delete the photos that do not go trough your selection or do you keep them all? Claude
« on: May 22, 2010, 20:47 »
Maybe I'm naive and certainly I'm OT but I'm wondering why people are still using external HD for backup, instead of a storage service like Amazon S3. Is it just a lack of trust, even when the vendor is the size ofAmazon? Yes I agree, even the big boys have their disasters, but it's hard to imagine Amazon, with all of its distributed redundancy, actually losing content. I haven't heard of it happening.
I like to backup all my photos, in RAW, so it could easily go up to 1 Tbyte quite fast. Uploading all those files to Amazon would take a lot of time and lots $$$ ! Claude
« on: May 22, 2010, 17:22 »
After reading this suggestion last night, I downloaded the ..._x86.exe version and installed it. Works fine. Very useful tool.
I run Vista, 32 bit version. I *think* the x86 refers to the old line of 386-486 and so on version of computer. Is it possible?
« on: April 24, 2010, 16:34 »
I presume TIA is "thanks in advance".
Oh I see... You're welcome! Claude
« on: April 23, 2010, 18:04 »
123rf went trough some upgrades lately. ..
I guess they still have some bugs to fix...
Pls., relevant comments/experiences only!
hmmm, if it is not relevant, then why did you duplicate your post in the above thread??? and by the way, TRF MMG TOIU DSA HGG Claude
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