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Topics - GraphicGravy

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Illustration - General / Eight new vector agencies
« on: November 18, 2012, 20:23 »

I saw these five new microstock agencies that accept vectors. Has anyone worked with them, or had success with any of them?

- (different than

Also, to contribute something, I have had moderate success with these three "new" agencies. They may not be new to you, but I just recently started getting success with them.


Illustration - General / New vector sites
« on: June 06, 2012, 17:37 »
Hey everyone,

I am wondering if anyone is submitting their vectors to any new microstock sites? The poll results on the left are a good indication for photos, but I wish their was such a poll or list for vectors.

These are the VECTOR sites I submit to. Do you know of any other sites that accept vectors?

1. Shutterstock
2. iStockphoto
3. Dreamstime
4. Vectorstock
5. iClipart
6. ClipartOf
7. GraphicLeftovers
8. Veer
9. BigStock
10. CanStockPhoto
11. Crestock
12. Deposit Photos
13. Fotolia
14. 123rf
15. YayMicro

I checked out GraphicRiver, but it seemed like too much hassle to upload graphics. I also have thought about selling my vectors on Etsy, but that also seemed like too much work for too little of a reward.

~ Eli

Illustration - General / Best vector sites for August 2011
« on: September 12, 2011, 01:50 »
I've been really busy with life, and have neglected my blog. My last rankings were way back in January, and finally got around to doing my power rankings for August.

My vector earnings have stayed pretty constant through 2011. One site goes down, another comes up. 123rf and Deposit Photos were the good surprises, and Dreamstime and iClipart were the ones that went down the most. I posted the site rankings here.

~ Eli

I got the following email today from Shutterstock:

Thank you for your valuable contributions to the Shutterstock collection. We would like to invite you, as one of Shutterstocks most successful artists, to participate in a new program called the Bridge to Bigstock. Opt in now to increase your revenue and save valuable time.

As you may know, Shutterstock and Bigstock are two stock image sites owned by Shutterstock and marketed to different types of customers. Bigstock is the credit-based sister brand of Shutterstock. Many of our artists upload to both sites and achieve successful sales on both.

Heres what happens when you opt in to the Bridge to Bigstock program:

-We will copy all of your approved Shutterstock imagesincluding current and future images automatically over to Bigstock.
- All your current and future approved Shutterstock images will be for sale on both sites.

You are eligible to participate whether you have an existing Bigstock account or not. When you opt in, youll get the benefits of having your full portfolio on two sites, while only uploading to Shutterstock.

Our goal is to make the Bigstock collection larger and more diverse to meet the needs of our growing customer base.

Join the Bridge to Bigstock program to enjoy a time-saving way to present your images to more customers and grow your earnings.

As always, we appreciate your contributions to Shutterstock and were happy to answer any questions.

Best regards,
The Shutterstock Team

I already have about half of my portfolio on BigStock, but not all of it. This is mainly due to their submission process taking too long. There are multiple steps, categories, etc, and it just wasn't convenient. Sales there used to be good, but have really slowed down over the past few months for some reason.

Has anyone experienced good sales with BigStock, and would you recommend joining or not joining this new "Bridge to Bigstock" program? I am leaning towards joining it.


Illustration - General / Risky experiment
« on: February 25, 2011, 13:14 »
Ever since I started as a vector micostock artist, I've always heard that certain sites reward you in search results when you submit new content. I'm going to put that to the test.

I submit to 20 vector sites, from big ones to small ones, and have had steady growth in my sales over the past year. As for new content, I have been adding about 30-50 new vectors each month.

Here's my experiment: I am not going to submit any new content (vectors) for 6 weeks. I want to see if it negatively affects my sales. I haven't submitted any new content this past week, and I'm planning on not submitting any during March. I realize that it is risky... What if it DOES affect my sales? Well, than I'll start submitting again in April, and do another experiment to see if sales go up again.

I have been very lucky and very blessed with my microstock sales. I'm not trying to brag, but just give a little perspective for my experiment. I have between 1000 - 1500 vectors on each of the 20 sites I submit to, and in January, my monthly microstock income was my best yet. You can see my sales rankings on my site, at The income is high enough that it won't sting too bad if my sales drop a bit from this experiment. I think it will be worth it, and hopefully the findings from my experiment will be a good source of traffic to my site.

Before I did this, I wanted to check and see if anyone has done this before? I don't want to risk my sales for no reason if a lot of people have already tried this, and shared their results.

~ Eli

Illustration - General / CanStockPhoto. What a good surprise!
« on: February 21, 2011, 23:32 »
WOW. I had all but given up on for my vectors, but they exploded in January for me. They went from my #13 site, to my #5 seller in one month (you can see all my sites, ranked #1 through #20, at I've never had a site jump that fast.

With basically the same # of files in my account there, here's how my sales went at CanStockPhoto:
- November 2010: $25.77
- December 2010: $45.12
- January 2011: $283!!
- February 2011: $289 and still growing!!

Has anyone else experienced a sudden burst there, or is it just a fluke with me?

~ Eli

General Stock Discussion / picWorkflow as an iSyndica replacement
« on: February 21, 2011, 21:32 »
Is anyone else using I've been using it for about a month now, and like it so far. It doesn't seem to be a huge improvement over what iSyndica was offering, but I'm just glad to have a bulk syndication option again.

I'm am 99.99% a vector-only artist, and submitting vectors has been pretty easy so far.  I like how submitting vectors is simple, and that you even CAN submit vectors. I haven't submitted any photos with them, but I'm sure its just as easy (if not easier) than vectors.  It is 1 per syndication/upload (same as iSyndica was). There are no startup costs, so it is very affordable. When I signed up, there was a promo to get a few free credits, but I'm not sure if they're still offering that.

Here's what I like and don't like so far. I like how easy it is to add microstock sites to syndicate to. It is also fairly easy to add metadata and keywords. It took a bit to figure out their process, but once I got the hang of it, it was easy. I don't really like that they don't have stats yet, but it looks like they're working hard on that. I don't like how picWorkflow makes you pay extra to store files there for an extended period of time. Currently, files will "expire" soon after you add them to your picWorkflow account, unless you pay a small fee to keep them there. I think it is "fair" that they make you pay for this, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. 

Overall, it is definitely comparable to what iSyndica had going, and hopefully they will keep adding features and improving. Their customer support has been much better than iSyndica, and that fact alone is a great indicator that they will continue to be successful and provide great value to us microstockers.

What are the things you like about picWorkflow? What are some tips you have to get the most out of their product?

~ Eli

Is anyone else using I've been using it for about a month now, and like it so far. It doesn't seem to be a huge improvement over what iSyndica was offering, but I'm just glad to have a bulk syndication option again.

I'm am 99.99% a vector-only artist, and submitting vectors has been pretty easy so far. I like how submitting vectors is simple, and that you CAN submit vectors.  The other syndication tools I looked at didn't support vectors.  It is 1 per syndication/upload (same as iSyndica was). There are no startup costs, so it is very affordable. When I signed up, there was a promo to get a few free credits, but I'm not sure if they're still offering that.

Here's what I like and don't like so far. I like how easy it is to add microstock sites to syndicate to. It is also fairly easy to add metadata and keywords. It took a bit to figure out their process, but once I got the hang of it, it was easy. I don't really like that they don't have stats yet, but it looks like they're working hard on that. I don't like how picWorkflow makes you pay extra to store files there for an extended period of time. Currently, files will "expire" soon after you add them to your picWorkflow account, unless you pay a small fee to keep them there. I think it is "fair" that they make you pay for this, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.  :D

Overall, it is definitely comparable to what iSyndica had going, and hopefully they will keep adding features and improving. Their customer support has been much better than iSyndica, and that fact alone is a great indicator that they will continue to be successful and provide great value to us microstockers.

What are the things you like about picWorkflow? What are some tips you have to get the most out of their product?

~ Eli

General Stock Discussion / Best selling vector sites?
« on: January 23, 2011, 01:23 »
Hello. I know this is a question best asked on the vector forum, but I figured there are a lot of photogs who ALSO do vectors.

I've been able to find a TON of "top 10" and "bestseller" list for photography microstock, but not many for vectors. I've found that the best selling photo sites are NOT always the best for vectors.

I've been using PicWorkFlow for my vectors, and really like it. They offer a lot of sites, and I want to add new vector sites to sell my portfolio, but am not sure which new vector sites to add.

Here are my top 10 selling vector sites:
1. Shutterstock
2. iStock
3. ClipartOf
4. Vectorstock
5. Fotolia
6. Graphic Leftovers
7. iClipart
8. Veer
9. Canstock
10. Deposit Photos

For some reason, Dreamstime and BigStock have really declined for me over the past few months. They were in my top 10,  but have dropped out.

What are a few more sites I should be uploading vectors to?

~ Eli

Illustration - General / Best selling VECTOR sites?
« on: January 22, 2011, 22:52 »
Hello. I can find a TON of "top 10" and "bestseller" list for photography microstock, but not many for vectors. I've found that the best selling photo sites are NOT always the best for vectors.

I've been using PicWorkFlow for my vectors, and really like it. They offer a lot of sites, and I want to add new vector sites to sell my portfolio, but am not sure which new vector sites to add.

Here are my top 10 selling vector sites:
1. Shutterstock
2. iStock
3. ClipartOf
4. Vectorstock
5. Fotolia
6. Graphic Leftovers
7. iClipart
8. Veer
9. Canstock
10. Deposit Photos

For some reason, Dreamstime and BigStock have really declined for me over the past few months. They were in my top 10,  but have dropped out.

What are a few more sites I should be uploading vectors to?

~ Eli

Microstock Services / Replacement for iSyndica?!
« on: November 11, 2010, 11:33 »
Hey all!

I am REALLY missing iSyndica. I didn't realize how much I missed them until I've started doing it all again manually.

I am a 100% vector artist, and can't find a great syndication solution to replace them. Does anyone have any good suggestions or news on any upcoming services?



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