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Topics - superdone

Pages: [1] 2
1 / keyword of two words
« on: January 17, 2020, 01:51 »
concerning keywording, is there a way to add single keyword composed of two words (e.g. "new york")???

For instance I add the keyword "new york" on the dreamstime web page and there the keyword is splitted in two different keywords "new" and "york". How to avoid the undesired splitting?

Thanks in advance

2 / Where is the balance of the current month?
« on: February 28, 2017, 17:49 »
Please help me.

I can't find the balance (dollars earned) of the current month. I looked for it in each pixel of the new esp interface and even in the old istock site. I failed.

Thanks in advance

3 / Where is the list of my photos?
« on: February 19, 2017, 07:10 »
Where can I see the list of my photos with the status, pending,to edit.ecc...

I can't find it anymore nor on istockphoto web site neither on esp.

Help please

Thank you

4 / How to see my photos on IS site?
« on: February 15, 2017, 17:15 »
I want to delete a photo of my portfolio because I see an error that I want to fix.

I would like to navigate on a page of IS site where there is the list of my photos.I don't mean the portfolio but the page where is the status of my photos.....pending, active, I can select and delete the one I want.

It seems I can't find this page anymore after ESP coming.

Please help me.

123RF / some dollars disappeared
« on: February 02, 2017, 16:59 »
Have you ever happen at 123rf to see the earning counter to be decreased of few dollars without that any refunds event happened???

6 / How to copy keywords from own images?
« on: January 21, 2017, 08:34 »
I notice some changes on page of the photo/illustration.

Before changes, when I needed to copy keywords from an image of mine I went on image web page and I selected the keywords.

Now the keywords are not more selectable :-( This reminds me fotolia keyowrds.

How to solve the problem?

Thanks in advance

DepositPhotos / DP poor results...drop it or not?
« on: January 21, 2017, 03:56 »
I am really disappointed with Depositphotos. I started more than one year ago to uploading. Now I have almost 1800 files (photos and vectors) but really poor results in terms od revenue. In 2016 I got three only payments :-(

I know DP it is not SS but I hope at least to get a payment each month.

I don't know if I have to continue to spend time on this agency or to give chance to other minor agencies....(envato, bigstock, canstock)

Your advises are welcome.

Thank you

8 / New at macrostock
« on: January 21, 2017, 03:48 »
Can someone kindly tell me how alamy works? I am a microstock user and I know nothing on marcostock world.

What are the differences with respect to a mICrostock agency?


9 / Deepmeta uploading vector ERROR 4702 Help
« on: October 20, 2016, 23:43 »

while I tried to upload a vector file with deepmeta (latest version) I got this error 4702. The dimension of the file is 9283*6977 pixel, 4,5 MByte.

Could you kindly help me?
Thank you

General - Stock Video / after effect template stupid question
« on: September 22, 2016, 08:08 »
I see P5 and VB sell after effect template.

I would like to try to produce some sample. Obviously they can be created with adobe after effect.

I wonder if CINEMA 4D is also able to produce such templates (this is the stupid question).

Anyway thank you

11 / Starting with videos help
« on: September 02, 2016, 08:47 »
I would like to start to submit videos on IS. I have to upload 3 videos and 3 jpeg thumbnails.

When I upload the first video, the site tells me that maximum dimension is 40M. My video files that usually upload on other agencies are bigger than 40M.

What can I do? Do I have to upload videos of 2 seconds at most?


Is there a CSV file that is ok for the top agencies?

...or do you have a different csv file for each agency?

Goal: Reducing time spent for submitting videos on several agencies

For photos/ illustrations I usually add keywords to metadata.

For videos I tried to do the same but there are sites (like P5, VB, FO) that reads metadata other (like SS, DT) not.

If the answer is CSV file.....please tell me how to edit it from scratch


I have a folder on my hardisk cointaining all my photos/vectors.

I have several agencies where photos/vectors have been already uploaded and approved.

I would like to know which photo/vectors of the folder have NOT been uploaded (for some reason) I can upload them.

I could check manually one to one.....but photos/vectors are a lot and I should spend lot of time :-(

Thanks in advance

Illustration - General / From SVG to JPEG workflow
« on: July 15, 2016, 23:58 »
I usually create svg file with inkscape

I open svg file in gimp

I export svg to png

I export png to jpeg

Everything is ok but when I have to process a bacth of files, it is very boring repeating the same set of actions for each file.

I wonder if there is a way to making the process automatic

Let me say I am working for agency1....I have a shooting session with a model...the model signs the model release of agency1...everything is ok

Now I make the decision to join a second agency (agency2). I would like to upload even photos taken with the model above mentioned  but he/she didn't sign (at the time of shooting session) the model release of I suppose I cannot upload that photos, right?

So, what is the best practise?? Maybe after the shooting session it could be convenient to ask the model to sign all the model releases of all microstock agencies....even that agencies you are not working for at that moment. So when you decide to work for a new agency you can upload even that photos.

How do you manage that situation?

Guys, your help is need.

I always read that someone to save time for submitting files to several agencies....add keywords and Metadata in his computer (someone with lightroom...someone else with bridge...ecc...)....and then the files are ready to go anywhere.

I have adobe bridge and lots of .jpeg and .mov....I would like to use bridge for the above mentioned goal....but I don't know how :-(

Could you kindly tell me how to use it?
I the file....and in the panel of metadata I can edit, right?

1) Can I set even categories? If yes....different agencies have different categories...and so how to manage the issue???

2) When I add metadata with Bridge......does bridge automatically re-save jpeg with the added info? Is quality of  jpeg is affected?


18 / Help for seeing earnings single sale
« on: June 10, 2016, 17:16 »
Is there a way to see the earning for each single sale?

I can't find anything to get that info in istockphoto website. Help, thank you

I am at the begin of my video microstock experience. I need hints on workflow for Managing Uploading and Keywording multi-agencies.

What I do now.

Let me say I have 5 video files (.mov) to be uploaded on 3 different agencies.

I open ftp with first agency.....send files.
I open ftp with second agency.....send files.
I open ftp with third agency.....send files.

I go to the website of first agency....keyword and submit each video
I go to the website of second agency ....copy and paste keywords from the first agency and submit
I go to the website of third agency ....copy and paste keywords from the first agency and submit

Is there a way to make my workflow better?  :(

P.S. Agencies: SS, P5, VB, FO, DT

Adobe Stock / Reason of rejection
« on: June 06, 2016, 11:54 »
When FO rejects some of my works I got an email with a generic reason of rejection....but what is the true problem???

When you get this kind of email are you able to understand the true problem? Do you contact the support? What do you do?

I wonder why the reviewer doesn't tell the true problem....if she/he rejects the photo/video/illustration she/he knows why.   

Software /
« on: April 28, 2016, 04:18 »
Does anyone use the service proposed by

In short, you upload your photos on dropbox and uploads them via ftp to your agencies.

Your opinion is welcomed :-)

22 / Keywords Disambiguation
« on: February 07, 2016, 17:38 »
I have just started to use DeepMeta to keywording and uploading file to IS.
After inserting keywords the next step is a page of disambiguation keywords where for some keywords you have to specify the meaning you intend. The disambiguation task seems not necessary to get the green light to uploading the file. So I wonder if the time spent to disambiguate keywords is worth it.

Adobe Stock / Hint for Keywording less heavy
« on: February 03, 2016, 03:17 »
Hi guys,

let's speak about keywording in Fotolia.

I found it quite demanding due to the fact that keywords have to be ordered. The graphical interface doesn't make the task easier. For instance the window of keywords is not adjustable in order to see all the words, so I spend lots of time to going up and down in the list. Generally I put on the top only few keywords (the most relevant) and the rest ones are more or less randomly ranked.

I sent some messages to Fotolia team explaining the above mentioned reasons but until now I didn't see any changes (let's hope).

Do you have any hints to share to make FT keywording less heavy?

Thanks in advance

24 / DeepMeta illustration uploading problem
« on: February 02, 2016, 11:53 »
I started to use Deepmeta on Win10
I succeed in keywording and uploading some photos.

I succeed in keywording some illustrations (jpeg+eps) but I failed in uploading. The process does three tentatives to upload them without any success.

I wonder where I am wrong with illustrations. I can't understand why not working with illustrations......I repeated the same workflow of the photos.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Hi all,

I have started to uploading videos for a few weeks. In particular SS accepted some videos and rejected some other ones for the following reason "Clip exhibits issues related to frame rate". The workflow and the settings are the same both for accepted videos and for rejected ones. They are basic HD clips at normal speed. I work with adobe premiere cs6.

I really don't know what does "Clip exhibits issues related to frame rate" mean so I ask for your help to try to fix the issue and to upload them again.

Can you kindly give some hints?

Pages: [1] 2


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