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Topics - Groman

Pages: [1]
2 / Shutterstock going to wrong way.
« on: July 05, 2016, 03:51 »
Something happening.
Sales go down. Search engine is sucks. The image reviewing working like stupid program. Accepting the craps. Newer sell the new contects. Too many spam in the new contects. Too many spam everywhere. Less quality pictures, more spammy scrap. The professional contributors stop the uploading, the sammer uploading more and more and more. Chrasing uploading. Annoyin, stupid rejection reason. Disappearing pictures from portfolio. Buggy earings showing, buggy forum, buggy gallerystats.
We get threatening email, but the spams still on shutterstock. Work harder for less money.
My monthly earings half Less than two years ago, but my portfolio is triple now. We love it. :(

3 / It's bug?
« on: June 21, 2016, 08:33 »
Sorry my English, but I will try to describe.
This is intresting. When i go my portfolio, and categorizing my pictures by new. after 10-11 pages see my pictures randomly not

4 / Very Low sales in 2016?
« on: January 06, 2016, 11:06 »
I have low sales this week. In 2015 january firs week is good, but this year starting very bad :(
Anyone else?

5 / Shutterstock accepting 100 crap same pictures?
« on: September 19, 2015, 04:28 »
I see always in new images in vector category, 2 page, same or similar crap pictures accepted? Why?
For example check this portfolio
Scroll in this portfoliop few pages. And many many crap portfolio. The quality of the pictures suppress a lot of waste.
Why? I dont understand

Pages: [1]


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