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Topics - JimmyC

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Selling Stock Direct / more than a dollar
« on: February 06, 2020, 10:48 »
I sometimes have crazy thoughts. In this case I wondered if I wanted more than a dollar for some photography; I could sell through Getty, I could put things just on Pond5 picking Stocksy like prices, or just Alamy? Any suggestions, including forget it just upload as normal. (Thank you all for your other posts and replies.)

Adobe Stock / Seasonal uploads
« on: December 10, 2019, 14:20 »
I wonder if there was an opinion on whether to upload Christmas, for instance, now, when most of the pictures have been bought or wait until August/September when advertisers are starring to make Christmas plans. I know I have worked summers on Christmas shots for consumer product companies catalog. I guess the question is does 'newness' count in searches and should I be uploading Valentines day? (And in addition I thank you all who comment regularly, I benefit from your knowledge and experience.) 

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