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Topics - Lecaro

Pages: [1]
General - Stock Video / Photoshop - Video Keywords
« on: February 27, 2017, 16:36 »

I am new at video... Where do i save the keywords so it will appear on websites?
At photos i put keywords and title at "file info" but at video, after i give rendering it doesn't stick on it! how it is made?

Thanks a lot!

Video Equipment / Sofware / Technique / GoPro 5
« on: February 11, 2017, 17:50 »

In the near future i am planning buying a GoPro5, i never had a GoPro until now.
I was wondering, is good enough to take some simple stock videos also?


General Stock Discussion / new member of the team
« on: April 07, 2016, 03:08 »
i am a stock photographer, but in my commission jobs now i have a new partner that is videographer. I am thinking to join him with me on stock and have same account so we can both have more sales...
How can we make to see what he have sold and what i have sold so i can give him correctly his share.
what if i want at some time to upload some video, how can we see the sales from his material and the sales from mine?


Crestock.com / Lately experience
« on: March 17, 2016, 13:58 »

What is your experience with this site?
Have you earned something? Is it worth to start can create a portfolio there? as i see i can upload only 10 images at 10 days... LOOL


Pages: [1]


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