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Topics - dwdailypics2017

Pages: [1]
General Photography Discussion / about monitor PB278QR
« on: January 02, 2018, 10:58 »

I will buy this monitor for photography PB278QR ASUS

is that a good monitor for work with photos and photography for stocksites?

thx by advance


Shutterstock.com / no more sell
« on: August 19, 2017, 02:39 »
Hi everyone,

I have not more sells from every site 7 days

have Some one the Same problem like me???

let me know plz

thx by advance

Hello people,

I have software microstockr and have someone also the same problem with account istock/getty account with inlog??

i will put my pass in the account istock/getty and i het massage from inlog failed have someone the same problem like me??


iStockPhoto.com / problem with inlog ESP
« on: May 22, 2017, 07:14 »
Hallo everyone,

I get een problem with inlog of the site ESP when i will inlog with the inlog user name and password
then will it not work

have someone it same problem like me???


iStockPhoto.com / exclusieve
« on: April 20, 2017, 09:47 »

How i can make my images in exclusieve?

thx by advance

Software / is there also another software like microstockr
« on: April 05, 2017, 10:42 »
Hello every one,

is there also a another software like microstockr?

for looking what i sell of the pics from stocksites
like the site todayis20 will be great for also another stocksites

thx for advance

Hello every one,

I have last night upload pics of me and they is all aproved but i see not my pics in my portfolio
is that a bug or something?
have some one there the same problem like me?

thx by advance

iStockPhoto.com / how much can you earn video
« on: March 13, 2017, 15:54 »
Hello every one,

i have a question how much can you earn when a video is download it example full HD?

thx by advance

Bigstock.com / work still bigstock
« on: March 07, 2017, 11:57 »
Hello everyone,

just a ask, i will know that bigstock still work i write a email to them or a topic and i get not more answer is the site something broke??

i get also not more sells and i can't upload eney more

have some pp that same problem??

iStockPhoto.com / when i can see image from the download
« on: March 01, 2017, 07:18 »

When i can see the downloads image from where and how much on the new ESP platform???

before in istock we cound see as contrubutor what they have donwloads from which photos
i hope they will that fix on the new ESP site also?
it's nice when i can see the downloads and which photos
like also another stocksites i can also see what's downloads and which photo is that is most important

thx by advance

Bigstock.com / not more sale
« on: March 01, 2017, 07:15 »
hello everybody,

before i get 2a3 sells per months
now this month i have not more sales had
have some pp from here also the same problem like me??

its' frustrating with this problems i must say

Shutterstock.com / problem with ss
« on: March 01, 2017, 07:13 »
Hello everybody,

I have few days before upload photo and yesterday have ss it aproved and the i see 24 hours later that my pics is in my pertofolio and now i see not more my pics what they have aproved :(

have some pp from here also this problems???

Software / about software microstockr
« on: February 25, 2017, 05:07 »
Hello everyone,

have someone the software microstockr? and how long time
is the software trusty?
i have the software download but i don't know how it works

thx by advance


Before in the site istock who could see the downloads image like what image they have download
and from where
where i can that find now in the new site?
or must that also fixing in the new ESP site in the comming days?

Pages: [1]


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