« on: April 22, 2020, 23:06 »
Hello good day guys, great forum with tons of experienced stock photographers/videographers. I'm sorry for the newbie questions, just getting started with stock footage.
I have a couple questions:
What is the optimum workflow for stock video? Edit usable clips, than color correct, than metadata(keyword) than upload to multiple sites?
What are the top Stock Agencies you recommend in uploading to? Is there any to stay away from?
Does the actual clip length matter? Is there a recommended clip length? Better longer or shorter? Is there incentives to longer clips. I see a lot of short 4 second clips. Seems like the minimum amount of clip time.
4, 10, 20 second, 30 seconds? Should I be cutting to a certain second? I assume there longer clips are worth more and can charge more?
Can you make a living of stock footage?
Is there any best site or recommended Stock Agency to upload your videos and photos? I see a lot on Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, Vimeo Stock, Pond5? Is it best to upload all pictures/videos to all sites?
Thanks again and any input would be much appreciated.