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Messages - dbvirago
« on: January 07, 2025, 07:06 »
These beliefs will not change with the transaction.
We Come in Peace.
We Mean You No Harm.
Trust Us.
« on: November 25, 2024, 18:23 »
It is unclear why the authors' income has decreased. It seems that buyers are leaving Shutterstock, but why.
My subscription sales started disappearing back in July this month next to nothing.
Single and others going for 10 to 15 cents.
SS are a ghost of what they used to be.
Went from 75% of my stock income to 15%, then they decided to reject everything. I think AI is running management now.
« on: November 19, 2024, 18:05 »
... Over the last few years I have culled my agencies down considerably and now there are 4. It wouldn't take much incentive to do something I thought I'd never do and go exclusive with Adobe.
of course, you have to remove all your images on other sites, not just stop uploading
No, I didn't mean be exclusive to them, but have all future images exclusive to them. Some site, don't remember which, used to pay better for images that were exclusive. I have 34K images on SS. It would take a lot to incent me to delete them all.
« on: November 19, 2024, 11:02 »
I knew it would happen eventually, but after 19 years, I finally quit uploading to Shutterstock. As with many of you, sales have been sliding downhill for years. Rather than making more than all other sites combined, they are now just another middle tier. And a few weeks ago, for whatever reason, they went from accepting 99% of my submissions, they have been rejecting 90%. This tipped them way over on the trouble/worth scale. Over the last few years I have culled my agencies down considerably and now there are 4. It wouldn't take much incentive to do something I thought I'd never do and go exclusive with Adobe.
« on: August 10, 2024, 18:46 »
I'm still at about 60% of my best year in 2017 at Shutterstock, but Adobe has more than made up the difference, so overall, my sales have continued to grow, albeit only slightly.
« on: June 27, 2024, 11:46 »
I was wondering if we can go exclusive with them? If yes then what royalty do they offer?
You are welcome to submit to Adobe Stock exclusively! The royalty rate we offer is 33% for images and 35% for videos. I should mention, that is the same rate we offer to those who are not submitting exclusively to Adobe Stock also 
Sadly, we do not have an exclusivity program, but I think it's great you would consider it if there was!
-Mat Hayward
I would def consider it. Adobe is the last legit microstock agency.
« on: May 14, 2024, 18:19 »
My SS earnings used to be 15x higher than now, and they just keep nosediving from month to month. Once a good earner, now abomination. Seems like it will join mid-tier agencies soon. Inexcusable.
During this same time, my Adobe Stock earnings has been growing, and Istock has been consistent.
I'm considering to start treating SS like the other mid-tier agencies and completely stop uploading there.
Identical experience for me too.
This. In the 20 years I've been doing this, I've never even considered an exclusive agreement, but if Adobe offered one, I'd drop the rest of them, inlcuding SS. They used to be 50% of my total revenue, now they are 10-20% while adobe is 60-80%.
« on: March 23, 2024, 18:47 »
I can't answer the first part of your question, but the Schedule C is where you will be able to declare all your expenses and deductions, like cameras, lenses, computer equipment, etc. I can't imagine you will be better off declaring all of the income with none of the deductions.
« on: March 22, 2024, 18:49 »
Not mine, but mine are editorial, so different queue
« on: March 22, 2024, 16:58 »
"Sorry you are having a problem with this.
Unfortunately, review times are currently around 7-10 days, which is unusually long. Shutterstock will be working to clear the backlog as quickly as possible and our images should be reviewed shortly.
Apologies for the current delay and thank you for your patience in this matter."
More than I got. I had two different people tell me this is completely normal even though I said it had never taken this long after 18 years of nearly daily uploads.
« on: March 20, 2024, 16:31 »
Haven't had anything reviewed since Friday. Haven't hit a lull like this in a long time.
« on: November 25, 2023, 09:42 »
No Savannah, No Skyline, and No Church. We have a perfect Trifecta
« on: October 16, 2023, 12:03 »
Got this from them last week. Requested payment and got it a couple of days later, so looks like they are back. I forgot how much fun it was to get emails for $.08 sales all day.
« on: June 23, 2023, 18:50 »
Stock photography is coming to an end has been the most consistent topic on this forum for the last 15 years. And yet, here we are.
That and how you can't make money in microstock any more. My stock earnings since 2006:
« on: June 22, 2023, 16:50 »
Figured out I had to scroll down past two blank screens to get to payment info
« on: June 22, 2023, 15:57 »
My earnings jumped also, but there is no way to request payment. At this point, I have to trust or faith in the company. Should have left years ago.
« on: August 11, 2022, 13:04 »
Not massive, and I don't do video, but I've had more refunds in the last week than in the last several years.
« on: June 16, 2022, 18:05 »
It worked a few hours ago when I renewed my subscription. Hopefully, it will be back soon.
« on: March 24, 2022, 16:59 »
StockSubmitter provides incredible support, to be honest, much more than I pay for. I use a low-level Lite plan and the support has been truly amazing. Dmytri is a great guy and I'm absolutely sure there is nothing in this announcement but pure business need.
I second this. I vary between Lite and Casual, with a Pro plan here and there during the many years I have used this service. Dmytri has always responded quickly and professionally. The product works great and it's well worth the price. Updates are made almost daily. The price increase is for people that upload more than 1,000 images per month and is a penny per image. Dmytri, if you need to charge me $12.50 for the Lite plan, I'd be happy to do so. Keep up the great work and thank you for a great product.
« on: February 09, 2022, 09:22 »
Thanks, Mat. That was a long 9 days.
« on: January 27, 2022, 14:53 »
Same here, 5 sales for a total of .50. As soon as I can reach payout, I'll be deleting my entire port. I quit uploading there years ago.
« on: January 07, 2022, 09:54 »
My income this year is 10 cents (Canadian) that's before expenses and taxes. lol Level 1 on SS for photos. Could always be worse, could be Alamy.
Oh, I've had a 2022 sale on Alamy and it netted me a whole $1.20 (US)!
Five times here. Just made level 2, but almost irrelevant. It's sad to see an agency that was my #1 for 150 straight months fall so fast and so far.
« on: January 05, 2022, 17:43 »
For those who want permanent updates, the CC subscription is probably financially advantageous.
Anyone who bought a CS product back then and felt they didn't need every update would have been better off with the old model.
A Photoshop update was about $300 - I dont remember exactly. Anyone who didn't want new features every year, but felt that an update every 3 or 5 years was enough, would have saved a lot of money.
Even after less than 1.5 years, the old paid model would have been cheaper.
But I don't have the exact sums in my head anymore.
But to put it very roughly: if you wouldt update for 5 years, you would have saved just under $200 per year on the old Adobe CS model versus the CC.
I will still prefer the subscription model. You get continuous updates along with many more benefits from Adobe.
How can anyone prefer a subscription model? Sure, you get continuous updates and "benefits", but: - you pay more per year than for a single-purchase Adobe software package - you don't own the software anymore - if you stop paying, you cannot access your project files anymore unless you re-subscribe - not all updates and extras are useful for everyone yet you still have to pay for it
There's literally no benefit compared to the old model for most freelancers, the only one benefiting from the subscription model is Adobe; they now have a continuous revenue stream (like many other corporations nowadays) and more profit.
It could be they are making a preference based on today's reality, not what you could buy 8 years ago. And for the record, you have never 'owned' any software unless you wrote it yourself. You purchased a license to use it. A license that could be revoked at any time. When I was 'buying' the software, I paid far more than $120 for Lightroom and Photoshop and 'bought' updates at least every other year. This is much cheaper. All of my files are on my hard drive. Nothing is in the cloud. Personally, I complete files as I go, but if I had 'project' files laying about, I would handle that before letting my subscription lapse. Not all updates and extras are desired by everyone for any software. I've used pretty much every product listed on this forum. I could make any of them work. But at this point in time, I choose Adobe, and it's well worth $120 a year (less than my cheapest lens) to do professional work. YRMV
« on: January 05, 2022, 12:32 »
I've thought about that. I use enough other software that dropping it for a month wouldn't impact my workflow. And I frequently rebuild my library from scratch. If I do pay, it will be the Photo plan. The all apps plan has no extra value to me, and certainly isn't worth an extra $42 a month.
« on: January 05, 2022, 11:53 »
Yeah, it would be nice if I maintain my level if the plans didn't have a gap in them. A day or a month, it costs the same.
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