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Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock Siteboost 0.29 - Total Stats, Quick Keywords Edit (in place), Referrals Check« on: April 06, 2011, 17:07 »2
General Stock Discussion / Search your works in Yandex as you do in TinEye« on: December 15, 2010, 20:07 »
Yandex, the largest Russian search system, just've got a new functionality. It automatically finds duplicates of the images, you search for. How does it help us? Just put the url of your photo in the search box, it will work just like Tineye.
http://images.yandex.com/yandsearch 3
General Stock Discussion / Re: Microstock has warped my photography....« on: December 02, 2010, 18:52 »
Before, when we traveled with my girlfriend I had 99% pictures of her and 1% of me. Then I've bought a nice point-n-shoot for her, and guess what? it's 75% of me and 25% of her :-) Now I can concentrate on stock quality photos, while she's getting the usual vocational shots.
pros: I'm training her skills, we have separate sets of stocks/vocationals, no need to carry heavy camera/lenses all the time (oh, such a relief) and I'm not missing that much of good stock photos just because I'm tired shooting. cons: $250 for the extra camera. 4
General Photography Discussion / Re: Monitor Calibration for Stock Photos« on: December 20, 2009, 05:53 »
The short answer, calibrate both, rely on the main monitor. It all depends on your setup. Some advanced video cards can work as two separate cards, but these are rare and I never tested one myself. On Win XP I don't think it's even possible to calibrate the monitors to different gammas. Here is a simple test: assign a profile to you secondary monitor. Then assign a different profile to your main monitor, doing that will change gamma on both screens, instead of main only. On Win 7 I was able to assigned different profiles to different monitors. It might be fine with non color managed applications, but not for the applications that use ICC profiles, like Photoshop. From my tests, Photoshop relied only on the main monitor profile to convert colors, which makes running it on your secondary monitor useless. 5
Microstock Services / Re: Find who uses your photos« on: December 20, 2009, 04:27 »Thanks! I better remove Eyemypics to avoid further problems. It is easy to create a script, indistinguishably mimicking a stubborn user behavior allowed by the terms. Then banning the ip of a proper user might be a problem. Please, consider a restriction on the rate of requests from one ip instead of not allowing the script access. The service similar to Google Alerts would be the best for a photographer. A photographer marks a set of images and receives a notification when a similar image appears in TinEye database. I'm not sure if it would be technically possible unless you use a really powerful clustering algorithm on your side :-) 6
Microstock Services / Re: Find who uses your photos« on: December 19, 2009, 08:14 »Hey guys: that app is in violation of our terms of service. TinEye does not allow automated searches. I see you point. I'll contact you about this. Links to the windows binaries will be removed until we figure things out with TinEye team. Sorry for the troubles. 7
Microstock Services / Re: Find who uses your photos« on: December 18, 2009, 13:21 »
Guys, make sure you use v.1.1.1, v.1.1 had a small bug in iStock parsing.
I've just tried jcpjr's portfolio and it seems to work. There might be a problem on TinEye side suspecting eyemypics is a robot, so I might have to slow down the request rate even further :-( Let me know if you experience this problem. 8
Microstock Services / Re: Find who uses your photos« on: December 18, 2009, 11:29 »
I'm not sure what do you mean by 'nothing as result...'
![]() Does it tell you anything about number of pages, photos, does it show the progress bar? Its a bit complicate to use! 9
Microstock Services / Re: Find who uses your photos« on: December 18, 2009, 11:25 »
Download eyemypics-1.1.1-win32.zip, unzip it and run main.exe.
It will open a console window and show you the list of stocks ("Make your choice:"). Type the number of stock you want to use and press enter. Then you'll be asked for the username ("Username (userid for Fotolia)"), type it in and press enter. It takes 3-10 sec, depending on your internet speed, to get the number of pages in your portfolio and you will see "N pages in your portfolio" line. A few more seconds (depending on the size of the portfolio) and it will tell "Found X photos". Then you'll see a progress bar, which is self explanatory. Once a photo found to be used somewhere outside of microstock sites, it will be shown in a new window of your browser. 10
Microstock Services / Re: Find who uses your photos« on: December 18, 2009, 09:45 »
had to fix a silly typo in url.
v.1.1.1 should be fine now 11
Microstock Services / eyemypics 1.1« on: December 18, 2009, 09:21 »
Ok, new version is out.
It uses your public portfolio instead, so you don't need to enter your password anymore. http://code.google.com/p/eyemypics/ 12
Microstock Services / Re: Find who uses your photos« on: December 18, 2009, 06:09 »
Here is the short introduction to the internet safety, just to compensate the moral damaged done in all these topics above
![]() If the source code for the program is available, you can go and check it yourself. Not everyone is a programmer, so let's skip that part. Be sure you use a firewall. Outpost, Kerio, there are dozens of them. I use Comodo Firewall as it is free for personal use. Properly set up firewall will track all incoming and outgoing connections and warn you if, let's say eyemypics tries to send something (and it will as it will try to login to the microstock). Your firewall warns you that the application xxx sends something to the x.x.x.x. ip address. Go to http://ip-lookup.net or a similar web service to check who owns that web site. Based on that information you decide to allow or block the the access i your firewall. 13
Microstock Services / Re: Find who uses your photos« on: December 18, 2009, 05:46 »
Seriously guys, calm down. Do you panic the same when you start your Firefox or, god forbid IE? Beware, it stores and sends your passwords over the internet.
![]() First things first, eyemypics does not store your passwords or sends it anywhere except the corresponding microstock itself. Look at the source code, use your firewall to check, be a tech-savvy, do not start a holy war. As leaf mentioned above, there may not even be a need to login to get the large enough thumbnails for the TinEye. I'll take a look at it and will keep you posted. Let me give you some history on eyemypics. It started as quick and dirty python script, automating the search through TinEye. Clicking each photo one by one is no fun. The easiest way to access the portfolio were to login to the website and get it there, so here it goes. If there is an easier way to do that, that's where the community help gets appreciated. 14
Microstock Services / Find who uses your photos« on: December 17, 2009, 12:06 »
Eyemypics checks your portfolio in TinEye, so you don't need to do it manually for each photo yourself.
admin comment: *link removed* don't enter your user name or password into any program or website or you are not 100% sure of. 15
General Photography Discussion / Re: Monitor Calibration for Stock Photos« on: December 11, 2009, 23:03 »
let me add my 5c+5c+5c+5c+5c = 1 quarter to the topic:
5c. If you post your images on the web , print and especially sell you images you need to be sure that the others will see your colors exactly as you plan them. That's why you need to calibrate your monitor and use color management aware software. 5c. Even if you can't get your hands on the hardware calibrator, you can use a free software one. It is a part of Windows 7 and Mac OSX. Win XP users can get QuickGamma. The quality of such calibration is up to your eyes. I did that before. It's pain in the butt, but better than nothing. Finally I gave up and bought Spyder2. 5c. Be sure to use color-managed (CM) software. Photoshop is CM, MS Paint is not. Use CM web browsers: Safari or Firefox >=3.5. Bad news for all-in-one Opera guys and Chrome speed junkies, they are not for photographers. Check Gary Ballard's CM tutorial, if you don't know what I'm taking about. 5c. When you post your photos on the web make sure they are in sRGB and have sRGB profile embedded. That's the best we can do for our non-CM fellas to save them from seeing the saturation problems. This is the rule, by the way. The same holds for your microstock portfolio, unless the stock mentions its color space requirements explicitly. 5c. Finally, if you are a proud owner of a multi-monitor setup on a Windows system, be sure you color management works fine on both monitors. Because if you don't have a separate video card per monitor, most probably it does not. Long story short, make sure you edit and proof images on you main (in windows terms) screen. 16
General Photography Discussion / Re: Monitor Calibration for Stock Photos« on: December 11, 2009, 21:18 »I used to upload adobeRGB ("aRGB" for brevity) to IS and sRGB to everyone else. It's not a good idea to upload AdobeRGB files. You can't assume that a customer or a viewer will treat your AdobeRGB files properly. Use sRGB instead to avoid problems with over or undersaturated colors in the image. Some stocks even specify it explicitly. This rule also applies to all images shown on the web. 17
Adobe Stock / Re: Question about country in pictures« on: December 08, 2009, 03:38 »
So, what does it actually do?
Initially I thought it is somehow related to taxing, or does it change the search positioning depending, lets say, on the visitor's county of origin? 18
General Stock Discussion / Re: Level 10 or Level 12 File Quality« on: November 28, 2009, 05:14 »
Could you place one crop on top of the other, so they will change on mouseover?
Here is the example. You need javascript for that, but it will make difference way easier to spot. View the two images, full size crops of a smaller section of the sample photo. Both saved from the identical TIF original. One as Level 10, one as Level 12. Then the JPGs were converted back (uncompressed) to BMPs so you could view them on the web. The crops are 100% of a small section of that full size uncompressed file. 19
Software - General / Re: Windows 7« on: November 01, 2009, 16:09 »
I also use Windows 7 since it's beta, so far so good. It is stable, the user interface is way better (I'm not talking about aero). Finally they did some major changes to their color system and it is way easier to calibrate monitors comparing to XP. Monitor calibration on Windows 7
Newbie Discussion / Re: How do you upload to multiple sites?« on: October 23, 2009, 01:50 »
You can try picNiche toolbar for Firefox. It has the upload feature to major stocks.
It also helps tracking your earnings. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/11474 22
StockXpert.com / Re: Rate/Comment/View the Image Above Yours!« on: December 03, 2007, 21:09 »
Rated & commented. Here is my, hope you like it ;-)
http://www.stockxpert.com/browse.phtml?f=view&id=4186621 23
Newbie Discussion / Re: how to increase sells with isolation and clipping path?« on: December 02, 2007, 01:45 »My conclusion, the resizing of our images on the sites destryed the clipping paths. I've heard that the clipping path is included only in the largest size images. If you create it while editing, it is free anyway. However nobody so far had confirmed that it raises the sells. 24
Newbie Discussion / how to increase sells with isolation and clipping path?« on: November 29, 2007, 02:59 »
I'm trying to find out the best selling technique for isolation. Hope some Pros could help me with that.
I've shot an object on white background. After playing with curves I've got the object with a nice shadow, and light background. Whould it raise the sells if I manually erase the background to uniform white (255,255,255) or get rid of the object's shadow? Should the clipping path include just the object or the object with it's shadow? Does including the clipping path mean that everything outside of it should be erased?
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