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Messages - shutterdrop
« on: May 30, 2014, 15:44 »
Shutterstock is the best for downloads, but last year they locked my account because of an image I uploaded. My account was locked for seven days. That is when I started uploading to more sites because I wanted more options than Shutterstock. Stock Agencies are like girl-friends, one can never have too many.
« on: May 28, 2014, 16:14 »
The big chains that killed the mom and pop stores are now being killed by the internet.
and actually Amazon and Alibaba will soon kill the remaining online competition.
You may be surprised. One of the fastest growing online business last year was walmart.com
« on: May 28, 2014, 15:44 »
Use time exposure, your D7100 should have long exposure noise reduction... turn it on! Full Moonrise over Davis exposure 1 sec F5.6 ISO 200
« on: May 28, 2014, 15:26 »
I shoot for commercial and industrial clients; my job is to create a high quality very appealing images. Sometimes it comes off on the first shooting, sometime it take several shoots to satisfy the client. On very difficult shoots it may be several shoots to determine the right lighting, timing, and angle.
How many re-shoots have you done to achieve the desired results? One job big I had 5 re-shoots, it was a complex shoot involving 24 different location with very unique viewpoints.
« on: May 28, 2014, 11:52 »
They don't like snapshots from snap-shooters.
« on: November 11, 2009, 09:39 »
You has a photographer have certain rights. A police officer has certain rights. The police have the right to detain you until they determine who you are and determine you intent. If your intent is determined to be legal there are no issues, if your intent is determined to be illegal you will be arrested and jailed. Then you may face arrainement and subject to bail. Your equipment may be confiscated and may held as evident. It is not worth it. Co-operated with the Police and make life easier for yourself.
If a Peace Officer ask for identification, you must presentation your I.D. It is the law. If you do not co-operate with officer you can be charged with resisting arrest. In this photographer's case, he did not co-operate and his conduct made himself vulnerable to disorderly conduct.
Please be civil with police and save your arguement for the court room. When you argue with police you loose, if you fight with the police you loose and get a free ride downtown and a room at the cross-bar hilton.
I think this photographer was trying to create an issue and record it on a hidden camera.
« on: October 15, 2009, 07:15 »
Why do you try so hard to suck or it just natural? When are you going to contributors with respect?
SS still gives new contributors preference over older contributors. When are you going to reward our hard work. We are the one that brought to the dance. Remember without contributors you are nothing, nada, nix!
« on: October 14, 2009, 07:17 »
The gourd family also includes many economically important fruits and vegetables, including pumpkins, squash, melons and cucumbers.
In addition, gourds are used by people throughout the world for musical instruments, including shakers, maracas, drums, horns, marimbas and various string gourds resembling a banjo. Other uses include pipes, masks, canteens, water jugs, dippers, birdhouses, bath sponges and decorative gourds with intricate etched designs.
A bit of research is in order, before jumping to conclusions.
« on: October 03, 2009, 07:32 »
Will BigStock earn a spot as one of the BIG FOUR with a big push from Shutterstock?
Where do you think BigStock will rank in the big 6 by December 31 of this year?
My guess is #4
Your time frame is too short. Only time will tell and it depends if SS bought to expand business or decrease competition. We certain know by 12/31/2010 if it was a good or bad thing!
« on: September 24, 2009, 07:36 »
This is a pretty interesting move. I doubt it will have much impact overall on the contributors uploading to both sites. I imagine that Shutterstock has been declining in profits the past year with the heavy marketing of subscriptions by the competitors. In my opinion they are the most limited in potential of all the micros as they require such a commitment from their buyers that isn't necessary elsewhere unless they truly want it.
Someone made the point earlier in this thread that the content of their database isn't unique either with the majority of photographers dumping their images in every site that will take them. If I had to guess I would imagine they were in a corner that forced them to either make a move or move out of the way.
I wonder how much they paid.
Mat, you may have hit the nail on the head. Most contributors have more images on SS than last year and their downloads sales have decreased. I think BigStock needed a buyer and SS is interested in expanding . Credit sales at SS is not setting the world on fire and now they can introduce BigStock. My question is not about site improvements or upload changes. My question is this better or worst for contributer?
« on: September 22, 2009, 07:11 »
You can never have too much back-up! Images are on my laptop HD plus 4 external HD. One HD is storaged in my safe deposit at the bank. I also back-up programs files on the HD, I can go to any PC that has an usb port and plug-in and operate.
I also use Smugmugs for my website and they back-up to three different locations across the country every night. If also else fail I can request dvd from them for about $25.
Think about the time and money it took to create your images, it will make back-up storage look cheap.
« on: August 31, 2009, 07:09 »
Lets reject this batch and go! It is five O clock somewhere! I am buying the first round! Lets go! Reject Reject Reject no commercial value. It is five O clock somewhere.
Sometimes that is the real reason and the review makes a quick 5 cents.
There should be accountability of the reviewers! Each reviewer should have an assigned number. It would not take longer the flush out the bad characters.
« on: August 25, 2009, 14:26 »
My the way I do buy and market images!
I ask if they have a portfolio. If no portfolio, I tell them they need to build a portfolio. If they have a portfolio, I ask to see it. I tell them I am interested in purchasing excellent quality image if they meet my requirements. You can guess the outcome on 97.5% of the portfolios. Sometimes I am surprised!
Perry hit the nail on the head.
-You should have asked me at least five years ago -Lots of work / little money / hard competition -You feel like a prostitute when selling work for pennies -There is a certain feeling of freedom -No annoying clients (just annoying agencies) -It's a volume/quality game -Shooting is just a small part of the work
« on: August 24, 2009, 07:15 »
Just tried logging in and I keep getting password error. Not Good!
« on: August 10, 2009, 10:38 »
If you mess with a pig you should take the precaution of wearing a mask and condom.
« on: August 10, 2009, 07:12 »
It is all about demographics and income of your audience! Selling Rap music is one audience. Selling recreation vehicles is another audience. You should learn a little bit more about marketing and advertising.
Jumping to the conclusion of bigotry is an absurd and outrageous statement.
« on: August 05, 2009, 07:19 »
Surely there are a million monkeys with a million cameras out there.
Wow. So now we are monkeys? 
He did mention a million monkeys with a million cameras. He also mention they would produce one image that buyers want. We are going to need more reviewers!!
« on: August 04, 2009, 11:12 »
The local MacDonald's jobs start at 8.75 per hours with up to 29 hours. You receive a 25 cent raise after 90 days. Free food and drinks!!
8.75 per hour at 29 hours equal: $253.75 per week times 52 weeks for a total $13,195 per year.
Plus free food, drinks, and management opportunities!!!
Give up your Micro Stockings and join the Golden Arches.
Mickey Dee beat Micro Stock!
« on: August 04, 2009, 07:28 »
recently bought a digital SLR to have some fun. I learned as a consequence a lot of what is going on on the internet and must say it is depressing.
It seems that you dont understand the basic principles of a digital SLR and the internet yet which I think would be necessary before making such comments
It seems basic economic principles are not understood by all this creative hart working wonderful people.... I must say I am embarrassed for how little photographers are working, this is worse than slavery.
Not really...I knew nothing about photography 4 years ago.. so far I made $41,000.00 and still growing. See my thread "Happy day for a security guard" for a better response. Probably only the top 1% of micro contributors are making enough to make a living. Maybe 2-6% are making a good supplemental income, but is that not the truth for all artistic or sports endeavors . I guess after a while if you cant make that top 6% it is up to you to give up and do something else. It is that simple.
If we suppose to believe you. $41,000 in 4 years, lets see that is $10,250 per year. In the US you are below the proverty line and qualify for foods stamps and medicaid! PS: don't give up you security guard job.
« on: August 03, 2009, 07:11 »
You missed the point of my reply, the terms "Simple Simon" and Monkeys are derogatory and disrespectful to fellow artists, I have seen the terms used a few times now and it stinks of the same elitism some of the traditional photographer thought they had when the microsites started.
There hundreds of "starving artist show" every weekend. Is that derogatory and disrespectful name? I call it truthful.
« on: August 02, 2009, 11:52 »
Simple Simon shots on a white background are overused. I see hundreds of grade "b" images with the big six agencies. These types of images are often 'best sellers' and downloaded in thier many thousands every day and are the staple, 'the bread and butter of Microstock', and should not be dismissed so lightly, as they pay the bills for the agencies and some artists, the new higher priced 'quality collections' are a 'nice to have' and will bring in some extra revenue but they are never going to be the normal download price points for microstock.
Great there are thousands of apples shot on a white background and great sellers! Does that means everyone needs to upload a thousand more??? You missed the point... the market is saturated with simple simon images and the demand is for more creative quality images! This requires more skills, equipment, composition, and creativity. How many downloads at 33 cents will it take to pay for a Pro-DSLR, lens, lights, laptop, software, and etc?
« on: August 02, 2009, 08:25 »
The point I decided to needed to be made here is the double standard being made by microstock which I thought this image would illustrate well. The quality standards being demanded are professional, the pay per download isn't really even something that could be considered good for a hobbyist. This is not good for anyone.
I definitely agree with the above statement. Micro Agency are reaching 10 millions images plus. Simple Simon shots on a white background are overused. I see hundreds of grade "b" images with the big six agencies. Hundreds of start-up want to be agencies. Micro must change the days of monkeys with camera for peanuts are history.
Micros are going to have to start focusing on the better contributors. I am surprised that one of the Micro Agencies have not offered Yuri or others bonus commissions for exclusivity.
« on: July 28, 2009, 07:28 »
If you can not shoot, become a reviewer with an attitude. If you bust-out as a reviewer, open a [Y.A.M.S.] - Yet another Microstock Site.
There will always be monkeys with cameras that you can feed with peanuts.
« on: July 24, 2009, 21:01 »
I like wide-angle shots. The reviewer then states the focus is not were it should be. With a wide-angle lens everything from 2 feet to infinite is in focus.
I reason to believe we have an reviewer malfunction!
« on: July 24, 2009, 18:57 »
Things You Will Not Hear From Obama
I love Republicans. Rush Limbaugh is an American Patriot. I love country music, longnecks, and pick-up trucks. I am a card carrying Socialist. The stimulation program did not work. I am going bird hunting with Dick Cheney. I will fire all the Czars tomorrow. I should have used Vigara to stimulate the economy. Nancy Pelosi is smarter than me. America is the greatest country in the world. Hillary was the better choice for President. Where is George Bush when you need help?
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