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Messages - Anyka

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Canva / Re: Canva
« on: January 18, 2015, 02:03 »
I totally agree Jo Ann, January usually is my 2nd worst month, with an average of -20% compared to December.   This year seems to be -25% (all agencies together), but Canva is -55%.  If your January sales are good, that means it's "just me" which is good news.

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: January 17, 2015, 17:03 »
How are sales going with you all?  Mine were fabulous in December, but January has fallen like a rock.  As if all customers were designing Christmas cards and stopped after New Year.  As Canva is new, I'm not sure what caused this :  growing number of images, change in search algorithm, or just a slow month.

Most of my models sign without reading the MR, saying "I trust you".  That's not very clever of course, because I am not in control of who buys the images and what is done with them.  But I do explain what can happen, with a few examples.  They always love the story of me appearing on a Trade Union wall poster as a witch, in my own country, and people recognizing me.  Until today, all image uses found by me, my models or their friends were happily welcomed.  I live in a country were people rarely sue, but I do wonder what would happen in case of real misuse.

I have about 50 pending.  It started with 8 photos of a batch of 20, then every week 3 to 5 newly uploaded files got "stuck" too.  Now I have 50 "forgotten" photos ...  The oldest are more than 4 months old.

Done!  I really enjoy completing the annual survey.  It makes me think about the agency ranking, RPI, how much I spent on shoots and studio stuff, etc. etc. 

General Photography Discussion / Re: Euro dropping
« on: January 05, 2015, 07:04 »
Yes, but I'm staying away from international Ebay shopping for a while  :'(

General Stock Discussion / Re: HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND BEST WISHES
« on: December 26, 2014, 02:44 »
Got kicked of Fotolia the same day as Ron (in May).  FT was my number 2 earner, so I expected a financial disaster.  To my big surprise, May was the exact turning point for all other agencies to start growing again.  Between January 2012 and May 2014 there had been a steady decline.  I have no idea if being kicked of FT had anything to do with it, but fact is that since May 2014, EVERY month has shown growth.

Beside stock, I have started a successful "Belly&Baby" portrait business which will eventually outgrow my stock income.  I have applied (with success) for my SWPP recognition of the British "Photography Societies" and the "EP" title (European Photographer).  My wish for 2015 is to become one of the best baby photographers in Belgium, and also to learn to work smarter :  spend less time on retouching and still deliver a top product.  If I succeed, I'll have more free time for fun stock shoots. 

Happy holidays to all of you!

Ron, so glad you're back!  Now let's see if we can convince Lisa to join again?

Dreamstime.com / Re: Have DT sales slumped?
« on: November 26, 2014, 11:05 »
Yes and no ... sales are indeed very low (about 55% of November 2013), but I can't say it's bizar or unexpected, since September and October had the same problem  :(

Alamy.com / Re: Refund or default?
« on: November 21, 2014, 11:25 »
Nothing here, though I do have 1 uncleared sale of May 2013.
Did you receive an e-mail, or did you notice it on your "account balance" ?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Does the IRS send e-mails ?
« on: November 20, 2014, 02:58 »
Too late, just deleted it, and even emptied my trash can  ;D
But I'm sure I'll get more of these, so I'll send the next one to the IRS!

General Stock Discussion / Re: Does the IRS send e-mails ?
« on: November 20, 2014, 01:54 »
1000x thanks for that!  I did notice the strange language, but was not sure it was "poor grammar" or "very official law talk".   If English is not your mother language, it's difficult to see the difference!  :(

Fortunately I did not open the attachment (though my fingers were itching to do so), and I have not replied, so I think I'm OK.

Thanks again!

General Stock Discussion / Does the IRS send e-mails ?
« on: November 19, 2014, 17:10 »
I am from Belgium, so I only know the IRS from the tax forms for Shutterstock etc.

I just got an e-mail going like this :

Application for a not ordinary resident (non-resident) saver to receive interest without tax taken off or deducted.
Our records indicate that you are a non-resident alien. As a result, you are exempted from United States of America Tax reporting and withholdings, on interest paid you on your account and other financial dealing to protect your exemption from tax on your account and other financial benefit in rectifying your exemption status.
Therefore, you are to authenticate the following by completing W-8BEN FORM, and return to us as soon as possible via fax number enclosed on W-8BEN FORM.
If you are a USA Citizen and resident, this W-8BEN FORM is not meant for you, please indicate USA Citizen/Resident on the form and return it to us. We shall then send you a form W9095.
When completing W-8BEN FORM, please follow the steps below
1. We need you to provide your permanent address if different from the current mailing address on your W-8BEN FORM , you must indicate if a non-USA resident, your country of origin to support your non-resident status (if your bank account or other financial dealing has a USA address for mailing purpose).
2. If any joint account holder are now USA residents or Citizen, or in any way subject to USA tax reporting laws, Please check the box in this section.
3. Please have all account holders sign and date the form separately and fax it to the above-mentioned number.
Please, complete W-8BEN FORM attached and return to us within 1 (one) week from the receipt of this letter by faxing it, to enable us update your records immediately if your account or any other financial benefits are not rectified in a timely manner, it will be subject to USA tax reporting and back up withholding (if back up withholding applies, we are required to withhold 30% of the interest paid to you).
What you need to do
Print out the attached notification and complete the attached W-8BEN FORM and Fax same along with a copy of your international passport to fax number on the form within 7 working days.

Is this real?
First of all I would think they already have several W-8BEN forms of me, through Shutterstock and other agencies.
Then why this e-mail ?  Phishing?

Any US citizens who can tell me if the IRS sends e-mails?  I never get one from Belgian taxes  ;D

Photography Equipment / Re: rollup white background
« on: November 16, 2014, 15:50 »
Some of the collapsible screens are translucent so they can be lit from behind.  I hadn't thought of that, and it seems like it could be a big advantage in terms of space.  If the strobe is in front, it has to be off to the side so as not to be in the frame.  And the subject has to be a sufficient distance in front of the strobe, which means the backdrop has to be extremely large.  But if I can put the strobe directly behind the screen, the subject can be up close to it in front and the screen can be small.   That would be very helpful.   I'm not sure, though, about getting a pure white background in this way.  Is it as simple as it sounds?

Aim the strobe at a white wall, or a white umbrella, or white foam core, or a silver reflector screen, and bounce it back towards the translucent collapsible screen.  This way it spreads equally and you'll have a pure white background (with the right camera settings).  If you work this way, your subject can be a lot closer to the backdrop.  I sometimes even put my subject against it.  I use the Lastolite Megalite, which works the same way.

I'm not really sure what everybody's problem is... taking pictures of things almost never is a legal problem. It's not illegal to take a photo of an iPhone or a McDonald's restaurant. It's the publication of images that is a problem. And that part is always the buyers' worry and not yours.

Don't you remember that Yuri got sued by a big eye glasses manufacturer for letting his models wear their glasses in (closeup) photos?  It wasn't the buyers who bought his images that got sued ... 
Can't say how the story ended, as Yuri stopped talking about it after his first post.

I have been using (from time to time) a table like that to find out how my old files are doing.
I open the Shutterstock report of a good selling day, and I count how many images were sold of 2006, 2007, 2008 ...

This way I found out that (on Shutterstock), only 15% of my sales is represented by the 3500 files I uploaded from 2006 till end 2010.
The following 3 years average around 15% each, and 2014 is good for 40%.
It's always a nice warm feeling to see one of those really old files being sold ;-)

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: November 03, 2014, 11:05 »
You're not alone Jo-Ann, 30% of my images uploaded in the first half of September have not been reviewed yet, or are in cut-out queue.  Amongst them are my best-selling (on SS) christmas images.

Image Sleuth / Re: THIEF !
« on: October 27, 2014, 10:44 »
Well, I do not expect any payment :  there was only 1 of my images in his port, an image of a frog.  But as the main keyword "frog" was removed (why did he do that??), I'm sure it was never sold.  If he did the same with the other images, his business will not have been very lucrative.

I don't think Adobe has hit the wall (or ceiling) of potential subscribers to CC.
Right now, there are 2 groups who have not jumped into CC :  the people who use CS5 or CS6 illegally, and the people who use the legal version but are happy with their CS5 or CS6 version and refuse to pay a monthly fee for something they already have.

But what will happen in 2 to 4 years?  There will be a new version of Windows, and suddenly, CS5 and CS6 will not be compatible with the latest Windows anymore, and the "old" program on new computers will get buggy or not work at all.   Then there will be no CS7, but only CC to go to.

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: October 10, 2014, 14:20 »
Just a curious question ... 
Who came up with the idea of Canvas?  I don't mean the name, but the idea itself to offer this new service, as it's something really new (as far as I know).

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: October 07, 2014, 16:07 »
I agree here too.  Since the "unsubmittable-bug" was removed, I have 2000 files being processed (or rejected, or "to be cut out", or ...), but I have no idea how many are rejected, and which ones, as they are mixed up with 4000 accepted files ...

Dreamstime.com / Re: Dreamstime - Horrible Sales
« on: October 01, 2014, 02:16 »
I can't help wondering if Fotolia's beggar-my-neighbour industry-destroying strategy is working.

I thought so too, but in my stats, DST decline started in January 2014 or earlier (average -20% compared to 2013), but the latest trend is even -50% compared to 2013. 
Must say this is certainly NOT the general trend for stock photography, because almost every other site is status quo or going up (for me).

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: September 16, 2014, 14:36 »
Hi Anyka, as Jo Ann said (thanks Jo Ann!) we have a known bug where images fall out of the review queue and end up with status "Unsubmitted".  We've patched the bug and tomorrow will return all the images that fell out into the review queue.  Apologies for the confusion.  It'll all be back to normal shortly.  :)

 (I was afraid I had to find out which files, and then resubmit them!)

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: September 16, 2014, 12:31 »
The ones marked Unsubmitted are really unsubmittable (which probably isn't a word), at least not by the contributor.

I had a few like that and even after some were manually fixed up, a few on the next batch ended up in that state too. I contacted support and Lee manually did whatever he had to do because there was still a bug causing this problem. As I understood it, there was nothing about the files themselves, but something about their upload process. It didn't mean they were rejected.

Thanks Jo Ann!  That's bad news, because I've got a LOT of "unsubmittable" files.  No idea how many :  I have about 2000 files that are "to be cut out" OR "unsubmitted".  But as there is no way (yet) to sort images, I am not going to count them manually ...  ;D

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: September 16, 2014, 00:53 »
I have another question about submitting images :
Right now, I have uploaded 80% of my portfolio (the rest is not good enough).  Until a few days ago, I could see the number of approved images go up slowly every day.  Now, there are 2000 images left, partly "to be cut out" and partly "unsubmitted", and the number of approved images is not growing anymore.
The "unsubmitted" ones have a button "submit".  But if I click on it, nothing happens, the images remains "unsubmitted".
Is this a bug?  Am I supposed to click on all "submit" buttons??  Or is "unsubmitted" a way of telling me they got rejected?

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: September 08, 2014, 01:12 »
One thing that I find very annoying from a customer's point of view :  if I type "newborn puppy" (or anything else with 2 words), then I get a mixture of puppies and ... everyting else newborn :  kittens, babies, pigs ...  Even worse, if I type "isolated puppy", I get EVERYTING ISOLATED, including puppies.
Am I doing something wrong?  How can a customer avoid getting search results he/she does NOT want?  Would save a LOT of scrolling ...

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