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Messages - MarcvsTvllivs

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Did you shoot it with a galaxy phone?   ;)

123RF / Re: Sudden jump in contributor level?
« on: November 03, 2014, 01:13 »
Brace yourselves for the clawback that is going to come.

Did the clawback just happen?  Anyone else notice their sales for the past few days take a big leap backward?  Here's hoping that's just a temporary part of the "bug."

Yep. Man, what this industry needs is a few decent accountants!

General Stock Discussion / Re: October Earnings
« on: November 01, 2014, 13:20 »
Excellent month for me at SS (in fact, the third excellent month in a row and BME except for that one freak month about a year ago when I made two $100 sales on one day)

Decent month at Alamy.

Pretty much nothing of note with all the rest.

If you are sister companies and the same shareholders share the revenue, the distribution should be 50% for the contributor, 25% for Inmagine, 25% for 123RF. That way the books are kept apart tidily, the contributors get their fair share, and the shareholders end up with the 50% they should get.

But you weren't really after a fair distribution, were you? Ah *... I am so tired of this crap.

PhotoDune / Re: I'm Done with Envato
« on: October 28, 2014, 23:58 »
So bottom line, if you have multiple rejections you strongly disagree with, I re-invite you to contact us and let us know about it with the list of images you think should have been approved. There's 2 possible outcomes:
1. We overturn our initial decision, approve your images and provide feedback to our reviewers.
2. We confirm initial decision was accurate and provide you with personalized feedback so you have all the information required for your future submissions.

Quite honestly: Ain't nobody got time for that. If you were Shutterstock, sure, I might bother. But for Photodune's 1-2 sales per month? Meh. If you can't get reviewing right the first time, you missed out.

Would the photo have to pass inspection to be eligible? Because none of mine have in months now...

Photography Equipment / Re: Going to mirror less
« on: October 24, 2014, 12:33 »
as a technology, DSLR is a dead man walking and it must go, the sooner the better !

said that, what we really need is 72mm sensors and bigger lenses.

35mm is a relic of the past, all the troubles we're having now with low iso and noise are because we're still stuck with small sensors.

on top of this, pro cameras are sold as "all purposes" cameras and this is not a good thing, i would welcome a proper "night camera" that is specifically designed for shooting hand held by night at decent speed with a custom sensor that only works in low light.

In other words you would welcome the Sony A7s

PhotoDune / Re: I'm Done with Envato
« on: October 19, 2014, 20:57 »
I haven't had an image accepted there for months now. Stopped caring.

209 / Re: File size restriction relaxed?
« on: October 16, 2014, 21:26 »
... current iPhones are actually wonderful little cameras... :P

So.... my next camera I will buy will be iPhone 6  ;)

Same here. Not as a first or second camera, but definitely as a camera!

210 / Re: File size restriction relaxed?
« on: October 16, 2014, 18:46 »
Yes to both. I had some images from the unapproved list, before they started watching (probably a bot reading the camera data) I didn't do it to fool anyone, it was a stitched photo using the G-6, so the size was fine and no cheating. I actually reduced it a little after the crop.

Being a dinosaur myself, I still don't have a good camera/phone. I just carry a P&S with me everywhere.

Anyone get a laugh out of the Alamy thread where they called people who uploaded real camera photos to Stockimo "cheaters" and called for removal because it wasn't a phone? Then debating if an iPod touch or a tablet was allowed, because it hasn't got a phone in it. (for anyone who wonders, it's an iPhone without the phone parts and without an expensive contract... works WiFi fine)

I still don't get all the attraction of taking photos with a little plastic lens the size of a thumbtack?

Sorry to latch on to a minor and somewhat OT point here, but are you calling the current iPhone cameras "a little plastic lens the size of a thumbtack"? Because if that is so, you really *are* a dinosaur, current iPhones are actually wonderful little cameras... :P

211 / Re: Editorial on SS
« on: October 13, 2014, 18:21 »
I try to revitalize this topic, because I'm basically a photojournalist, editorial is my bread and meat and cheese and fuel etc...
What I want to say is that is absolutely ridicoulous the price that microstock sells news or editorial pictures.

To produce a news picture is expensive; to produce a news picture you have to be qualified; to produce a news picture you have to work daily on it (I mean that amateur can just have a lucky shot, but cannot schedule events and planning their life on this kind of photography).

Please, don't sell news on microstock agencies, we can't destroy photography and photographers more than this.

Oh but it depends. I sell some "news" and editorial on Microstock, especially on Shutterstock, and if the image is something that people come back to or that can be used as a true "stock" image for recurring events and/or as an abstract to describe a place or an institution, then the image makes me several hundred dollars over its lifetime.

Is that worse than what would have happened in traditional stock editorial photography? Tell you what, I don't care. Why don't I care? Because I am an amateur, maybe a semi-pro, and the high and haughty editorial photography world would never let me in. So what choice do I have? My education, my primary profession, my travels and pure dumb luck have given me access to some high value editorial locations, and I am a decent photographer with an eye and a passion for a good editorial image. So I will sell them at the agencies that will have me. It's that easy.

212 / Re: File size restriction relaxed?
« on: October 13, 2014, 14:31 »
lamy doesn't appear to adhere to its (frankly ridiculous) "accepted camera" policy anymore though.

My understanding was that it was never a hard rule - more a list of recommendations.

You are right, sorry, what I said wasn't right. What I *meant* was their list of forbidden cameras, which they once had, and which was silly.

213 / Re: File size restriction relaxed?
« on: October 13, 2014, 13:49 »
Agree and for those of us who like better than, I read it... here's the link:

Uncompressed file sizes of more than 17MB. This means you must use a DSLR camera with at least 6 megapixels.
It doesn't mean that old P&S and other cameras will be acceptable:

G15 and 16 are the only two from that series. All the ##-D (noticed the 10-D is missing but I don't know why, that's what I used to get accepted at Alamy in the first place, and upsized too?) EOS-M and GX, plus the usual obvious ones. Similar standards for Nikon.

I don't know if that will change anything for me. I was happy to not need to Upsize things anymore when they made the last reasonable change.

Interesting though that Alamy has dropped down to 6MP images? And at the same time IS has gone towards "one size fits all" kind of pricing.

Thanks very much for highlighting this Woody, Ed E etc.

Alamy doesn't appear to adhere to its (frankly ridiculous) "accepted camera" policy anymore though. I have plenty of iPhone images and images that were taken with my Fujifilm x10 on Alamy. Back in the day, I used to have to strip the metadata for them to get accepted. Today, no problem whatsoever.

I did not know that iStock (still) has reviewers

This. Until recently, they would only reject my images for property release reasons. Now, they don't even do that -- images which arguably might need a property release just stay in "pending" forever.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Image buyout shenanigans
« on: October 08, 2014, 18:31 »
I'm sure there is always a lawyer out there that would love to discuss "fairness". Although, they probably use the term justice.  ;)

Indeed -- if the other party is in Germany, drop me a line... ;)

216 / Re: File size restriction relaxed?
« on: October 08, 2014, 08:50 »
They just announced the change on their Twitter account.

123RF / Re: What's an LEL?
« on: October 03, 2014, 09:21 »
"Laughable EL"

Thanks for pointing this out! Very interesting (and man do I want that camera!).

I had a very solid month, especially at Shutterstock.

Wasn't there one place that got upset if you sold them lower elsewhere?  Was that Fotolia?

It's possible to sell files for less than Fotolia?!  ;)

I do remember that PantherMedia has a sort of "exclusivity" option that gives you a higher % if you do not sell cheaper elsewhere.

221 / Re: I got my first $28 EL download!
« on: September 26, 2014, 10:37 »
I once had two $100 SoDs on the same day. It was a good day.

However, if we're keeping this thread current for interested visitors, I'd recommend a used entry level canon 1000d and the the fantastic plastic 50mm 1.8 which if used within their limitations still provide plenty of scope for learning the craft on a budget and the opportunity of making some real folding money at the same time.

Not wrong, just that I would still argue that a used higher-level Canon (a 550D/T2i for example) will deliver more value for the buck.


In Lightroom:

- Highlights all the way down
- Shadows all the way up
- Just enough bump on the Whites to bring back the specular highlights.
- Just enough bump on the Blacks to blow some of them (hold the Alt key while sliding to the left until you see just a tad black show up).
- Vibrance +8 (practically nothing)
- Saturation +8 (again - nothing - just a hint)
- "Enable Profile Corrections" and "Remove Chromatic Aberration"

Sorry if this is stupid, I am not very experienced at post-processing after all -- but you really do hold highlights/lift shadows all the way on every single photo? I mean, won't that make you end up with a completely flat, pseudo HDR look? Don't get me wrong, I am all for a little highlight/shadow correction, but all the way on every photo seems excessive.

The other thing I would add my two cents to: I, too, shoot mostly in the "landscape", "architecture", or "travel" categories, and I have learned a long time ago that while that stuff does sell, it doesn't sell as much as other things. That's just how it is.

224 / Re: Alamy Stockimo
« on: September 08, 2014, 08:34 »
I only have 35 Stockimo images online and no sales.

Generally I think it is a very pleasant to use app, right up there with Fotolia's similar offering and miles beyond what others are doing. Unlike Fotolia, they got it right from the first version. Fotolia, however, is actually selling my mobile images.

Nikon D5200 is a good option. Second hand you should get it for that money with the kit lens. It was my first camera and it made me a lot of money with stock. I have a D7100 now but this does not make me more money it's just something I wanted to have. :) So if you would ask me go for a D5200.

I second this. And along the same lines, any Canon T2i or later (T3i, T4i..., the "i" is important) used is great. My T2i saw some heavy use and most of my port was made with it. Once I got my 6D, I just replaced worn-down rubber grips with original spare parts and now it is still doing it's job in the hands of my girlfriend. What a great little camera.

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