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Messages - noodle

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General Photography Discussion / Re: After xmas sales.
« on: December 27, 2016, 20:56 »
I expect all slow until the new year
Thats to be expected this time of year, hell I dont even know what day it is during this time year

Alamy.com / Re: Awaiting QC
« on: December 26, 2016, 15:01 »
Ibeleive they announced that reviewers would be on break for the holeidays so that review times would take longer than normal.
It may take some time for them to get cauht up and to normal speed after new years

General Photography Discussion / Re: Selling rights question
« on: December 26, 2016, 13:04 »
This is very simpleton reasoning

Its one thing to value a portfolio of 10,000 images at $10M ( which would never happen)
But it is entirely reasonable to value a single image a customer wants to buy the rights to for $1000

I have sold RM at over $1000 for a singular image, and there are many others that have also done so, but do I think my portfolio is worth Millions of $ because of this?
Absolutely not.

General Photography Discussion / Re: Selling rights question
« on: December 24, 2016, 08:42 »
Actually $1000 is fairly reasonable even if it a relatively simple image.
You are selling the rights after all
How much would it cost them to hire someone to take an image and they would still have to negotiate a rate for having the copyright handed over to them

I would say $1000 and up depending on the nature of the image

I love when blattant spammers are tossed
They have absolutly no excuse and only one person to blame


iStockPhoto.com / Re: Copyright Infringement by "Mohitchoudhary"
« on: December 20, 2016, 21:00 »
Haha great
Another rat gone

General Stock Discussion / Re: How do you call this?
« on: December 18, 2016, 09:12 »
thank god, there are so many things to like in this world:
please don't stop at page 5  ::)

That is very creative
Give the guy a thumbs up!

Jeez! 197000 files and $.300 a day?  I agree there must be something wrong. I know somebody at SS with a meager 2500 files and he is earning around $.400 per day. Ok he has a very specialized portfolio but even so.

Suggest you check your keywording and as already pointed out this soft porn business dont help its giving the wrong messages.

Look at the numbers. 30k photos $800/dAy
2500 photos $300/day

so earning 1/2 income with less than 1/10 th the images

That is almost unbelievable
he era right now in 2017 400 dollar every day with 2500 images...i don't believe even if he show statistic.

It is possible, do not underestimate it. :)
I know a person earning even more somewhere around $800 a day, but he has very good portfolio of around 30k+ files

Alamy.com / Re: Awaiting QC
« on: December 17, 2016, 09:02 »
Really makes you scrutinize your images for technical soundness, and thats the way our workflow should be all the time

Shutterstock.com / Re: Scary experience!
« on: December 13, 2016, 07:03 »
Real Pros care

Your the dummy that put them in there in the first place
Sir Spamalot

This must have come up because another thread
Im pretty sure i can guess who it is
Anywho, who cares what another person thinks, we are all free to express our opinions, and we are all free to accept or dismiss said opinions

Carry on...

I did contact the Etsy staff they are really evasive about how many times a store like hers has to steal art until they shut her down, I used an attempt to get them to act like humans, I used plain old truth like they are raping my art and allowing someone who has stolen from me again and again and again and yada yada yada they don't care, I think Etsy knows theft is a part of its bottom line it calls profit I mean 25 times they know she is a thief and they do nothing about it, so scum bags just like her.  :-[

If someone frustrated me that much, I would make it my mission to search there site, find out other stolen content and try to get in contact with those artists to report her.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Dreamstime $100 dollars payday.
« on: December 10, 2016, 08:01 »
DT - Down the Tube

They should switch their payout to $25 we all know and have been requesting- but you would get better results flogging a dead donkey

General Stock Discussion / Re: Copyright Infringement by "Claus40"
« on: December 06, 2016, 06:08 »
Apparently creativemarket just remove the image reported by sandralise but keep the thief portfolio alive
just insane !!!!!!!

Good reason to blacklist these kind of businesses

Reviewers could be from far east who would probably accept the signed MR

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Copyright Infringement by "AlexeyWork"
« on: November 29, 2016, 17:23 »
Many already haveprograms that detect a duplicate in your portfolio
All they need to do is extend the search of the database
I agree it can be done but alas that is dedicating funds which come out of profits

General Stock Discussion / Re: Microstocker Burnout Syndrom
« on: November 27, 2016, 15:43 »
if you see a sunny day in England its time for rejoicing

if you see a sunny day in California, its the same old, same old

Alamy.com / Re: New Image Manager
« on: November 24, 2016, 06:43 »
Will Alamy stop to use the f....g Flash?

The new image manager is flash free, so you will be able to do it with your ipad  :)

General - Stock Video / Re: Oasis 'Supersonic' Film
« on: November 21, 2016, 15:57 »
Thanks for the advice to both of you.
An ad during the super bowl must have been crazy. The amount of money that must have cost to air?

I've seen my work on UK TV quite a bit but never in a film in cinemas.
Just another layer to what my clips have been used for that I would love to explain on my website. I'll try and contact the production company.


Advertisers pay about $5M for a 30 second spot
Put that in your pipe and smoke it

That's a crock of you know what
What do you think will happen after tyou give them a high resolution image?
They can use a low resolution or watermarked image for initial layout without any issues  This is the norm

Alamy.com / Re: Alamy search doesn't work well
« on: November 18, 2016, 08:52 »
I like Alamy in general, not for volume of sales, but the amounts are decent

Just very recently got a cracker of a sale in the 4 digits

Is this a signal that they will be preparing to accept editorial images from contributers?

I hope so, there is a big market out there, and their chief rival is already doing it.

$20/ mth for a reverse image search?
I dont see the point
If we have to chase up infringments, you can use tineye or google image search for free, ptherwise pixsy and other services do searches and chase up for you ( for a percentage of the chase up settlement)

So i dont see an advantage for this kind of service

Shutterstock.com / Re: Petition to stop spammers
« on: November 03, 2016, 17:49 »
Better late than never
Just saw the official response from SS on their forums - it is just a rehash of what was previously posted

But thanks Shelma - at least this has gotten their attention

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