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Messages - Nekros

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« on: January 09, 2010, 12:54 »
Dear Fotolia... (in case any spys are lurking, looking for contributors to ban...)

If I was looking for a vague and ambiguous resolution to our problem... then you have done a great job!
If I was expecting a "forked tongue", "double speak" response from you... then here is your pat on the back!

First you say... I don't need the ITIN number... for now...
Secondly... You still recommend that I spend time and money to get the ITIN number... even though I probably don't need it...
Third strike... You still (after a month of waiting) haven't sent me the official (IRS required) letter, to get my ITIN number...

What is it that they say about three strikes?
Don't worry... you'll soon find out...

« on: January 06, 2010, 17:37 »
No doubt... I am very glad that Fotolia dug deeper, and found out that the IRS does not require an ITIN number for foreign contributors to obtain treaty rates....

BUT... I'm still feel very burnt by Fotolia... specifically their lack of communication with contributors about this entire issue...

Needless to say, I will be keeping a wary eye on Fotolia from now on...

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia and Witholding Taxes!
« on: December 20, 2009, 20:01 »
I'm not so much bothered by Fotolia's interpretation of US tax law, as I am...
1) Frustrated by Fotolia's lack of respect for me, a contributor....
2) Aggravated by Fotolia's lack of communication with me, a supplier of the product they sell...
3) Bewildered by Fotolia's lack of explaination of their policies to their own employees and moderators...

All I can say is... exclusivity at IS is starting to look better and better...

Couldn't have said it better....

hello all

I read this thread, My day job: art teacher for kindergartner and 1st graders...... the school I teach in has single sex classes, so it's all boys or all girls. The boys classes are much more difficult to deal with because the boys are constantly arguing.

So, this is the sort of argument I see all day, the following is a written dramatization of how I would handle this:

rob: Ms. G... Ms. G........ Jon threatened me!

Ms. G (that's me): What do you mean he threatened you?

rob: He threatened my livelihood!
please note rob has mustered up a tear.

Ms G:Jon come over here
Jon slowly walks over, with a sour look on his face.

as soon as Jon is close enough, rob start crying and wining:He threatened my livelyhood, it's not fair, i can say whatever I want

Ms. G: Jon..... Did you threaten Rob livelihood?

he would say this kicking the dirt, looking down. then he would get very excited and add.
He called me a twit!

Rob: I did not..... I called you a bit of a twit, besides it's a free country and I can say whatever I want!

This is where I would get to the solution part...

First Rob, he is the easy one......

Ms. G: Rob, while yes, it is a free country. It's not nice to call someone that you have to be around a "twit". You can think or say whatever you like, but don't you think that you may hurt his feelings? Would you want someone to call you a "twit"? That is not what nice people do, and I know that you're a nice person, so I think you may owe him an apology. What do you think?

I would wait for it to sink in to Rob's head that he hurt Jon's feelings and that is why Jon reacted the way he did. And as I said, Rob is a nice person and probably didn't mean to hurt Jon's feelings with and off hand remark. He probably apologize and then go play.

Then I would have to have a more serious conversation with Jon. I would get down to his level and talk in low tones..... Because of his reaction to Rob I would know that Jon is a very sensitive person and reacts harshly.

Ms. G: Jon, I realize your feelings were hurt by what Rob said, it was insensitive of him.  but, wiether you realize it or not you have power over Rob's livelihood, the boy needs to make a living. When you say things about deleting his portfolio, it's much more serious. I think you may have overreacted to this, and lashed out. As I say I know your feelings were hurt, but your reaction was way overboard and makes you look bad here on the playground. If the other boys and girls think that you are going to lord your power over them, and take their livelihoods away at the drop of a hat, they are not going to want to play with you anymore. As Spiderman says, "With great power comes great responsibility". I think you have to do two things here, first: apologize to Rob. Second: Do some long hard thinking about who you are and what power you have. 

OK this has been a long post. And I am sure Rob and Jon are not pleased to be compared to Kindergartners.... but, my answer to that is, if you don't like being compared to Kindergartners, don't act like one. :P

(OH NO SHE DI-ENT......Oh , yes I did)

5 / Re: Isolations at iStock
« on: February 27, 2007, 00:30 »
I do a lot of isolations... and I have only ever had 1 rejection at iStock for a poor isolation.  Perhaps you should let us know how you do your isolations... maybe it is something to do with the technique.

General - Top Sites / Re: istock security certificate error
« on: February 14, 2007, 07:36 »
I was receiving the same security certificate error... so I called istock... apparently they were upgrading one of their servers or something, and this was the result... it would be fixed shortly.

General Stock Discussion / DOF not an issue
« on: September 03, 2006, 07:47 »
A lot, in fact most, of my pictures have shallow DOF and they were accepted with no problems at Shutterstock.  Obviously an extremely shallow DOF, to the point that not much is in focus but a solitary point, is going too far... but you don't have to have your entire picture in focus by any means.  In fact, a lot of times a shallow DOF actually works better.... depending on the use of the pic.

Work on the noise issue as that will result in rejections pretty quick.

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