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Messages - BD
« on: March 07, 2014, 14:33 »
I asked Getty public relations a couple questions. They supplied me with the following answer that can be attributed to Getty Images.
1 Are customers able to embed images that are on iStock and Thinkstock?
Right now the embed feature is only for images on gettyimages.com. It is not on the companys master delegate sites. It is not on iStock or Thinkstock. Getty Images will see how it resonates and then make decisions about iStock and Thinkstock.
Of course the iStock images that are on gettyimages.com are available for embedding including Yuris image
The moment they allow embedding on my non-exclusive iStock portfolio (over 9000 images) I'll be gone from there. I will not be giving away for free images that I sell on other sites, this would be complete insanity. Whoever is in charge of decisions like that please take note.
I'll also immediately leave. I don't give my images away for free.
« on: March 05, 2014, 15:00 »
Here is the streaming - Unlimited images for 9.90 a month: http://yayimages.com/And if you go to "pricing" here https://yayimages.com/pricing?backUrl=%2F for the streaming and see the asterisk next to "online use only" for streaming it says "You can download and upload an image for online use if the service you use don't support adding images by url." So someone could buy the "streaming" and then download a bunch of images (its unlimited, right)? What's to stop them from using those images anywhere as many times as they want? How is it "streaming" if they are downloading and uploading? This is all for 9.90? Am I missing something?
« on: March 04, 2014, 14:59 »
Hmmm.. interesting. Perhaps this means more very easy to license images for the end user - like the Facebook deal. I wouldn't be against that. Getting images easily accessible to where people need them and can buy them seamlessly is what will make microstock really bloom.
That's what it looks like. From the link I posted: http://www.webdam.com/blog/shutterstock-to-acquire-webdam/"Will there be any changes to the product? In the coming months, we will be offering various levels of integration between our respective products for our customers. This is an optional offering for those interested in leveraging both products. In other areas, we will continue to innovate and grow our core cloud-based digital asset management platform with the continued mission of simplifying and improving creative and marketing workflows end-to-end." It goes on to say that they aren't requiring their customers to become Shutterstock customers (although they encourage them to check out the images), and their customers can also continue to upload their own content from other sources (but it appears to me if Shutterstock is integrated into their product it will be the easier time-saving option).
« on: March 04, 2014, 02:39 »
I love the fact that at least SS is reinvesting in their company and looking to the future.
Looking to the future is part of what made Mr. Oringer this wealthy: http://www.forbes.com/profile/jonathan-oringer/Source of wealth: stock photos, self made. A smart man, but hopefully he wont forget the contributors hard work that made those stock photos, which he would not have made his billions without There is some more information on Shutterstock and Webdam here in the questions and answers at the bottom: http://www.webdam.com/blog/shutterstock-to-acquire-webdam/
« on: March 03, 2014, 21:40 »
Ok, or I could just ask if anyone had ELs reported through PP in the last few months (which is where I was originally headed with this, not the buying and seeing if it was reported. Which, as you noted, would take too long.) So far all we have is a report from October 2013 of an EL that may or may not be corrected. Anyone have any since then? I sent a ticket asking for an explanation from iStock. It seems very odd for no ELs.
You can see the rate schedule on this page: click on the Partner Program tab: http://www.istockphoto.com/help/sell-stock/rate-schedule I have to say that I'm finding that ELs are well down (and, generally worth less) over the past year plus, even proportionately, compared to previous years, on iS. (I have no stats for PP.)
Thank you. Hopefully without photos.com it will be less complicated.
Yeah, but with stupid cheap payments for iStock subs, it's become more complicated again. http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=359606&page=1
Ugh...no words other than expletives
« on: March 03, 2014, 20:28 »
Ok, or I could just ask if anyone had ELs reported through PP in the last few months (which is where I was originally headed with this, not the buying and seeing if it was reported. Which, as you noted, would take too long.) So far all we have is a report from October 2013 of an EL that may or may not be corrected. Anyone have any since then? I sent a ticket asking for an explanation from iStock. It seems very odd for no ELs.
You can see the rate schedule on this page: click on the Partner Program tab: http://www.istockphoto.com/help/sell-stock/rate-schedule I have to say that I'm finding that ELs are well down (and, generally worth less) over the past year plus, even proportionately, compared to previous years, on iS. (I have no stats for PP.)
Thank you. Hopefully without photos.com it will be less complicated.
« on: March 03, 2014, 17:47 »
Ok, or I could just ask if anyone had ELs reported through PP in the last few months (which is where I was originally headed with this, not the buying and seeing if it was reported. Which, as you noted, would take too long.) So far all we have is a report from October 2013 of an EL that may or may not be corrected. Anyone have any since then? I sent a ticket asking for an explanation from iStock. It seems very odd for no ELs.
« on: March 03, 2014, 17:29 »
similar happend to me, Istock support send me the CSV, i see some ELs and some on demands sales convert to $0.28, and i ask why istock convert my els and ondemands into $0.28?
and this is the istock support answer: " I'm not sure what you mean by ELs, as those are not part of PP. Essentially, the majority of Partner Program downloads are from subscriptions (the .28 royalties), not image packs. Are you saying that prior to September you received a lot of image pack sales and now you are getting none? "
i dont understand istock! they only will pay us $ 0.28 for each sale no matter if its an El or an ondemand!!!! ELs and ondemands are not part of PP?
Thinkstock have different Extended license too! please see the link http://www.thinkstockphotos.com/legal/license-information
waiting istock replay...
« on: March 03, 2014, 17:27 »
Are we getting paid the correct amount for ELs through PP? If not I would like to know because I will be disabling my files if I am only getting 28 cents for ELs. Does anyone know?
How can any contributor answer that question unless they do a purchase to see how that item is recorded and paid?
As I mentioned above, I had an EL amount for a sale in October 2013 and it has not (at this point) been "corrected" to a 28 cent sale. But whether any other sales that I saw as 28 cent royalties should have been something else is something I have no data enabling me to check anything.
Some contributors did that for the Depoitphotos Shotshop issue (purchased and then saw how it was recorded and paid). Why would they be less concerned for this deal? It would be about the same thing (getting paid a sub price when they customer bought in EL). Perhaps I should have been more specific. My concern is that this is intentional.
« on: March 03, 2014, 15:30 »
I don't know how many of you use TripAdvisor, but it seems like we want a type of TripAdvisor site for stock agencies (and possibly other businesses too). That isn't as easy as one might like - fighting off fake entries for example - but it's a great way for people to see what hotels/restaurants stock agencies/services are like.
You can sort things by date so that old/bad behavior can be over time ameliorated by improvements, but history is never erased (unlike the BBB and Angie's List)
I regularly use TripAdvisor and find it an excellent source of information for travel planning. And this is a brilliant idea particularly as it could serve the public at large, contributors and buyers alike.
Consumers or buyers are frequently as concerned about the ethical standards of a business, as much as we as contributors are, when we find ourselves exposed to malicious or unfair trade practices.
A public forum can therefore help to keep the whole supply chain 'cleaner' by forcing everyone to be more actively concerned about their total business image.
I also use Trip Advisor. In fact I actually signed up to become a member because that way I am allowed to contact "individuals" who post. I do this especially when I am traveling to new, third world locations. If they post negative or positive feedback you can contact them directly to get further clarification. The real questions is....
1. Would anyone (buyers or contributors) use it as decision making criteria? 2. Would the agencies consider the postings (feedback, experience, etc) vital enough to listen and react?
I would also think that there should be a buyer section where they can post their experiences around service levels, pricing, etc.
It would effect my decisions. It would need to be in many different languages though (perhaps translated?). It seems to me one of the problems with connecting contributors is they are from all over and speak many different languages.
« on: March 03, 2014, 15:12 »
Are we getting paid the correct amount for ELs through PP? If not I would like to know because I will be disabling my files if I am only getting 28 cents for ELs. Does anyone know?
« on: February 24, 2014, 23:44 »
Same here. The other thing - I looked at my totals for Sept/Oct 2013 and they are actually LOWER than for the other months of the year. And based on previous years sales are usually HIGHER during this time. So there was no unusual spike in earnings, just the opposite. It looks to me they have no clue who was overpaid and how much and just randomly distributing the pain.
Again, same situation here. AFTER the clawback both Sept. and October are lower than average. Particularly for normally good selling pre-holiday months.
I agree with your conclusions too. It seems there is some magical number they are trying to recover and they are just spreading it among contributors according to either port size, sales volume, or some combination of the two.
Curiouser and curiouser... 
How can this be legal?!
Do you think they have committed fraud?
« on: February 23, 2014, 04:10 »
Also from their FAQ:
Dollar Photo Club images can be used for any non-commercial projects such as websites, web banners, newsletters, PDF documents, blogs, email, slide shows, standard-resolution TV and video presentations, and cell phone splash screens. Images can also accompany magazine articles, books, advertising, brochures, documents, illustrations, booklets, brochures, billboards, business cards, packaging, high-resolution videos, and presentations where the value of the images is not the main value of the overall project.
What does that last bit mean? (my bolding)
Have you looked at Fotolias standard license lately? It says pretty much the same thing. The Dollar Club license looks pretty much the same as Fotolias standard license. Actually Ive noticed quite a few agencies now have this in their standard license. I think there might be a lot of contributors who need to check licenses at their agencies. They have been changing
« on: February 12, 2014, 00:16 »
I notice a lot of ads on the free site. I wonder how much making money they are making of off advertising rather than selling images (since they are giving a lot of those away for free)? Perhaps the images are mostly there to drive traffic to the site for the advertisers. Free tends to attract freeloaders, not serious buyers. Just a thought. I wouldnt sell give away my images there.
Does anyone know if they actually are connected to 123?
« on: February 08, 2014, 17:34 »
Not really. In the Shutterstock Facebook deal the images are used only ones (one time usage) and only on the Facebook site in a smaller size. Unless Im mistaken, this Fotolia deal is for multiple uses (royalty free) at any size?
« on: January 21, 2014, 21:18 »
stock performer is your friend Sean. I wouldt know what to do without them.
The stats on SS are useless with the exception of the world map, but that just shows you the last 10 files, so you dont get country specific data you can analyse for targeting your shootings. It is more of a gimmick, but a lot of fun.
Does SP show you a "last upload" list?
Is there any way to see the keywords used on the site, or do you have to use the mobile app.
Thought this was interesting. Uploaded this on early this morning, got approved in a batch, and sold already. It's from way back in '06. http://www.shutterstock.com/pic.mhtml?id=171415634 .
What does 'couple' refer to? (Some American sports reference, I'm guessing)
That's just my way of indicating an image is a part of a series - the rest with him is him and a "girlfriend".
Ah. OK.
You might consider adding the keyword American to your football images as people outside the U.S. call it American Football. This is just a suggestion based on personal experience. You are always helping other people on this forum (:
« on: January 11, 2014, 19:21 »
They dont seem to say much about images with models in the terms of conditions: http://500px.com/terms Nothing is said in the license that buyers agree to: http://500px.com/terms/download_license.pdf(For example, as far as not being used in pornographic or defamatory ways) Unless I missed something?
« on: December 14, 2013, 05:07 »
do you know what the ope out url is?
I think this is it:
YAY Streaming YAY Images Subscriptions Country: International Commission to photographer: 50 % Price Level: Microstock Status: Starting Q4 2013
You can opt out in API details. BTW do you have sales on Yay? My month avarage is 0,15 euros from 3800 files. I thought reaching payout and closing my account, but I don't know how long can it take to earn 30 euros there hahaha
That looks like it might only be for the streaming subscriptions, not the high resolution ones talked about in this thread.
« on: December 13, 2013, 21:24 »
Is there anywhere we can read about this?
After looking back over it, it looks like they are having special discounts and the regular unlimited streaming subscription is 9.90 a month. This is from the email: (title of email): Happy holidays! Lets celebrate with unlimited images for only $4.95. Only at YAY's new subscription site. ....Were also ringing in the season by launching our new subscription site, and offering you 50% off your first month of bright, gorgeous photos at YAY Images! Code (I took this out). Awesome, right? Thats 50% off our new streaming subscription (regularly $9.90 a month) These .4 megapixel, web-sized images are great for blog posts, e-newsletters, funny ecards you send to your BFF. You get access to our 4 million+ images, theres no limit on how many images you use, and you get our in-browser editing and filters! Watch video. 50% off our digital subscription (regularly $49.90 a month) Three megapixel images that are perfect for ebooks, Powerpoints, and apps. Again, you get access to all our 4 million+ images, no daily limit on images, and access to our in-browser editing and filters. Price plan. 50% off our print subscriptions (regularly $99.90 a month) Do you work in print and design? This is for you! High-res downloads and (of course) access to all our images and all vector files, our in-browser editing and filters, and no daily download limits. Compare plans. Interested? Great! Were starting fresh with YAYimages.com, so wed love it if you created a new account (dont worry, you can use the same username and password.) Just want to buy a few images at a time? Thats cool! Were still doing that at Yaymicro.com. Happy holidays to you and yours, Yay Images
« on: December 13, 2013, 14:58 »
Yay unlimited images for only $4.95. I just received this email. Is this the lowest?
« on: December 04, 2013, 16:11 »
Thank you for your response. Ive always wondered about that.
« on: December 04, 2013, 04:09 »
Whats interesting to me is it looks like they just took the pictures from the first NY Mags blog article on feminism. The different layouts of the images are exactly the same in the slideshow in the original NY Mags blog article. They should have paid to use all of those, no?
« on: October 19, 2013, 22:50 »
Which other articles support that the licensing market is greater than what people think? Or could be if a company simply accepted most photographers selling?
« on: October 19, 2013, 21:44 »
I'm relatively new to stock. I've done a bunch of digging around though at many sites, industry analysis, etc. I came across this interesting article, that argues that the licensing market is actually much greater than anyone ever though of: http://www.danheller.com/blog/posts/total-size-of-licensing-market.html. It argues that the licensing market could be as large as 20 billion dollars if a company just accepted most photographers that tried to sell. I tried to sell at several agencies and was rejected. While I know that some of my work is not that great, I think it does hold some commercial value. Does anyone think that if a large social network company like Flickr made a marketplace, that they could make a billion plus dollar company, by just accepting everyone?
This BLOG you are talking about was written in 2007.
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