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General Stock Discussion / new shutterstock tos differences?
« on: February 05, 2020, 18:22 »
seems shutterstock 'just' released new terms... does anyone know the difference between this and the previous tos?

I took a quick look - 'seems' to be reasonable everything there - not sure... I have a copy of the old contract if anyone is interested to look over it with a fine tooth comb...

Before I go contacting shutterstock...

They only gave me $1.50 for a VIDEO clip? (Which they are selling at  a bare *minimum* of $51 on their subscription plan)

Their "cheapest" plan located here:

Is 25 sd clips for $1,299 (or $51.96 each)

Here they say regardless of plan, you get 30% for video...

SO........ how did they end up with $1.50? Anyone have any insight?

Seeing as certain agencies are trying to "force" the bigger ones in a race to the bottom through a subscription model (and seem to forget what made them BIG was the contributors contributing content)...

What would you pay for your own subscription site? IF you had an easy to use/plug & play solution?

(Also - by 'plug & play' - I don't mean a wordpress plugin. I mean something where *literally* all you have to do is upload your assets, and enter your payment information, and then start marketing - unless you want that included too).

a) Images? Video?
b) $29/month? $59/month? $99/month? More? Less?
c) Features you'd want?
d) What would you pay for 'marketing' of your content?
e) What is your portfolio size? (100 items? 1000? 10000?)

I'm thinking a good solution to the "content crisis" was if individual authors could manage their own content, and collect 100% of the fees for their work.

Not only would it help stop the race to the bottom (simply because the "mega" agencies would receive significantly less new content), but it would help make authors feel more in control of their work, and not have to undermine their own efforts.

What are your thoughts?

So funny. HISTORY of storyblocks. (BTW - for those that cite "cost" for hosting videos -
it's actually become dirt cheap to host videos, i.e., 1 cent per 1000 videos/month, so
"cost" really is not a factor for any of these decisions).

a) 100% COMMISSIONS FOREVER! Aren't we great?
Translation: (We want a no-risk way of seeing what sells, then buy those clips dirt cheap)

Translation: (We bough all the dirt cheap clips that sold well, but now want a cut of the
periodic sales that we don't want to buy).

Translation: kk, we've squeezed as much juice as we can out of the clips that don't sell
well - customers don't want to pay full price for those, but we can boost our subscriptions
making us craploads of money, and throwing a few crumbs their way.

d) WHAT? No one is signing up because they don't want to sell it for micropennies? Well,
we'll send them a PRETEND letter saying they were "specially" selected! (So storyblocks
sent out a letter to contributors saying "YOU HAVE BEEN SELECTED TO BE EXPEDIATED

e) Very few still get excited about the micropennies program, even with the "SPECIALLY
selected" program. So storyblocks says "FINE! You ain't gonna sign up? Well - we are
otherwise we are going to KICK YOU OFF! EXCITING NEWS, EH?!?!?!?!"

Cost is a minimal factor here. (It literally is less than a penny to host 1000+ videos/month. As long
as you make more than 1 penny/1000 videos in sales, you are profitable).

The only real complaints they would have had would be from subscribers - who were paying a dirt
cheap price ($30/month) - and noticed there was a corresponding clip from the marketplace that
"looked" better for their project - so they complained, asking why should they have to pay $70 when
they have dirt cheap access to 100,000+ other clips.

So, the reason for the program is pure greed, and simply because they want to reduce customer support
questions specifically related to that.

They want to further dominate the video marketplace with cheap cheap content
(but great subscription revenue for them). They have already successfully decimated the
industries previous prices (getting other people to follow in the subscription battle/revenue
war), with contributors as the casualties.

Not that I think they will be hurting any time soon (they have such a HUGE library, they can now
auto-pilot it for at least 10-15 years making $30+ million/year in profit, with pretty much no effort.
The effort is logging in to your bank account and saying 'oh cool, I made $30 million this year!!).

I hope contributors are smart enough not to panic and think 'oh-oh, I better get into the MICRO pennies program!'.

I'm pretty sure everyone who "applies" will be "accepted", but that the "application" process was part
of a ploy to give a sense of "importance" to this micropennies program.

So, I guess good for them.

It's funny... I'm thinking (& in a way, seems quite possible it could come this way)...

Videoblocks/Storyblocks has gone from...

- 100% Commissions to Authors!
- We buy your good clips, so you have crap left to sell, but still get 100%
- 50% Commission to Authors!
- $0.00000000001/clip Commission to Authors, but you get LOTS of it!

To............. next step/e-mail probably will be something like this:

"Hey Authors!


We'll keep all the money from our subscriptions and value you add to our subscription model - because of course we have to eat, pay for fuel for our lambourghini's & mcclarens, which hopefully you understand costs money - but you'll get... EXPOSURE!!! JUST give your clips for free... Freee... FREEEEEEEEEE!!! Think of the POSSIBILITIES! And we've done the math, and its best for you - so anticipated your response - we've already made your clips available for FREE!!! If you want to opt-out, there is a 90-day new waiting period, and you can only remove 10% of your portfolio at a time... oh, and our script for removing stuff is broken, because there is a coding error, don't know why... so strange, we'll get it fixed, might take 3-4 years, but we'll give your clips FREE in the meantime, that's why we need the money... but FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! AND EXPOSURE FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!! SUCH A GREAT GRAND DEAL AIN'T IT?!?!?"

- The StoryBlocks Team - now making $50 million/year to the owner + a handful of employees because this is a digital business, but helping YOU get EXPOSURE!!!!!!!! Because WE know what's BEST for YOU!

First, if anyone forgot - storyblocks/videoblocks already proved to be dishonest. They promised "100% earnings for authors" - then only a couple years later - said "meh, we only feel like doing 50-50". So remember that.

Moving on. Reading a few posts - seemed a couple people weren't sure about the math - so decided to make this post. Just in case anyone missed this -

POINT #1 - 60% is NOT of their TOTAL revenue, but rather an ARBITRARY random number they pick out of thin air

the "membership pool" is NOT "60%" of storyblocks ENTIRE membership base. They make about $30 million+ year.
It is NOT a portion of that.

RATHER. It is some arbitrary number they pick out of the air to decide what to split amongst authors. RIGHT in their text, it says:
"Instead of members paying for clips a la carte in the Marketplace, they pay for a subscription to access content in our Member Library. We then create a Member Library Earnings pool, which we divide among all contributors who participate in the program based on how much of their content is downloaded."

So out of that $30 million, maybe they pick $50,000 to split amonst all authors. Maybe less. Maybe more. Chances are - they are
will use simple math to figure out what is the bare minimum they can pay people to get them to participate. But its REALLY important
to note, the 60% is NOT part of that "$30 million" in revenue.

POINT #2 - Test market versus ACTUAL market

Their "test" market, and the actual number of users that participate will see COMPLETELY different earnings.

Using easy to understand numbers, Let's say, they've decided to be ultra greedy (proven), and ultra cheap, to split $50,000
amongst authors.

In the test group, they have 10 people. Site wide (educated guess) - they have 10,000+ contributors.

In the test: $50,000/10 = $5,000 per author. (for simplicity, assuming everyone had an equal # of downloads, so equal pay).

Let's say only 10% of the 10,000 contributors sign up (1000 authors).

Now, $50,000/1000 = $50 per author.

But wait! There is more! They have decided only 60% of those funds will be distributed. (Maybe for internal accounting, they've
decided they need a 40%'management' fee for the arbitrary pool funds they set). So $50 * 60% = $30/author.

ANDDDDDDD... of course, if they "feel" it is too little, or too much, they can of course at ANY time adjust the member amount.

POINT #3 - Canabalizing your other sales (maybe a TINY bit more money @ storyblocks - but a LOT LESS everywhere else)

It's already been happening for quite sometime when subscription type models were introduced - but why help storyblocks speed
up the process?

IF they actual did become "THE" "go-to" place for video (they alreayd have a HUGE membership of 150,000+ - but there are still
people on other sites like shutterstock/pond5/etc). But if you take your GOOD videos - and upload here - many will migrate
FROM pond5/shutterstock/etc - and just go to storyblocks/videoblocks. So that means 'byebye' larger sales @ pond5/shutterstock,etc
and welcome to $0.000000000000000001 sales @ storyblocks!

POINT #4 - More of your "stolen" content on the web

It's one thing for someone to "individually" pay $25/clip - and then "resell" it on the web. It's a lot of work, plus costs money.

BUT - if you like the idea of your ENTIRE PORTFOLIO being RESOLD by random individuals on the internet, or given away for free
as "warez" - then this is the way to go! Many individuals have something called "scrapers" - which basically download 1000's and
1000's of clips in hours, or even minutes - and then allows them to re-package it on the web.

And not only will it be incredibly difficult for you to control that, but it will most likely affect ANY kind of LONG term sales you COULD
have had...


c) "optionally" tell storyblocks what a crappy deal this is and you don't like it. (Unlikely they care, because they didn't last time
people complained. And they might even decide to terminate your account, because they don't like complainers. But, if it makes you feel better, you can).


IF you are thinking about making your content unlimited for storyblocks - DON'T.



I'd say videoblocks (aka storyblocks) was probably one of *the* first companies to really make a big push for the subscription based
model of content back in I think it was around 2011/2012... In an environment where companies where charging 'per clip'.

They very quickly (within a couple years) grew to $30+ million in revenue... Other companies started introducing "their" subscription models - which meant a lot less sales for the majority of authors.

Then in 2015, introduced the 'membership' program - where basically they'd purchase any clips that sold to add to their library (no risk for them, but massive sales data) - and pay the author a token amount...

Then when that was exhausted - have now decided to go for "unlimited" downloads! And give you a "percentage" cut of
the number of downloads you get...

The "pilot" program they say was successful... May very well have been, I mean 3x earnings of virtually nothing, is still something...
and for a tiny test group - splitting earnings amongst "them" would skew the results so they could "honestly" say that they
saw "3x" earnings (assuming they are being honest about that in the first place)...

But now, if you get people jumping on the bandwagon, which they will - desperate to make sales - videoblocks library overnight
grows by 100x (quite possibly 1000x, 10000x, I am not sure how tiny their test group was, but I do know there are a LOT
of authors signed up)... makes VIDEOBLOCKS tons of cash because they market themselves as "the" place to get CHEAP CHEAP

but now you make even LESS than you did before - because earnings are now are split 100, 1000, 10000x amongst the test
group (and subscribers are not going to download 1000x the clips they did before)...

So this is a REALLY CRAPPY deal for authors... only people that are really benefiting is storyblocks...

Which, of course - puts pressure on the other agencies to make knee jerk reaction moves (i.e., they see a cut of their sales being
eaten at - figure out its videoblocks/storyblocks - so then THEY introduce THEIR "unlimited subscription model") - and voila.

NOT MENTION..........

If you like having your content upload on "warez" sites, other people "re-packaging" your content and selling it - then this is the precisely the type of thing that will most likely happen when you do. (i.e., motionarray which "forced" people to go unlimited downloads now regularly sends out "dmca" notices because of people reselling/repackaging content.... they sometimes even brag "we sent out 2,000+ notices just recently"... "2000"??? do you REALLY want your content being given FREE or for RESALE by others on 2,000+ sites???)

$0.0001 sales for you!

SO........... IF you are thinking about making your content unlimited for storyblocks - DON'T.



thought I'd just post some thoughts here...

if footage was "truly" exclusive and desirable, and pond5 reached out to outlets that desired this truly exclusive footage - i.e., what the authors submitted was very difficult to obtain else where and news footage firms wanted, say:
- semi/private meetings with celebrities, politicians
- special exclusive news coverage (i.e., building the wall, border crossings, natural disasters, rescue missions, etc)
- in action military footage, on the ground with soldiers, etc
- close up shots of exotic animals in various habitats
- unique shots (i.e., FPV) of say an eagle flying over mountains from the eagle's perspective
- unique computer graphic simulations/animations/etc (i.e., tech, space, medical, etc, etc)

AND... pond 5 had an in/did some heavy promotions with the news outlets, advertisting agencies, firms, with this footage...
AND... pond 5 priced it accordingly (i.e., say $1000/clip or higher)...

THEN... I think the exclusive would be an awesome idea...

But when you have the exact same footage being submitted as non exclusive, and stuff like:
- a video of your foot doing nothing
- a chipmunk with half its body cut off eating nuts
- a video of a tree on an overcast day shot with a low end camera

and as far as I can tell - the only thing pond5 is doing to promote 'exclusive' content is:

a) A watermark that says "exclusive" on it (can't even 'filter' exclusive clips any more - I think that option was available for 1 week or so, I seem to remember being able to do that)
b) Since you've now agreed "not" to sell the clip elsewhere - contacting 2-3 other agencies (i.e., adobe stock) just agreeing to list your clip there (i.e., submitting your clip on your behalf).

and oh, that's about it...

doesn't seem like such a hot deal...

Your thoughts?

General Stock Discussion / pond5 sales plummet to $0?
« on: April 21, 2019, 00:01 »
not sure if it is because I voiced an opinion along with many others (I was quite polite, I know others were a bit 'agitated')...

but - has anyone else seen their pond5 sales plummet to $0 since last month? they were consistently producing at least a few hundred $$$... but $0, strange...

I think I have cracked the code to determine what really is "good news"... (this post is a bit tongue in cheek).

If a site says they have "Good News!", its good news for them, but not for you.

If a site has "Great News!", then it really is good news for you.

Just received a payment notifcation from shutterstock, telling me they had "Great News!". And it really was great, I am going to get paid. :D So that really is good news!

Code: [Select]
Great news!

Your latest payment has been calculated and will be paid out later this month.

Total Payment: ----- (To be paid by 2019-05-15)

Curious - for anyone that was actually submitting images in 2008/2009...

What was the income like then? I know right now it is often $0.30-$1/image... But what was it like then? Were you getting regular $200 sales/image, so maybe $5k/month in sales? Or..... what?

EDIT: Now that I realized some people are also replying about "RPD" - I am also curious as to sales volume/portfolio sizes. I.e., say you had 1000 images, how much would you have made $$$ wise say in 2005, 2010, 2015, etc? Thanks!

While most people seem to agree that non-exclusive account is better, there are a few that believe exclusive with Pond5 would be great. While of course it is your decision what you want to do - the expression "Those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it" comes to mind... (immediate example is iStock, but there are many other agencies with their "good news!" e-mail broadcasts)...

Again, if you are thinking "soley" exclusive (i.e., Pond5 is your ONLY agency you have content on)...

a) You are placing a lot of trust in putting your livelihood in someone else's hands. Pond5 has just proven they will break that trust - so - there is nothing to stop them from breaking that trust if you go exclusive. 60% - but - maybe once they start getting sales, they'll get greedy - and you'll get another "good news" e-mail from them, telling you you only get 40%, or maybe 30%, due to hyperbole such as "market conditions" or "competition", etc, etc. So don't trust that you will get 60% forever, or even a long time.

b) Expression "don't put all your eggs in one basket" really holds true. Again - you are trusting that they have *your* best interests at heart, they don't. They have theirs. What happens if the relationship goes sour? Then you are screwed - your *one* income source now doesn't exist. Yes, of course at that point you could then scramble and start uploading to other agencies - but it would most likely be incredibly stressful the 1-2 month time period while you go to establish yourself on other agencies.

c) You are not likely to see the 'huge' boost in sales you are hoping. Educated guess - yes - you probably will see a 50%-100% increase in your sales @ 60% because of some additional marketing in this area, that will probably taper off after 5-6 months to about 20-30%. But - does that additional 20-30% increase justify putting all your eggs in one basket, and the income on other sites you will be foregoing?

Going "exclusive" - you are giving Pond5 the power to decide your income. You are letting THEM decide how successful your portfolio is. Be aware of that.

My educated guess is some contributors that have HUGE portfolios/staff/etc (because they are already making $500k+/year) - will create exclusive portfolios and will benefit from that marketing (the cost for them to 'test' out that sales channel will be small because they benefit from their existing current market position, and the marginal cost for them to create 'exclusive' content at the same time is virtually non existant). They'll just churn out a ton of content in addition to the regular content they produce. So you'll be competing with them.

It's your decision if you go exclusive - but - just be aware - IF you will ONLY be producing content to submit to Pond5:
- You are severely reducing your bargaining power.
- Pond5 has already broken the trust moving comissions from 50% to 40%, nothing to prevent them from changing this "shiny" exclusive % to say 50, 40, etc in the future.
- Overall - you are likely to see less income only having one income source, as opposed to taking the time to submit to multiple agencies.

If you do go exclusive, good luck!

In the spirit of fun & all the "Good News!" e-mails various contributor sites have been sending recently, I thought - wouldn't it be fun to create a 100% "Good News!" site, that is 100% "Good News!" all the time?

Basic premise is, site gets 100% of the profits, contributor gets 0%. You do all the work, site gets all the profit! That way, it's ALWAYS "Good News!" :)

Thoughts? Yes/No? Do you like it? :)

General Stock Discussion / ---------------------
« on: March 21, 2019, 15:04 »

General Stock Discussion / Pond5 "Good News"!
« on: March 14, 2019, 09:33 »
Just got an e-mail saying there is a change coming to the contributor agreement coming... hope it really is "good news"...

Title says it all. I'm genuinely interested in figuring out how can I make $150k/year from stock photos/videos?

It's fun to do - now I'd like to figure out how to reach those numbers. Figured I may as well ask in case anyone has some good ideas. Ideas/suggestions?

Perhaps - hypothetically - imagine you personally *were* currently making $150k/year from microstock. What would you have to be doing to acheive that?


Adobe Stock / questions for mat/adobestock
« on: March 01, 2019, 00:03 »
Hi Mat -

Assuming you may get a lot of PM's (sent a PM a few weeks ago never heard back)., so please reply to this message, thanks!

1. Could you please send a request to the dev team to be able to update keywords for "approved" videos/images via .csv? Didn't realize order was important, and it's extremely time consuming to manually use the drag/drop interface to try out different keyword orders for something that may or may not result in any extra sales. If I can edit via .csv, MUCH much more efficient!

Should be an extremely easy thing to code (i.e., less than 2 minutes code wise because most likely just a flag in your DB, but if you do a bunch of testing, etc at most a day. Really only an hour, but giving extra time here).

2. How are video sales on adobestock? I have a bunch of approved videos with no sales as of yet, so not sure if it is because of the keyword combinations/ordering, or if it is just because of low video sales (and then realizing adobestock may be more of an 'image' stock site).

Thanks very much!

General Stock Discussion / video splicer suggestions
« on: February 27, 2019, 16:50 »

Please recommend a good video 'splicer'. I just want to be able to import a clip (say 1 minute long) - and then pick the start/end locations and split it creating a new output clip. I don't want it to actually "re-process/re-export" the video (i.e., which can take 1-2 minutes) - but rather it just resets the start/end markers and outputs a new clip in a few seconds.

The one I currently use doesn't really work for all videos (in that it doesn't set the start/end positions correctly) so I am looking for a new one.


Hi -

If you have sold anything at envato over the last few years, and either have a withholding tax applied to your sales, or didn't fill in their tax form - you might want to double check that you haven't been doubletaxed. You could be owed a lot of back money from envato, because there are accounts that have been doubletaxed.

Taxes are "supposed" to be calculated on the "net" amount paid out to you. Instead, for some of these accounts, envato has been calculating taxes on the 'gross' amount after they take their commission, which could be meaning you are owed a lot of back money from them.

I.e., for simplicity, let's say you have a $100 item, and (for illustration) say envato's commission was 50% (with their $3). And let's use the 30% withholding tax rate that was used for several years with with no tax form/tax treaty/etc.

Proper calculation:

$100 net sale  - $3 commission - $100 * 50% commission - (net amount of sale: $100-$3-$50 = $47 * 30% =) $14.1 withholding tax

= $100 - $3 - $50 - $14.1
= $32.90 payable to you.

What envato has been doing for some accounts:

$100 net sale  - $3 commission - $100 * 50% commission - (gross amount of sale: $100 * 30% =) $30 withholding tax

= $100 - $3 - $50 - $30
= $17 that "was" paid to you (so envato still owes you $15.90, but instead kept it for themselves).

(i.e., if hypothetically envato took a 100% commission - then they would actually be telling you 'owe' them money for each sale generated, i.e., $100 - $3 - $100 (100%) - $100 * 30% = -$33 - i.e., $33 they would say 'you' owe them in taxes, and they would never pay you anything).

They have been incorrectly calculating the withholding tax over a long time for some accounts, so you could actually be owed
a lot of money. You should doublecheck to make sure you haven't been doubletaxed, and if you have, you should contact them
to make sure you are paid any back money.

Hope that helps some people here.

General Stock Discussion / adobestock keywords?
« on: February 10, 2019, 23:48 »
How important are 'organizing' your keywords in adobestock for ranking? I didn't realize it seems they have an "order" of keywords (if you have them listed alphabetically, you'll actually get a warning message asking if you really meant for them to be alphabetical).

How much difference does it make to get a sale?

General Stock Discussion / Alamy "good news"!
« on: December 04, 2018, 08:39 »
Seen so many of these threads, figured I may as well start one :)

Apparently some "good news" from Alamy everyone should be happy about! Commissions going from 50% to 40%! YAY!

Comment below.

I know it might not seem like much (since I've mainly focused on videos).

But, recently decided to upload some of my images as well.

Currently I have a HUGE image portfolio of a grand whopping total of about 50 images :) Which, probably only took me about 20 hours to curate, edit, keyword, etc... so (at the moment) my 'effective' salary for images is about $0.02/hour...

BUT... it's still pretty cool the idea of having made a sale from an image I took! (I suppose I am thinking the 'super' amazing thing is that... with the "2 million images uploaded" this week thing from shutterstock, mine happened to be one of the ones that was purchased (via subscription). And I didn't have to upload 50,000 variations of the same thing to get that...!

Now I just need to figure out how to multiply that number by about 1,000,000 per month... and I'll be set! :)

General Stock Discussion / what are good video stock sites?
« on: November 01, 2018, 01:22 »
I've read a few people say the poll on the right isn't really represenative of what is 'good' nowadays.

What do you recommend for video? I'm assuming obviously Pond5, Shutterstock, Adobe, & Videoblocks... Envato if you can get on the "good" side of a reviewer who doesn't view you as competition and just reject all your submissions... Any others?

General Stock Discussion / shutterstock earnings question
« on: October 12, 2018, 23:58 »
So... thinking of uploading to shutterstock...

Then took a look at a few numbers, did some math, and then noticed a few posts talking about 'spammy' portfolios (i.e., 1000 pictures of a pair of shoes, from 0-360 degrees in 0.3 degree increments, etc)...

If my math is correct, it seems on 'average' right now you'd need to have a portfolio size of about 10,000 images to 'make' about $600/year? Does that sound right? (Of course, I realize there would be outliers on both sides), but that seems to the case?

Any agreements/disagreements?

General Stock Discussion / shutterstock questions
« on: September 21, 2018, 14:05 »
Just recently started on shutterstock, a couple questions:

a) Is there a way to easily view your 'video' portfolio? It seems they have something for images, but nothing for video.
b) Uploaded some videos last month, didn't get around to tagging/keywording them now - but noticed I can't find them. Does shutterstock have a timeframe that you need to keyword/tag/submit your videos/images/etc or they just automatically delete them?


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