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Messages - JamoImages

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Canva / Re: Almost any images get rejected instantly?!
« on: November 10, 2023, 03:59 »
I can't grow my portfolio on Canva anymore either because of constant rejections (99% 😫). Seriously considering giving up on them soon.

New Sites - General / Re: Vecteezy
« on: November 10, 2023, 03:52 »
 download volume on Vecteezy is pretty low, even when I provided them with free images. So, I don't think you can expect a good income from them with any paid content. Just saying...

General Stock Discussion / Re: Adobestock Tips and Tricks
« on: November 10, 2023, 03:47 »
So, I am finally staring to see some sales from Adobestock (which I am delighted about!)

Just wondering if there are any tips and tricks people recommend to keep things moving upwards. Do you recommend a daily/weekly upload or is there anything else I should be doing to help y sales increase week on week?


I write a lot in my blog about selling stock media: https://jamoimages.com/selling-photos-to-adobe-stock/

Yay, Alex! Congrats on getting famous  ;)

I've had a similar experience with free sites. On Unsplash, I have over 10,000 downloads and on Pexels, I've reached 5,000 downloads since the start of 2022. I've received maybe 3-5 donations and have been tagged on Instagram a couple of times. I currently have around 60 photos on both platforms.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Stock Sites that Ban AI
« on: September 22, 2023, 00:59 »
Arcangel is one of those sites that only value human creativity. However, they're more into the book cover images and it may be a challenge to get in.

I recently wrote a blog post about this topic.


These are the ones I know of. If you know any others, please let me know!

I like McDonald's  :P

Last chance to vote! Voting will close tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who has already voted!  :)

And Jarmo (or Jamo), like your work, very diverse.
I'll be heading to Hetta next year, with the kids, pretty up North in Finland. Hope to catch some amazing photos as I have seen in your port as well as the amazing Northern lights. I missed them in Iceland due to bad wheather or non-existence. I hope Finland will give me a bit of more luck and my camera won't freeze to death :)

Thanks  :) Indeed it is a diverse portfolio.

I Wish you luck with the Aurora hunting! I think you have a good probability to see some.

Hetta is so far north that if you rent a car you can visit Norway and Sweden too! The roads are few but always open even in winter.. unless there's a snowstorm or something in which case it is safer to stay close to populated areas and not go driving through those deep wilderness areas.  ;)

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Free Collection: Video Nominations
« on: November 22, 2022, 00:58 »
lol.. I'm so bad at making stock footage that my clips are not good enough even for the free collection  :-[  --> none selected  :P

This is only one data point in the life of a stock photographer. Kind of like "how long is a piece of rope"? The answers will not be very useful without more context. Maybe: how many images are available for sale? Which agencies? Dollars income Per Image Per Year? How many years/hours to accumulate the sellable library? Dollars of business expenses spent to acquire the images?

I totally agree with you but to make a perfect poll would need the answers to be individualized which is not possible with a simple poll like this.

Yeah, earnings per month, per image/video would be a good one. Just how much you earn can be skewed considerably by how long people have been doing it, whether they're full time, part time, how big a portfolio they have etc etc.

I agree, RPI would be much better but not perfect either.

Also maybe clarify if you only mean microstock or also other channels like selling through own website

I was thinking of microstock mainly but it doesn't matter really at this point. Maybe later I do more specific polls.

I see no way to change my vote.  I pushed $4-500 when it should be $6-700.

don't worry about it  :) Thanks for your vote!

I'm interested to know how much you guys earn on average from stock photography each month.

I'll include the results in my blog as I'm trying to revive it from dying completely by pushing out new content.

So I'm very grateful for your participation.

Thanks!  :)

If you're smart enough,  you'll find my ports easily  ;)
Did your stock income increase after uploading to tiktok?


We were discussing about tiktok here   :)
Yes, tiktok is not the network where you can advertise videos from stocks. Only unless to find buyers directly.
But, perhaps, you can add your nickname on the stocks to the tags, and also indicate the stock nickname during registration. Then people will be able to search by this nickname and find you on stocks.
Perhaps you did.

If you're smart enough,  you'll find my ports easily  ;)

We were discussing about tiktok here   :)

I have 45k followers on TikTok account full of aerial timelapses. Tried to add Pond5 affiliate link on my profile but never got any luck.
And if you add a link to the video on pond5 in the description of the video in tiktok?

And how on Pond5, do they often buy laps from a drone?

It is not allowed to add link in video.

No, the drone timelapses don't sell any better. However, couple of times I've got to sell some clips directly to a client who had seen my clips on tiktok.

I have 45k followers on TikTok account full of aerial timelapses. Tried to add Pond5 affiliate link on my profile but never got any luck.

Some ship timelapses are popular but normal aerial clips only get few hundred views. Its not very good channel to promote your portfolio in my opinion.

Here's my channel: https://www.tiktok.com/@jamoimages?_t=8XILuZvGCNK&_r=

Too big risk to go Exclusive. Agencies don't seem to get it as it seems. Why go exclusive when you don't know when the next royalty cut is coming? There's no trust anymore. Built the trust first and maybe then one could consider...

IStock always has some images that take waaaaaay longer to review than others. For me it is usually everything that I submit with a property relase as well as everything where iStock seems to think I might possibly need one. Lately for example I had easter related photos waiting to be reviewed for 2 weeks, because apparently some reviewer had to contemplate about whether I needed a property release for dots and stripe designes. They went through eventually, it just took 10x as long for them as the rest of the submitted batch.

Since you say you submitted vectors, maybe that's a similar case. Maybe you submitted them  with a PR or someone might need to sleep a few nights over the quetstion whether you would need one or there is some other reason why reviewers have a problem deciding whether these images should be accepted or not.

yes.. I guess they need to take a break for a couple of weeks before doing such a heavy decision whether accept them or not  ;)

These are actually 3D renders, not vectors, such as some furry dude holding a heart in Ukraine flag colors or oversized tanks on Ukraine map or so  8)

Since the beginning of March, IStock hasn't reviewed any of my images that are related to the Ukraine War. Other images that have nothing to do with the war are reviewed normally.

Does anyone else have similar experiences?? Does Putin have a grip of Getty's balls?  :o
iStock\Getty doesn't accepting any news-relating editorial, especially as sensitive as war-related.

Honestly speaking, it makes sense.

OK.. didn't know that. However these are conceptual 3D images. Not editorial.

Since the beginning of March, IStock hasn't reviewed any of my images that are related to the Ukraine War. Other images that have nothing to do with the war are reviewed normally.

Does anyone else have similar experiences?? Does Putin have a grip of Getty's balls?  :o

Shutterstock.com / Re: Drop in sales - is it only me?...
« on: February 19, 2022, 08:18 »
Same here. RPD is as low as $0.27 while downloads are in normal level.

Ouch, incredible ! 0.27 it's not sustainable ...

I'm also considering exiting SS, but Adobe Stock needs to improve sales a bit more. Especially a few more extended licenses. This February zero extended licenses on AS.

Yes.. it's not sustainable

Fortunately Adobe Stock is very strong for me and is growing pretty fast. AS alone cover the losses I suffer from SS.

I'd like to think the buyers are moving from SS to AS but maybe I'm just being naive  :P

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