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Adobe Stock / Re: won't be long now
« Last post by PigsInSpace on Today at 18:21 »
in my opinion,with all due respect to everyone,obviously,but in my opinion there could be reasons behind it and we simply don't have the general picture.

We dont have the full picture, but Adobe is reviewing AI images and illustrative editorial images very quickly, so theyre able to. Its only conventional photos that sit on the sidelines for weeks and weeks and weeks. The whole thing doesnt make sense.
Adobe Stock / Re: Adobestock Review Time
« Last post by zeljkok on Today at 15:27 »
I uploaded single RF yesterday - strongly related to these horrible Canadian Rockies wildfires most probably heard about (no AI).   SS and Alamy accepted overnight,  let's see how long it will take on Adobe.
Adobe Stock / Re: won't be long now
« Last post by RalfLiebhold on Today at 13:57 »

..... but the answer to long waiting times could also be simpler,perhaps it simply depends on whether the content is useful or not.

as I said,I have no problem,as far as I'm concerned,all the reviews are done well below the current established times.

First of all, you deserve credit for being a very positive person. But somehow love seems to make you blind  ;)

How can the reviewer assess the sales value of a picture right away? The value of a picture is made up of various aspects.

Just 2 concrete examples.

It took Adobe 2 - 3 months to review my images on the subject of fungal contamination in indoor air. The images were probably of little interest to the reviewers. Not so for the buyers. After activation, I had regular sales and Adobe lost me 3 months of revenue.

From my area, quite simple landscape images are doing very well with all agencies - and some of them have been waiting in the queue since May. For the reviewer, it's probably another forest, river or lake. For the buyer, these are images to represent a specific landscape that is popular with tourists.

The review times are disrespectful and there is no excuse for this. The problem has existed since the acceptance of AI images. A company like Adobe should actually have solutions for this.


attached your image as example, 6 seconds by AI, easy 90% similar

..posting my image without my permission is a violation of my copyright!!
General Stock Discussion / Another thief on shutterstock
« Last post by Video1977 on Today at 11:43 »
Check out if your videos are not on his portfolio, At least one of mine was there:

Software / Re: Maigen - Automatic metadata generator
« Last post by edihasrin on Today at 10:10 »

Why don't you have any website?
Why are you giving direct download of the software?
Is this safe and legitimate?
What is your privacy policy and terms and conditions?

Sorry, I haven't had time to make a website, I will try.

My main purpose of making this application is to make it easier for me to fill in the metadata for my images that I will send to various Microstock sites.

what changes were made in this version?

how many days long is the trial period? - last time it was short and ended without any warning or explanation when you tried to test more images

i've been using https://www.visualmind.ai and have processed over 600 images in the last week @ $.03 per image - excellent results & it provides both a CSV and zip of the edted images

The trial is limited to 25 generates per day, and will reset every day.

It looks like the price has been adjusted to $29 for 3 months and there is no daily limit with all the features.

One user maigen stated that he could generate metadata for 1000 images in a day using the paid Google gemini API, and it seems to be AI images.

I myself have tried to generate metadata up to 100-200 in a day using the free Google gemini API.
Software / Re: Maigen - Automatic metadata generator
« Last post by edihasrin on Today at 10:04 »

Why don't you have any website?
Why are you giving direct download of the software?
Is this safe and legitimate?
What is your privacy policy and terms and conditions?

Sorry, I haven't had time to make a website, I will try.

My main purpose of making this application is to make it easier for me to fill in the metadata for my images that I will send to various Microstock sites.

what changes were made in this version?

how many days long is the trial period? - last time it was short and ended without any warning or explanation when you tried to test more images

i've been using https://www.visualmind.ai and have processed over 600 images in the last week @ $.03 per image - excellent results & it provides both a CSV and zip of the edted images

the update information is included above
Adobe Stock / Re: won't be long now
« Last post by Injustice for all on Today at 08:22 »
in my opinion,with all due respect to everyone,obviously,but in my opinion there could be reasons behind it and we simply don't have the general picture.

but it could be that I'm wrong or that I'm just a stupid idiot of course!  :D

however one thing is certain,having content under review for a long time can be irritating and stressful,because the work is done but the content is not yet for sale.

I believe that the quantity already uploaded in the current year,affects the review time,I don't know if Adobe will be able to access this data during review with the new terms,as far as I know,with the old terms it was not possible in the review to have access to this data.

but the answer to long waiting times could also be simpler,perhaps it simply depends on whether the content is useful or not.

as I said,I have no problem,as far as I'm concerned,all the reviews are done well below the current established times.
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