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Author Topic: What count of keywords on image preview page is safe for SEO in your opinion?  (Read 3821 times)

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  • Boris Jaroscak
« on: February 25, 2014, 04:53 »
I just wonder how many keywords is in your opinion acceptable by search engines per image preview page on personal portfolio website?
I am thinking that I will completely remove keywords from my images that I showcase on my personal web and instead I will focus even more on natural text such as focus on long description describing photos.

What do you think, is it good to completely remove keywords from large image preview pages?
By large image preview page I mean this, for example:

I know that long descriptions displayed near photos work very good for me, as I mentioned in this article of mine:

But those (unnatural) keywords on preview pages bother me a little bit.
Maybe if I remove them completely, my website could be ranking perhaps even better.

Now I have quite a lot of keywords on my large image preview pages, such as 50 or even more keywords. I think that it is too much keywords actually. But the question is whether to remove them completely, and have only image title and description there, of to keep a few keywords?

Google webmaster's guidelines says that no unnatural/isolated text (read: keywords) should be displayed on page.
Thus if I wanted to strictly to follow those guidelines, I should completely remove all keywords from near my images.

What is your opinion. How much keywords is safe in your experience?
No keywords, or 5, 10, or 20 keywords? How much?

I am just wondering, I know that there is probably no exact answer, because ranking of website depends on many on-site and off-site factors as a whole.
But anyway, all kinds of opinions are welcomed here.  ;)
« Last Edit: February 25, 2014, 05:01 by jareso »

« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2014, 05:36 »
Describe a thing accurately and succinctly. Anything else is spam and clutter. A good useful caption is going to be 2 or at the most 3 well written short sentences. Sometimes there may be a need for some additional description in a separate  field - e.g. if the context or provenance of the image needs explanation.

Potential buyers do not expect an essay and will be put off if the copy seems incongruous or strangely written.


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