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Author Topic: Does Shutterstock care what we think or post about?  (Read 27294 times)

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« Reply #25 on: July 25, 2014, 07:18 »

If my father can take the time to speak to both employees and customers as well as run a complex global comany with 10,000 employees and $3.1 billion in revenue.

What are you doing here? Playing at "the photographer"? It's better for you and for 10,000 employees that you stop playing with images and think about your real life...

« Reply #26 on: July 25, 2014, 07:54 »
If my father can take the time to speak to both employees and customers as well as run a complex global comany with 10,000 employees and $3.1 billion in revenue.

Good for the 10,000 employees whose (company) owner takes some time to listen to them  :)

« Reply #27 on: July 25, 2014, 12:18 »
If my father can take the time to speak to both employees and customers as well as run a complex global comany with 10,000 employees and $3.1 billion in revenue.

Good for the 10,000 employees whose (company) owner takes some time to listen to them  :)

Yes, I want to work there!  Good to know 'business ethics' is not totally forgotten.


« Reply #28 on: July 25, 2014, 12:47 »
Every few month you toss a grenade like this into the forums.
Geeze....Just go out and buy a new canvas and paint - I hear painting is a relaxing activity - you seem to need it.

there are other relaxing things to do as well but I cannot say them since thus  is a family (Pg-13) site  8)

« Reply #29 on: July 25, 2014, 12:50 »

If my father can take the time to speak to both employees and customers as well as run a complex global company with 10,000 employees and $3.1 billion in revenue.

What are you doing here? Playing at "the photographer"? It's better for you and for 10,000 employees that you stop playing with images and think about your real life...
I leave that up to my 5 older brothers, who are a chip off the block. My journey is elsewhere and while I respect my father and brothers, I march to another tune. The biz, is not what floats my boat.

« Reply #30 on: July 25, 2014, 12:56 »

If my father can take the time to speak to both employees and customers as well as run a complex global company with 10,000 employees and $3.1 billion in revenue.

What are you doing here? Playing at "the photographer"? It's better for you and for 10,000 employees that you stop playing with images and think about your real life...

I leave that up to my 5 older brothers, who are a chip off the block. My journey is elsewhere and while I respect my father and brothers, I march to another tune. The biz, is not what floats my boat.
Yes. What a rude comment.  Nobodys business what you do with your life
« Last Edit: July 25, 2014, 12:59 by PixelBytes »

« Reply #31 on: July 25, 2014, 15:48 »

If my father can take the time to speak to both employees and customers as well as run a complex global company with 10,000 employees and $3.1 billion in revenue.

What are you doing here? Playing at "the photographer"? It's better for you and for 10,000 employees that you stop playing with images and think about your real life...

I leave that up to my 5 older brothers, who are a chip off the block. My journey is elsewhere and while I respect my father and brothers, I march to another tune. The biz, is not what floats my boat.
Yes. What a rude comment.  Nobodys business what you do with your life

we are not here to character assassinate just because we are short of grey matter.
if you don't like what gbalex say, say so, like we did,
but there is no need to get personal.
you can also just not come in, or ignore him or us.

just don't turn this into a mud-slinging match simply because you expect everyone here to tell you things you like to read.
you can start your own blog for that.

sorry, no ignore button. i was going to use it  ;)
« Last Edit: July 25, 2014, 17:50 by etudiante_rapide »

« Reply #32 on: July 25, 2014, 17:34 »
Thank You Scott
I for one Rarely have issues with my images being accepted or rejected
I understand SS's process and goals for business
Having WELL OVER 12 images online, I have seen a lot of positive changes through the years.
I for one LOVE Shutterstock  and wish only the very best for the company and my sales

So with that said

Thank You
Rock On

« Last Edit: July 25, 2014, 20:26 by mike ledray »

« Reply #33 on: July 25, 2014, 18:19 »
Gotta Love Shutterstock
« Last Edit: July 25, 2014, 20:25 by mike ledray »

« Reply #34 on: July 25, 2014, 21:37 »

If my father can take the time to speak to both employees and customers as well as run a complex global comany with 10,000 employees and $3.1 billion in revenue.

What are you doing here? Playing at "the photographer"? It's better for you and for 10,000 employees that you stop playing with images and think about your real life...

He's so rich he doesn't need to work it makes microstock is a good way to pass time and educate all us low life common people.
Does SS care? Why? People take 28 cents for work that costs much more to shoot. You make under minimum wage. Worst of all SS is the best place by 3 times and you ask if they care. They pay the best, don't cheat us, and what does that make the rest? Do any of them care?


« Reply #35 on: July 25, 2014, 21:42 »
my father always told me that I would amount to nothing in life thus this industry is the perfect fit for me ;D

« Reply #36 on: July 25, 2014, 22:33 »
My father makes $1,000,000,000,000 per week with his 5 employees and does not worry about what anyone says.
And I am the sole Heir

now where did I put that bottle of strychnine?


« Reply #37 on: July 26, 2014, 00:25 »

If my father can take the time to speak to both employees and customers as well as run a complex global comany with 10,000 employees and $3.1 billion in revenue.

What are you doing here? Playing at "the photographer"? It's better for you and for 10,000 employees that you stop playing with images and think about your real life...

He's so rich he doesn't need to work it makes microstock is a good way to pass time and educate all us low life common people.
Does SS care? Why? People take 28 cents for work that costs much more to shoot. You make under minimum wage. Worst of all SS is the best place by 3 times and you ask if they care. They pay the best, don't cheat us, and what does that make the rest? Do any of them care?

Dude maybe your family would pay your way forward, but in mine they expect you to stand on your own two feet. There are no free rides in this world and I have been completely on my own since I was 18. Paid for two degrees by working summers fishing in Alaska. If you want to make something of yourself there are plenty of ways to do it, rather than relying on family to prop you up. 

I  am no different than anyone here and certainly do not feel I am better than any man on this earth. In fact that is my point, every man and women here should be paid a fair rate for their work, there is no reason that a handful of people should be taking the lions share of the pie, while failing to hold up their end of the bargain. I was brought up in opposition of elitist ethics and that is the very reason my family is successful, they make it a win win for everyone and not just a chosen few. 

« Reply #38 on: July 28, 2014, 04:31 »

If my father can take the time to speak to both employees and customers as well as run a complex global company with 10,000 employees and $3.1 billion in revenue.

What are you doing here? Playing at "the photographer"? It's better for you and for 10,000 employees that you stop playing with images and think about your real life...
I leave that up to my 5 older brothers, who are a chip off the block. My journey is elsewhere and while I respect my father and brothers, I march to another tune. The biz, is not what floats my boat.

sorry gbalex for the rudeness my post was provocative...but to say that your sounded a little bit like a "show-off"
Going back to peacefull tones what i think is that every company has it's own and different managment. A web-based company, like SS, cannot be matched to a traditional company (i guess like the one that your father runs)...exactly for what you were saying, speaking directly with one person is not like reading forum...managment can't make statements nor changements from 2 or 3 bad post written in few minutes from unhappy contributors

« Reply #39 on: July 28, 2014, 08:34 »

If my father can take the time to speak to both employees and customers as well as run a complex global company with 10,000 employees and $3.1 billion in revenue.

What are you doing here? Playing at "the photographer"? It's better for you and for 10,000 employees that you stop playing with images and think about your real life...
I leave that up to my 5 older brothers, who are a chip off the block. My journey is elsewhere and while I respect my father and brothers, I march to another tune. The biz, is not what floats my boat.

sorry gbalex for the rudeness my post was provocative...but to say that your sounded a little bit like a "show-off"
Going back to peacefull tones what i think is that every company has it's own and different managment. A web-based company, like SS, cannot be matched to a traditional company (i guess like the one that your father runs)...exactly for what you were saying, speaking directly with one person is not like reading forum...managment can't make statements nor changements from 2 or 3 bad post written in few minutes from unhappy contributors

I do see your point and agree that most often keeping ones reality to ourselves is best. However I do think that a reality check is in order when it comes to the effort I see some CEO's putting out. There is no excuse, the points discussed are part of the responsibility of running a company.

In my past life I worked as a IT developer. There is really no excuse at all for Jon not to read the forums & net to see what type of challenges his customers and contributors are having. Part of a owners job is to verify that your management are delivering the end product, to both your customers and to your employees or suppliers as the case may be. 

On the contributor end, a quick read in the bug forum will show you that there are long standing concerns that they continue to ignore. If this were minor bugs I would not say anything. However there are serious issues that they simply fail to address. It has become clear that Jon simply does not care about his contributors and I think it is well past time to address the issue.

« Reply #40 on: July 28, 2014, 09:42 »
It has become clear that Jon simply does not care about his contributors and I think it is well past time to address the issue.

yes, i am the one who gave you a +

u know what? i was disagreeing with u because i wanted 2 c if Jon Oringer comes in here, since he has his own twitter or whatever, so he must have time to come on the web, if he cares

given these times, along with the pages and pages of this issue on Oringer's own site forum,
i too, am convinced by you today
Jon simply does not care about his contributors

like the dude from Istock, he makes his money , and soon, he will sell it, and we will all see another replay of IStock. and maybe another new flavour of the year. if not already since he has Offset.

shame . but as Sting sings, "history teaches us nothing".

the bottom line is still people are greedy, and when they start up, they will help u because they need u to make their site grow. but once they become a monopoly, they will throw u out like the baby and bath water.

u convinced me after all these months, hanging to my belief in old-school
- when people are born, their nature is good.

but the times of these ancient saying is outdated. maybe i am wrong to believe this
and u r slowly convincing me that saying is no longer applicable.

and meanwhile, multitude of blind drowning followers are still grabbing straws and picking off crumbs from their tables, thinking that perharps, tomorrow another new site will come and be the new messiah.

and then when u come in here telling us it is crap, we will give u another big slap in the face.
but at least, today, i award u a heart because u r not afraid to say ur piece
« Last Edit: July 28, 2014, 09:50 by etudiante_rapide »


« Reply #41 on: July 30, 2014, 09:37 »

« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2014, 11:03 »

« Reply #43 on: July 30, 2014, 11:09 »

« Reply #44 on: July 30, 2014, 11:13 »

Shouldn't that be na na na na... Batman!?!?

« Reply #45 on: July 30, 2014, 12:12 »
It has become clear that Jon simply does not care about his contributors and I think it is well past time to address the issue.
and then when u come in here telling us it is crap, we will give u another big slap in the face.
but at least, today, i award u a heart because u r not afraid to say ur piece[/b].

Respect etudiante_rapide, thank you for your words.


« Reply #46 on: July 30, 2014, 13:45 »
I don't know man. Personally, I have no issues with them, everything works including review process, which is fair - I mean I have to agree with rejections.

I agree. No objections here about the review process. SS still accepts most everything I offer them, and when they don't I tend to understand why. Plus, on the few occasions when I've requested a re-evaluation of an image (or set of images) that was rejected, the second reviewer has agreed with me.

I like dealing with SS, and I earn more there than anywhere else. Just wish other companies could do as well.

I agree completely. I love Shutterstock. The reviews are more than fair, they are easy to deal with, I have no problem with them. They sell my images so well, and my sales and earnings keep increasing. If anyone has a problem with them, why don't you email them directly? Or address the issue at the SS forum? Why complain here, and expect a prompt reply, it doesn't even make sense?
If you should put all the time and effort spent here complaining into learning to shoot the right type of images, and improving your technical skills you would have more images accepted, it would be easier and faster and you would earn more.

« Reply #47 on: July 30, 2014, 13:57 »
I don't know man. Personally, I have no issues with them, everything works including review process, which is fair - I mean I have to agree with rejections.

I agree. No objections here about the review process. SS still accepts most everything I offer them, and when they don't I tend to understand why. Plus, on the few occasions when I've requested a re-evaluation of an image (or set of images) that was rejected, the second reviewer has agreed with me.

I like dealing with SS, and I earn more there than anywhere else. Just wish other companies could do as well.

I agree completely. I love Shutterstock. The reviews are more than fair, they are easy to deal with, I have no problem with them. They sell my images so well, and my sales and earnings keep increasing. If anyone has a problem with them, why don't you email them directly? Or address the issue at the SS forum? Why complain here, and expect a prompt reply, it doesn't even make sense?
If you should put all the time and effort spent here complaining into learning to shoot the right type of images, and improving your technical skills you would have more images accepted, it would be easier and faster and you would earn more.

ahem, cough, cough... lemmings much??? 

so i guess u r all correct.
oh, btw, did any of u dudes checked Mr. Rinderart's portfolio or resume?
afaik, this dude is not a newbie and knows how to compose a stock photograph, no doubt been able to do that longer than most of you have been alive, never mind be on Shutterstock.
and i am pretty much convinced , he knows how to WB
... unless lately he has developed amnesia or alzheimer.

i doubt that.

« Reply #48 on: July 31, 2014, 22:10 »
Rock On you Cats and Kittens

Thank You


  • stockcoalition.org
« Reply #49 on: August 03, 2014, 19:34 »
Every one of my jpgs has been rejected by the photo/illustration inspector this week. Today a bunch more. Dozens of $%#$ images. Even black and white silhouettes..all rejected for noise. Not one grain of noise anywhere...they're vector illustrations, for God's sake! EPS all accepted as usual. The inspectors are out of control. Do they get paid more to reject images?  >:(


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