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Author Topic: no payment received  (Read 13458 times)

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« on: June 16, 2011, 05:14 »
till now i haven't receive may 2011 payment. i got an email on may 6, it said my payment have been computed and will be send by 15th may 2011 to my moneybookers, but then i change to paypal, because my moneybookers is no longer active, so i send email to request payment to my paypal. i email them but no respond till now. can anyone help?

« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2011, 06:06 »
I reckon it had gone to moneybookers at the same time as the email issued (mine was in paypal on 7th).  Probaly a bit of "admin" involved sorting this out and the only folks who can help are SS support.

« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2011, 07:22 »
I would suggest calling Shutterstock by phone.

« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2011, 17:59 »
till now i haven't receive may 2011 payment. i got an email on may 6, it said my payment have been computed and will be send by 15th may 2011 to my moneybookers, but then i change to paypal, because my moneybookers is no longer active, so i send email to request payment to my paypal. i email them but no respond till now. can anyone help?

Sure! For a 50% commission ;)

« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2011, 17:36 »
Send an email to the support once more and more and more...
I didn't receive the March payment. Answer: Paypal hasn't accepted the payment. But Paypal accepted the payment before and later.
Last answer: Payment is still waiting to be sent as of 2011-05-06.
It still waits and waits and waits...  >:(

Did you receive your payment in the meantime?

« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2011, 17:30 »
There is a thread about this topic at SS, and it appears to have been going on since February. Non-payment, as well as a growing list of other unanswered concerns and complaints seem to be the norm there. Check it out:


Looks like financial trouble. 

« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2011, 03:42 »
There is a thread about this topic at SS, and it appears to have been going on since February. Non-payment, as well as a growing list of other unanswered concerns and complaints seem to be the norm there. Check it out:


Looks like financial trouble. 

A hand full of people reporting non payment against 1000s that have been paid does not look like financial trouble.
It will almost certainly be some sort of paperwork problem.

« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2011, 05:32 »
They just sent out an email asking for W-9 info. I realize that is a US requirement, but I think there are also tax requirements for the rest of the world. Their email says that if you don't provide the info, you won't get paid. Maybe that's the problem?

« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2011, 07:41 »
SS should at least reply to their emails.

« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2011, 12:53 »
No, not a tax problem, but a serious thing and sign Shutterstock cares about contributors no more :-( I am having similar problems as the original author of this thread. I changed from Moneybookers to Paypal so I could have better control over my money and better chance to spend them online. But I made mistake by not checking the Paypal option - I have just changed the e-mail address. I had to contact support and was promised a reissue of the payment to my correct Paypal address. But since then - it was  months ago - silence. No money and no response to my numerous e-mails from support. So, this is not a tax issue but a inside Shutterstock issue. Unfortunately, the payment I am missing was a combination of earnings since the beginning of the year (I was waiting for better USD conversion rate) and so a quite big sum of money for me. If only there was another way how to contact them, but the phone is "just for the buyers - contributors do not bother". Does anyone here has a direct contact (e-mail etc.) to somebody from Shutterstock? Me and many people with similar problem as stated on Shutterstock forum would appreciate that...

« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2011, 13:03 »
For you guys changing payment mode or email address, this is something that may lead to problems indeed. I don't know about SS because I am not there, but other sites ask you to confirm the address and mode are right before continuing, and I believe this is because most of that is handled automatically. So if you ask a change after the payment was requested, then it may be a lot of trouble for them cancelling one and reissuing another. And I also believe they will do delay a payment this way too intentionally, so that people will not be doing it again. It isn't a reason for SS not reply though, even if to say they will take one month to do the payment.

« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2011, 03:46 »
same problem here.
Read here

newbielink:http://submit.shutterstock.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=108082&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 [nonactive]

11 user without payment


the payment rejected by paypal is just an excuse because I have personally contacted paypal and found no problem on my account.


« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2011, 00:53 »
There is a thread about this topic at SS, and it appears to have been going on since February. Non-payment, as well as a growing list of other unanswered concerns and complaints seem to be the norm there. Check it out:


Looks like financial trouble. 

A hand full of people reporting non payment against 1000s that have been paid does not look like financial trouble.
It will almost certainly be some sort of paperwork problem.

Odd that the same small group, six new members here as far as posts, should suddenly come post to complain in the same thread. Very odd?

Read the messages, most of them have changed email addresses, changed payment sites or changed something including asking for a second payment for one that was not received. One of them has quoted clearly that SS is holding the payment for them.

Yes, SS should reply.

Other people are getting paid at the same time. Makes you wonder if there isn't more to this whole thing that isn't being reported.

Some is very suspicious about this whole issue.

« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2011, 02:39 »
01 pnovess
02 fredf7499
03 pandapaw
04 hojo
05 fyle
06 civdis
07 arachnidspy
08 studio544
09 alphaspirit
10 merlinphoto
11 twoellis
12 ingwio
13 actives

who is from America?

Is someone able to obtain information for a class action?

« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2011, 03:02 »
Well, yes... Obviously the automated payment should be without any problems - shall see in the beginning of August. However, should you have any problem or "special" request, they will not pay you because it is done manually - which is a huge problem for some reason. However, as clearly visible in my case, they have promised payment (I received e-mail) and have done nothing about it so far.

« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2011, 15:26 »
Yes, you're right. I'm a new member here, like some others, who replied in this thread. But I'm not a greenhorn in business and payment.
And yes, you're right. Something is very suspicious.

What happened in the past?
  • I got an email from SS about the payment 2011-3. But I didn't receive the payment via Paypal.
  • I asked SS about that. Answer by SS: Paypal denied the payment.
  • I asked Paypal. Answer by Paypal: "For privacy reasons we can not give you any information about PayPal accounts of third party, which also includes payment attempts. But I can confirm that your account at the time of payment was properly opened and unlocked for receiving payment."
  • I received the payment for the months before and after without any difficulties. I didn't change my profile at SS all the time. I didn't change my account at Paypal all the time.
  • I asked SS for the payment several times. Last answer by SS: "Payment is still waiting to be sent as of 2011-05-06."

In the Shutterstock Submitter Terms of Service is declared, that the payment "will be issued monthly, on the 15th day of each month for the previous months downloads". I'm waiting for the money since 2011-04-15.

In my experience there may be three reasons for a bank like Paypal to deny sending of payments:
1. The sender has not enough money. This looks like financial trouble.
2. There are technical problems, when transmitting the data to the bank.
3. There are problems between the ears of employees.
In all cases SS has to solve the problems. In all cases SS should answer the emails.

Sending money via Paypal by hand takes 3 minutes - not 3 months or longer If there were only a handful of contributors, who didn't get their money, it would take only one hour to solve the problem.

But I think there are many more contributors, who didn't get their money. Look at the Shutterstock Forum for Contributors and search for the keyword "payment".
« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 16:17 by ingwio »


« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2011, 21:58 »
ingwio you forgot that there could be a problem with your paypal account and that's why it wasn't made. Why did all the new people appear here for the same subject at the same time when they don't come here before. All just to beat on SS. You changed payment and cause the problem to start not them.

« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2011, 02:20 »
There is a thread about this topic at SS, and it appears to have been going on since February. Non-payment, as well as a growing list of other unanswered concerns and complaints seem to be the norm there. Check it out:


Looks like financial trouble. 

A hand full of people reporting non payment against 1000s that have been paid does not look like financial trouble.
It will almost certainly be some sort of paperwork problem.

Odd that the same small group, six new members here as far as posts, should suddenly come post to complain in the same thread. Very odd?

Read the messages, most of them have changed email addresses, changed payment sites or changed something including asking for a second payment for one that was not received. One of them has quoted clearly that SS is holding the payment for them.

Yes, SS should reply.

Other people are getting paid at the same time. Makes you wonder if there isn't more to this whole thing that isn't being reported.

Some is very suspicious about this whole issue.

It would seem more logical than odd.  People have been asking on the ss forum for some time, and they haven't been getting any response.  It's only natural, when nobody is listening, to take it to a wider forum.

The problem does seem to be that payment methods have been changed, but they deserve an email response. What else can they do when no one is helping them? 

« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2011, 02:53 »
ingwio you forgot that there could be a problem with your paypal account and that's why it wasn't made. Why did all the new people appear here for the same subject at the same time when they don't come here before. All just to beat on SS. You changed payment and cause the problem to start not them.

  • You didn't read my post completely. I asked Paypal and there were no problems with my account. And as I declared: I made no changes at SS and no changes at Paypal and I did not change payment method.
  • You wonder about the posts of the new members. Look at their profile and you will see, that some registered at Microstock Group long before they had trouble with the payment and long before you. You registered in July 2009, but you are a new member too. That's because you only posted 4 times since you have registered.
  • I think it's no wonder that people begin to post, when they have problems. Most of the threads of all forums worldwide are opened, because people have problems with something.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 04:19 by ingwio »

« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2011, 03:25 »
Milinz: Well, I could have changed Moneybookers to Paypal, but is that forbidden?  The others have not received their cheque for example. And they did not change anything. Do we blame Shutterstock? No, It was my favourite agency until now. But what do I have to do if I do not have my money and my income depends on the microstock hugely? What would you do if you did not received your money? Would you be happy and defend Shutterstock? We are waiting for response. For anything. Forums are being read by Shutterstock, they have their own new posts and threads - so they are present in the Shutterstock forums, and do not respond to our problems. They have support. Why are they silent? This is obviously a Shutterstock problem, not made up by us. And if they even do not have a phone number for us to call, what tool to defend ourselves do we have left than forums??   

« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2011, 11:48 »
Hurray. I received the payment via Paypal just now  :D.

« Reply #21 on: July 28, 2011, 15:24 »
Yup, my money have arrived as well  ;D

« Reply #22 on: July 28, 2011, 18:01 »
It looks as if now would all get their payment.

And the experience of this story?

It is good to be a contributor at SS, but...
  • It would be better to transfer payment on time.
  • If there are problems with the payment, it would be better to send a message to the contributors, than to wait if they would miss the payment.
  • It would be better to answer questions of the contributors.
  • It would be better to fix problems faster (more than 3 months are a too long time).

What's to do?
  • Contributors: Calm down, shoot and contribute.
  • Shutterstock: Look at the list above, but sell, sell, sell...
  • All together: Forget it.

My personal wish to Shutterstock: If there are bad messages, don't send them before breakfast, please.


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