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Author Topic: Shutterstock partners with Staples (US office supply company)  (Read 3074 times)

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« on: November 09, 2021, 16:41 »

I dug around on Staples' site and found some details. It's a one-use license for $1.99. You get charged again if you re-order the project. You can't use the image in any off-site projects (see the screen capture).

If the no reuse policy is enforced, and if Shutterstock contributors get their percentage on the full $1.99 price, this could be a decent deal for contributors. 60 cent royalty for a single use (at the 30% royalty rate). I have no idea how popular Staples own design services are - possibly if the bulk of customers already use Canva, it's not clear how this partnership will pry them away to switch over.

This brief rundown on Staples - I didn't know it had been acquired by a private equity firm - says its sales have been falling sharply as customers move to online outlets, so perhaps only a modest impact for Shutterstock contributors.


« Last Edit: November 09, 2021, 16:43 by Jo Ann Snover »


« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2021, 04:27 »
Thanks Jo for the time you take to investigate and report on these Sstock 'innovations'.
Everything I ever read about the company depresses me.
I kept my small port up but gave up contributing a long time ago.  I just looked at my last 20 sales and a lot of them are quite rare editorials.
I wonder how anyone sells newly uploaded generic content nowadays.
I think I read somewhere on this forum that they have 300 million images?
And all for 10 cents a download (unless you are lucky) ...  :'(


  • Hip Hip Holly for the Holidays!
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2021, 22:52 »
Copying Vista print I see? 🤔


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