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Author Topic: The websites of Shutterstock and Bigstock do not work  (Read 16897 times)

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« on: August 12, 2018, 02:25 »
The websites of Shutterstock and Bigstock do not work (for contributors and buyers), at least not from the Netherlands.

« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2018, 02:26 »
Not working in India for a few hours now

« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2018, 02:27 »
yep, same here. dont know about bigstock but shutterstock dont work, cant log in

« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2018, 02:51 »
Up and down >:(.


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« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2018, 02:56 »
Bailiffs and auditors moved in! all finished, washed up!

« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2018, 02:59 »
Customer side working fine here
Contributor side is slow but is working.

« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2018, 03:14 »
shutterstock ftp also not working


« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2018, 03:19 »
Shutterstock and Bigstock broken? So whats new?  :'(

It's also broken for me just about get the "Darn something got effed up" message but nothing else

Oringer needs to pull his head out of his ass

« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2018, 03:36 »
Far to busy making "improvements" that no one needs, asked for or wants to worry about trivial details like having a site that actually works.


  • Bad images can sell.
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2018, 04:04 »
and offset... they are updating three years of lost sales...hahahahah

« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2018, 07:13 »
Down in Austria


« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2018, 07:22 »
and of course the customer site is slow to failing too  :'(

« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2018, 07:26 »
It looks like a load issue - things are timing out.  Sometimes it works, often things dont.

So far
- the dashboard accepted/pending thing doesnt work
- the keyword suggestion doesnt work
- FTP doesnt work

...and from a buyers side:-

- search times out
- contributors galleries dont work

They've managed to break both buyer AND contributor stuff at the same time.

I guess their exponential expansion due to the "accept everything" policy is starting to catch up with their creaky infrastructure and coding.

« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2018, 07:50 »
It looks like a load issue - things are timing out.  Sometimes it works, often things dont.

So far
- the dashboard accepted/pending thing doesnt work
- the keyword suggestion doesnt work
- FTP doesnt work

...and from a buyers side:-

- search times out
- contributors galleries dont work

They've managed to break both buyer AND contributor stuff at the same time.

I guess their exponential expansion due to the "accept everything" policy is starting to catch up with their creaky infrastructure and coding.
I thought not so long ago they said they rebuilt their system to bring their infrastructure up to date?  :o. I know they spent vast sums on IT.......

« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2018, 08:01 »
Here in Italy doesn't work at all, both for contributor and customer.


« Reply #15 on: August 12, 2018, 08:04 »
Shutterstock unusable - West Coast USA

« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2018, 08:09 »
It looks like a load issue - things are timing out.  Sometimes it works, often things dont.

So far
- the dashboard accepted/pending thing doesnt work
- the keyword suggestion doesnt work
- FTP doesnt work

...and from a buyers side:-

- search times out
- contributors galleries dont work

They've managed to break both buyer AND contributor stuff at the same time.

I guess their exponential expansion due to the "accept everything" policy is starting to catch up with their creaky infrastructure and coding.
I thought not so long ago they said they rebuilt their system to bring their infrastructure up to date?  :o. I know they spent vast sums on IT.......
One of their moves was to limit files pixel dimensions to 150M, although many other agencies keep it at 250m, because the files from the newer full frame cameras are larger than 150M by default, and then you don't have to downsize them. It is very frustrating to downsize each picture, just because they can't keep up with the standards for modern cameras and the storage space needed for that.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2018, 08:12 by pics2 »

« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2018, 08:33 »
When you stop quality controlling submitted images and your goal is to be the "biggest" you end up with over a million images a week being added.
That's going to kill your infrastructure rapidly regardless of switching to AWS or other systems.

"MORE MORE MORE" is possibly good from a shareholder point of view but really bad from an IT management point of view!

« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2018, 08:34 »
Apparently theres been a Fire at one of their Data Centres......looks like their Disaster Recovery plan could do with a brush down.....a global leader should be able to cope better.

« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2018, 08:45 »
It also doesn't explain why it broke at the same time last Sunday.
And the one before that.


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« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2018, 08:54 »
Probably tweeking the algorithms again to destroy sales further. 

« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2018, 08:57 »
Probably tweeking the algorithms again to destroy sales further.
Yes because its really in their interests to reduce sales :o

« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2018, 10:15 »
Shutterstock not working in Canada since this morning!

« Reply #23 on: August 12, 2018, 10:47 »
How much money should they now owe shareholders, clients and contributors for their day of negligence?


« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2018, 10:57 »
Los Angeles Down since late Yesterday.

« Reply #25 on: August 12, 2018, 11:57 »
Does anyone had ANY sales today??


« Reply #26 on: August 12, 2018, 12:12 »
Last two days, whenever I try to log in, it simply says, "Something went wrong."

I thought it was just me, then came here to look. Actually relieved to find that it's not just me!

« Reply #27 on: August 12, 2018, 12:55 »
Contributor site back up in the UK. Tried uploading a single file but it vanished into "your file is being processed". Obviously not fully back to normal yet :(

« Reply #28 on: August 12, 2018, 13:29 »
Contributor site back up in the UK. Tried uploading a single file but it vanished into "your file is being processed". Obviously not fully back to normal yet :(

Thats normal.

« Reply #29 on: August 12, 2018, 13:56 »
Got a sale from Kazakhstan so at least its not a zero day.

I uploaded a video and it got processed, keyworded and now in pending.  Ive also submitted the 70 photos i had waiting.

FTP seems to work.

Keyword suggestion still doesn't  - it loads but cant find any search results.

« Reply #30 on: August 12, 2018, 19:27 »
Luckily it happened on the weekend, and not during the weekdays.


« Reply #31 on: August 12, 2018, 20:45 »
Luckily it happened on the weekend, and not during the weekdays.

Sadly, it really doesn't make much of a difference for me. My sales suck on any day now... :-\


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« Reply #32 on: August 13, 2018, 02:07 »
This Q-result every quarter, I'm beginning to think theyre cooking the books! after 14 years with this outfit I know people in every camp and I dont know ANYBODY who's doing any good or who really cares if the place is down or not??.

come on Paws whats  youre opinion youre good at this?

« Reply #33 on: August 13, 2018, 02:18 »
This Q-result every quarter, I'm beginning to think theyre cooking the books! after 14 years with this outfit I know people in every camp and I dont know ANYBODY who's doing any good or who really cares if the place is down or not??.

come on Paws whats  youre opinion youre good at this?
My opinion is as they are audited accounts and Oringer could go to prison for a very long time if they were fraudulent they are most likely correct. As has been said over and over again new supply far outstrips demand therefore most contributors will lose out. Its really that simple.

« Reply #34 on: August 13, 2018, 03:59 »
Got this from API support.

« Reply #35 on: August 13, 2018, 04:29 »
Got this from API support.
In one of my past lives if I had a dollar for everytime a backup failed I'd be very rich ;-). (well have a few dollars anyway)


« Reply #36 on: August 13, 2018, 07:03 »
I guess their 'profitabitity' was at the expence of a working backup system.

« Reply #37 on: August 13, 2018, 07:52 »
I guess their 'profitabitity' was at the expence of a working backup system.
I think the explanation is that for a company once described by its owner as an "IT business" they are not very good at IT. They have mountains of cash....the profitability is of course at contributors expense.

« Reply #38 on: August 13, 2018, 08:06 »
Galleries not loading at all (timing out or no images)
And the main shutterstock.com buyers portal is either very slow or more often than not, timing out with error 500.

I wonder what todays excuse will be.

« Reply #39 on: August 13, 2018, 08:29 »
Its down again and is frustrating.

though its not any IT error.. there is some manhole fire which is causing trouble.
See their twitter handle for updates. I hope things get back to normal soon.

« Reply #40 on: August 13, 2018, 08:36 »
A manhole fire IS an IT issue.
It means they have absolutely no effective backup or redundancy planning and the whole thing relies on a single point of failure.

They also said that was completely fixed yesterday.


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« Reply #41 on: August 13, 2018, 08:46 »
This Q-result every quarter, I'm beginning to think theyre cooking the books! after 14 years with this outfit I know people in every camp and I dont know ANYBODY who's doing any good or who really cares if the place is down or not??.

come on Paws whats  youre opinion youre good at this?
My opinion is as they are audited accounts and Oringer could go to prison for a very long time if they were fraudulent they are most likely correct. As has been said over and over again new supply far outstrips demand therefore most contributors will lose out. Its really that simple.

The supply otstripping the demand!  jeez we have known that for year now, nothing new!  no I dont buy that anymore theres got to be something else. before it was just some people, some camps crying and complaining NOW it almost everyone!

« Reply #42 on: August 13, 2018, 08:48 »
A manhole fire IS an IT issue.
It means they have absolutely no effective backup or redundancy planning and the whole thing relies on a single point of failure.

They also said that was completely fixed yesterday.

Yes, they should have a backup plan for such incidents, lets hope they take this seriously and add some alternative measures for such happenings.

It was fixed yesterday (maybe temporary) but its again today.

« Reply #43 on: August 13, 2018, 09:18 »
The supply otstripping the demand!  jeez we have known that for year now, nothing new!  no I dont buy that anymore theres got to be something else. before it was just some people, some camps crying and complaining NOW it almost everyone!

Im going with supply outstripping demand.  Exponential increase since mid 2015....

« Reply #44 on: August 13, 2018, 12:55 »
Something is still not working." My sells". By noon I normally have a couple dozen sale.  I have one sale . I guess it is down somewhere still.

« Reply #45 on: August 13, 2018, 20:49 »
Something is still not working." My sells". By noon I normally have a couple dozen sale.  I have one sale . I guess it is down somewhere still.

Same. Worst Monday in years. I'm hoping it picks up in the upcoming days.


« Reply #46 on: August 14, 2018, 07:29 »
Shutterstock video - This is turning out to be the worst month in many years.


« Reply #47 on: August 15, 2018, 23:44 »
9:43 PST wed. lots of Bugs. such a waste of space.

« Reply #48 on: August 16, 2018, 12:22 »
I've had a submitted photo sitting there for 4 days now awaiting review. It's never taken them that long to review a submission. Is anyone else experiencing a very long wait to get their submissions reviewed? If anyone from Shutterstock is reading this, can you please let me know what's going on? This doesn't inspire confidence in Shutterstock.


« Reply #49 on: August 16, 2018, 13:04 »
I've had a submitted photo sitting there for 4 days now awaiting review. It's never taken them that long to review a submission. Is anyone else experiencing a very long wait to get their submissions reviewed? If anyone from Shutterstock is reading this, can you please let me know what's going on? This doesn't inspire confidence in Shutterstock.

What used to take an hor or two now takes two days for me.

As to Shutterstock reading this well forget it and even if they do they don't give a rats ass what you, I or any other contributor say or think.

« Reply #50 on: August 16, 2018, 13:50 »
This Q-result every quarter, I'm beginning to think theyre cooking the books! after 14 years with this outfit I know people in every camp and I dont know ANYBODY who's doing any good or who really cares if the place is down or not??.

come on Paws whats  youre opinion youre good at this?
My opinion is as they are audited accounts and Oringer could go to prison for a very long time if they were fraudulent they are most likely correct. As has been said over and over again new supply far outstrips demand therefore most contributors will lose out. Its really that simple.

The supply otstripping the demand!  jeez we have known that for year now, nothing new!  no I dont buy that anymore theres got to be something else. before it was just some people, some camps crying and complaining NOW it almost everyone!

Wow. You mean all that crying and complaining that certain people were doing was actually about something real? I guess crossing fingers and wishing hard didnt make the problems go away after all. Its just easier to attack them rather than stand united against a company thats screwing you with your own property to make profits for themselves.

Supply is outstripping demand at Shutterstock because they made it so. I believe they opened the gates to anyone to desperately inflate their library and make as much money as they could for themselves before the stock photo market totally collapses. This is why sales are down everywhere:

newbielink:https://unsplash.com/ [nonactive]

Decent quality photos for completely free. Multiple sites are out there like this and they are growing fast. Web traffic stats show free sites getting constant high growth while most micro sites are falling. Shutterstock web traffic shows an increase but I'm sure thats the flood of new amateur contributor traffic and not paying customers.
Sites like Unsplash have convinced tons of naive photographers to give their portfolios away for free so they could stick the word free on the front page and generate mountains of traffic for themselves, starving out the existing market. This new trend does nothing but train consumers that our images have no value and that they DESERVE our images for free... even for commercial use. Why would they pay anything for images now?
There are tons of unaddressed legal issues at these sites that will create problems for them in the future such as the lack of releases but its pretty tough to compete with free in the minds of consumers. I believe the only course of action to take is to draw a line in the sand and that line is quality. Let the garbage images be free and the consumers will tire of it and will pay for quality again. Thats Shutterstocks mistake. They prioritize the garbage over the quality.

The ironic part is that all of this happened because contributors allowed it to. Its our property. Its our photos that make these sites even possible. Contributors chose to follow Shutterstocks poor choices and stick their head in the sand. What would happen to Shutterstock if contributors stood up to them and said no. What if contributors united together and opted out of sales on their portfolios in protest? They cant ignore their store literally shrinking. They cant ignore that loss of sales, especially under these conditions. Its our images that make all of this even possible.

Food for thought:
newbielink:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M_OZWtpokc [nonactive]
« Last Edit: August 16, 2018, 13:53 by JEDphoto »

« Reply #51 on: August 16, 2018, 16:49 »
I am now getting reviews in about 30 hours, vs the 2 hours I was getting up to a week ago.  Still plenty fast. A year from now, I will not remember that it took an extra day at the front.  Not sure why people get so freaked out over minor delays in getting images up that will presumably be selling for years...?

OTOH, BigStock is my biggest problem. Not from delays, but from major bugs in their web submission.  If you select more than one image, then ONLY set the category, the buggy site changes EVERYTHING to match.  You end up with the same title, description, keywords. Everything!

They have known about this bug for at least 4 months, which is when tech support told me they knew about it and were "working to fix it."  They told me the workaround was to only submit one image at a time.

Yeah, right. I have roughly 1000 images to upload to them, and they want me to do one at a time because they are too sloppy to fix such an obvious and major bug in 4 months???  No, thank you.  BS simply hasn't gotten anything from me in that time, and from the looks of it, may never again. :(

« Reply #52 on: August 16, 2018, 23:13 »
This Q-result every quarter, I'm beginning to think theyre cooking the books! after 14 years with this outfit I know people in every camp and I dont know ANYBODY who's doing any good or who really cares if the place is down or not??.

come on Paws whats  youre opinion youre good at this?
My opinion is as they are audited accounts and Oringer could go to prison for a very long time if they were fraudulent they are most likely correct. As has been said over and over again new supply far outstrips demand therefore most contributors will lose out. Its really that simple.

The supply otstripping the demand!  jeez we have known that for year now, nothing new!  no I dont buy that anymore theres got to be something else. before it was just some people, some camps crying and complaining NOW it almost everyone!

Wow. You mean all that crying and complaining that certain people were doing was actually about something real? I guess crossing fingers and wishing hard didnt make the problems go away after all. Its just easier to attack them rather than stand united against a company thats screwing you with your own property to make profits for themselves.

Supply is outstripping demand at Shutterstock because they made it so. I believe they opened the gates to anyone to desperately inflate their library and make as much money as they could for themselves before the stock photo market totally collapses. This is why sales are down everywhere:


Decent quality photos for completely free. Multiple sites are out there like this and they are growing fast. Web traffic stats show free sites getting constant high growth while most micro sites are falling. Shutterstock web traffic shows an increase but I'm sure thats the flood of new amateur contributor traffic and not paying customers.
Sites like Unsplash have convinced tons of naive photographers to give their portfolios away for free so they could stick the word free on the front page and generate mountains of traffic for themselves, starving out the existing market. This new trend does nothing but train consumers that our images have no value and that they DESERVE our images for free... even for commercial use. Why would they pay anything for images now?
There are tons of unaddressed legal issues at these sites that will create problems for them in the future such as the lack of releases but its pretty tough to compete with free in the minds of consumers. I believe the only course of action to take is to draw a line in the sand and that line is quality. Let the garbage images be free and the consumers will tire of it and will pay for quality again. Thats Shutterstocks mistake. They prioritize the garbage over the quality.

The ironic part is that all of this happened because contributors allowed it to. Its our property. Its our photos that make these sites even possible. Contributors chose to follow Shutterstocks poor choices and stick their head in the sand. What would happen to Shutterstock if contributors stood up to them and said no. What if contributors united together and opted out of sales on their portfolios in protest? They cant ignore their store literally shrinking. They cant ignore that loss of sales, especially under these conditions. Its our images that make all of this even possible.

Food for thought:

This what is mentioned by Unsplash:

"We do not actively encourage professional photographers to join and upload all of their photos. Were designers, developers and photographers ourselves, and we know that giving everything away isnt a sustainable way to make a living from your profession."

I hope this answers to why people are submitting to SS or other paid platforms and not to the free ones.

« Reply #53 on: August 17, 2018, 08:42 »
This Q-result every quarter, I'm beginning to think theyre cooking the books! after 14 years with this outfit I know people in every camp and I dont know ANYBODY who's doing any good or who really cares if the place is down or not??.

come on Paws whats  youre opinion youre good at this?
My opinion is as they are audited accounts and Oringer could go to prison for a very long time if they were fraudulent they are most likely correct. As has been said over and over again new supply far outstrips demand therefore most contributors will lose out. Its really that simple.

The supply otstripping the demand!  jeez we have known that for year now, nothing new!  no I dont buy that anymore theres got to be something else. before it was just some people, some camps crying and complaining NOW it almost everyone!

Wow. You mean all that crying and complaining that certain people were doing was actually about something real? I guess crossing fingers and wishing hard didnt make the problems go away after all. Its just easier to attack them rather than stand united against a company thats screwing you with your own property to make profits for themselves.

Supply is outstripping demand at Shutterstock because they made it so. I believe they opened the gates to anyone to desperately inflate their library and make as much money as they could for themselves before the stock photo market totally collapses. This is why sales are down everywhere:


Decent quality photos for completely free. Multiple sites are out there like this and they are growing fast. Web traffic stats show free sites getting constant high growth while most micro sites are falling. Shutterstock web traffic shows an increase but I'm sure thats the flood of new amateur contributor traffic and not paying customers.
Sites like Unsplash have convinced tons of naive photographers to give their portfolios away for free so they could stick the word free on the front page and generate mountains of traffic for themselves, starving out the existing market. This new trend does nothing but train consumers that our images have no value and that they DESERVE our images for free... even for commercial use. Why would they pay anything for images now?
There are tons of unaddressed legal issues at these sites that will create problems for them in the future such as the lack of releases but its pretty tough to compete with free in the minds of consumers. I believe the only course of action to take is to draw a line in the sand and that line is quality. Let the garbage images be free and the consumers will tire of it and will pay for quality again. Thats Shutterstocks mistake. They prioritize the garbage over the quality.

The ironic part is that all of this happened because contributors allowed it to. Its our property. Its our photos that make these sites even possible. Contributors chose to follow Shutterstocks poor choices and stick their head in the sand. What would happen to Shutterstock if contributors stood up to them and said no. What if contributors united together and opted out of sales on their portfolios in protest? They cant ignore their store literally shrinking. They cant ignore that loss of sales, especially under these conditions. Its our images that make all of this even possible.

Food for thought:
Not going to happen is it though?....even the people who cry and complain the loudest haven't withdrawn their images. Pointing out the simple laws of supply and demand is not really attacking people.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 08:49 by Pauws99 »


« Reply #54 on: August 19, 2018, 01:32 »
SS is down In Los Angelas again Sat Night PST 11:31

« Reply #55 on: August 19, 2018, 01:45 »
Looks like the contributor side is down. Customer side is fine.


« Reply #56 on: August 19, 2018, 01:45 »
I don't care

« Reply #57 on: August 23, 2018, 15:20 »
Again: The websites of Shutterstock and Bigstock do not work (for contributors and buyers), at least not from the Netherlands.


« Reply #58 on: August 23, 2018, 15:21 »
Looks like the contributor side is down. Customer side is fine.

No the customer site is showing Error code: 500 too

Maybe the server cable caught fire again  ::)

« Reply #59 on: August 23, 2018, 15:25 »
Again: The websites of Shutterstock and Bigstock do not work (for contributors and buyers), at least not from the Netherlands.

Yes, I can't get consistent loading of my rejected files, for instance.

« Reply #60 on: August 28, 2018, 16:59 »
Couldn't sign on to BS today, but it's working again.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2018, 17:02 by HughStoneIan »

« Reply #61 on: August 29, 2018, 12:13 »
Looks like SS has broken yet again.  Contributor side anyway.
Dashboard broken, earnings broken, app broken.

« Reply #62 on: August 29, 2018, 12:13 »
Yes, its broken.

« Reply #63 on: August 29, 2018, 12:19 »
..and its not even Sunday this time!

« Reply #64 on: August 29, 2018, 12:27 »
Customer side is dead too.  Search works but nobody can go into an image or download anything.
People already complaining on their official FB.

Wonder what the excuse will be this time?

« Reply #65 on: August 29, 2018, 14:12 »
Bad situation but shutterstock dont want this too they also lost money. Bad Code, they have to do something. Look Like istockphoto bug.


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