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Author Topic: Uploading issues  (Read 6976 times)

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« on: October 28, 2009, 00:38 »
Tried uploading to Zymmetrical several times...using Fetch it keeps trying to upload the same file over and over...the http uploader fails and gives an error message...using Firefox on OS X 10.6.1.

Tried setting up on iSyndica...asks for http login info then more login details that I do not have.

Driving me insane...do they want more work submitted or not?

Am about to give up on this one...does anyone have the answer to actually getting files up there?




« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2009, 03:16 »
Hi Paul,

Sorry you had trouble, look's like one of the servers got maxed out last night resulting in some upload issues. This has since been corrected so web and FTP uploading will work as normal now.  The FTP login is different than the website login, your credentials can be found on the Submissions page under 'Uploads', and clicking the FTP button.

« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2009, 07:53 »
I was going to start uploading there last month but at the time they were overloaded with new submissions.  So now they're accepting images but the ability to upload is pooched?

« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2009, 08:59 »
Thanks Keith...will give it another try today...



Hi Paul,

Sorry you had trouble, look's like one of the servers got maxed out last night resulting in some upload issues. This has since been corrected so web and FTP uploading will work as normal now.  The FTP login is different than the website login, your credentials can be found on the Submissions page under 'Uploads', and clicking the FTP button.

« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2009, 10:27 »
Hi keith,

It seems to be working just fine now...thanks!

One question...the image I was uploading last night when the system stopped is only a small file, 208.1K as against the 7.2mb of the original file...I am unable to overwrite or delete it...can someone at the back end do this so I can get the full resolution file up there? Image number PT0957-0002.jpg. This would be much appreciated.



Hi Paul,

Sorry you had trouble, look's like one of the servers got maxed out last night resulting in some upload issues. This has since been corrected so web and FTP uploading will work as normal now.  The FTP login is different than the website login, your credentials can be found on the Submissions page under 'Uploads', and clicking the FTP button.

« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2009, 12:45 »
Thanks for deleting the small file...the big one is uploading now...much appreciated.


Hi keith,

It seems to be working just fine now...thanks!

One question...the image I was uploading last night when the system stopped is only a small file, 208.1K as against the 7.2mb of the original file...I am unable to overwrite or delete it...can someone at the back end do this so I can get the full resolution file up there? Image number PT0957-0002.jpg. This would be much appreciated.



Hi Paul,

Sorry you had trouble, look's like one of the servers got maxed out last night resulting in some upload issues. This has since been corrected so web and FTP uploading will work as normal now.  The FTP login is different than the website login, your credentials can be found on the Submissions page under 'Uploads', and clicking the FTP button.


« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2009, 13:31 »
No problem, normally files don't get stuck.  Just a note, for better service it's best to run direct support issues through our ticket system, there's people working in different timezones that can address those. I'm the only one who checks on the MSG.

« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2009, 15:30 »
Will do Keith...thanks!

No problem, normally files don't get stuck.  Just a note, for better service it's best to run direct support issues through our ticket system, there's people working in different timezones that can address those. I'm the only one who checks on the MSG.


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