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Author Topic: Zymm rejections  (Read 41402 times)

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« Reply #25 on: August 25, 2008, 09:34 »

I am not questioning a rejection for technical reasons.  I agree 200% about not making the customer clean up something that should have been fixed before it was submitted.

What I am specifically asking about is the logic behind rejecting images for non-technical reasons.  Images that meet all the technical and general submission guidelines, but are rejected because the reviewer feels there are already too many of that given subject.  Or they feel it's too similar (but still different) to another image.

That just doesn't make any sense to me.

« Reply #26 on: August 25, 2008, 16:42 »
One of my bestsellers is rejected with the reason "The lighting and composition of this image limit its stock value." The subject of the picture is a set of bottles of sparkling wine "Ferrari" during fermentation period. In other words, the cellar with bottles should be in complete darkness. I did my best to show the real production of Ferrari sparkling wine. Trust me, the light on the picture is perfectly correct. The composition is just amazing. The image is being sold everywhere  ::)
Another funny rejection: "We cannot accept images with artwork as the main element/subject without a property release." Try to guess the subject of the image. Public statue in public place. The artist, Auguste Rodin mentioned in description for the picture, died in 1917. Is property release still required? I'm affraid its impossible even if the answer is "Yes".

« Reply #27 on: August 25, 2008, 16:52 »
Dear  Dnavarrojr,

You are absolutely right. It makes no sense to refuse images because a lot of similar already populate the database. However, you would be surprise at how many copy cats are out there that systematically copy images that are best sellers in the hope of getting high results.
What our reviewers  are looking for, exactly like our image buyers, are images full of creativity and innovation. Photographs that change the rules of what has been seen and sold before. They reject similar images because they do not feel that adding them to our offering will bring any additional choice to our image buyers, besides maybe more "noise".
As much as we would love to keep every single image submitted to us, as much as we want  ( need) to offer those who come to our site to purchase images a sincere and contrasted choice that reflect the imagination, passion and creativity of our photographers.

on a more general, I would like to say, as everyone on this forum well knows, editing is in no way an exact science with a clearly defined set of rules. What works for certain sites will not for others. In no way will I  ever tell Istock or Dreamstime how to edit the images they receive, although I do have my opinion.  It is the eternal debate of what taste better, Pepsi or Coke ?
An old French saying goes a little bit like this : " Taste and colors are not a subject of argument". Why ? because no one will ever be right.
I believe it applies well to editing.



« Reply #28 on: August 25, 2008, 17:14 »
Is Mona lisa on sale on microstock too ?

« Reply #29 on: August 25, 2008, 17:21 »
Thanks for the answer.  I still believe that unless there is an issue with storage space, it does not hurt in any way shape or form to accept every image that has no technical issues or violates your guidelines.

I can understand the need to combat outright image theft, but if I go out and shoot a similar image to the most popular selling image on your site, it's still gonna be different in some fashion and (in my opinion) you'd be robbing your customers and yourself by not allowing it on your site.

But I understand you have to do what you have to do.

« Reply #30 on: August 25, 2008, 17:34 »
just amazing
Here is the point I totally agree here.

« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2008, 13:08 »
The composition and lighting of this image limit its stock value.

This rejection reason hit the entire first batch i submitted. 

I understand what is right for one company isn't always right for another, but this was first batch of about a thousand available, and I did pick and choose.

So, my feeling is, if these images aren't good enough for your site, I just have more of the same, so I just can't see spending the time. 

No bad feelings, it's just not a good match.


« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2008, 14:06 »

Thanks, I appreciate that you made a selective approach to your first submission, a bit of critical thinking really saves us all a lot of effort. :)    We deal a lot with a malady called 'uploadwholeharddriveitis', which some other agencies deal with by imposing upload restrictions. We prefer the human approach.

I had a look, and your stats currently are at : 22 waiting, 7 approved, 17 rejected (as visible in the 'Statistics' area at the bottom of the page).

The reasons for the 17 rejected all appear absolutely valid from my point of view. There's a lot of competent judges around this forum, I would propose you post a couple of those rejected image in this message thread with the reject reasons and we can discuss. I think we could all gain from it.


« Reply #33 on: September 20, 2008, 14:58 »
Any word on this, RGebbie?  I'd like to get to the bottom of this, and hopefully help improve communications in the future about what is and isn't accepted.


« Reply #34 on: September 20, 2008, 16:29 »
A month ago I upload a batch of 5 images there. 2 were accepted, one rejected and 2 are still pending! It's time to say goodbye to Zymmetrical.

« Reply #35 on: September 20, 2008, 16:47 »
Last batch I uploaded (after sending a mail to the support because their ftp didnt work correctly) has been rejected for "please correct keywords"...

Perhaps I dont understand very process at zymm


« Reply #36 on: September 20, 2008, 16:57 »
A month ago I upload a batch of 5 images there. 2 were accepted, one rejected and 2 are still pending! It's time to say goodbye to Zymmetrical.


Rejected: As I offered to Rgebbie, by all means post some low-res copies of the rejected photos here and we can all have a look and discuss.  If you don't want to do at least that, that's cool too, but we can't offer much more to you in that case.

Waiting: We receive hundred of submissions daily, and each one is professionally reviewed. We do not promise first-come, first-served, but instead approve to keep a constant variety of unique images coming to the buyers.  If you have experienced an exceptionally long wait time, then it would be prudent to use the available support options on Zymmetrical, we are always available.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2008, 17:00 by zymmetrical »


« Reply #37 on: September 20, 2008, 16:59 »
Last batch I uploaded (after sending a mail to the support because their ftp didnt work correctly) has been rejected for "please correct keywords"...

Perhaps I dont understand very process at zymm

Hi Trebuchet,

I will look into this and get you an answer, thanks.


« Reply #38 on: September 20, 2008, 17:14 »
Last batch I uploaded (after sending a mail to the support because their ftp didnt work correctly) has been rejected for "please correct keywords"...

Perhaps I dont understand very process at zymm

PM sent

« Reply #39 on: September 20, 2008, 17:29 »

While I appreciate your concern, it was never my intention to ask you to change your review of our images. 

I am quite happy with the results I get from the images we have for sale.  There are some companies that quite definitely like our style, and we sell well with them.  There are other sites that don't sell very well, but the sales are consistant enough to keep me interested.

I have dropped sites that didn't work for us, I see no reason to have my images up at a site if they do not match the general feel that site is trying to achieve.

Like I said, no hard feelings, it's just not going to work for us at this time.

Zym was going to be one of the sites I speculated on, but not one of the ones I would count on.  I'm not one that demands sales within five days of my images going live on a site, and I understand the risks involved joining a new site.

I do wish you well, I'm sure you will be quite successful.  There is a great pool of talent already accepted at your site!

I have 20 images still locked up in the pending queue that I would like to have a resolution on.  Good or bad, I just would like an answer on them.

Oh, another thing, I noticed there is no delete key.  So now, I ask, how difficult is it to delete an image at Zym?

Interested in your reply :)



« Reply #40 on: September 20, 2008, 17:59 »
Hi Gebbie,

Thanks for the positive words!

Well I would never consider uploading to us a risk, but that is of course my biased point of view only. We do stick to our guns and are not wholesaling peoples content on a subscription basis so I would be glad to get the benefit of the doubt.   ;)

Completely directly however, I would not ask the trust of professional creatives, unless I believe myself that there is a future for Zymmetrical. It is one of the hardest battles that could possibly be fought on the internet these days: professional content vs the youtube generation where the only question is "how cheap?".

While you do naturally have an already-formed impression of a general feel we are trying to achieve (first impressions are always lasting in everything), our 'feel' is based on our in-house review team,  but also feedback from you - you are on the frontlines of selling, just as much as we are - if you know for a fact a certain type or quality of image is moving strongly, in the micro or macrostock level, then by letting us know your opinion, you are affecting our editorial bottom line in a real way, we do pay attention. 

We just brought on a hundred or so new Categories this week, and even this list was revised at the last moment to take into account some new market intelligence - you can be sure that we are on our toes to keep up in this industry.

For 'deletes' - in the Submission 'Describe' section: button is coming soon, because people do make mistakes in uploading daily.  In general for live content:    ask and ye shall receive (usually with a bit of 'WHY MAN WHY')- but there is no automatic option planned, we don't put stuff online that we don't love so a delete button for that would just make it easy for our competition to break our hearts. ;)

Your 20 or so remaining files are being approached, we have 3 new crack Reviewers and the backlog is being sent to Valhalla in a quick way.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2008, 18:00 by zymmetrical »

« Reply #41 on: September 20, 2008, 18:59 »

Forgive me for calling it a risk to upload to your site.  I did not mean that in a BEWARE type of way. I said it because your site is brand new and does not have the traffic, nor the sales to make it an educated or strategic jump. It is a speculation.

My formed impression of your site came from the review team, when they rejected our images.  AGAIN, I don't have any problem with the rejections. The images I selected were some of our better sellers at DT and SS.  But I am not here to whine about you not accepting them, I am merely stating that our styles do not compliment eachother. 

I currently manage 12 sites.  Not all of my images are accepted across the board.  And some images sell like hotcakes at one site, but get zero views on others.  And I'm ok with that, because I know people go to the sites that "feel" right to them.  If they like the site, the way it performs, then they choose to spend their dollars there.  And if a company knows their clients, they know what will sell. 

I know the quality of our images. I know there are sites that sell our work.  But I would never dare to insist that you take my images.  Not if they do not match what you sell.  Because then, your purpose is defeated.  You get a bad review from me, because your site doesn't move for my portfolio, and your customers complain because there are a ton of images that aren't even remotely what they might be interested in.

So, I will leave our account open with the few images that get approved, and maybe in a few months when there is more information on your company performance, I might revisit and see if our current images are more suited.

Again, I wish you nothing but success!



« Reply #42 on: September 21, 2008, 08:38 »
Thanks Gebbie, I appreciate you sticking around for a while longer, and for being laid-back with our reviews of your images so far. We are trying not to promise the world but just move step by step to having a smooth running and popular marketplace. We are not there yet so there's a lot of work to be done still - and it would be a shame if we lose talented creatives in the very beginning due to lack of communication or technical glitches - chances are whatever seems like a drag one week gets fixed by the next.

« Reply #43 on: September 21, 2008, 14:02 »
A month ago I upload a batch of 5 images there. 2 were accepted, one rejected and 2 are still pending! It's time to say goodbye to Zymmetrical.


Rejected: As I offered to Rgebbie, by all means post some low-res copies of the rejected photos here and we can all have a look and discuss.  If you don't want to do at least that, that's cool too, but we can't offer much more to you in that case.
The problem is not 1 rejected image but one month pending time.


« Reply #44 on: September 21, 2008, 14:15 »
Got it. We have brought on 3 new reviewers in the past weeks, and they are quickly dealing with the big submissions backlog. We are up to August for the oldest files and expect to be up-to-the-hour this week. I will ensure your file gets attended to, I just need you to PM or use our own help system to let me know your username on Zymm.


« Reply #45 on: September 21, 2008, 19:56 »

The last 20 were reviewed.  While I LOVE this image:

I think sixteen copies of the image in my portfolio is a BIT much.
Also, there is still weird html stuff where the prices should be on most of the images when I pull them up.

Thank you for your help so far!  And, may I say, I admire the quick response from you. 



« Reply #46 on: September 22, 2008, 01:14 »
Eek, Sorry this is a known issue related to adding 100 or so new categories in the past days. Should have been all cleaned up but clearly not, will get this fixed pronto. Thanks

« Reply #47 on: September 22, 2008, 02:13 »
LOL no worries.

The werms are our mascots, I make them myself.  It was a real huge laugh when I pulled all of them up!

Thanks again!


« Reply #48 on: September 24, 2008, 18:14 »
Interesting, that picture is not the original one I linked.  I wonder who it belongs to...?


« Reply #49 on: September 25, 2008, 01:24 »

The last 20 were reviewed.  While I LOVE this image:

I think sixteen copies of the image in my portfolio is a BIT much.
Also, there is still weird html stuff where the prices should be on most of the images when I pull them up.

Thank you for your help so far!  And, may I say, I admire the quick response from you. 


Thought I recognised that typewriter:)  It is mine but now I seem to have lots of copies in my profile page.



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