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Author Topic: Introducing Adobe Stock!  (Read 122694 times)

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« Reply #125 on: June 16, 2015, 17:03 »

i hope this makes SS sit up and notice - hell they're probably at a boardroom meeting at their fancy digs at ESB now contwmplating a counterattack

If that counterattack includes raising commission percentage, make achieving next levels easier and brings our work onto the screens of millions of possible new customers - I'm all for it.

« Reply #126 on: June 16, 2015, 17:09 »
SS will have to pull something out of the bag to counter Adobe, exclusivity, curation or gateway to Offset.

Adobe have moved impressively fast since their acquisition, Fotolia website looks better, Adobe Stock site looks clean, Royalties increased, stock images baked into CC software all in the space of 6 months.

Yup. Although they have stated several times before that exclusivity is not an option, I'm thinking that they might be reconsidering. At least I would.

Maybe they partner with Affinity, so we'll have fotolia+photoshop vs shutterstock+affinity. I mean, who knows. Their stock already fell from 64 to 60 in just one day, so I'm sure the shareholders are not very happy. Let's just hope they don't undercut with pricing and screw the contributors. Then a lot of people will probably start thinking of going exclusive at fotolia.

« Reply #127 on: June 16, 2015, 17:10 »

i hope this makes SS sit up and notice - hell they're probably at a boardroom meeting at their fancy digs at ESB now contwmplating a counterattack

If that counterattack includes raising commission percentage, make achieving next levels easier and brings our work onto the screens of millions of possible new customers - I'm all for it.

That would be great but they can start by cleaning up the atrocious review process - then do the rest, bump us up raise coms and give us shares in the company 😆

« Reply #128 on: June 16, 2015, 17:42 »
Another question for Mat. Will the Instant collection be included in Adobe Stock? I see existing Instant Collection images appear to be, but wanted to clarify if that will continue to be the case moving forward?

« Reply #129 on: June 16, 2015, 17:52 »
Shutterstock stock was down today more than 5% (on a day when the general stock market was up about .5%). Probably not a coincidence.

Shutterstock management should immediately begin to rethink the way they have been treating contributors, such as diverting traffic away from our ports on SS and onto OFFSET where we are not allowed to contribute. I used to love SS, but their recent behavior is one of the reasons I decided to stop creating microstock and move on to things which have a future. SS should give microstockers a raise immediately. Time for them to stop investing their profits in other businesses and start thinking about the people who really contributed to their success.


« Reply #130 on: June 16, 2015, 18:48 »
Did anybody notice that the "Save Preview to Desktop" in AdobeStock, is twice as big as that in Fotolia? I like it! Shows more detail.

You can edit the watermarked comps and then buy the stock image later and CC auto applies the edits to the full res version, all the assets are handled CC libraries, very useful. Their technologies seem to be converging in a very powerful way. For a lot of web and design firms this will be a big time saver, plus it will begin to streamline the headache of digital asset management for designers and clients.

It will be interesting to see if they upgrade PS and Lightroom to allow direct uploading into Fotolia.

iS and SS must be worried, they'll start seeing these features maturing in the very software they are using to review images for their libraries. It's only a short step for Adobe to ramp up customer and contributor support and cut out the need to ever leave the editing software.

« Reply #131 on: June 16, 2015, 18:56 »
Another question for Mat. Will the Instant collection be included in Adobe Stock? I see existing Instant Collection images appear to be, but wanted to clarify if that will continue to be the case moving forward?

@KerinF yes, the Instant Collection is in Adobe Stock. As far as I know those images will continue to be added as they are approved at Fotolia.


« Reply #132 on: June 16, 2015, 19:08 »
Finally, some good news!

Glad to see something that's looking positive for a change. I noticed I've jumped to Silver status overnight and I had my first Adobe Stock On Demand sale for 3.30 Cr., so we're off to a nice start.

1. Do I understand correctly that the royalty percentage for subscriptions and Adobe Stock sales will from now on be 33%, and credit sales will still be according to rank percentage (25% at Silver)?
2. I have video subscriptions disabled at the moment (because the returns were too low), but I noticed that video subscriptions are now 35% royalty, with a minimum of 17.50 for HD? So that means video subscriptions are now worth it to opt in?
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 19:18 by Noedelhap »


« Reply #133 on: June 16, 2015, 19:11 »
Another question for Mat. Will the Instant collection be included in Adobe Stock? I see existing Instant Collection images appear to be, but wanted to clarify if that will continue to be the case moving forward?

@KerinF yes, the Instant Collection is in Adobe Stock. As far as I know those images will continue to be added as they are approved at Fotolia.


I hope your right Mat. Site Looks clean and fresh. If not..........OH WELL. So, "Bridge to Adobe" is in full swing.  sounds better than Bridge to Bigstock....LOL

Interesting Old thread. 2008


And here>>http://www.microstockgroup.com/blog-updates/adobe-should-create-a-stock-agency/
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 19:55 by Rinderart »

« Reply #134 on: June 16, 2015, 19:27 »
Shutterstock next to make a new piece of software to compete with Photoshop? :D  8)

How has no one commented yet on the fact that Andres Rodriguez made an appearance in this thread??  ;D

Where you been, dude? Good to see you around again.

« Reply #135 on: June 16, 2015, 19:43 »
Perhaps even more interesting was the announcement that there will be no further marketing of Dollar Photo Club. I just looked at their FB page and there haven't been any updates for over three months.

« Reply #136 on: June 16, 2015, 19:51 »
Is it a pay raise?  750 images for $199 means you would get something like 8 or 9 cents per sale doesn't it?

Shutterstock is 199$ per month for 750 and they still give .38$ per download. They do those plans as most users do not download 750 every month but download for use.

« Reply #137 on: June 16, 2015, 20:34 »
Another question for Mat. Will the Instant collection be included in Adobe Stock? I see existing Instant Collection images appear to be, but wanted to clarify if that will continue to be the case moving forward?

@KerinF yes, the Instant Collection is in Adobe Stock. As far as I know those images will continue to be added as they are approved at Fotolia.


Thanks Mat!  One for the "suggestion box".  It would be good if it was possible to access Creative Cloud library from inside Instant, so can upload images from there as well as the camera roll. I often find my iPhone get too full before I have a chance to deal with all the images, so often upload them to Lightroom for later (Snapwire has this feature  ;)).

« Reply #138 on: June 16, 2015, 22:11 »
Do you think that the Adobe Stock watermark is good/big enough to protect the image at this new size? I feel like it is not covering enough the image. I believe iStock had a diagonal lines as an addition to the logo.

« Reply #139 on: June 16, 2015, 22:45 »
So I'm wondering how many people had earnings higher than normal on FT today (launch day).

I know I did, and they were significantly higher.  But it's hard to tell how much of that was from  this being a good microstock day in general (all agencies were up for me today) or the increased commissions on FT, as opposed to business driven by Adobe Stock.

I have to think with all the media attention many CC subscribers would have tried it out today.  Perhaps they would have downloaded a lot of watermarked images to use in comps, but maybe too soon to see actual sales as those comps would now be routing for approvals and purchase decisions could take some time.

(This logic would at least suggest that we've had higher than normal FT image views today, and indeed... today I had more daily FT image views than any other day in the past month.)

« Reply #141 on: June 17, 2015, 00:41 »
the watermark is too simple and not covering enough. There is still possibility to balance interests of designer and vendor. Comp quality is too high for the comp, for my opinion.

Another question: do you have plans for Editorial and RM content ?

Guarantee of settings stability, like "no free section" , "no exclusive" ?


« Reply #142 on: June 17, 2015, 00:46 »
the watermark is too simple and not covering enough. There is still possibility to balance interests of designer and vendor. Comp quality is too high for the comp, for my opinion.

Another question: do you have plans for Editorial and RM content ?

Guarantee of settings stability, like "no free section" , "no exclusive" ?

earLy days....Hold On. Im sure theres gonna be more and better news.

« Reply #143 on: June 17, 2015, 00:59 »
Im eager to reap the benefits of a possible surge in sales.

Semmick Photo

« Reply #144 on: June 17, 2015, 02:21 »
Shutterstock next to make a new piece of software to compete with Photoshop? :D  8)

How has no one commented yet on the fact that Andres Rodriguez made an appearance in this thread??  ;D

Where you been, dude? Good to see you around again.
I actually noticed it, but it felt like i was dreaming and didnt comment on it.  :)

« Reply #145 on: June 17, 2015, 08:41 »
the watermark is too simple and not covering enough. There is still possibility to balance interests of designer and vendor. Comp quality is too high for the comp, for my opinion.

Another question: do you have plans for Editorial and RM content ?

Guarantee of settings stability, like "no free section" , "no exclusive" ?
@Skyfish, I appreciate your feedback. I will share your comments about the watermark.‏

There are no plans in place for editorial content or rights managed licensing that I am aware of.‏

Your feedback regarding default settings for indexing has also been noted.

Thank you,


« Reply #146 on: June 17, 2015, 08:50 »
Another thing I've noticed lately is that I've gotten the payout really fast the last two times I requested it. It used to take about three weeks. The last request I made took three hours. I made the request in the morning and got paid for it three hours later. I hope this is a permanent change. It used to be really frustrating to not be able to make another request for payout because I had one pending.

« Reply #147 on: June 17, 2015, 09:06 »
Mat, how long does the transfer from FT to AS take for new images?

« Reply #148 on: June 17, 2015, 09:09 »
Mat, how long does the transfer from FT to AS take for new images?

@Sean, I don't know the answer to that question. I will ask.


« Reply #149 on: June 17, 2015, 09:32 »
Thanks for the great news Matt.  I'm excited to see how this new move by Adobe affects sales!

If Fotolio is your only agency, then you should be excited, but otherwise I can't see how it could matter a squit. AS makes more sales; someone else makes less.


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