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Author Topic: Minimum Payout Amounts For Microstock  (Read 5926 times)

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« on: September 06, 2006, 21:16 »
Does anyone know if any of the microstock sites they are with plan on changing the minimum payout amounts anytime in the near future (most of which are $100)?  Even if they made you accept payment by PayPal rather than a check, if the cost is less that way for the sites, a $50 minimum would be a bit better.  As far as I can see, only two of the sites I'm on, Shutterstock ($75) and StockXPert ($50) give you lower minimum payouts.  It's a little frustrating when you are getting maximum 50 cents per pix earnings to know it all remains virtual earnings until you reach $100.  Seems so far away sometimes...

« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2006, 22:30 »
I've been wondering the legality of the minimum payout.  I was thinking that all unpaid funds would have to be escheated to the State of the person not being paid.  I'm not sure it is OK to keep someone's earnings based on a minimum. 


« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2006, 12:21 »
I don't mind waiting to get to the $100.  What I hate is the way StockXPert does it.  They apparently don't have a verified PayPal account.  It took about 4 days for the payment to clear.  Then when it did, PayPal charged me $3.27 for the transaction.  I need to contact them all and see what that was about.  I thought that was the whole point of waiting to get to the $100 amount--so you wouldn't get charged like that.  Maybe I clicked the wrong check box or something.


Greg Boiarsky

« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2006, 12:33 »
If you ask me, I think they ought to pay out sooner, or be required to pay interest on the account balance. 

Also, it doesn't pay you to wait on a payout--you should request one as soon as it hits minimum.  Otherwise, you're losing value on money that could be sitting in an interest-bearing account--unless you're charged transfer fees, of course.


« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2006, 12:49 »
The problem I have with the delayed payours is sites that disappear with money and images. New sites should have smaller minimums. It would encourage contributions. Sites like 123RF which are dribbling along at .22 each will take far too long to reach payout. In that case, as soon as I reach the first payout, I remove my images and bail.

To answer the original question, Fotolia doesn't have a minimum, and at BigStock (at .50 each) the payout is $30.


« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2006, 15:12 »
Sites like 123RF which are dribbling along at .22 each will take far too long to reach payout. In that case, as soon as I reach the first payout, I remove my images and bail.
I get a payout every month at 123rf! For sure they are not great performers but more or less constant if you continue to submit constantly pictures .


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