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Author Topic: Will the Russia/Ukraine war affect sales?  (Read 54589 times)

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« Reply #200 on: March 01, 2022, 14:11 »
That thread has been rightfully locked by the admins.
No edits nor replies are possible anymore.

Given the serious quality decay it suffered, it rightfully belongs to the Garbage Bin, where it can still be consulted, by anyone interested.


« Reply #201 on: March 01, 2022, 14:14 »
Why was the other thread deleted, couldn't the repeated argument posts just be removed? Sucks that everyone else's posts end up in the bin too.

Yes indeed a pity. But I do understand it. It degenerated into personal insults instead of giving opinions and discussion. I already skipped a lot.
I can't delete my input myself like on the Shutterforum. I don't know if that is possible for anyone else. maybe by Leaf, but I can imagine that he doesn't feel like it.
I don't think the Diamond members can do that and some of them were involved in the "discussion" themselves.

But it is annoying that in this way every interesting discussion ends up in the trash.

I believe Zero Talent  deleted it himself as it says 'Author: Zero Talent, last post: Zero Talent'.

I am the author and as far as I remember Martha was the last person to post.

Thijs, you can go into a post and edit it, then remove everything, leaving just a full stop.  Then it updates with the text removed, and the full stop remaining.

Apart from this, I don't believe you can actually delete a post.

Yes I did too Debbie. I've used "Quote" several times instead of "Modify". To which I saw my text twice. Then I just made a dot of it. :-)

So you can do that Zero and Martha. That seems like a good idea to me.


« Reply #202 on: March 01, 2022, 14:17 »
That thread has been rightfully locked by the admins.
No edits nor replies are possible anymore.

Given the serious quality decay it suffered, it rightfully belongs to the Garbage Bin, where it can still be consulted, by anyone interested.

It would be nice if this thread lives on for a while Zero.

« Reply #203 on: March 01, 2022, 14:20 »
That thread has been rightfully locked by the admins.
No edits nor replies are possible anymore.

Given the serious quality decay it suffered, it rightfully belongs to the Garbage Bin, where it can still be consulted, by anyone interested.

It would be nice if this thread lives on for a while Zero.

Yes, I'd like this very much.
Ukraine's tragedy is heartbreaking, and people should be able to hear varied opinions, not just what they get from their news bubble.

Maybe we should change its title and move it to the off-topic section.

« Reply #204 on: March 01, 2022, 15:02 »
Thank you for your concern, even though its backhanded. Just wait. Youll see. 😂 Did you bother to look up the WEF? The Great Reset? Those who live in the UK should understand, its happening there. I dont expect many to come to my defense because no one wants to be called mentally ill. And most WILL think I'm crazy.

Remember the scoffing at #plandemic? Gosh, have you heard much about rona in the past week? It just magically disappeared! Of course you are going to say the vacseens eradicated it. Have you looked at the VAERS data on vacs injuries? No bet not. Have you seen that even the CDC is withholding info and backtracking? Have you seen that pfizzer and mod-er na stocks are dropping and investors are bailing?

rona = out   war = in   But you go ahead and stay blind. 😀

Ill just leave this, just in case some have an open mind. Pay attention to the members, too.

Carry on.

Hi Cathy - I try and keep an open mind about such things - very strange and upsetting things recently in Canada too.  A lot of things don't make sense. 


« Reply #205 on: March 01, 2022, 15:23 »
Thank you for your concern, even though its backhanded. Just wait. Youll see. 😂 Did you bother to look up the WEF? The Great Reset? Those who live in the UK should understand, its happening there. I dont expect many to come to my defense because no one wants to be called mentally ill. And most WILL think I'm crazy.

Remember the scoffing at #plandemic? Gosh, have you heard much about rona in the past week? It just magically disappeared! Of course you are going to say the vacseens eradicated it. Have you looked at the VAERS data on vacs injuries? No bet not. Have you seen that even the CDC is withholding info and backtracking? Have you seen that pfizzer and mod-er na stocks are dropping and investors are bailing?

rona = out   war = in   But you go ahead and stay blind. 😀

Ill just leave this, just in case some have an open mind. Pay attention to the members, too.

Carry on.

Hi Cathy - I try and keep an open mind about such things - very strange and upsetting things recently in Canada too.  A lot of things don't make sense.

Oh no. Let's not talk about Corona now. A mild variant, many vaccinated. Spring is coming. Huge numbers of infections, as a result of which the refusers, children have also had it. My neighbor children, grandchildren have had it. let's hope that in these difficult times a dangerous variant does not appear again. We old people (My wife heart problems, diabetic) remain a bit careful.
In many countries, including the Netherlands, all measures were phased out before misery broke out in Ukraine. Probably also in Russia, which made it easier for Putin to do this.
Many Dutch people have already signed up to fight there, I read. Just like in England I saw on television. it's all so sad.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2022, 06:25 by thijsdegraaf »

« Reply #206 on: March 01, 2022, 15:29 »

Oh no. Let's not talk about Corona now.

Yep! In case some didn't realize, there are two Corona threads in the Garbage Bin, already.
Plenty of "info" there! No need to repeat it here.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2022, 15:31 by Zero Talent »


« Reply #207 on: March 01, 2022, 15:35 »

Oh no. Let's not talk about Corona now.

Yep! In case some didn't realize, there are two Corona threads in the Garbage Bin, already.
Plenty of "info" there! No need to repeat it here.

I agree with you again Zero.  :)

« Reply #208 on: March 01, 2022, 15:53 »
Yes, there are even claims that Stalin died not from a stroke but poisoned, when he was found paralysed and vomiting blood.
In that scenario, the main suspect is Tito. But there is no hard evidence to prove this hypothesis...

then there's "The Death of Stalin"  well worth several viewings

cast includes:
Steve Buscemi as Nikita Khrushchev
Simon Russell Beale as Lavrenti Beria
Jason Isaacs as Georgy Zhukov
Michael Palin as Vyacheslav Molotov
Jeffrey Tambor as Georgy Malenkov

« Reply #209 on: March 01, 2022, 15:58 »
The day Ukraine was attacked, a group of people walked past our front door demonstrating against the government's Corona measures. From a loudspeaker a song sounded: "I don't want to conform anymore, I want to take my freedom back into my own hands...".

This was perhaps one of the saddest moments in my life. These people have only one thing in focus: themselves.

There was an entire nation under attack, the freedom of the citizens of this country was under attack, and people were walking by down there whose only problem is that they had to wear masks to protect themselves and others.

Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest because it's just unbearable. But I'll end this topic and I won't start it again.

« Reply #210 on: March 01, 2022, 16:02 »
That thread has been rightfully locked by the admins.
No edits nor replies are possible anymore.

Given the serious quality decay it suffered, it rightfully belongs to the Garbage Bin, where it can still be consulted, by anyone interested.

i've moved it to 'off topic' where it can still be consulted, by anyone interested.

« Reply #211 on: March 02, 2022, 02:02 »

You cannot compare now to 80 years ago. that is simply bonkers, in fact that is what Putin is doing now and he is as mad as a box of frogs.

Lets just put this in perspective, times change and the world and societies were very different 80+ years ago, you miss all the nuance, pressures and the pragmatic decisions that were made for reasons at the time.

Thank you, that's what I thought the whole time during the little history lesson here.
It makes little sense to dig up the sins of individual countries from the past and then draw conclusions about the present.
We don't burn witches in Europe anymore - and that for good reason  ;)

we can't forget the past -- nothing excuses Russian aggression, but from a Russian POV their actions to add a buffer zone are justified by a history multiple invasions from medieval times thru Napoleon in 1812, Crimean War in 1853 & Hitler's invasion (causing 8 MILLION military deaths & 15-20+ million civilian deaths)

Correct. In my youth, many older people in the Netherlands still had an antipthia for Germany, fear that that time would return.
But that was a long time ago. Germany is now a good neighbor.
This was not entirely true for Russia after the Cold War, but the fear had disappeared (reflected in the low defense budget).
Putin apparently stuck in that history. And he was probably never able to accept the collapse of the Soviet Union. Actually a pathetic man if he wasn't so dangerous.
All dictators have identical pattern of their end of life.


« Reply #212 on: March 02, 2022, 02:34 »
The alternative reality of Russian state media:


« Reply #213 on: March 02, 2022, 02:50 »
Why was the other thread deleted, couldn't the repeated argument posts just be removed? Sucks that everyone else's posts end up in the bin too.

Having read back through that shabby, now locked, thread, I don't think it contains any important information about Ukraine, just about the inhabitants of this forum.

With one exception: your comments about what you believe Russia's intentions are with regard to splitting the Ukraine.  I quote a section here but why don't you make a new post in this thread copying the whole text of your posts.  It's very interesting:

From Justanotherphotographer:

'I've a got an awful sinking feeling that what Russia has been after is everything East of the Dnieper (not the whole of Ukraine)'

« Last Edit: March 02, 2022, 02:54 by DO »


« Reply #214 on: March 02, 2022, 06:18 »
Honestly not worth it, it was only a passing thoughts on my part. I just thought it was a shame the thread that was actually in "off topic" got taken down because of an argument between a couple of people (some of whom may have been justified, not taking sides here).

Some people have a tendency to go off on political/ ideological/ conspiracy theory rants at every opportunity. I dont think it would be right for threads to be disappearing because of their tendency to derail them. In that situation Leaf would normally clean up the thread by deleting those posts and stating want has been done.


« Reply #215 on: March 02, 2022, 08:43 »
In that situation Leaf would normally clean up the thread by deleting those posts and stating want has been done.

In all my 9 years on this forum, I don't recall a time when Leaf has pulled an entire thread down just because a couple of participants got into a disagreement. So this case was odd.

I suspect somebody other than Leaf decided to get rid of the thread, for whatever reason.

« Reply #216 on: March 02, 2022, 09:22 »

In all my 9 years on this forum, I don't recall a time when Leaf has pulled an entire thread down just because a couple of participants got into a disagreement. So this case was odd.

I suspect somebody other than Leaf decided to get rid of the thread, for whatever reason.

I attached the content of the Garbage Bin including its more recent than 9 years, Covid conspiracies locked thread, where participants also crossed the common sense and decency lines. The admins didn't get rid of it. It's still accessible.

A locked thread (see that icon) full of childish spamming replies rightfully belongs there too.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2022, 09:51 by Zero Talent »

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #217 on: March 02, 2022, 09:52 »
In that situation Leaf would normally clean up the thread by deleting those posts and stating want has been done.

In all my 9 years on this forum, I don't recall a time when Leaf has pulled an entire thread down just because a couple of participants got into a disagreement. So this case was odd.

I suspect somebody other than Leaf decided to get rid of the thread, for whatever reason.

I've answered this before and I'll answer you and Debbie one more time.

There's only one person who has the power to LOCK a thread and that's Leaf. Once locked there are a number of us who could have moved it to garbage, anonymously, but ZT didn't hide like some others have in the past, when that other person moved the holiday thread or the virus thread, because things weren't going their way.

ZT could have moved the thread and no one except Leaf would know who did that.

Zero didn't hide and took responsibility for what he decided.

There's only one person who has the power to LOCK a thread and that's Leaf.

I believe Zero Talent  deleted it himself as it says 'Author: Zero Talent, last post: Zero Talent'.

I am the author and as far as I remember Martha was the last person to post.

No one except the author can edit their own posts, except LEAF.  :)

Unlike SS forum where someone can become childish and delete their own thread, which then deleted all the posts in that thread. (and then people would accuse SS of censorship  ::) ) That doesn't happen here. And maybe it's good that someone can't be poison or spoiled and delete all their posts to erase what they wrote, without going one by one and replacing the text with a period.

That's kind of futile and a waste of time, because if you are quoted, the quote remains. People who try to erase their posts and play revisionist, or pretend they didn't write something, are quoted in full and that never goes away.

You can however change your name and create a new anonymous account?

Leaf has removed entire threads a number of times. It's easier than taking the time to go through and pick out, post by post, which he did do sometimes. Also he's very liberal and allows a loose leash and free speech with opinions. Very little censorship. But when it comes to personal attacks, you can expect to be moderated.

ps On Topic:  No I don't think the war will hurt my sales. I seldom sell anything to any of the affected countries.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2022, 10:16 by Uncle Pete »


« Reply #218 on: March 02, 2022, 13:27 »

A locked thread (see that icon) full of childish spamming replies rightfully belongs there too.

Don't start that again, Zero.

Because if you go back to belittling and mocking me as you have over the last week, I will hit you back just as mean and nasty.

And I don't think our friends here want any more of that.


« Reply #219 on: March 02, 2022, 13:38 »
Ok, so somebody can move this one to the garbage can as well because they are starting again.

Martha and Zero, maybe you can start a new topic (off topic) and go insult eachother there. Just the two of you, nice and cosy?


« Reply #220 on: March 02, 2022, 13:40 »
There's only one person who has the power to LOCK a thread and that's Leaf.

Well, yeah, Pete, I actually do know that. You and I don't have the ability to LOCK a thread.

And I was telling the truth when I wrote:

"I don't recall a time when Leaf has pulled an entire thread down just because a couple of participants got into a disagreement. So this case was odd."

And I stand by that statement.  It was odd.


« Reply #221 on: March 02, 2022, 13:41 »

Martha and Zero, maybe you can start a new topic (off topic) and go insult eachother there. Just the two of you, nice and cosy?

I'll happily cease and desist when he does.

« Reply #222 on: March 02, 2022, 14:00 »

A locked thread (see that icon) full of childish spamming replies rightfully belongs there too.

Don't start that again, Zero.

Because if you go back to belittling and mocking me as you have over the last week, I will hit you back just as mean and nasty.

And I don't think our friends here want any more of that.

Martha, I understand you and was affected myself.
You don't have to be constantly belittled as an adult, educated person. This is a very bad, disrespectful, impolite and not goal-directed discussion style, which is why I got out of it.

So if this flares up again, I would suggest a separate thread "Martha vs. Zerotalent". ;)
Whoever feels like venting, join in then.  8)


« Reply #223 on: March 02, 2022, 14:18 »

'Martha, I understand you and was affected myself.
You don't have to be constantly belittled as an adult, educated person. This is a very bad, disrespectful, impolite and not goal-directed discussion style, which is why I got out of it'.


Very well expressed. 

Thank you Ralf.


« Reply #224 on: March 02, 2022, 14:22 »

Martha and Zero, maybe you can start a new topic (off topic) and go insult eachother there. Just the two of you, nice and cosy?

I'll happily cease and desist when he does.

Or an email to each other. I think that might help. It just got out of hand.
If I am insulted (as I wrote to you when we were called an oldie ..... by someone else) I say something about it once and then ignore that person. It's not worth it to me. He only makes a fool of himself, but not me. I found that person much more annoying than Zero.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2022, 14:27 by thijsdegraaf »


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