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Author Topic: Do application images need to have keywords and description etc?  (Read 3494 times)

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« on: October 17, 2012, 05:33 »
Hi All..

I am new to this forum as well as to the microstock market.
Thank you for this great forum and the amazing source of info and help I have found here.

I have been reading a lot about requirements in order to get accepted to various microstock agencies but I cannot seem to find an answer to this:

In order to get accepted as a contributor to the various sites (especially the Big 4 and the Middle Tier ones), do I have to include the keywords, description, title etc to my application images?
Or do the inspectors only look for the value of the image in matters of quality, selling value, etc when you first apply as a contributor?

Thank you in advance for your help !


« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2012, 11:48 »
Welcome to the forum.

Has been a long time since most people here have applied, so not so sure any more. I know iStock ask that a description to be typed into a provided space where you upload your picture. So it seems not be a requirement with them.

The best advise I can give, seeing that you want to enter this market, is to keyword and describe your images in any event, as this is what you will be doing in future in any case. Might be that some sites might want to look at it. So learn from the experienced by looking at the keywords of images similar to yours, which are best selling images at the large sites and make sure you at least have the most important ones covered.

« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2012, 11:57 »
i think most sites will just review style of your photos and quality of your post processing..

keywords and description is not necessary since after approved you need to submit it again..

but for shutterstock.. i think you need to fill up the keywords and description during application? since i remember once it is approved, it will be online.


« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2012, 12:51 »
SS yes, others no

« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2012, 08:30 »
Thank you all for your replies!


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