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Messages - ttart

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Microstock is mass production there everyone copies in some way images of other contributors.
Now there is also a copying machine called AI.
So give away in free collection is not such a big problem. Its paid well, so its OK.

Ouch, horrible month.
Hard to imagine that around 2-3 years ago iStock used to be my best earnin agency. Now it's getting closer to one of the minor agencies for me.

That's what I've been trying to say for a while now.

Istock is an agency that doesn't give any certainty,maybe next month it will be better,but you never have a stable income that increases over time like with Adobe Stock.

I say it again,continuing to upload to this agency only serves to ruin the future of microstock.

Unfortunately they know how to keep the hamster in the wheel running,so that they continue to make money,that's all that matters to Istock.

then when you no longer serve them,they remove or lower your content from the search engine to make room for other new contributors,so they can squeeze new contributors too.

when I started with Istock,after just 4 months with less than 1000 contents,I was already earning an average of 150 USD per month,do you know why?

because they positioned some of my content at the top of the search so I was happy that I kept uploading and so they could squeeze me.

leave them alone,they use you,squeeze you and throw you away.

Adobe is the only agency that guarantees an increase in earnings over time as long as your portfolio continues to grow,no other non-exclusive agency guarantees this.
I think there has been some kind of bonus for new contributors at istock in search rank long time ago.
April was below average for me at istock.

Even at the WSJ they know that AI is destroying what little is left of the stock photography business.

I guess AI is not destroying stockphostography industry. Its just the beginn of mass production for everyone.
As you look at Adobe Stock, never before so much new portfolios have reached first $1000 income at short time.
With AI you don't need an expensive equipment or studio, or take much time to make an expensive shooting with 4 models or more.
With AI everyone in the world can make at least a few $1000s a year without much effort.
But i think the sales won't rise as much and fast than new images.

The unwritten rules were for a select few, and most of them are BS. $2 RPI is one of them, that is quoted, but not for all. Yes, for some people, who had really good work and concepts and collections, maybe. But for everyone else, it was just, RPD and not big numbers.
I think there is no unwritten rule.
So some of my early numbers.
RPD average
RPI average (month)

I was going exclusive at istock mid 2009.
2008 RPD 1,0  -  RPI  0,19  - makes $190 month per 1000 images online
2009 RPD 1,4  -  RPI  0,23  - makes $230 month per 1000 images online
2010 RPD 2,4  -  RPI  0,32  - makes $320 month per 1000 images online
2011 RPD 3,0  -  RPI  0,23  - makes $230 month per 1000 images online
2012 RPD 3,6  -  RPI  0,23  - makes $230 month per 1000 images online

RPD did go up 2009 because of exclusivity, later because of more E+ images at Getty.
DL per Image did go down.
What actually did matter was stable RPI because of rising RPD, so income increased with larger portfolio.
I must day that i am a rather average photographer and don't shoot lifestyle.
So everyone could reach these numbers in early days.
Because of a contract with a German Makrostock agency I canceled exclusivity at 2013.
I am not allowed to tell any numbers about the Makrostock agency because of company confidential.



I am working for a large company with more than 80.000 Employs.
Customers and employs gets nearly every week newsletters, loaded with lots of generic microstock images.
Since we are a tech company there are more and more AI images.
In next years contributor maybe can benefit from AI hype. But in long term art department will produce AI images by themselves.

There are two trends for microstock producers.
An exponentiell trend of decreasing DL and a linear trend of portfolio growth for producers.
The exponential assumption that the number of download per photo will halve in about four years.
For beginners ist possible to follow the exponential trend. But with time they will hit a wall.
With an larger portfolio the portfolio growth will get more and more linear. But the exponential trend of decreasing DL will continue.
Maybe there have been some niches for high quality Composing and lifestyle producers.
But with AI there are no niches anymore in future.

1) Because I have a day job and (stock) photography is just a hobby.
But i have reduced uploading at microsotck already. Its getting boring somehow.
So in future maybe
2) or
3) or
4) anyway.


Adobe Stock / Re: Custom License $0.30?
« on: February 17, 2024, 06:48 »
Same here, no longer get anything more than $1.01 My last $1.42 was on 1/14/2024
Now overwhelming majority are 0.32 cents. My downloads are growing, but % of $ that I get are getting lower and lower.

Plus my bestseller sales disappeared in January.

Mat, I will sent you email with my files as well. Thank you in advance for your time.

We get 200% more on Adobe Stock than Shutterstock at lowest payment.  Look at the bright side!!!
Thats crazy I only contribute to Adobe. Why do people bother contributing to other stock agencies if they pay so little? Is it a habit?
Microstock is a rollercoaster. At the moment Adobe Stock is doing better.
Because of AI i guess my real images outs of DSLR will get hard competition in next years at Adobe Stock.
Probably not so much at istock or Shutterstock.
So at the moment Adobe Stock ist doing better for me, but i guess it will change next years.

Shutterstock.com / Re: New files don't sell
« on: November 19, 2023, 03:08 »

They seem to be losing customers too.

Never would of thought of saying anything like this some months ago but my shutterstock vs adobe stock port performance suggests adobe stock's customer acquisition strategy is taking customers from shutterstock.
Years ago contributors and customers left istock. Shutterstock did benefit most of this escape.
Now it seems the same happens to shutterstock.
But its very simply. If customers want to buy my latest images, they only get it at Adobe Stock :-)

iStockPhoto.com / Re: New watermark
« on: September 24, 2023, 08:10 »
watermark doesn't make much sense nowadays.
With 40MP+ DSLR watermarks at small resolution preview doesn't make much sense.
At microstock you will make the money with high resolution on demand DLs or EL.
If someone buys an Image for $0,X subscription or someone downloads a low resolution preview for "free".
There is not much difference.
If there is a need for a high resolution images or EL, they will probably buy it.

Finding bestseller?
I thought AI is good at big data.
Its probably possible but expensive right now.

Why don't you let AI copy stock photo bestsellers. Maybe the smartest way. AI is doing the work and you earn the money.

I need only three lenses for everything,
wide angle lens like 24mm or 28mm
normal lens around 50mm
portrai lens between 85 to 105 mm
So for travel i would use a zoom lens like 24-70, if i want to use just one lens.
I never have been happy with extreme zoom lenses like 28-200.

Nobody can tell  the state of microstock industry earnings in 10 - 20 years.
About 20 years ago istock, shutterstock started.
Now AI is at the starting line.
AI is a tool like DSLR have been at the beginning of microstock. This tool is much more intelligent than a DSLR.
I guess the complete process of stockphostography can be done by a script in a few years. Making the image, editing, keyboarding, uploading, etc,.. So don't forget some users with powerful workstation uploading hundreds of images a day to free sites.
So i guess an enormous number of AI Images uploading at free sites will be hard competition for stock photographers. 

Dear colleagues,

I've just published this blog post on a trend that I potentially see occurring soon (hope I'm not giving these agency decision-makers any ideas):

During the past six months, most notably, Wirestock and Picfair have dropped their respective statuses as free to upload stock agencies in what is a potentially significant trend for contributors. In this blog post Ill discuss whether this business model will become more commonplace and if it may present itself as a threat to contributors income in a time when were already experiencing diminishing returns coupled with rising inflation. Or perhaps, this fee will be an opportunity!


I think it would be a good idea to pay for every upload.
Twenty years ago i was shooting medium format. Every image i took did cost around 1 Euro.
A medium format slide film including developing did cost about 10 Euro. Depending of used format, 4,5X6, 6X6 or 6X7 you got around 8 to 12 images at one roll medium format film.
So i think photography is to cheap nowadays.
Every upload to microstock should be charged with one / $

Getty Images has always been something special, very special.
So i built keyword set at LR only for istock.
Some kind of CV, and use only generic description in english.

General Photography Discussion / Re: Advice Needed
« on: June 18, 2023, 02:55 »
On Monday, the agent received the photos and thanked me saying that the result is absolutley amazing and he will surely sell the apartment fast and with even more money that he would of wanted to post. Well.....2 weeks past and the agent DID NOT sent me the money
You edit slow and bill fast.
Dont panic you probably will get the money in a few days or weeks.
But i guess they won't pay 9 hours editing for a simple job.

We are at the begin of AI Age

No, i have not till now.
But i think Adobe has enough power to get it work.

AI is the future.
Because of Adobe Firefly i would invest in Adobe and not in Shutterstock.

It can be said that earnings on Adobe Stock are maybe increasing. But the other stock sites in general, especially Shutterstock, are declining for a while now. So the total contributor earnings are pretty much going down.

Can this negative trend for a contributor be changed anytime soon? Are there any optimists?
Probably not.
There ist high inflation but no increase in price for microstock images.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe sales
« on: March 26, 2023, 03:16 »

AND here i was responding to a (quite common ) msg implying RPD for S was $.10
Her Ugliness wrote -"SS fails to bring in many sales higher than $0.10 these days."
Nothing about RPD.

It will be hard for a microstock contributor to maintain income without AI images.
If a contributor don't do microstock full-time he will maybe work some hours a week for microstock.
Now there are working some computers for AI microstock images full-time.
Meaning lots more of new AI images uploads daily.
It don't have do be better images than your non AI images.
But your images gets lost in search with stagnating uploads and more overall AI uploads.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe and Silicon Valley Bank
« on: March 11, 2023, 10:43 »
Seems it will be a problem for cryptos.
Like the real estate crash 2008, starting at the beginning oaf 2008 and crashed in autumn 2008, we maybe will see an crypto crash 2023 in autumn.
Maybe there will be more debt invested in cryptos than debtor can pay back.
I think some banks involved in crypto investment getting nervous now.
The problem is, if investors invested debt in cryptos and sell now they incur a loss. If they don't sell and cryptos continue to fall they maybe get bankrupt.

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