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Messages - stuttershock

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Dreamstime.com / Re: How to un-exclusive a photo on Dreamstime?
« on: September 16, 2019, 09:36 »
same problem here.

Yes, it is true that their checkboxes do not work and that you still cannot mark your work back to non-exclusive. "Making sense" or not doesn't matter, @Mantis, this is a violation of our creator rights, as your copyright provides you, the creator, the freedom to enter into licenses or not. Dreamstime or any other agency acting that way are extremely amateurish (and reckless, legally, read below).

It is also true that contacting support does not work. I have submitted (and documented by screenshot) a request many months ago, but nothing happens. They are "so superior", so arrogant, or so ignorant (most likely) that they believe they may simply ignore a legit request. They do not seem to know that an AGENCY, by definition, has obligations to both sides -- buyers and artists, that is. (And they purport to be "our agents" here, wholly ignoring our best interest and rights altogether, and it even works for them as long as we don't beat them to it). Which is what we can do...:

As a last resort -- and particularly if your image(s) have a copyright REGISTRATION (USPTO's Library of Congress branch or similar) because then you can recover more and more easily! -- you could sue Dreamstime for Copyright violation and might cash in BIG-TIME. That option might be fun, and the most profitable one on top. With a registered copyright and everything, you would also be covered for attorney fees & stuff.

And hey, everybody out there, please do your homework first (check w/ attorney, if that's what it takes) and do not even try and tell me that this was "nonsense" or "not doable" or something, for Dreamstime ARE INDEED violating our copyrights this way. Just depends on how pissed off you are and/or how important that matter is to you.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Sales stopped at Videoblocks?
« on: February 15, 2017, 08:49 »
I appreciate that two weeks isn't enough time to indicate a worrying trend, I am just one contributor out of thousands, and variance can and does happen.... but I've had about ten sales a month at Videoblocks over the past four to six months or so, and I've not had a single sale yet this month.

Anyone else?

off the top of my head, I seem to remember that I have seen your content, and that you are not a small contributor. So that that sounds, indeed, worrying...

I still like them.

Sorry to hear it.

Our Fotolia:Shutterstock ratio in terms of revenue is about 1:2 for a few recent months.
I've noticed that Fotolia is quite a poor 4K seller, we had only 2 sales so far.
Things I definitely like about Fotolia are really fast reviews and relatively fast first video sales.
What are your prime subjects in footages?

me too, their fast footage review is very nice, really one-of-a-kind. Fotolia really seem to go out of their way to make this happen, despite the rather large number of submissions they seem to get. It's of little help though when they simply sell absolutely nothing, as in zero-zilch-nada (which is the case for me). I don't know what they're smoking and why they cannot do any meaningful pitching to image users or,  at the very least, run other accompanying marketing efforts.

Seems to be quite typical of London-based loser outfits pocketing commissions without doing a darn thing for "their assets", as they call us. The very same thing happens with City recruiting agencies in the employment and specialist work contracting fields all the time. Seems to be some tradition in that rotten town of greed. (I really shouldn't be surprised, actually.)

Multiple other agencies -- including VideoBlocks! -- are faring a lot better with the exact same clips, so the problem is not really my content quality.

Meaning, the Adobe-Fotolia takeover thing obviously was not such a bright idea (very glad to see it's not working for them!), nor does their "integration" of Fotolia image search in Adobe's proprietary software packages have any effect whatsoever.

General Stock Discussion / Re: bitcoin ? will it help us go indie?
« on: February 15, 2017, 07:38 »

good luck buying groceries with dollars or euroes once THEIR bubbles burst (which will happen as soon as the madmen at the helm at central banks run out of ideas, or steam, or staying power, and are swamped by the markets). Only then will the jury be in on Bitcoin and Alt coins etc as well.

Bitcoin and other P2P Crypto coins are NOT to be evaluated by their price either, but it is about the concept of transaction-fee-free worldwide transmission of value. And THAT might very well help ANY MICROSTOCKER out there because (...)

Im sorry but you dont really understand how currency works and what force drives a currency to function and not crumble down like a paper tower,unlike bitcoin or any other e-coin that will cease existing sooner or later leaving the poor poorer and the rich,richer.And (...)

I am not so sure who's the one "not understanding how currency works" here, but this is yet another example of me having the last laugh (rather, a pretty good one, to say the least).

I was not even among those first-movers, but I am sitting on a pile of nice profits right now, generated since this thread originated. We're only talking $4000 or $5000 here, I admit, but that's a pretty good return in under two years for a laughable investment of just $300 I made. Most other investments cannot even return 1/10th of that. On top, you pay a lot of fees and commissions to "wonderful" brokers in the process. Also, it compares quite nicely with the average Joe's income from microstock :)

With the kind of "openness" to innovation found here, you guys would not even have microstock agencies, nor any internet at all, nor any means of sending an international payment other than with Amex traveler checks or expensive SWIFT telegraphic transfers.

Back in the early 90s, people laughed about the internet, ridiculed e-mail, and said that it was inaccessible and "too hard to use" so would never catch on except for nerds and total nutjobs.

Ok, have another look around, I'd say.

Care to bet a bitcoin about when the bitcoin bubble will burst?I suggest you try to mine one if you havent one already or just buy one in exchange for usd.Dont worry though. (...) so we both lose.

Too bad silk road is closed.If it was open and bitcoin had any value i would treat you to some wonderfull mushrooms after the bet

You seem to know it all, and I can see you're quite the "economic expert" here, but a bet like that should have been more specific (like having some expiration date or similar). This calls common sense (maybe that would be yet another of your obvious strengths). Every option in whatever market in your apparent home turf (the economy) has that, too.

Besides, Bitcoin speculation doesn't really matter though because, in fact, Crypto and Blockchain technologies are about something wholly different, called decentralization and enabling a peer-to-peer economy without banksters and all the other well-connected you guys love so much, hence it's not important what happens to bitcoins or to dogecoins or whatever -- let alone their dollar price on a given date. That's where Bitcoin's potential of helping us going indie comes in, which was the subject of this thread.

Maybe I should actually have taken you up on a bet similar to the above. Anyway, no need to try and insult me as some "mushroom smoker", it won't stick. Also note that Bitcoin is not -- and never was -- about Silk Road which was nothing more than just background noise. Concentrate on the core facts of any matter you discuss and you'll do just fine.

A final note for the know-it-alls here: it's not just DASH or ETH (Ethereum) having seen really nice moves lately, but Bitcoin itself will very likely see another steep upward move this spring. So it's definitely not just for "elites", nerds, freaks -- but for everyone smart enough to understand and cease the opportunity when there is one.

Listen to me now, believe me later.

Appalling?? It's only 2.5% no worse than banks or anyother financial outfit.

They have to make some money in order to offer a great service like that

yes, indeed, appalling -- in most of Europe, you get REAL forex rates for your foreign currency payments (Den Danske Bank, Creditanstalt Austria, Svenska Handelsbanken, Deutsche Postbank, Credit Agricole -- just to name a few). The typically anglo-saxon approach of greed and of ripping off the little guy makes Paypal seem "like other banks" in some places (UK, U. S. where no one has even heard about foreign currencies existing, pun intended)...

And what's that "great service" Paypal are providing, again?

In this time and age of Bitcoin, Litecoin, other Crypto currencies offering INSTANTENOUS and next-to-no-cost payments wordwide, who really needs Western Union, Paypal, or even the -- in fact -- slightly better Payoneer services?

It is easy to convert Paypal dollar (or any other) balances to bitcoins and on to a local currency using the right Bitcoin Exchange in your local country (local currency, bank account). You may even sell bitcoins over-the-counter and without needing wallet software when using localbitcoins.com in face-to-face transactions available in most cities that have Starbucks or Burger King. All of these options will save you all those -- truly -- annoying fees. (Feel free to PM me if you need URLs for a local exchange in certain countries, too wide a subject to include it here.)

Better still would be some stock agency actually offering Bitcoin payments in the first places. Curious to see when that will finally happen.

Bitcoin, Be Your Own Bank -- in case you guys still haven't heard about it...!
That sounds time consuming and risky to me I can't really get my head around it so I will stick to old fashioned currency. An article in the Financial Times says this "As a phenomenon bitcoin has all the attributes of a pyramid scheme, requiring a constant influx of converts to push up the price, based on the promise of its use by future converts. So the ultimate value for bitcoin will be the same as all pyramid schemes: zero."


I mean, do you really "philosophize" over Bitcoin's distant future and whether or not it will have had "zero value" in a hundred years' time instead of using it NOW when it can have a lot of value by avoiding extortion by "Paypal who are not a charity"?

Bitcoin, by the way, is one (or, rather and more precisely, it's a non-profit org)...

In a hundred years' time, your dollars-in-hand will have equally zero value, by the way: the dollar has a track record of losing around 95% per one-hundred years, but you're still using it.

Think about it.

That was my experience as well. I lost money on the site itself and also lost potential income from other sites by wasting a LOT of time building and maintaining my own site, on social media, etc. In hindsight, that time would have been much more productively spent creating new images for the big sites or even taking a freelance gig.

I get the point -- though, at the same time, self-hosted or self-directed selling (of ANY style of items, including sth people put on eBay or Amzn marketplace) helps you building a customer list or some "goodwill" beyond your sales income. That's something eBay and Amazon intentionally take from you and rake in for themselves instead. All the while making you pay for their "services" on top. Google is similarly "good at this"... It's part of their -- greedy -- type of business model, but people seem to love being slaughtered for immediate gratification instead of taking a more long-term approach (same phenomenon in politics, that's why we're fair game for bureaucrats, globalists, industrialists, and banksters).

Given the (both monetary and satisfaction) value of this, your losses may be less than they appeared in the longer run.

That's not to say a self-hosted site that does not sell anything whatsoever is a viable option, but added to those rankings with "12.2" for Self-Hosted it's still a lot better than "only a loss of time and effort " or "nothing".

I have absolutely no problem with amazon and  ebay taking their 15% of my sales (for non-royalty free photo  items) =--- I make at 100x more for these non-image sales from these sites ( direct sales of my niche non-photo items -- maps & comics) --  I average about $10+/sale from these sites vs about $5 per sale from self hosted sales of the same items, but with at least 10x more sales from these sites rather than my site. do the math -- ebay & amazon would be a great source for royalty free images if they allowed such items (for a short period ebay did allow digital downloads & it was a great, if ephemeral,  source of income)

at this point, my self-hosting pays for the hosting costs & a bit more, thru google ads, not image sales - but not a reliable source of net income

good to hear it worked for you. Yes, if they did, indeed, still allow non-physical items, that would be a different story and I might be willing to accept some of their other shortcomings...

My point was the following though: on top of not allowing Downloadables and on top of limiting users by myriad other restrictions and "security" rules they work in a way that does not allow users (small businesses, artists, consultants, whoever these users may actually be) to earn their own CUSTOMER LIST in the course of their work. And THAT is an absolute red flag from any business' perspective where building a customer base is what it's all about -- or your business is "worthless" at the end of the day!

By keeping that (important) part to themselves (while still pocketing fees) they do, indeed, cause me to "have a problem" with them taking an, albeit relatively small, chunk out of my profit. That's all I'm saying. It's also an additional motivator for me to look for other ways of selling.

This obviously includes the entire SELLING DIRECT area which is the subject here.


That was my experience as well. I lost money on the site itself and also lost potential income from other sites by wasting a LOT of time building and maintaining my own site, on social media, etc. In hindsight, that time would have been much more productively spent creating new images for the big sites or even taking a freelance gig.

I get the point -- though, at the same time, self-hosted or self-directed selling (of ANY style of items, including sth people put on eBay or Amzn marketplace) helps you building a customer list or some "goodwill" beyond your sales income. That's something eBay and Amazon intentionally take from you and rake in for themselves instead. All the while making you pay for their "services" on top. Google is similarly "good at this"... It's part of their -- greedy -- type of business model, but people seem to love being slaughtered for immediate gratification instead of taking a more long-term approach (same phenomenon in politics, that's why we're fair game for bureaucrats, globalists, industrialists, and banksters).

Given the (both monetary and satisfaction) value of this, your losses may be less than they appeared in the longer run.

That's not to say a self-hosted site that does not sell anything whatsoever is a viable option, but added to those rankings with "12.2" for Self-Hosted it's still a lot better than "only a loss of time and effort " or "nothing".

I don't see anything wrong with Cathy's first post on this thread, she is entitled to her opinion and shouldn't be called a troll for that.  Leo requesting deletions is wrong, this is an open forum, I don't agree with someone selling something being able to delete posts that offer an opinion that's valid.

I do: it's that little word "again" along with her use of italics as a means of shouting. Not to mention her impressive track-record of earlier slights against what appears to be her favorite scapegoat person (who happens to be someone who has contributed a lot for FREE, contrary to that allegation of "raking in business again"). Guys -- seriously!

General - Top Sites / Re: Fotolia no sales
« on: August 04, 2016, 05:17 »
My belief backed up by zero evidence is that Fotolia appeals more to European buyers due to content and a less smiley happy people gloss to images that appeals more to us dour cynical Europeans

possibly -- this would explain a lot, including the fact that (for me, too) there are no sales on FT at all: appears to be due to that European market and (a) its, indeed, cynical buyers (or non-buyers), and (b) the overall structure of that "market" (which is not really a market at all) with tax-payer and/or mandatory-usage-fees subsidized broadcasting networks having enormous archives of their own and doing all kinds of sh!t in-house with virtually no need to source externally.

BBC as well as Italian RAI, Austrian ORF, DRS in Switzerland, DR in Denmark, and German ARD member broadcasters are top infamous examples of that (particularly in light of fascist-induced and currently "optimised" laws in Germany extorting mandatory "GEZ" or "Gebyhrenservice" fees you can only avoid by emigration (we have seen that before); most others -- including Britain's "TV licence" rules -- allow some proof of TV non-usage and then leave you alone).

Big-government and silly policies like the above always lead to distorted or wholly dysfunctional markets, coming at exceptional expense to the rest of society come time to ultimately mend and revitalise the mess they left behind.

We as stock photographers are already "bearing that cost" by not being able to sell much to European buyers (because there aren't many, largely due to those big-government broadcasting "offices" or authorities). My own sales (on DT and SS mainly to American buyers, magazines and ad agencies) reflect this in real life.

Fotolia do know this full well: their pricing structure for footage (significantly cheaper for those few European buyers they still hope to attract) very clearly reflects this fact.

Off Topic / Re: OMG America!!!
« on: March 18, 2016, 13:58 »
I'm sure having a great time watching the globalists freak out over Trump  8)
As a representative of extreme nationalism (=nazi), I'm sure you do.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

@zero_talent, you might want to notice that one need not be a nazi to not like "alternatives" like collectivist (=nazi) Sanders or collectivist (=nazi, and also proven-criminal) Hillary Clinton.

Throwing around with terms like "nazi", maybe this would be a good time for you to learn something about the basics of the political spectrum in an easy manner: https://quizlet.com/10206031/communism-vs-fascism-venn-diagram-flash-cards/
typical fascist like Trump you must necessarily like a socialist like Sanders?
I dislike both! Unfortunately in US there is no 3rd way. You can only choose the lesser evil. The political spectrum is as uni-dimensional as your Venn diagrams.

A third force, promoting social freedom and liberties (the way the democrats do) as well as economical freedom and liberties (the way most republicans do), while putting a stop to all military interventionism, is what America (and the world) really needs, today.

America must start cherishing again the true freedom and liberty, Americans are very proud about, without realizing how little they have left from it.

then it turns out we have a lot more consensus between you and me than I initially thought!

(I do hope you also realized that I am not at all favoring Trump either. Although I'd love to see him taking apart that incompetent Hillary-joke, I don't think he is an acceptable candidate himself, and I never said anything to that effect here.)

With that pathetic lack of a true "third" party or maybe a non-party approach and with everything locked in to that two-party polarity (or rather bipartisan "consensus" to the detriment of "[Us] The People", there is rather little hope for any improvement in America in the near future. Add to this the Republicans' failure at producing a useful candidate potentially for the THIRD time in a row now (rather SEVENTH time, because BushJr-BushJr-BushSr-BushSr ought to be added to this row), and you might have me even subscribing to the title of the OP for that reason.

(I just thought that the mere existence of the "Trump show" isn't enough justification for something like that.)

As long as there isn't another Ron Paul coming along -- who pretty much stands for everything you list up there! -- we'll continue to be in deep sh#t. Ted Cruz may or may not be a partial fix for the problem but, then again, he might as well turn out to be part of that Republicrat junta inside that awfully rigged U. S. political system that brought us here in the first place...

Off Topic / Re: OMG America!!!
« on: March 18, 2016, 12:45 »
I'm sure having a great time watching the globalists freak out over Trump  8)
As a representative of extreme nationalism (=nazi), I'm sure you do.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

@zero_talent, you might want to notice that one need not be a nazi to not like "alternatives" like collectivist (=nazi) Sanders or collectivist (=nazi, and also proven-criminal) Hillary Clinton.

Throwing around with terms like "nazi", maybe this would be a good time for you to learn something about the basics of the political spectrum in an easy manner: https://quizlet.com/10206031/communism-vs-fascism-venn-diagram-flash-cards/

Off Topic / Re: OMG America!!!
« on: March 18, 2016, 12:16 »

I know that this is a stronghold of socialist do-gooders here .... kind of loser thinking ....   from socialist Denmark who said as much in one of his blog posts last year because he's talking from experience he must have gathered back in his home country

And what precisely is wrong with 'socialist do-gooders'? Say, for example in terrible Denmark which you mention? The country which has once again been assesed by those crypto-communists at Forbes Magazine as the best country in the world to do business (with USA falling for the 6th consecutive year to 22nd) http://www.forbes.com/best-countries-for-business/ And it seems to suit the do-gooders as the annual Happiness Index from the UN's Sustainable Development Solutions Network http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35824033 has it as the happest country in the world followed by four other Nordic countries. 

These seems to be the models Mr Sanders is enthusiastic about, Ridiculous - why would anyone want happiness and economic success, must be a * commie.

@douglas -- I'll tell you what's wrong with socialist do-gooders: it is that they are usually freeloaders and want more free lunches no matter whether society can pay for them or not, just like so many on this nice forum here.

As for your glorifying Denmark, I am asking myself whether you are only regurgitating statistics you learnt  (as most Scandinavians do) or if you actually have any real-life knowledge of your own (as, for example, Yuri Acurs who, quite tellingly, preferred moving his business from  socialist Denmark to South Africa because splendid Denmark does not work out so good in the real world with its darn taxes and big government and 25% moms, or "VAT" -- it did almost the same thing for the same reasons as Arcurs)...

If Sanders is your idea of "happiness and freedom" or if you vote for him out of pity for the old Joe-Biden-style fool then you might as well vote for someone who promotes outlawing gravity :)

Try to make sense of your obscure feelings before participating in the political process.

Off Topic / Re: OMG America!!!
« on: March 17, 2016, 18:53 »


I mean, seriously, why is that so OMG-America? Remember, there were Obama and Bush already. How could Trump possibly be worse than these characters?

And that total incompetent by the name of Clinton who has a track record of criminal wrongdoing since Watergate (destroying evidence and skewing the outcome any way her masters wanted her to), and who later on enriched herself with illegal funds (laundering them trough fake Refco accounts disguised as "commodities profits" she never really made), and possible dozens of similar other goings on that only haven't made it into the news -- does THAT inspire so much more confidence?

That Sanders-freak who believes he has "overcome the laws of supply and demand"...? All the other puppets out there who are just waiting to take "orders from above" and sell even more of us to their "masters". Is this so much better than the madman Trump who is obviously running just because that's the only spleen he hasn't tried yet?

I know that this is a stronghold of socialist do-gooders here, you guys are proving it with about every word coming out of your mouths, your views about how "we need to eliminate competition" by not having new stock photographers getting into the agencies, how it is "a good thing" when artists are leaving "so there is more of the cake" left for yourselves etc etc.

This is exactly the kind of loser thinking that's so painfully dominant here -- and this is not even coming from my mouth, but Yuri Acurs'  from socialist Denmark who said as much in one of his blog posts last year because he's talking from experience he must have gathered back in his home country -- , and I grant you that most of you guys, for these very reasons and views of yourselves alone, will likely hate anyone who threatens to "spoil your party" of "Obama money" food stamps and free lunches. But when (not if) the music stops, anyone with a mindset like that will be having a rough awakening anyway.

Just to be clear, I wouldn't want to see the risk of Trump becoming president materializing but -- come on -- it would by no means spell more disaster than any of the "alternatives" (who are not alternatives but yet-more-of-the same).

>He actually wants to build a Wall!  :o

@zero_talent, Bush built Guantanamo, Obama promised to do away with it but did not, so what's the shocker with that "wall", anyway? You don't seem to know the first thing about this country, if you try making "a point" out of that: there are camera-and-drone-enforced fences down there for a long time already (and they date back to Clinton's and Bush-the-Older-One's years).

Apart from @cobalt and very few others, how many here do have any real opinion or some real knowledge of their own, or why is there hardly anyone coming up with anything more original than what the mainstream media talking heads are feeding you? Doesn't look like it -- and THAT is the real "OMG America" thing :)

I have never seen any evidence that freebies boost paid sales for my own  portfolio. Back in the earlier days of microstock (before agencies were solidly established) I viewed the free image offerings as a way to help the agency build traffic for itself and I did offer images for a weekly freebie. That was then. I wouldn't do it now.

just as "Black Friday" specials which the whizz kids at Harvard et al have "now discovered" to cost money overall...

PhotoDune / Re: EU VAT and European Photographers.
« on: March 10, 2016, 17:13 »
Interesting. I'd better look into that. Thanks!

we'd all better start looking into that: and fight the EU for these tyrannical attempts on our freedoms! It's true that these incompetents "forgot" to apply that usual threshold for the "destroying e-commerce" ruling (it actually appears to be accidental). Effective Jan 2016, this has now been extended to ALL intra-community sales -- hence a "destroying small business altogether" directive, thank you very much.

For details on these new VAT rules, see http://www.euvataction.org/

The EEC (now EU) has been sold to us on promises of "free trade", facilitating Europe-wide movements of goods etc, and making cross-border transactions easier -- quite the reverse is the reality. From Jan 2016 (2015 for "e-commerce"), only sales within Ean U member country are free from these overly onerous extra reporting requirements photographers and other small businesses simply cannot handle. Some Free Trade this is...

Not only is subjecting small businesses to VAT without the usual threshold unfair, but making them slaves to 28 FOREIGN tax departments is forced labour -- and close to torture. (Both are gross violations of Human Rights.)

This is, once again, one of these Eurocrat wet-dreams thought up behind closed doors and not fit for real-life business -- very much like last years shocker with abolishing "freedom of panorama" (which they had to take back, once they realised what a bunch of ignorant w*nkers they are up in Brussels)! What a great job the are doing there (for EUR 12,500 monthly and up each, all funded by our tax -- including VAT -- money).

As for "getting out of there": this doesn't only apply to getting out of *Envato* but getting out of that EUSSR thing on top, also as fast as possible.

Pond5 took all the site analytics data to figure out what was selling and bought up and made deals with content creators to get this 200k library to offer a cheaper and bigger alternative to videoblocks offering.  This will destroy contributor revenue.  They will promote videos from this 200k collection videos. For example, their search algorithm will rank the 200k collection videos ahead of contributor videos.  This is the beginning of the end to video contributors.

indeed, it is -- and it may be time to leave P5. They're not selling anything (while identical clips of mine do sell nicely on VB and others), so P5 was never a good idea anyway. Being awarded a "penalty" in their (internal site) search is the icing on the cake for me, even though my P5 sales could hardly be negatively affected anyway ;)

Also, their "webdesign" or what they call it themselves, is bottom-of-the-barrel. That Flash rubbish they're plastering all over the place is ridiculous and shows theya re not aware of the difference between TV and an e-commerce website. P5 might want to teach themselves some basic layout some time...

Finally, they don't even know how to display a proper price in euros: you put the -sign on the left-hand side of the numeral. Always has been correct, always will be (alternatively, you write "euros" w/o abbreviation or currency symbol). Clip price should read 37.00 (very much like you write a price in dollars).

Seen quite enough of them.

New Sites - General / Re: 123stock.co.uk
« on: March 03, 2016, 12:45 »
Hi Chris Bennet.  Welcome!

Domain name:

Chris Bennett

Registrant type:

Registrant's address:
United Kingdom
Looking on google street view, doesn't quite compare to Shutterstock headquarters :)

We cannot all be stupid enough to buy into the Empire State Bldg (of all places, when big business is actually *leaving* NYC in droves). Also, what's wrong with Southend-on-Sea?

So what's your point? There are certainly other factors to look at when considering to join them, and I'll sure have a look at least.

Selling Stock Direct / Re: grfx?
« on: February 14, 2016, 08:50 »
I got a private message from Leo. He's still maintaining grfx but at a different location.

Chaos again but its normal for this developer... ;D

I don't get the sense that it's chaos again. Rather, he's letting those he trusts into the loop.

to me, it looks more like there's some reason for this. I think he knows what he's doing, and it's sure easy to call this chaos for the ones who don't...!

General Stock Discussion / Re: 500px beside microstock ?
« on: February 12, 2016, 11:52 »
(...) people steal a lot less when there is professional watermark protection(...)

spot on, @Cobalt.

If it is just sunsets, beer and pizza, it doesnt matter so much (...)

well put, I kind-of like this line :) , you pretty much nailed it (even though I must confess to be a sunset-beer-and-pizza guy*) myself, but who were we to be if we cannot laugh about ourselves every now and then)...

Good one.

*) EDIT:  I meant photography-wise -- but wait a sec, actually also in real life ;)

Perhaps there is something I can create where I dont care how it gets used.

Off Topic / Re: Terrorist attack in Paris 140 dead
« on: December 17, 2015, 07:20 »
Even if 99,99% of freebie seekers are not terrorists, they certainly commit a hell lot of crime especially rape, sexual harassment and robbery. They will never show this on the mainstream media obviously, but there are tons of data available.

Germany: Leaked police report reveal that 38,000 Muslim asylum seekers committed 100 crimes per day in 2014
Imagine what's like in 2015 with 400% more illegals. When you take Germany away from the germans, the natural reaction is nationalism. It's a matter of survival, either you fight back or you're conquered. Common sense is coming back to Europe though, Poland and Latvia already said they won't take muslims anymore. Eurosceptic anti immigration parties will gain strength across Europe because people are tired of EU failure.
But Latvia and Poland take the money from the EU. In my view they should get no penny from the EU if they dont want to take refugees.

this "point" would only apply if everyone were too dumb to distinguish between an Economic Community and some monolithic  "United States of Europe" which we do not have any agreements in place for -- yet (thank God)! (Then again, even under the U. S. Constitution the states have considerably more leeway than this and would have the right to NOT accept refugees etc.)

Seriously, should all of us now base our "political demands" only on Starwars and wet dreams like that? People really talk a lot. They also have a lot of "opinions", even if they don't know the first thing about sth. Ouch.

Receiving "Money from the EU" is nowhere tied to "political obedience" let alone sharing some specific "Refugee Policy" -- which in the case of Germany's savage chancellor was illegal from day one (both by German constitutional standards AS WELL AS applicable European directives and legal framework)!

And this "is not just me": the EU commission has started legal proceedings for treaty violation against Germany. Well done, Ms Merkel :)

Off Topic / Re: antivirus reccomendations
« on: December 15, 2015, 15:47 »
ok well my current avast antivirus software is about to run out and i was just looking around before i bought another licence with them.

looking at reviews, nod32 seem to be up there...

any others worth looking at?

using a Linux system (with proper permissions settings). No anti-virus stuff needed for that. All tools for photo and video processing available, too -- usually for free! Probably not the answer you were looking for, but it has worked for me for 18 or 19 years now.

Auch Deutscher, aus einer Stadt die grad viel durch die Medien geht, Stichwort Demokratie! :-)

...solange es dabei um keinen von uns durchgeftterten Rundfunkintendanten geht, der "zum Dank dafr" dann auch noch frech wird und sich ber "Demokratieabgabe" uern zu mssen glaubt :)

Nett, so viele deutschen Lautsprecher zu sehen zusammen erfasst

Google Translator?  :D

echt klasse -- solcher Quatsch klingt fast wie das Niveau der "Kommunkiation" von Amazon.de. Im Falle von bersetzungsautomaten aber tippe ich dabei eher auf Bing (mu Bill Gates' Handschrift sein)!

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock now selling video
« on: December 02, 2015, 11:26 »
(...) prices are $79.99 USD or 59.99 EUR based on where the purchase is made.

This could be taken as yet another sign for the European market to be a rather hard sell for video. Lots of other info suggests the exact same thing anyway. Still interested to see how this goes, good news in so far! Thanks, @MatHayward

Oh, and it's 59.99 -- please put the euro sign where it belongs: preceding the numerals, just like you do with dollar signs.

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