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Messages - dirkr

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Alamy.com / Re: Commission ???
« on: December 10, 2017, 18:58 »
It now just shows TOTAL sales. Unless I am mistaken..... :-\

On the account balance page pick a date range where you actually had sales, then a list appears with all the details.
Pre-selected time period is one month, so if you had no sales in the last month, you will see nothing.
It's confusing...

Adobe Stock / Re: Extended license
« on: November 21, 2017, 07:52 »
It's silver. Where do I change it?

For a single file: Go to "My files", beside each image there's a little pencil icon (if you hover over it with your mouse it says "Index file"), click on that, on the detail page change the "X" price.

Adobe Stock / Re: Extended license
« on: November 21, 2017, 05:07 »
What's your rank on FT? If you're still white, you can't. From bronze on you can.

General Stock Discussion / Re: copy/paste IPTC
« on: November 21, 2017, 04:59 »
If you are a little bit into programming I would recommend ExifTool. Needs some time to get into it, but it's very powerful, lets you manipulate IPTC data every way you like...

I have it only on Alamy exclusive. If I had it on shutterstock as well you think whoever bought it would look on shutterstock to get it cheaper?

As was said, nobody knows.

But from my own experience: I had big RF sales on Alamy with the same files being available on different microstock agencies (the biggest one $250 gross, so $125 my share).
And I also had several times zooms on Alamy followed on sales of the zoomed images on shutterstock / fotolia the same day or a day later - which is no proof, but might indicate that buyers look on Alamy and shop where they find the images cheaper.

Still, I put all my RF files both on Alamy and the micros.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Messed up most popular
« on: November 09, 2017, 06:09 »
In my portfolio it looks like a random collection of old, unsold or rarely sold images.
The least likely adjective describing the collection of images found on the first page would be "popular".

ETA: some newer images are mixed in from the second half of the first page onwards, but no real bestsellers (neither overall bestsellers nor recent good selling images) are to be found on the first three pages...

MicrostockSubmitter / Re: Cannot upload to Shutterstock in 2 days
« on: November 02, 2017, 10:36 »
Just uploaded some photos without problems (via FTP)...

ups, just saw this is in the MicrostockSubmitter forum, can't say anything about that...

General Stock Discussion / Re: Delight and Annoyance
« on: October 16, 2017, 05:25 »
If "digital" never came along, I wouldn't be reading your post on a thing called " the internet".

Microstock News / Re: Is GL Stock still operating?
« on: October 02, 2017, 17:11 »
Still can't log in, it's not showing the captcha but instead following error message:

"Fehlerhinweis fr Inhaber der Website:
Ungltige Domain fr Websiteschlssel"

Somethings not quite working here...

Microstock News / Re: Is GL Stock still operating?
« on: October 02, 2017, 02:19 »
And the new site comes with exciting news!!!

- a comission cut.

40% instead of 50%.

This commission change happened 1 year ago.  We grandfathered all users who were at 52%, and their commission remains at 52%.  All new accounts after we made the change last year were at 40%.

The site is up and running, but there are still a few things we need to fix.  We will make an announcement later today.  Thanks for your patience.

Ok, thanks for clarifying. I didn't remember that change. Apologies for that.

Microstock News / Re: Is GL Stock still operating?
« on: October 02, 2017, 00:26 »
And the new site comes with exciting news!!!

- a comission cut.

40% instead of 50%.

Microstock News / Re: Is GL Stock still operating?
« on: October 02, 2017, 00:22 »
Seems to be up and running, but I can't log in, it's not accepting my password...

Same here, too expensive for me. Just compare what you pay for PS/LR.
Also it did have bugs until the end (not showing all sales).

General - Stock Video / Re: Free Program For Converting Time Lapse?
« on: September 08, 2017, 07:22 »
Information request: Free software to put together timelapse. (no other information specified, other than that the friend would like to try timelapse, so they haven't tried it before).
Answer (one among others): LRTimelapse.

Even if you use the free version of LRTimelapse, you still need Lightroom....

Shutterstock.com / Re: Are new images selling?
« on: August 17, 2017, 06:58 »
So now you're asking for a pay cut?
Why only for your new images, the same argument - they might push images from lower royalties contibutors - also holds for old images.

Better solution would be to get rid of all those levels and pay out the same rates for everybody. Preferably the rate that is currently the highest level.
Not going to happen though.

General Stock Discussion / Re: GraphicStock Has It Right
« on: August 02, 2017, 11:26 »
They asked me as well, some months ago.
If I remember the discussion with them correctly, their standard license inlcudes "print merchandise", which requires an EL everywhere else...

On Adobe I don't know.
On Fotolia click on your portfolio link in your dashboard, then on the portfolio page your contributor name is selected as a filter. Any search you perform now only searches your own portfolio until you deselect that filter.

Alamy.com / Re: Landscapes and soft or lacking focus
« on: June 30, 2017, 14:54 »

Also, using a medium format camera or a DSLR with 40+ megapixels can help if your lens is up for the task.

No, quite the opposite...
A larger sensor reduces DOF (all other things being equal), so if your ultimate goal is everything in focus in the frame, a smaller sensor like in a compact camera might even be better.
Obviously that introduces other problems with overall image quality, and - as this is in the alamy forum - they don't really want images from compact cameras.
But going to medium format itself does nothing to increase overall sharpness.

I'd side with BaldricksTrousers, learning about hyperfocal distance is the way to go.

I think the OP's question is a bit more basic: how to avoid having to repeat typing the same information multiple times for the same image on different agency websites.

If that's the question, the answer is to store the metadata within the image file. The IPTC standard let's you do that, and there are many applicstions that allow you to do that, including Photoshop, Lightroom or also free applications like Irfanview.


In any case, feel free to suggest new helpful features since we're very open and implement a lot of the things users request of us.


Ok, since you're asking for suggestions:

Currently the app is built around sales only, i.e. images without sales do not show up.

Would it be possible to retrieve all accepted images from the agencies (and let us assign them to collections)?
This would allow to better see how new images are selling (imagine some kind of "automatic" collection by upload date), what's the sell through rate (sellers vs. non-sellers) per agency/upload date/collection, calculate RPI per agency/collection...

Other than that:
- possibility to sort images by downloads / revenue inside of collections
- keyword search to ease assigning images to collections
- more statistics features for collections, e.g. flexible timelines showing downloads/revenue, total and per agency

Maybe I'll come up with more...

I have to say I do like it a lot.


General Stock Discussion / Re: Featurepics Sales
« on: March 26, 2017, 14:47 »
They are surely one of the slowest sites in terms of sales.
But they do pay 50%, upload is easy, so I still upload to them (almost no effort).
I only have very few sales with them, but the last one was this month, so not completely dead yet.

Off Topic / Re: Brexit
« on: March 25, 2017, 15:38 »
Seriously, nobody is going to insist on reversing the traffic flow in the UK, it would cause chaos.

Certainly changing something so fundamental from one day to the other would be too hard to accept.
How about a nice, smooth sliding introduction: Start with the cars with even plate numbers first, those with uneven numbers follow a month later...


The biggest legal issue is posting very unspecific questions and then relying on answers from anonymous posters on a public forum.

Shutterstock.com / Re: please tell me this makes sense!
« on: March 23, 2017, 08:25 »
I started believing in the "cap theory" for two reasons:
1) As per discussion - I have 40 sales a day +-2 with very few fluctuations.
2) Additional story - I did a big push in last 6 months and increased my port size on SS from 10,000 to over 20,000 very quickly. The outcome? Sales increased from 25 a day to 40 a day - reasonable result. BUT 90% of my current sales are my new images! Only 6 months ago, I had stable 25 sales a day, now the same old 10,000 images only contributes to some 4-5 sales a day, other 35 sales a day are new images. Why aren't there 35 sales from new images and 25 (or at least 20) from the old portfolio?
My theory is the "cap". New images are obviously preferred, but earnings are capped and therefore the old images can't sell as much as they used to.

If there is any (partial) overlap in subject matter / style between your old and your new files, than that is easily explained by your new files taking sales from your old files - either they are better or appear higher in search because they are newer.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Email from Alamy
« on: March 21, 2017, 17:40 »
There doesn't seem to be an editorial option - maybe that is still coming?  Or maybe the newsworthy archive is what they consider to be editorial - I am holding off on submitting editorial until that gets sorted out.

Under Optional there is a check box for "editorial only".

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